2,501 research outputs found

    Lectin activity of homeopathy drugs

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    Lectins are useful for protective effect of plants which are similar to antibodies. They are also helping in the selective binding of Rhizobia during the initiation of root nodules of legume plants. Homeopathic mother tinctures are used to find out their lectin activities, they are- Arnica montana, Cassia sophara, Caulophullum, Ficus indica, Ficus religiosa, Nux vomica, Solanum xantocarpum, Blata oientalis, Spongia tosta and Urtica urens. Nobody tried for mother tinctures for the purpose of lectin activity, this is a first ever attempt to study the lectin activity to show co-relation with remedial effect. &nbsp

    Study of algal flora of Navapur, District Nandurbar,Maharashtra, India.

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    The river Rangawali from Navapur of Nandurbar district ( the district Nandurbar formerly known as west Khandesh lies in upper Tapi basin in the North-West corner of Maharashtra) was selected for taxonomical enumeration of algae. Algal samples were collected from five stations of Rangawali river for a period of one year (October 2006- September 2007). In this communication chlorophyceae is studied taxonomically. 27 species belonging to 10 genera were recorded. Genus Scenedesmus was observed dominant. This is first report from this rural area of Khandesh of Maharashtra

    Magnetotransport of SrIrO₃ films on (110) DyScO₃

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    Epitaxial perovskite (110) oriented SrIrO3(SIO) thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on (110) oriented DyScO3(DSO) substrateswith various film thicknesst(2 nm1 increases with decreasingTand is especially pronounced for the thinnest films, whichlikewise display a hysteretic field dependence belowT∗≈3 K. The coercive fieldHcamounts to 2-5 T. Both,T∗andHcare very similar to themagnetic ordering temperature and coercivity of DSO which strongly suggests substrate-induced mechanism as a reason for the anisotropicmagnetotransport in the SIO film

    Graphene Transport at High Carrier Densities using a Polymer Electrolyte Gate

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    We report the study of graphene devices in Hall-bar geometry, gated with a polymer electrolyte. High densities of 6 ×1013/cm2\times 10^{13}/cm^{2} are consistently reached, significantly higher than with conventional back-gating. The mobility follows an inverse dependence on density, which can be correlated to a dominant scattering from weak scatterers. Furthermore, our measurements show a Bloch-Gr\"uneisen regime until 100 K (at 6.2 ×1013/cm2\times10^{13}/cm^{2}), consistent with an increase of the density. Ubiquitous in our experiments is a small upturn in resistivity around 3 ×1013/cm2\times10^{13}/cm^{2}, whose origin is discussed. We identify two potential causes for the upturn: the renormalization of Fermi velocity and an electrochemically-enhanced scattering rate.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Published Versio

    Anomalous pressure dependence of the electronic transport and anisotropy in SrIrO₃ films

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    Iridate oxides display exotic physical properties that arise from the interplay between a largespin–orbit coupling and electron correlations. Here, we present a comprehensive study of theeffects of hydrostatic pressure on the electronic transport properties of SrIrO3(SIO), a systemthat has recently attracted a lot of attention as potential correlated Dirac semimetal. Ourinvestigations on untwinned thin lms of SIO reveal that theelectrical resistivity of thismaterial is intrinsically anisotropic and controlled by the orthorhombic distortion of theperovskite unit cell. These effects provide another evidence for the strong coupling betweenthe electronic and lattice degrees of freedom in this class of compounds. Upon increasingpressure, a systematic increase of the transport anisotropies is observed. The anomalouspressure-induced changes of the resistivity cannot be accounted for by the pressuredependence of the density of the electron charge carriers, as inferred from Hall effectmeasurements. Moreover, pressure-induced rotations of the IrO6octahedra likely occur withinthe distorted perovskite unit cell and affect electron mobility of this syste

    Performance Analysis of Two Receiver Arrangements for Wireless Battery Charging System

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    Two different arrangements for Wireless Battery Charging Systems (WBCSs) with a series-parallel resonant topology have been analyzed in this paper. The first arrangement charges the battery by controlling the receiver-side rectifier current and voltage without a chopper, while the second arrangement charges it with a chopper while keeping the chopper input voltage constant. The comparison of these two arrangements is made based on their performance on various figures of merit, such as the sizing factor of both the supply voltage source and receiver coil, overall system efficiency, power-transfer ratio, receiver efficiency, and cost estimation. Later, the simulated study is verified by the experimental setup designed to charge the electric vehicle

    Magnetocaloric effect and magnetic cooling near a field-induced quantum-critical point

