27 research outputs found

    W kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju: powrót do hipotezy pułapki średniego dochodu dla południowych krajów wspólnego rynku

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    One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations is to promote, sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth. However, it is observed that many countries struggle to move up from the middle-income to high-income level, which refers to the middle-income trap (MIT). In this paper, we test the MIT hypothesis using a novel unit root test of Gómez-Zaldívar et al. (2013) across the Southern Common Market (MECOSUR) countries. To do so, we follow a different path from the existing literature and use a novel unit root testing strategy. We first test the significance of the trend term and then examine the unit root properties of the series by allowing multiple structural breaks according to the existence/non-existence of the trend term. Our results provide evidence of stationarity for Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, indicating that these four MERCOSUR countries are in MIT.Jednym z Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych jest promowanie trwałego, sprzyjającego włączeniu społecznemu i zrównoważonego. Wiele krajów ma jednak trudności z przejściem z poziomu średniego dochodu do poziomu wysokiego dochodu, co odnosi się do pułapki średniego dochodu (MIT). W tym artykule testujemy hipotezę MIT, za pomocą nowatorskiego testu pierwiastka jednostkowego Gómeza-Zaldívara i in. (2013), w krajach Południowego Wspólnego Rynku (MERCOSUR). Podążamy inną ścieżką wskazaną w istniejącej literaturze, stosując nowatorską strategię testowania pierwiastka jednostkowego. Najpierw testujemy znaczenie terminu trendu, a następnie badamy właściwości pierwiastka jednostkowego szeregu, dopuszczając wiele przerw strukturalnych w zależności od istnienia/nieistnienia terminu trendu. Nasze wyniki dostarczają dowodów na stacjonarności dla Brazylii, Kolumbii, Ekwadoru i Peru, wskazując, że te cztery kraje MERCOSUR są w MIT

    One-stage operation for hydatid disease of lung and liver: Principles of treatment

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    AbstractObjective: Hydatid disease is endemic in many countries throughout the world. Although we do not have exact figures, the disease is prevalent in Turkey. A considerable number of patients have additional liver cysts as well. In this study we reviewed our experience with hydatid disease of the lung and liver and discussed the principles of treatment. Methods: From 1971 to 1999, 2509 patients with pulmonary hydatidosis were referred to us, and 485 of them had concomitant liver cysts. Of these, 405 patients had cysts located on the dome of the liver, and they were operated on with phrenotomy through a right thoracotomy. Eighty patients who were found to have concomitant liver cysts in the lower part of the liver were referred to general surgery for a laparotomy. Results: Hydatid cysts located in the lungs were managed by means of cystotomy and capitonnage. For liver cysts, cystotomy and inversion of the cavity with sutures was the surgical method of choice, and a drain was left in place. In case of multiple cysts in the liver, needle aspiration was preferred. Twelve major complications, including excessive biliary drainage and bronchobiliary fistula, occurred in these patients. Conclusions: We believe that management of pulmonary and hepatic cysts simultaneously through the thoracic route is convenient and should be encouraged in patients because this prevents a second operation. Needle aspiration can be applied only for liver cysts. It is absolutely contraindicated in lung hydatid cysts.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2002;124:1212-

    Çocuklarda özofagus yabancı cisimleri

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    Amaç: Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Cerrahisi ve Göğüs Cerrahisi Kliniklerince Ocak 2013 ile Ocak 2014 tarihleri arasında çocuk hastalarda özofagus’a yabancı cisim tanısıyla yatmış ve tedavi olmuş olguların retrospektif değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Cerrahisi ve Göğüs Cerrahisi Kliniklerince Ocak 2013 ile Ocak 2014 tarihleri arasında çocuk hastalarda özofagusda yabancı cisim tanısıyla yatmış ve tedavi olmuş olgular retrospektif değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastanemizde son 1 yıl içinde toplam 13 hasta, endoskopik olarak özofagusda yabancı cisim nedeniyle tedavi edildi. Ortalama yaş 4.8 yaş 6ay-12yaş idi. Birinci darlıkda yabancı cisim 10 hastada olup 6’sında %60 bulunan cisim paraydı. 2. darlık’da 2 olguda bu gıda artığı olup, bu iki olgunun birinde opere özofagus atrezi darlığı nedeniyle gıda artığı vardı, diğerinde ise koraziv madde içimi sonrası oluşan darlığa sekonder gıda artığı vardı. Sonuç: Özofagus yabancı cisimlerinin erken tanısı, tedavisi ciddi ve hayatı tehdit edebilecek komplikasyonlardan dolayı çok önemlidir. Yabancı cisimlerden para en sık görülümekte olup, özofagustaki yabancı cisim disk pil ise, erken dönemde çıkarılmalıdır. Çünkü ciddi yanık ve perforasyon yapabili

