13 research outputs found

    Trichodynia (Scalp Dysesthesia)

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    Trichodynia is defined as a painful sensation in the skin of the scalp or the hair without an underlying cutaneous disease. The term “trichodynia” (cutaneous dysesthesia syndrome) has also been proposed for discomfort, pain, burning, or stinging of the scalp related to diffuse alopecia. Probably, the diffuse alopecia or telogen effluvium and trichodynia are related. The underlying mechanisms creating the pain are not clear, though it has been proposed that it is probably multi-etiological. The most accepted hypotheses are increased expression of the neuropeptide substance P, underlying psychiatric disorders, nutritional deficiencies, and perifollicular inflammation. Although dealing with trichodynia can be distressing and literature support is weak, there are a number of treatments available

    Multicenter study evaluating the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on dermatology outpatients in Turkey

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    COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on public health, whether directly or indirectly. The first case was seen in Turkey on March 11, and the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic on March 12, 2020. The study aimed to document the effect of pandemic on dermatology outpatient clinics in Turkey. Fifteen tertiary hospitals from 13 provinces were included in the study, which was conducted between January 12 and May 12, 2020. The International Codes of Diseases (ICD-10) categories and patients' characteristics were evaluated before and after the pandemic. A total of 164 878 patients, 133 131 before and 31 747 after the pandemic, were evaluated. The daily hospital applications were found reduced by 77%. The three of the most frequent diagnoses; dermatitis, acne, and psoriasis remained unchanged after the pandemic. While the frequency of herpes zoster, scabies, urticaria, pityriasis rosea and sexually transmitted diseases increased significantly; allergic and irritant contact dermatitis decreased after the pandemic. The applications regarding cutaneous neoplasms were considerably reduced during the pandemic, and this effect was more pronounced in cities with higher COVID incidence. The pandemic caused a noteworthy reduction in the number of patients accessing dermatological care. The pandemic caused significant changes in the frequency of a wide range of dermatological diseases. The application of cutaneous neoplasms is considerably reduced after the pandemic, and this effect was more pronounced in cities where pandemics are frequent. Therefore, the pandemic has resulted on numerous impacts on many critical issues in dermatology and dermatological care

    Internalized Stigma in Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) causes significant physical, social, and psychological burdens. Internalized stigma, acceptance of negative attitudes and stereotypes of society regarding a person's illness, has not been studied previously in HS. Objectives: The objective of this study was to investigate the internalized stigma state of HS patients and identify the factors affecting it. Methods: This multicenter, prospective, cross-sectional study included 731 patients. Internalized Stigma Scale (ISS), Hurley staging, Physician Global Assessment, Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), Skindex-16, Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), and Visual Analog Scale (VAS)-pain score were used in the study. Results: The mean ISS value (57.50 ± 16.90) was comparable to the mean ISS values of studies in visible dermatological and various psychiatric diseases. A significant correlation was found between the mean values of ISS and all disease activity scores, quality of life measures, BDI-II, and VAS-pain scores. Obesity, family history, low education and income level, vulva/scrotum involvement and being actively treated are significant and independent predictive factors for high internalized stigma in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: HS patients internalize society's negative judgements, which may create a profound negative effect on access to health care. Therefore, in addition to suppressing disease activity, addressing internalized stigma is fundamental for improving health care quality

    Internalized stigma in Hidradenitis Suppurativa; A multicenter cross-sectional study

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    Background: Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) causes significant physical, social, and psychological burdens. Internalized stigma, acceptance of negative attitudes and stereotypes of society regarding a person's illness, has not been studied previously in HS. Objectives: The objective of this study was to investigate the internalized stigma state of HS patients and identify the factors affecting it. Methods: This multicenter, prospective, cross-sectional study included 731 patients. Internalized Stigma Scale (ISS), Hurley staging, Physician Global Assessment, Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), Skindex-16, Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), and Visual Analog Scale (VAS)-pain score were used in the study. Results: The mean ISS value (57.50 ± 16.90) was comparable to the mean ISS values of studies in visible dermatological and various psychiatric diseases. A significant correlation was found between the mean values of ISS and all disease activity scores, quality of life measures, BDI-II, and VAS-pain scores. Obesity, family history, low education and income level, vulva/scrotum involvement and being actively treated are significant and independent predictive factors for high internalized stigma in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: HS patients internalize society's negative judgements, which may create a profound negative effect on access to health care. Therefore, in addition to suppressing disease activity, addressing internalized stigma is fundamental for improving health care quality

    Kardiyovasküler İşlemlerde Görüntüleme

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    Doğum sırasındaki fizyolojik değişimlerle kapanması öngörülen foramen ovale erişkin populasyonun yaklaşık %75’inde tamamen kapanmış olarak izlenirken, %25’inde ise kapanmaz ve patent foramen ovale (PFO) olarak varlığını sürdürür.1 PFO, serebrovasküler olay dahil birçok patoloji (auralı migren, dalgıçlarda dekompresyon hastalığı vs.) ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. İskemik inmelerin %25’inde standart tanısal değerlendirmeye rağmen bir neden bulunamaz ve bu grup kriptojenik inme olarak adlandırılır. PFO ve kriptojenik inme arasındaki patofizyolojik ilişki paradoksal embolizm, PFO içerisinde meydana gelen trombüs, sol atriyal disfonksiyon ve atriyal aritmiler gibi nedenlere bağlı olabilir. Epidemiyolik veriler ve klinik gözlemsel çalışmalar, PFO kapatılmasıyla inme rekürrenslerinin azaldığını gösteren randomize kontrollü çalışmalar tarafından kuvvetle desteklenmektedir.2 PFO’nun tanısında ve perkütan tedavisinde çoklu görüntüleme yöntemleri önem arz etmektedir