14 research outputs found

    An Effective Technique in Treatment of Femoral Neck Fractures - Ostheosynthesis under Double Fluoroscopic Guidance

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    PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The most commonly used technique for fixation of the femoral neck fractures is percutaneous osteosynthesis with cannulated screw under fluoroscopy guidance. Osteosynthesis performed under single-fluoroscopic guidance requires continuous repositioning the fluoroscope to obtain biplane imaging. This study aimed to evaluate whether there is a statistically significant difference between the osteosynthesis procedures performed under guidance of single-fluoroscopy and double fluoroscopy with respect to radiation emission safety and treatment parameters for fixation of femoral neck fractures. MATERIAL AND METHODS This retrospective study included 35 patients operated for femoral neck fracture between December 2013 and October 2017. Osteosynthesis was performed in 21 of these patients using cannulated screw under guidance of single-fluoroscopy whereas other 14 patients underwent same type of osteosynthesis assisted by double-fluoroscopy. The parameters of these two groups such as duration of surgery preparation, duration of the surgery, duration of radiation exposure, collo-diaphyseal angle and Harris hip score values were recorded. RESULTS No significant difference was found between the groups regarding time for surgery preparation (p > 0.05). On the other hand, duration of surgery and overall duration of radiation exposure were found 14 (p 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Use of double-fluoroscopy significantly reduces time of surgical duration and also level of radiation exposure in surgery of femoral neck fractures

    Wear Behaviour of Crankshaft Journals Filled by Submerged Arc Welding

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    In this study, wear behaviour of crankshaft journals filled by a submerged arc welding with different welding wires and powders is investigated. Hardness and microstructure variations in the submerged arc welding are examined. In addition, the amount of weight loss in abrasion samples of filling dry and lubrication ambience is measured under 40 N loads. It is observed that the amount of abrasion decreased with the increase of hardness at a certain point. Thin wire structure is provided for better abrasion resistance, and abrasion decreases with lubrication.В работе исследован режим износа цапф коленчатого вала, обработанных дуговой сваркой под флюсом с различными сварочными проволоками и порошками. Изучены вариации твёрдости и микроструктуры при дуговой сварке под флюсом. Кроме того, была измерена величина потери веса в образцах, подвергнутых истиранию в сухих и смазочных средах при нагрузках в 40 Н. Наблюдалось уменьшение величины истирания с увеличением твёрдости до определённого предела. Было обеспечено использование тонкой проволоки для лучшего сопротивления истиранию, а истирание уменьшалось при смазке.В роботі досліджено режим спрацювання цапф колінчастого валу, оброблених дуговим зварюванням під флюсом з різними зварювальними дротами і порошками. Досліджено варіації твердості та мікроструктури при дуговому зварюванні під флюсом. Крім цього, було виміряно величину втрати ваги в зразках, підданих стиранню в сухих і змащувальних середовищах при навантаженнях у 40 Н. Спостерігалося зменшення величини стирання зі збільшенням твердості до певної границі. Було забезпечено використання тонкого дроту для кращого опору стиранню, а стирання зменшувалося при змащуванні

    Cladding of high Mn steel on low C steel by explosive welding

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    High Mn steel containing about 16% Mn was cladded to a low C steel by explosive welding. The experimental results showed that the bonding interface has a wavy morphology; the welding interface has the characteristics of both sharp transition and local melted zones between 2 metals. Hardness increased near the welding interface due to excess plastic deformation in the explosion area and phase transformation from ? (f.c.c.) to ? (b.c.c.)

    Destructive and non-destructive inspection of pipes welded by MIG-MAG technique [MIG-MAG kaynagi i·le bi·rleşti·ri·len borularin tahri·batli ve tahri·batsiz muayenesi·]

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    In this study, spiral welded steel pipes made of X52 material were butt joined at different positions using full automatic gas metal arc welding (MAG). In order to examine the influence of the torch position on the weldment, the specimens were subjected to destructive (tensile, impact toughness and hardness) and nondestructive (floroskop) testing. Test results showed that position of the torch during welding changed tensile strength and impact toughness. The non-destructive test showed that position of the torch effected weld bead form. Inadequate fusion melting was observed at some positions and at some others positions poor weld root bead was formed