    Procalcitonin and other acute phase reactants in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between procalcitonin and other acute phase reactants, and also analyze their relationship with clinical situation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) acute exacerbations.Materials and methods: The study was made with 122 acute COPD exacerbated patients, who were admitted to emergency service. Patients with below 0.25 ng/ml PCT value included Group 1, and the patients with PCT values ≥ 0.25 ng/ml Group 2. Serum procalcitonin levels, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP) values and white blood cell (WBC) counts were measured. Also, patients hospitalization time and mortality rates were recorded and compared with PCT.Results: Patients were divided in 3 groups according to their clinical diagnosis; Pneumonia (n=27), Mycoplasma-Chlamydia pneumonia (n=11) and the patients with only COPD exacerbation(n=84). Mean PCT values according to the groups were 9.47 ± 8.1 ng/ml, 0.41 ± 0.2 ng/ml, and 0.21 ± 0.05 ng/ml respectively. The relationship between PCT with CRP and white blood cell has been found between significiant (p=0.001, p=0.005 respectively), whereas the relationship between PCT and ESR was nonsignificant (p=0.55). Procalcitonin and CRP had a positive correlation with the hospitalization time (p=0.034, p=0.022 respectively). The mean ± standard error of PCT for the patients who died was 28.3 ± 27.5 ng/ml, and the difference between patients who died or were discharged was statistically significant (p= 0.012).Conclusion: PCT can be a useful indicator for morbidity and prognosis in COPD patients

    The Reconstruction of Nasal Septal Perforation with High Density Porous Polyethylene Covered with Fascia Lata: An Experimental Study on Rabbit Model

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    ObjectivesEvaluation of a new material, high-density porous polyethylene (HDPP), which is covered with fascia lata, for experimental nasal septal perforation closure.MethodsTwenty New Zealand albino rabbits were included and divided into study and control groups. A lateral incision was made from the lateral aspect of the left nares to the incisura nasomaxillaris. After exposure of the cavum nasi, the nasal mucoperichondrium was elevated bilaterally. A full-thickness 0.5×0.5-cm perforation was created over the septum nasi with a No. 11 surgical blade. A fascia lata graft was used for the study group. The HDPP was covered with fascia lata and placed under the elevated mucosa. HDPP without a fascial covering was used in the control group. Four months after the procedure, magnetic resonance imaging was performed to evaluate resorption of the material. The animals were sacrificed, and the nasal septum was completely removed. Macroscopic and histopathological examinations were performed on the nasal septum.ResultsAll rabbits had survived after the 4-month period. Macroscopically, nine of 10 (90%) perforations were closed in the fascia lata-covered HDPP group. Histopathological examination of these nine rabbits revealed that the continuity of cartilage was disturbed in the perforation areas. Granulation tissue was inverted in areas in which the cartilage continuity was disturbed. The HDPP had remained intact at the edge of the perforation. In the HDPP group, six of 10 implants were still perforated (60%) and four (40%) were closed. The fascia lata-covered HDPP implant had a significantly higher perforation closure rate than that of the HDPP implant alone (P<0.05).ConclusionIn cases of septal perforation, it is better to cover the HDPP implant with fascia lata. This covered implant can be used for the repair of nasal septal perforations. HDPP implants are easy to work with and avoid the increased operative time and morbidity associated with harvesting autografts


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    Çalışma, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda 1800-1900 arası dönemde dâhili gümrük vergileri için yapılan istisnaları ele almaktadır. Baltalimanı Antlaşması ile yerli üretici yabancı üretici karşısında rekabet etmekte dezavantajlı bir konumla karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Normalde gümrük vergileri yerli üreticiyi korumak için yükseltilebilmektedir. Ancak, antlaşmalar sebebiyle bu mümkün olmadığı için yerli üreticilere bazı istisnalar sağlanmıştır. Literatürde bu istisnaların haricî olanlarına değinilmiş, ancak dâhili olanları ile ilgili bir çalışma yapılmamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, literatürdeki bu eksikliği gidermektir. T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü'nden elde edilen belgeler yoluyla konu örneklendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu belgelerden elde edilen bilgilere göre, istisnalar farklı alanlardaki ürünleri kapsamış, istisnalar ile yerli sanayi, ticaret ve ziraat korunmaya çalışılmış ve bu vesileyle halkın ihtiyaçlarının daha iyi karşılanabileceği ümit edilmiştir.The study deals with the exeptions granted for interior tariffs between 1800-1900 in Ottoman Empire. Because of the Treaty of Baltalimanı, domestic producers were confronted with the status of disadvantage condition in competition according to foreign producers. Normally the tariff can be increased by custom policy for protecting domestic producers. However, since it was not possible due to the treaties, some exemptions were provided to the domestic producers. The exemptions of the exterior ones were mentioned on literature but it has not been studied interior ones. The aim of this study is to complete this missing part on literature. The topic tried to exemplify by received archival sources from General Directorate of State Archives of the Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey. According to the information obtained from these archival sources: The exemptions included the products in different fields, domestic industry, trade and agriculture were tried to protect by this exemptions and hence, it was expected to meet the needs of the people better

    Intense fluoro‑2‑deoxyglucose uptake in high‑grade prostatic adenocarcinoma with negligible prostate‑specific membrane antigen expression

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    While 68Gallium prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography/computed tomography (68Ga-PSMA) has demonstrated increasing utility in the evaluation of prostatic carcinoma, it is essential to be aware of false-negative findings. Further subtype analyses of prostate cancer will be helpful in the understanding of the underlying reasons. We herein present a high-grade prostate adenocarcinoma, with metastatic lesions showing high 18F-labeled fluoro-2-deoxyglucose uptake instead of 68Ga-PSMA