27 research outputs found

    Imunozaštitno djelovanje rekombinantne vanjske membrane proteina LolA od bakterije Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae u miševa

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    Porcine contagious pleuropneumonia (PCP) is a serious respiratory disease in the pig industry. In the present study, candidate vaccines with broad-spectrum and disease-resistant effects were screened. The App lolA gene was amplified by PCR from the Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) serotype 1 genome. The bioinformatics analysis results revealed that the App lolA consisted of 633 bp, encoding 210 amino acid proteins. In addition, the App LolA shared a high sequence identity among the different App serotypes. In this study, the App lolA was inserted into pET32a (+). The recombinant protein LolA (rLolA) was produced in E. coli BL21 and then determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and a Western Blot process. Immune protective efficacy testing of the rLolA was performed in 4-week old BALA/c mice. The serum IgG levels were assayed using an enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA) method. The results showed that the serum IgG levels of the mice in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the Frund incompleted adjuvant (IFA) and saline immunization groups after the third immunization. In particular, significant differences in the high dose group (50 rLolA + IFA) (P<0.01). 50 μg rLolA +IFA, 30 μg rLolA + IFA, 30 μg rLolA and 10 μg rLolA+ IFA treatments had induced 40%, 20%, 20%, 10% and 10% survival rates respectively. However, no mice had survived among the adjuvant group and saline groups. The 50 μg rLolA +IFA group displayed reductions in lung lesions. Therefore, it was ascertained from these results that the rLolA had induced partial immune protection in the experimental mice against App challenge infections. This study successfully accumulated data valuable for the future exploration of new vaccines for porcine contagious pleuropneumonia.zarazna pleuropneumonija svinja (PCP) teška je respiratorna bolest u svinjogojskoj industriji. U ovom su istraživanju analizirana kandidatna cjepiva širokog spektra i njihova učinkovitost u otpornosti na tu bolest. Gen App lolA umnožen je PCr-om od genoma serotipa 1 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App). rezultati bioinformatičke analize pokazali su da se App lolA sastoji od 633 bp, kodirajući 210 aminokiselinskih proteina. Također, App LolA dijeli visoki stupanj prepoznatljivosti sekvenci među različitim serotipovima App. U ovom je istraživanju App lolA umetnut u pET32a (+) plazmid. rekombinantni protein LolA rLolA je proizveden u E. coli BL21 i zatim određen poliakrilamidnom (SDS-PAGE) gel-elektroforezom i western blot metodom. Testiranje imunozaštitnog djelovanja rLolA provedeno je u miševa BALA/c starih četiri tjedna. Serumske razine IgG analizirane su primjenom metode ELISA. rezultati su pokazali znakovito više serumske razine IgG-a u miševa u eksperimentalnoj skupini od onih u skupini s adjuvansom (IFA) i skupini sa soli nakon treće imunizacije. navedeno posebno vrijedi za znakovite razlike u skupini sa visokim dozama (50 rLolA + IFA) (P < 0,01).Stope preživljavanja po skupinama iznosile su 40 % (50 μg rLolA + IFA), 20 % (30 μg rLolA + IFA), 20 % (30 μg rLolA) and 10 % (10 μg rLolA+ IFA). U skupinama u kojima je imunizacija provedena s adjuvansom i solju nije bilo preživjelih miševa. Skupina 50 μg rLolA + IFA pokazala je smanjenje plućnih lezija. rezultati ovoga istraživanja upućuju da je rLolA izazvao djelomičnu imunosnu zaštitu od infekcija izazvanih App-om u pokusnih miševa i kao takvi daju doprinos za buduća istraživanja cjepiva protiv zarazne pleuropneumonije svinja

    Exploring Mean Annual Precipitation Values (2003–2012) in a Specific Area (36°N–43°N, 113°E–120°E) Using Meteorological, Elevational, and the Nearest Distance to Coastline Variables

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    Gathering very accurate spatially explicit data related to the distribution of mean annual precipitation is required when laying the groundwork for the prevention and mitigation of water-related disasters. In this study, four Bayesian maximum entropy (BME) models were compared to estimate the spatial distribution of mean annual precipitation of the selected areas. Meteorological data from 48 meteorological stations were used, and spatial correlations between three meteorological factors and two topological factors were analyzed to improve the mapping results including annual precipitation, average temperature, average water vapor pressure, elevation, and distance to coastline. Some missing annual precipitation data were estimated based on their historical probability distribution and were assimilated as soft data in the BME method. Based on this, the univariate BME, multivariate BME, univariate BME with soft data, and multivariate BME with soft data analysis methods were compared. The estimation accuracy was assessed by cross-validation with the mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean square error (RMSE). The results showed that multivariate BME with soft data outperformed the other methods, indicating that adding the spatial correlations between multivariate factors and soft data can help improve the estimation performance

    A Novel Process for Detoxification of BERs in Waste PCBs

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    AbstractWaste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) contain high amount of brominated flame retardants that may bring a series of environmental and health problems. In the present study, an effective and environmental-friendly process using sub- and supercritical water (sub/SCW) to simultaneously degrade brominated epoxy resin and recover metals from WPCBs was developed. The results showed that brominated epoxy resins (BERs) can be quickly decomposed under SCW condition. Most of the bromine was changed into HBr and enriched in water. Meanwhile, bromine-free oil was obtained of which the main compositions were phenol and 4-(1-methylethyl)-phenol. This study provides an efficient and green approach for WPCBs recycling