    Joining of titanium/stainless steel by explosive welding and effect on interface

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    The purpose of this study is to produce composite plates through explosive welding process widely used in developed countries and is of great importance to produce such plates and unfortunately currently its use in our country is not common. In this study, stainless steel-titanium plates were joined explosively employing oblique geometry route at different explosive ratios. The bonding was investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopy and tensile-shearing, bending, hardness and corrosion tests were carried out. Optical and scanning electron microscopy examinations showed that a transition was observed from smooth bonding interface to a wavy one with increasing explosive ratio. It was also observed that grains near the interface were elongated parallel to the explosion direction. No shearing within the interface was seen from the tensile-shear tests and fracture took place within the low strength material. The bended specimens showed that defects such as separation and tearing were not observed. Hardness was increased with increasing explosive ratio and the highest hardness values were obtained near the bonding interface. Weight increase due to formation of a stable oxide layer on the welded stainless steel-titanium plates was seen from corrosion tests while weight loss was seen from the other specimens and this loss was increased with increasing explosive ratio. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Investigation of explosive welding parameters and their effects on microhardness and shear strength

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the strength of explosive welded metals with the same chemical compositions. Different welding interfaces (straight, wavy and continuous solidified-melted) were used with changing explosive welding parameters [stand-off distance ( s ), explosive loading ( R ) and anvils]. Joined metals were investigated under heat-treated and untreated conditions. Results on the microstructure, microhardness, tensile shear strength and bending tests are reported. According to the experimental results, the effect of the anvil on the explosive welding process was only the joining or not-joining performance. It was shown that the bonding interface changed from a straight to a wavy structure when the explosive loading and stand-off distance were increased. For wavy interfaces, when the explosive loading was increased the wavy length and amplitude increased. Results of tensile shear and bending tests showed that heat-treated specimens have more strength than untreated samples. According to tensile shear test results, straight and wavy interfaces had similar strength. In addition, in bending tests of untreated specimens it was shown that the bending zone had some cracks. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Weldability of Zinc Coated Automotive Steel Sheets by Resistance Spot Welding

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    APAY, Serkan/0000-0003-4624-9082WOS: 000208889900011In a given study, resistance spot welding of automotive steel sheets, which are widely used in the house-goods and car manufacturing industry, is studied. The shear strength, hardness and microstructure of the welded parts are measured in order to find the effects of welding period, welding current, and thickness of the galvanizing under constant applied electrode force pressure. Welding periods are chosen as 22 and 27 cycles, and welding current increased from 4.5 kA to 5.5 kA. The electrode-applied forces are kept constant at 3.5 Bar. The samples are exposed to tensile shear tests, hardness tests and metallographic examinations, and suitable welding parameters are advised to users. The results show that, increasing welding period and thickness of coating, the tensile shear strength and hardness of the welding nugget are increased

    Don't let our operating theatre to be desert

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    PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this study is to reveal the waste of water by medical staff hand scrubbing preoperatively in the operation theatre, draw attention to the water consumption with small precautions. The study compares motion -sensitive sensor tap with an uncensored classic tap, to assess the difference of water consumption during hand scrubbing. MATERIAL AND METHODS The presented study compared two groups; hand scrubbing with sensory tap was enrolled as group A and classic tap with running water was enrolled as group B. Three participants were included in each group. Operation faucets with a motion-sensitive sensor and timekeeper were used in group A. Running water from a tap in 10 seconds was measured with the help of a measuring cup. The water amount after 3 minutes of washing was also measured. The difference between the two obtained data was compared. The obtained data were also multiplied to the global surgical data. RESULTS Measurements were performed with a measuring cup and it was measured that 1,250 ml of water is running from faucets in 10 seconds. In group A, faucets were open for 23 seconds whereas in group B faucets were open for 180 seconds. In group A, water utilization was 2,875 ml per person (8,625 ml for three), in group B was the water utilization of 22,500 ml per person (67,500 ml for three). Regarding this data for a single operation, the consumption difference between the two groups was measured as 58,875 ml. The total count of major surgery worldwide per year is reported to 321,500,000. When this number is multiplied with the obtained data, it is calculated that the total amount of water to be saved between the two groups is 18,928,313 m(3). That is equal to one year of water consumption of a city with 125,000 inhabitants. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, as healthcare professionals, it is possible to save enough water as a medium-sized city by changing our handwashing habits in the operation rooms. As a result, water-conserving systems and hand scrubbing education can be very effective in using the natural resources economically and protecting these resources