25 research outputs found

    El discurs mediàtic al voltant de la gastronomia : les narratives culinàries a la premsa catalana

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    L'especialització periodística es caracteritza per la narració d'uns continguts que encaixen amb els interessos de la societat. Una de les especialitzacions que més ressò ha tingut al llarg dels darrers anys és la que desenvolupa la temàtica gastronòmica. Tot i el boom que l'art culinària ha experimentat a la televisió i a la xarxa, la premsa escrita segueix sent un dels referents pel que fa a la producció gastronòmica i un dels puntals de la seva popularització. Així, la present investigació se centra en els continguts actuals de periodisme especialitzat en gastronomia a Catalunya. L'objectiu de la recerca és examinar quines són les principals temàtiques que conformen aquest discurs. Així, s'hi han analitzat els articles que els dos principals diaris generalistes catalans, El Periódico i La Vanguardia, han publicat sobre aquesta matèria dintre del període 2005-2015. La metodologia utilitzada s'ha basat en l'anàlisi de contingut de 2.776 peces periodístiques que ha permès classificar els articles segons el subjecte que tracten. S'hi han definit tres grans àrees temàtiques, que són la producció; la distribució, i la gastronomia i la societat. Aquestes tres àrees inclouen fins a onze categories específiques. Els resultats de l'estudi mostren que tant El Periódico com La Vanguardia tendeixen a oferir un tractament similar dels continguts de l'art culinària. La discussió de la recerca dibuixa les característiques del discurs del periodisme gastronòmic a la premsa diària catalana al llarg de l'última dècada.Specialist journalism consists in the narration of content related to social interests. One of the niches with the greatest impact in recent years is gastronomy. Despite the boom experienced by gastronomy on television and Internet, printed media is still a reference concerning gastronomy communication, and one of the reasons for its increasing popularity. This research focuses on the current content of food journalism in Catalonia. The paper aims to analyze the predominant topics that delineate the gastronomy discourse. To achieve this, the study reviews gastronomy-themed articles published from 2005 to 2015 in the two major newspapers in Catalonia, El Periódico and La Vanguardia. The methodology is based on a content analysis of 2,776 articles that are classified by theme. For this purpose, three general categories were defined, namely production, distribution, and gastronomy and society, which include eleven specific themes. The results show that El Periódico and La Vanguardia tend to deal with gastronomy content in a similar manner. The characteristics of the discourse of food journalism in Catalan dailies over the last decade are also discussed.La especialización periodística se caracteriza por la narración de unos contenidos que encajan con los intereses de la sociedad. Una de las especializaciones que ha tenido más eco a lo largo de los últimos años es la que desarrolla la temática gastronómica. A pesar del boom que el arte culinario ha experimentado en la televisión y en la red, la prensa escrita continúa siendo uno de los referentes en cuanto a la producción gastronómica y uno de los puntales de su popularización. Así, esta investigación se centra en los contenidos actuales de periodismo especializado en gastronomía en Cataluña. El objetivo de la investigación es examinar cuáles son las principales temáticas que conforman este discurso. Así, se han analizado los artículos que los dos principales diarios generalistas catalanes, El Periódico y La Vanguardia, han publicado sobre esta materia en el periodo 2005-2015. La metodología utilizada se ha basado en el análisis de contenido de 2.776 piezas periodísticas, que ha permitido clasificar los artículos según el tema que tratan. Se han definido tres grandes áreas temáticas, que son la producción; la distribución, y la gastronomía y la sociedad. Estas tres áreas incluyen hasta once categorías específicas. Los resultados del estudio muestran que tanto El Periódico como La Vanguardia tienden a ofrecer un tratamiento similar de los contenidos del arte culinario. La discusión de la investigación dibuja las características del discurso del periodismo gastronómico en la prensa diaria catalana a lo largo de la última década

    Accuracy and Survival Outcomes after National Implementation of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Early Stage Endometrial Cancer

