31 research outputs found

    Arqueología y memoria: la guerra civil en el sector de San Isidro (Puebla de Lillo, León)

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    El presente artículo sirve de presentación del Proyecto de Intervención Arqueológica en los restos de la Guerra Civil del Término Municipal de Puebla de Lillo (León), desarrollado en Septiembre de 2011. Los objetivos del proyecto eran ampliar la información sobre el conflicto en el Frente del Puerto de San Isidro, atendiendo a tres pilares: excavación, prospección/catalogación y divulgación. La combinación de los trabajos de excavación y prospección arqueológica y el estudio de fuentes periodísticas y orales, nos ha permitido ampliar la información correspondiente al desarrollo del Frente de San Isidro y las condiciones de la gente que lo vivió. En este trabajo presentaremos un primer acercamiento a los resultados del proyect

    Consumption of shellfish in legionary cannaba of Ad Legionem VII Geminam (Puente Castro, León, Spain)

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    El yacimiento romano de Ad Legionem (Puente Castro, León) surgió como un asentamiento civil vinculado al campamento legionario de León. Durante el año 2010 se llevó a cabo una intervención arqueológica, con motivo de la construcción de un vial, que dio a conocer una trama urbana de gran importancia y multitud de restos arqueológicos. En este artículo se presentan los resultados del estudio arqueomalacológico del yacimiento.The roman site of Ad Legionem (Puente Castro, León, Spain) emerged as a civilian settlement legionary camp linked to legio VII. In 2010 took place an archaeological excavation in connection with the construction of a road, unveiling a very important urban and numerous archaeological remains. This article presents the archaeomalacology study results

    An overview of the Mesolithic in the northwest Atlantic and inland area of the Iberian Peninsula

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    [EN] This paper reviews the Mesolithic in the northwest Atlantic and inland area of the Iberian Peninsula and it is considered in the overall context of the rest of the Peninsula. The Cantabrian Mountains are the northern boundary of the study area, which excludes the adjoining coastal area. In addition to the geographical, geological and environmental settings, the chronology and human remains are also reviewed, paying special attention to the specific characteristics of each of the main sites. The primary faunal, plant remain, bone and stone industry - including raw material supply, technology and typology - features of the main settlements are also presented. All of the above allow us to discuss the similarities and peculiarities of the Mesolithic of this area in relation to other regions of the Peninsula.S

    Identificación mineralógica de piezas arqueológicas elaboradas en talco mediante espectroscopía de reflectancia de laboratorio

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    P. 421-424El talco es un mineral blando que permite trabajarlo fácilmente, por lo que ha sido utilizado desde la Prehistoria. Sin embargo, no es el único mineral blando y a veces, bajo este nombre, se clasifican piezas que han sido trabajadas por grupos humanos sobre minerales de características físicas similares, pero químicamente distintos. El análisis espectroscópico de las muestras permite identificar su mineralogía de manera no destructiva. En el presente estudio se han analizado 30 muestras, tanto de procedencia arqueológica como geológica. De las 27 muestras de talco, se han diferenciado 4 tipos de curvas espectrales, poseyendo todas el rasgo de absorción definido en los 2320 nm correspondiente al talco. El uso de las técnicas continuum remove y Spectral Feature Fitting ha demostrado ser de gran ayuda tanto para la discriminación de grupos de talco de diferentes características como para la identificación de minerales distintos. Se espera que en un futuro estas diferencias permitan también conocer la localización geográfica de donde provienen las muestras y con ello facilitar la labor investigadora de los arqueólogos, abriendo así una nueva vía de aplicaciones de la espectrorradiometría

    Las implicaciones del desarrollo de la agricultura durante la Edad del Hierro en el norte de la península ibérica: el caso de la Peña del Castro (La Ercina, León, España)

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    The archaeological work carried out at Peña del Castro documented four occupation phases from the First Iron Age to the Roman Empire. The present work aims to analyse the importance of agriculture during the third phase, dating to the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. In this phase various carpological remains have been preserved carbonised, together with, a complete set of agricultural tools and mills. For this paper, the different agricultural processes have been evaluated, as well as the impact of agriculture on the economy and society of the settlement during the Late Iron Age. The carpological elements have been identified according to external morphological criteria. Moreover, the macroscopic analysis of the remains of the building walls has been carried out, as well as a typological analysis of the lithic and metallic materials. All these factors have made it possible to identify a complex agriculture with an important influence from the “Meseta” area. This agricultural model also coincides with the time of maximum development of the settlement, as well as of greater social stratification, phenomena related to agricultural surpluses.Los trabajos arqueológicos realizados en la Peña del Castro documentaron cuatro fases de ocupación en este poblado desde la I Edad del Hierro hasta el Imperio Romano. El presente trabajo analiza la relevancia de la agricultura durante la tercera fase, desarrollada entre los siglos II-I a. C. De la misma se conservan carbonizados diferentes restos carpológicos junto a un completo conjunto de herramientas agropecuarias y molinos. Se han evaluado los diferentes procesos agrícolas, así como el impacto de la agricultura en la economía y sociedad del poblado durante los últimos momentos de la Edad del Hierro. Los restos carpológicos han sido identificados atendiendo a su morfología externa. Además, se ha acompañado el análisis macroscópico de restos de paredes de los edificios con otro tipológico de los materiales líticos y metálicos. Gracias a todos estos factores se ha definido una agricultura compleja con una importante influencia del área meseteña. Este modelo agrícola coincide con el momento de máximo desarrollo del asentamiento, junto con una creciente estratificación social, fenómenos relacionados con los excedentes agrícolas

    Products from the sea in inland settlements of the Northwest of The Iberian Peninsula during Roman Times

