288 research outputs found

    Prostatic melanosis

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    Prostatic melanosis is a very rare, benign lesion characterized by the presence of melanin in the epithelium of the prostate gland and stromal dendritic cells, requiring no additional treatment. It constitutes the melanocytic lesions of the prostate together with blue nevus and malignant melanoma. We present a case with prostatic melanosis because it is rarely seen and its distinction from malignant melanoma is clinicopathologically very important

    Simulation of a flowing snow avalanche using molecular dynamics

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    This paper presents an approach for the modeling and simulation of a flowing snow avalanche, which is formed of dry and liquefied snow that slides down a slope, using molecular dynamics and the discrete element method. A particle system is utilized as a base method for the simulation and marching cubes with real-time shaders are employed for rendering. A uniform grid-based neighbor search algorithm is used for collision detection for interparticle and particleterrain interactions. A mass-spring model of the collision resolution is employed to mimic the compressibility of the snow and particle attraction forces are put into use between the particles and terrain surface. In order to achieve greater performance, general purpose GPU language and multithreaded programming are utilized for collision detection and resolution. The results are displayed with different combinations of rendering methods for the realistic representation of the flowing avalanche. © TÜB̄TAK

    Response to drought of some wild species of Helianthus at seedling growth stage

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    Response of six wild sunflower genotypes including Helianthus petiolaris spp. petiolaris (E-142), Helianthus neglectus (E-017) and Helianthus annuus (E-060, E-173, E-174 and E-175) to drought stress imposed at the seedling growth stage was investigated in vivo. Plant height, number of leaves per plant, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, shoot dry weight and root dry weight were determined. Results indicated that the E-175 genotype belonging to Helianthus annuus was less affected by water stress conditions as compared to the other genotypes. Helianthus petiolaris spp. petiolaris (E-142) showed the highest sensitivity and had the lowest fresh and dry masses under drought conditions. In addition, this study showed that the number of leaves and root weight were the best selection criteria to determine drought resistance at the early vegetative stage. Water losses of the resistant genotypes In their roots and shoots in drought stress conditions were more than those of the sensitive genotypes

    Giant solitary trichoepithelioma: A Case report

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    Trichoepithelioma is a benign cutaneus tumour originatingfrom hair follicles. It is most commonly found on theface and scalp. Histopathologic examination was composedof band-like nests of basaloid cells showing peripheralpalization, abortive hair papilla and horn cysts ina fibrocellular stroma. A 82-year-old woman applied for a10-year old groin mass that recently slowly growing. Thelesion was excised and it was diagnosed as giant solitarytrichoephitelioma.Key words: Groin, hair follicle, skin neoplasm

    Simulation of a flowing snow avalanche using molecular dynamics

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 45-50.This thesis presents an approach for modeling and simulation of a flowing snow avalanche, which is formed of dry and liquefied snow that slides down a slope, by using molecular dynamics and discrete element method. A particle system is utilized as a base method for the simulation and marching cubes with real-time shaders are employed for rendering. A uniform grid based neighbor search algorithm is used for collision detection for inter-particle and particle-terrain interactions. A mass-spring model of collision resolution is employed to mimic compressibility of snow and particle attraction forces are put into use between particles and terrain surface. In order to achieve greater performance, general purpose GPU language and multi-threaded program-ming is utilized for collision detection and resolution. The results are dis-played with different combinations of rendering methods for the realistic re-presentation of the flowing avalanche.Güçer, DenizhanM.S