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABSentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy has recently been accepted to evaluate nodal status in endometrial cancer at early stage, which is key to tailoring adjuvant treatments. Our aim was to evaluate the national implementation of SLN biopsy in terms of accuracy to detect nodal disease in a clinical setting and oncologic outcomes according to the volume of nodal disease. A total of 29 Spanish centers participated in this retrospective, multicenter registry including patients with endometrial adenocarcinoma at preoperative early stage who had undergone SLN biopsy between 2015 and 2021. Each center collected data regarding demographic, clinical, histologic, therapeutic, and survival characteristics. A total of 892 patients were enrolled. After the surgery, 12.9% were suprastaged to FIGO 2009 stages III-IV and 108 patients (12.1%) had nodal involvement: 54.6% macrometastasis, 22.2% micrometastases, and 23.1% isolated tumor cells (ITC). Sensitivity of SLN biopsy was 93.7% and false negative rate was 6.2%. After a median follow up of 1.81 years, overall surivial and disease-free survival were significantly lower in patients who had macrometastases when compared with patients with negative nodes, micrometastases or ITC. In our nationwide cohort we obtained high sensitivity of SLN biopsy to detect nodal disease. The oncologic outcomes of patients with negative nodes and low-volume disease were similar after tailoring adjuvant treatments. In total, 22% of patients with macrometastasis and 50% of patients with micrometastasis were at low risk of nodal metastasis according to their preoperative risk factors, revealing the importance of SLN biopsy in the surgical management of patients with early stage EC

    HPV-negative tumors of the uterine cervix

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the causative agents of virtually all cervical carcinomas. Nevertheless, a small proportion of cervical cancer are negative for HPV, although the significance of this finding remains unclear. We aimed to provide insight into the differential clinico-pathological characteristics of this unusual subset of HPV-negative cervical cancer. We performed HPV-DNA detection using a highly sensitive PCR test (SPF10) and p16 immunostaining in 214 cervical carcinomas specimens from women treated at the Gynecological Oncology Unit of the Hospital Clinic (Barcelona, Spain) from 2012 to 2015. The clinical and pathological characteristics, including disease-free survival and overall survival, of HPV-negative and -positive cervical carcinomas were compared. Twenty-one out of 214 tumors (10%) were negative for HPV DNA. HPV-negative tumors were more frequently of the non-squamous type (9/21, 43% vs. 37/193, 19%; p\xE2\x80\x89<\xE2\x80\x890.01) and showed negative p16 staining (9/21; 43% vs. 7/193; 4%; p\xE2\x80\x89<\xE2\x80\x890.01). HPV-negative tumors were more frequently diagnosed at advanced FIGO stage (19/21, 91% vs. 110/193, 57%; p\xE2\x80\x89<\xE2\x80\x890.01) and more frequently had lymph node metastases (14/21, 67% vs. 69/193, 36%; p\xE2\x80\x89<\xE2\x80\x890.01). Patients with HPV-negative cervical cancer had a significantly worse disease-free survival (59.8 months, 95% confidence interval 32.0-87.6 vs. 132.2 months, 95% confidence interval 118.6-145.8; p\xE2\x80\x89<\xE2\x80\x890.01) and overall survival (77.0 months, 95% confidence interval 47.2-106.8 vs. 153.8 months, 95% confidence interval 142.0-165.6; p\xE2\x80\x89=\xE2\x80\x890.01) than women with HPV-positive tumors. However, only advanced FIGO stage and lymph node metastases remained associated with a poor disease-free survival and overall survival on multivariate analysis. In conclusion, our results suggest that a low percentage of cervical cancer arise via an HPV-independent pathway. These HPV-negative tumors are diagnosed at advanced stages, show higher prevalence of lymph nodes metastases and have an impaired prognosis

    Comparison of HE4, CA125, ROMA and CPH-I for Preoperative Assessment of Adnexal Tumors