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    [ES] La incorporación del noroeste ibérico al marco administrativo y económico romano dio lugar a importantes cambios en los sistemas de distribución de bienes de consumo. De manera concreta, este estudio se enfoca en el aprovechamiento de los recursos marinos, influido tanto por la significación social que adquiere el consumo de ciertos productos como por la demanda generada ante los nuevos gustos alimenticios. El nuevo escenario socioeconómico se manifiesta mediante modificaciones significativas en los modelos de explotación, estableciéndose factorías litorales para el procesado de peces y moluscos que, a su vez, requieren de un desarrollo de la distribución comercial. En este trabajo realizamos una evaluación del comercio y consumo de los productos marinos en los asentamientos romanos de nueva creación en el noroeste de la península ibérica a partir del registro zooarqueológico.[EN] The incorporation of the Iberian northwest into the Roman administrative and economic network brought about important changes in the distribution systems of consumer products. In particular, this study focuses on the exploitation of marine resources, influenced both by the social significance acquired by the consumption of certain products and by the demand generated by new food tastes. The new socio-economic scenario manifests itself in important modifications of the exploitation models, establishing factories on the coast for the transformation of fish and molluscs which, in turn, require the development of commercial distribution. In this paper we evaluate the trade and consumption of marine products in the newly created Roman settlements in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula based on the zooarchaeological record

    Fish- and Shellmiddens from Galicia (Northwest Spain): Reflections upon a Neglected Coastal Cultural Heritage from the Iberian Peninsula

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    [EN] The physiographical features of the Galician sea, in particular its temperature, marine currents and plankton richness, have turned its waters into one of the most biologically diversified marine regions of the planet. The 1500 km of shorelines from this Northwest Iberian region are dotted with rías (Galician fjords) where settlements devoted to fishing and trade have existed since prehistoric times. These activities left abundant testimonies in terms of archaeological deposits. In recent decades, urban/industrial development, as well as a number of natural agents (e.g., storms, sea level rise, climate change), is rapidly erasing the evidences of this rich cultural heritage. Loss of fish and shellmiddens in particular will hamper our ability to infer traditional lifeways, doing away with evidence that is crucial to monitoring past climatic changes and to inferring those biological conditions under which marine species and coastal populations thrived in the past. This paper surveys some issues dealing with the coastal bio-archaeological heritage of Galicia, and the risks these deposits face. It concludes with a proposal to save this increasingly threatened marine heritage.S

    El uso de la espetrorradiometría para la caracterización del talco en yacimientos arqueológicos: el caso de la Peña del Castro (León)

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    P. 133-136The objective of this work is to analyze talc samples from the archaeological site of Peña del Castro (La Ercina, León), with a chronology of the Iron Age (ss. VIIVI b.C) to assign the origin of these materials using spectroscopic analysis. For this purpose, a total of 30 samples of minerals defined as talc have been analyzed, from different geological outcrops in the north of the peninsula and the archaeological site. Based on the results obtained, the origin of the talcs used in La Ercina seems to respond to a regional supply (<60 km), both towards the NE (outcrop of Pico de las tres Provincas) and the NW (Talc mines of Puebla de Lillo). Finally, all the analyzes carried out have allowed the creation of a specific spectrometry database of these minerals that can be used for the identification of other pieces in museums, since it is a non-destructive technique

    Elucidating historical fisheries’ networks in the Iberian Peninsula using stable isotopes

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    [EN] Processed fish is known to have been systematically traded in Europe since the Early Middle Ages to meet increasing demand of incipient markets and religious precepts, yet specific details regarding the supply of different fish in Southern Europe is often missing. Here, we address this gap through an integrated approach involving bone metrics and stable isotopic analysis of archaeological European hake (Merluccius merluccius, Merluccidae) from the Iberian Peninsula. The results offer new insights regarding historical fisheries production systems, including the regions exploited and commercial routes, whilst also revealing biological differences between archaeological and present-day hake populations in the North-east Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. This research highlights the fruitful result of combining ichthyoarchaeological and historical data for tracking down the origin and development of historical fisheries in south-western Europe and their bearing on modern fisheries.SIThis research was mainly supported by the European Commission through the FISHARC-IF 658022 Marie-Curie-Sklodowska-IF fellowship for Career development. Additional support was received by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [HAR 2014-55722-P (Ictioarqueologia de la Prehistoria cantábrica: Modelos para la caracterización de las primeras pesquerías europeas), HAR 2017-88325-P (Historical archaeobiology of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius, L.1758) in the NE Atlantic: The Iberian evidence (AD 10th–18th)), and the European Molecular Biology Organization (ASTF 354-2016). The research is also under the framework of the the Leidse Universiteit Fonds-Bakels 2021 fund, the PID-118662GB-100 (FISHCIIS - Fishing Isotopes) project from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Research Group of Cultural Landscapes and Heritage of the University of the Basque Country. We finally want to thank two anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions that have improved the quality of this paper. This work contributes to the “María de Maeztu” Programme for Units of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CEX2019-000940-M)

    Castiltejón, a republican outpost on the north front (Puebla de Lillo, León)

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    Durante el mes de septiembre de 2011 realizamos la excavación de varias estructuras vinculadas a la Guerra Civil Española en lo que parece ser una posición avanzada republicana en el Frente de los Puertos. En la intervención se sondearon dos abrigos, un tramo de trinchera, un puesto de tirador y parte de un observatorio excavado en la roca. En el presente trabajo presentamos el desarrollo de la excavación y un primer acercamiento a los resultados de la intervención.During the month of September 2011 we excavated several structures linked to the Spanish Civil War in what appears to be an advanced Republican position in the Front of the Ports. Two coats, a trench section, a shooter’s post and part of an observatory excavated in the rock were probed in the intervention. In the present work we present the development of the excavation and a first approach to the results of the intervention.