    Analysis of the Vibration Characteristic of 2F2R Macro-micro Manipulator based on Cam Curve Theory

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    Taking the 2F2R macro micro manipulator as study object,its model is established by using the finite element method. Based on the cam curve theory,the equations of motion curve such as the acceleration,the 5 degree polynomial,the deformed trapezoid,the cycloid,the synthetic sine,and the deformed sine are derived in detail. Based on the above two aspects of works,the effect and rule of different motion curves on the elastic vibration of manipulator end are studied,which has a good reference value for the trajectory planning of this type of manipulator

    Synthesis and Applications of Graphdiyne-Based Metal-Free Catalysts

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    The development of carbon materials offers the hope for obtaining inexpensive and high-performance alternatives to substitute noble-metal catalysts for their sustainable application. Graphdiyne, the rising-star carbon allotrope, is a big family with many members, and first realized the coexistence of sp- and sp(2) hybridized carbon atoms in a 2D planar structure. Different from the prevailing carbon materials, its nonuniform distribution in the electronic structure and wide tunability in bandgap show many possibilities and special inspirations to construct new-concept metal-free catalysts, and provide many opportunities for achieving a catalytic activity comparable with that of noble-metal catalysts. Herein, the recent progress in synthetic methodologies, theoretical predictions, and experimental investigations of graphdiyne for metal-free catalysts is systematically summarized. Some new perspectives of the opportunities and challenges in developing high-performance graphdiyne-based metal-free catalysts are demonstrated

    Burnout among Chinese live streamers: Prevalence and correlates.

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    BackgroundThe prevalence of burnout among live streamers remains largely unknown. This study aims to investigate the prevalence and factors associated with burnout among Chinese live streamers.MethodsA cross-sectional study recruited 343 full-time live streamers from 3 companies in Changsha city. Socio-demographic and occupational characteristics were collected using self-designed items. Job stress was assessed using the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ-22), while supervisor and coworker support were evaluated using the last 8 items of the JCQ-22. Burnout was assessed using the 17-item Chinese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS).ResultsOur findings revealed that 30.6% of live streamers experienced burnout. Lower levels of education (OR = 2.65 and 3.37, p = 0,005 and 0.003), higher monthly income (OR = 10.56 and 11.25, both p = 0.003), being an entertainment-oriented streamer (OR = 2.13, p = 0.028), continuous walking during live streams (OR = 2.81, p = 0.006), significant drop in follower count (OR = 2.65, P = 0.006), live streaming during the daytime (OR = 3.75, p = 0.001), and higher support from supervisors and coworkers (OR = 3.66, p = 0.001) were positively associated with burnout. However, the effects of education and drop in followers on burnout were not significant in the multivariate logistic models (p = 0.321 and 0.988).ConclusionsBurnout among Chinese live streamers is associated with income, being an entertainment streamer, engaging in continuous walking during live streams, conducting live streams during the daytime, and experiencing excessive support from supervisors and coworkers

    Co-Detoxification of Transformer Oil-Contained PCBs and Heavy Metals in Medical Waste Incinerator Fly Ash under Sub- and Supercritical Water

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    The simultaneous detoxification processes of transformer oil-contained PCBs and heavy metals in medical waste incinerator (MWI) fly ash were developed under sub- and supercritical water. The addition of MWI fly ash to transformer oil-contained PCBs was found to increase the destruction efficiency of PCBs, at the same time, it facilitated reducing the leaching concentration of toxic metals from residues (obtained after reaction) for harmless disposal. In this study, we elucidated primarily the catalysis possibility of heavy metals in raw MWI fly ash for PCBs degradation by adopting the sequential extraction procedure. For both MWI fly ashes, more than 90% destruction efficiency of PCBs was achieved at ≥375 °C for 30 min, and trichlorobenzene (TCB) existing in the transformer oil was also completely decomposed. The correlation of catalytic performance to PCBs degradation was discussed based on structural characteristics and dechlorinated products. Likewise, such process rendered residues innocuous through supercritical water treatment for reuse or disposal in landfill

    Solidification texture dependence of the anisotropy of mechanical properties and damping capacities of an AZ31 Mg-based alloy fabricated via wire-arc additive manufacturing

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    Wire-arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) offers a brand-new method for short process and rapid manufacturing of large magnesium alloy components, which can avoid the formability dilemma faced by Mg alloys due to their poor plasticity. In this study, the relationships between the solidification texture and the anisotropy of mechanical properties/damping capacities of an AZ31 Mg-based alloy fabricated by the WAAM process were studied. The results revealed that the crystallographic texture with the (0001) basal plane along the building direction was promoted by the preferential growth of dendrite arms along the direction of the HCP crystal structure. The (0001) basal texture had a strong influence on the anisotropy of mechanical properties and damping capacities. Compared to the sample with a tensile axis perpendicular to the building direction, the sample with a tensile axis along the building direction displays a simultaneous increase in tensile strength and ductility, which is related to the smaller Schmid factor (SF) for basal slip and better plasticity deformation via non-basal slip and twinning. However, the smaller SF for basal slip also results in a smaller resolved shear stress factor for the breakaway stress during the damping response testing, resulting in lower damping capacities. This work is helpful for further optimizing the mechanical properties and damping capacities of WAAM-processed Mg-based alloys