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    (1) OBJECTIVE: To assess the performance of CA125, HE4, ROMA index and CPH-I index to preoperatively identify epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) or metastatic cancer in the ovary (MCO). (2) METHODS: single center retrospective study, including women with a diagnosis of adnexal mass. We obtained the AUC, sensitivity, specificity and predictive values were of HE4, CA125, ROMA and CPH-I for the diagnosis of EOC and MCO. Subgroup analysis for women harboring adnexal masses with inconclusive diagnosis of malignancy by ultrasound features and Stage I EOC was performed. (3) RESULTS: 1071 patients were included, 852 (79.6%) presented benign/borderline tumors and 219 (20.4%) presented EOC/MCO. AUC for HE4 was higher than for CA125 (0.91 vs. 0.87). No differences were seen between AUC of ROMA and CPH-I, but they were both higher than HE4 AUC. None of the tumor markers alone achieved a sensitivity of 90%; HE4 was highly specific (93.5%). ROMA showed a sensitivity and specificity of 91.1% and 84.6% respectively, while CPH-I showed a sensitivity of 91.1% with 79.2% specificity. For patients with inconclusive diagnosis of malignancy by ultrasound features and with Stage I EOC, ROMA showed the best diagnostic performance (4) CONCLUSIONS: ROMA and CPH-I perform better than tumor markers alone to identify patients harboring EOC or MCO. They can be helpful to assess the risk of malignancy of adnexal masses, especially in cases where ultrasonographic diagnosis is challenging (stage I EOC, inconclusive diagnosis of malignancy by ultrasound features)

    Accuracy and Survival Outcomes after National Implementation of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Early Stage Endometrial Cancer

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    Background. Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy has recently been accepted to evaluate nodal status in endometrial cancer at early stage, which is key to tailoring adjuvant treatments. Our aim was to evaluate the national implementation of SLN biopsy in terms of accuracy to detect nodal disease in a clinical setting and oncologic outcomes according to the volume of nodal disease. Patients and Methods. A total of 29 Spanish centers participated in this retrospective, multicenter registry including patients with endometrial adenocarcinoma at preoperative early stage who had undergone SLN biopsy between 2015 and 2021. Each center collected data regarding demographic, clinical, histologic, therapeutic, and survival characteristics. Results. A total of 892 patients were enrolled. After the surgery, 12.9% were suprastaged to FIGO 2009 stages III-IV and 108 patients (12.1%) had nodal involvement: 54.6% macrometastasis, 22.2% micrometastases, and 23.1% isolated tumor cells (ITC). Sensitivity of SLN biopsy was 93.7% and false negative rate was 6.2%. After a median follow up of 1.81 years, overall surivial and disease-free survival were significantly lower in patients who had macrometastases when compared with patients with negative nodes, micrometastases or ITC. Conclusions. In our nationwide cohort we obtained high sensitivity of SLN biopsy to detect nodal disease. The oncologic outcomes of patients with negative nodes and low-volume disease were similar after tailoring adjuvant treatments. In total, 22% of patients with macrometastasis and 50% of patients with micrometastasis were at low risk of nodal metastasis according to their preoperative risk factors, revealing the importance of SLN biopsy in the surgical management of patients with early stage EC

    Famílies botàniques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia, Assignatura: Botànica Farmacèutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són els recull de 175 treballs d’una família botànica d’interès medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica