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    The presence of a quantum critical point (QCP) can significantly affect the thermodynamic properties of a material at finite temperatures T. This is reflected, e.g., in the entropy landscape S(T, r) in the vicinity of a QCP, yielding particularly strong variations for varying the tuning parameter r such as pressure or magnetic field B. Here we report on the determination of the critical enhancement of δS/δB \delta S / \delta B near a B-induced QCP via absolute measurements of the magnetocaloric effect (MCE), (δT/δB)S(\delta T / \delta B)_S, and demonstrate that the accumulation of entropy around the QCP can be used for efficient low-temperature magnetic cooling. Our proof of principle is based on measurements and theoretical calculations of the MCE and the cooling performance for a Cu2+^{2+}-containing coordination polymer, which is a very good realization of a spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain - one of the simplest quantum-critical systems.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    SBMDb: First whole genome putative microsatellite DNA marker database of sugarbeet for bioenergy and industrial applications

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    © 2015 The Author(s) 2015. DNA marker plays important role as valuable tools to increase crop productivity by finding plausible answers to genetic variations and linking the Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) of beneficial trait. Prior approaches in development of Short Tandem Repeats (STR) markers were time consuming and inefficient. Recent methods invoking the development of STR markers using whole genomic or transcriptomics data has gained wide importance with immense potential in developing breeding and cultivator improvement approaches. Availability of whole genome sequences and in silico approaches has revolutionized bulk marker discovery. We report world's first sugarbeet whole genome marker discovery having 145 K markers along with 5 K functional domain markers unified in common platform using MySQL, Apache and PHP in SBMDb. Embedded markers and corresponding location information can be selected for desired chromosome, location/interval and primers can be generated using Primer3 core, integrated at backend. Our analyses revealed abundance of 'mono' repeat (76.82%) over 'di' repeats (13.68%). Highest density (671.05 markers/Mb) was found in chromosome 1 and lowest density (341.27 markers/Mb) in chromosome 6. Current investigation of sugarbeet genome marker density has direct implications in increasing mapping marker density. This will enable present linkage map having marker distance of ∼2 cM, i.e. from 200 to 2.6 Kb, thus facilitating QTL/gene mapping. We also report e-PCR-based detection of 2027 polymorphic markers in panel of five genotypes. These markers can be used for DUS test of variety identification and MAS/GAS in variety improvement program. The present database presents wide source of potential markers for developing and implementing new approaches for molecular breeding required to accelerate industrious use of this crop, especially for sugar, health care products, medicines and color dye. Identified markers will also help in improvement of bioenergy trait of bioethanol and biogas production along with reaping advantage of crop efficiency in terms of low water and carbon footprint especially in era of climate change

    Constructing a complete landslide inventory dataset for the 2018 monsoon disaster in Kerala, India, for land use change analysis

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    Event-based landslide inventories are important for analyzing the relationship between the intensity of the trigger (e.g., rainfall, earthquake) and the density of the landslides in a particular area as a basis for the estimation of the landslide probability and the conversion of susceptibility maps into hazard maps required for risk assessment. They are also crucial for the establishment of local rainfall thresholds that are the basis of early warning systems and for evaluating which land use and land cover changes are related to landslide occurrence. The completeness and accuracy of event-based landslide inventories are crucial aspects to derive reliable results or the above types of analyses. In this study, we generated a relatively complete landslide inventory for the 2018 monsoon landslide event in the state of Kerala, India, based on two inventories that were generated using different methods: one based on an object-based image analysis (OBIA) and the other on field surveys of damaging landslides. We used a collaborative mapping approach based on the visual interpretation of pre- and post-event high-resolution satellite images (HRSIs) available from Google Earth, adjusted the two inventories, and digitized landslides that were missed in the two inventories. The reconstructed landslide inventory database contains 4728 landslides consisting of 2477 landslides mapped by the OBIA method, 973 landslides mapped by field survey, 422 landslides mapped both by OBIA and field methods, and an additional 856 landslides mapped using the visual image (Google Earth) interpretation. The dataset is available at line uri \u3ehttps://doi.org/10.17026/dans-x6c-y7x2\u3e (van Westen, 2020). Also, the location of the landslides was adjusted, based on the image interpretation, and the initiation points were used to evaluate the land use and land cover changes as a causal factor for the 2018 monsoon landslides. A total of 45 % of the landslides that damaged buildings occurred due to cut-slope failures, while 34 % of those having an impact on roads were due to road cut-slope failures. The resulting landslide inventory is made available for further studies.