    Rekreasyonel liderlik ve iş etiği: animasyon personeli üzerine bir araştırma

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    The human factor in each service business has a very important position in effectiveness, efficiency and achieving goals of establishments. The animation department in the hotels plays also very important role so as to influence the decision-making process of customers and their loyalty to hotels. However, the animation staff working in this department should work in accordance with business ethics and morale as they are in close contact with the consumer. Furthermore, the animation staff can be considered as a “recreational leader” which leads to the recreational activities in hotels. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between recreational leadership attitudes and views of business ethics of the animation staff. For this purpose, the data is collected by questionnaire which applied on 580 animateurs working in 65 resort hotels in Antalya, Muğla and Aydın. According to results of analysis, there was a significant relationship between recreational leadership attitude and business ethics of participants.Her hizmet sektöründeki insan faktörü, işletmelerin etkinlik, verimlilik ve hedeflerine ulaşma konusunda çok önemli bir konuma sahiptir. Otellerdeki animasyon departmanı da müşterilerin karar alma süreçlerini ve otellere olan bağlılıklarını etkilemede oldukça önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bununla birlikte, bu bölümde çalışan animasyon personeli, tüketici ile yakın temas halinde oldukları için iş etiği ve ahlakına uygun olarak çalışmalıdır. Bununla birlikte, animasyon personeli otellerde rekreasyon faaliyetlerine öncülük eden “rekreasyon liderleri” olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, animasyon personelinin rekreasyon liderlik tutumları ile iş etiği görüşleri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda araştırma verileri, Antalya, Muğla ve Aydın'da faaliyet gösteren 65 otelde çalışan toplam 580 animatöre uygulanan anket formu ile toplanmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, katılımcıların rekreasyon liderlik tutumları ile iş etiği görüşleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir

    Atipik fasial ağrı ile birlikte primer orbita osteoması: olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    Osteoma yüzün orta bölümündeki kavite ve kemiklerden oluşan paranasal sinüslerin en sık görülen iyi huylu yavaş büyüyen bir tümörüdür (3). Nadir olarak orbitadan primer olarak köken alır. Bu lezyonlar çoğunlukla hayatın dört ve beşinci dekadlarında gelişir ve özellikle erkeklerde görülür. İngilizce literatürde günümüze kadar sfenoid kemikten orijin alan üç tane primer orbita osteoması bildirilmiştir. Biz atipik fasial ağrı ile birlikte olan diğer bir primer orbita osteomasını sunup literatür eşliğinde tartışıyoruz.Osteoma is a benign, slowly growing tumor that mainly occurs in the bones and cavities of the middle third of the face, representing the most frequent benign tumor of the paranasal sinuses (3). It rarely originates primarily from the orbit. Most of these lesions develop in the fourth to fifth decades of life, and are more commonly encountered in males. In the English literature, there are so far three reported cases of primary osteoma of the orbit that originated from the sphenoid bone. Here we present another case of a primary osteoma of the orbit presenting with atypical facial pain and discuss the relevant literature

    The Treatment Algorithm in Diabetic Foot: An Alternative Against Amputation?

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    This clinical treatment modality was applied to 62 diabetic ulcers on lower extremities for which surgeons had been advised amputation. Total healing was achieved in 53 of them and was achieved through this treatment in a 3-month period. The remaining nine cases also showed improvement in healing at different levels, but they were not accepted as a ‘satisfactory result’. This treatment modality contains a synthetic prostacyclin analogue, two different phosphodiesterase inhibitors, a peripheral revascularisation agent, another agent increasing peripheral resistance to ischaemia, and a polysaccharide with positive rheologic properties on capillary circulation. Therefore, this treatment was found to be effective on circulation of the extremities, with radiologically-proven insufficient blood supply. The treatment also had a positive effect on recirculation and effects on collateral revascularisation through mechanical vacuum application, modified from standard vacuum treatments. With this combination, this technique was found extremely effective by application, according to the algorithm explained below, and should be an alternative to the current therapy applications in diabetic ulcers

    Paraganglioma of the urinary bladder mimicking a urothelial carcinoma: a case report

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    Paragangliomas of the urinary bladder are rare tumors and can mimic urothelial carcinomas due to some features and can be misdiagnosed. A 71-year-old female was seen for hematuria and there was a solid lesion that measured 3 cm on the urinary bladder at cystoscopy. Treatment approaches for paraganglioma and urothelial carcinoma are very different from each other; therefore differential diagnoses should be made carefully. Although immunohistochemical studies are helpful in differential diagnosis, they may cause misdiagnosis in some cases. In this article, we will discuss the clinical, histomorphological, and immunohistochemical differences between paraganglioma and urothelial carcinomas under their differential diagnosis