    Media discourse on gastronomy: Culinary narratives in Catalan newspapers

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    L’especialització periodística es caracteritza per la narració d’uns continguts que encaixen amb els interessos de la societat. Una de les especialitzacions que més ressò ha tingut al llarg dels darrers anys és la que desenvolupa la temàtica gastronòmica. Tot i el boom que l’art culinària ha experimentat a la televisió i a la xarxa, la premsa escrita segueix sent un dels referents pel que fa a la producció gastronòmica i un dels puntals de la seva popularització. Així, la present investigació se centra en els continguts actuals de periodisme especialitzat en gastronomia a Catalunya. L’objectiu de la recerca és examinar quines són les principals temàtiques que conformen aquest discurs. Així, s’hi han analitzat els articles que els dos principals diaris generalistes catalans, El Periódico i La Vanguardia, han publicat sobre aquesta matèria dintre del període 2005-2015. La metodologia utilitzada s’ha basat en l’anàlisi de contingut de 2.776 peces periodístiques que ha permès classificar els articles segons el subjecte que tracten. S’hi han definit tres grans àrees temàtiques, que són la producció; la distribució, i la gastronomia i la societat. Aquestes tres àrees inclouen fins a onze categories específiques. Els resultats de l’estudi mostren que tant El Periódico com La Vanguardia tendeixen a oferir un tractament similar dels continguts de l’art culinària. La discussió de la recerca dibuixa les característiques del discurs del periodisme gastronòmic a la premsa diària catalana al llarg de l’última dècada.La especialización periodística se caracteriza por la narración de unos contenidos que encajan con los intereses de la sociedad. Una de las especializaciones que ha tenido más eco a lo largo de los últimos años es la que desarrolla la temática gastronómica. A pesar del boom que el arte culinario ha experimentado en la televisión y en la red, la prensa escrita continúa siendo uno de los referentes en cuanto a la producción gastronómica y uno de los puntales de su popularización. Así, esta investigación se centra en los contenidos actuales de periodismo especializado en gastronomía en Cataluña. El objetivo de la investigación es examinar cuáles son las principales temáticas que conforman este discurso. Así, se han analizado los artículos que los dos principales diarios generalistas catalanes, El Periódico y La Vanguardia, han publicado sobre esta materia en el periodo 2005-2015. La metodología utilizada se ha basado en el análisis de contenido de 2.776 piezas periodísticas, que ha permitido clasificar los artículos según el tema que tratan. Se han definido tres grandes áreas temáticas, que son la producción; la distribución, y la gastronomía y la sociedad. Estas tres áreas incluyen hasta once categorías específicas. Los resultados del estudio muestran que tanto El Periódico como La Vanguardia tienden a ofrecer un tratamiento similar de los contenidos del arte culinario. La discusión de la investigación dibuja las características del discurso del periodismo gastronómico en la prensa diaria catalana a lo largo de la última década.Specialist journalism consists in the narration of content related to social interests. One of the niches with the greatest impact in recent years is gastronomy. Despite the boom experienced by gastronomy on television and Internet, printed media is still a reference concerning gastronomy communication, and one of the reasons for its increasing popularity. This research focuses on the current content of food journalism in Catalonia. The paper aims to analyze the predominant topics that delineate the gastronomy discourse. To achieve this, the study reviews gastronomy-themed articles published from 2005 to 2015 in the two major newspapers in Catalonia, El Periódico and La Vanguardia. The methodology is based on a content analysis of 2,776 articles that are classified by theme. For this purpose, three general categories were defined, namely production, distribution, and gastronomy and society, which include eleven specific themes. The results show that El Periódico and La Vanguardia tend to deal with gastronomy content in a similar manner. The characteristics of the discourse of food journalism in Catalan dailies over the last decade are also discussed

    Confirmatory factor analysis of an integrated model of psycopathology assessed with MMPI-2-RF and the MCMI-III

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    We presented an integrated hierarchical model of psychopathology that more accurately captures empirical patterns of comorbidity between clinical syndromes and personality disorders. In order to verify the structural validity of the model proposed, this study aimed to analyze the convergence between the Restructured Clinical (RC) scales and Personality scales (PSY-5) of the MMPI-2-RF and the Clinical Syndrome and Personality Disorder scales of the MCMI-III. The MMPI-2-RF and MCMI-III were administered to a clinical sample of 377 outpatients (167 men and 210 women).The structural hypothesiswas assessed by using a Confirmatory Factor Analytic design with four common superordinate factors. An independent-cluster-basis solution was proposed based on maximum likelihood estimation and the application of several fit indices.The fit of the proposed model can be considered as good and more so if we take into account its complexity