519 research outputs found

    A study of ion composition and dynamics at Comet Halley

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    This report details the participation by Lockheed co-investigators in the reduction, analysis, and interpretation of data obtained by the Ion Mass Spectrometer onboard the Giotto mission to Comet Halley. The data analysis activities and much of the scientific collaboration was shared by this team. One objective of the effort under this contract was to use data obtained by the Giotto Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS) during the encounter with comet Halley for the purpose of advancing our understanding of the chemistry and physics of the interaction of the solar wind with comets and obtaining new information on the comet's composition. An additional objective was to make this unique data set available in a format which can be easily used by the reset of the cometary science community for other analysis in the future. The IMS has two sensors: the High Intensity Spectrometer (HIS) and the High Energy Range Spectrometer (HERS)

    On the solar wind control of cusp aurora during northward IMF

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    [1] The location of cusp aurora during northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions and the solar wind control of that location are explored. The cusp aurora is imaged by the Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration\u27s (IMAGE) Far Ultraviolet Instrument (FUV). Predicted locations of the cusp aurora were computed by assuming anti-parallel reconnection between the observed IMF orientation and the 1996 Tsyganenko model magnetopause magnetic field. While the majority of anti-parallel reconnection sites tailward of the cusp, when mapped to the ionosphere, coincide with the observed cusp aurora, the anti-parallel merging hypothesis cannot explain certain aspects of the observations, including its location dependence with IMF + By

    Densities and abundances of hot cometary ions in the coma of P/Halley

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    On its flight by P/Halley, the Giotto spacecraft carried a High Energy Range Spectrometer (HERS) for measuring the properties of cometary ions picked up by the solar wind in the nearly collisionless regions of the coma. Preliminary estimates of the ion densities observed by HERS were reevaluated and extended; density profiles along the Giotto trajectory are presented for 13 values of ion mass/charge. Comparison with the physical-chemical model of the interaction of sunlight and the solar wind with the comet by other researchers reveals that, with the exception of protons and H2(+), all ion densities were at least an order of magnitude higher than predicted. The high ion densities cannot be explained on the basis of compression of the plasma, but require additional or stronger ionization mechanisms. Ratios of the densities of different ion species reveal an overabundance of carbonaceous material and an underabundance of H2(+) compared to the predictions of the Schmidt. While the densities of solar wind ions (H(+) and He(++)) changed sharply across a magnetic discontinuity located 1.35(10)(exp 5) km from the comet, this feature, which has been called both the 'cometopause' and the 'magnetic pileup boundary' was barely distinguishable in the density profiles of hot cometary ions. This result is consistent with the interpretation that the magnetic pileup boundary detected by Giotto was caused by a discontinuity in the solar wind and is not an intrinsic feature of the interaction of the solar wind with an active comet

    Measurement of precipitation induced FUV emission and Geocoronal Lyman Alpha from the IMI mission

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    This final report describes the activities of the Lockheed Martin Palo Alto Research Laboratory in studying the measurement of ion and electron precipitation induced Far Ultra-Violet (FUV) emissions and Geocoronal Lyman Alpha for the NASA Inner Magnetospheric Imager (IMI) mission. this study examined promising techniques that may allow combining several FUV instruments that would separately measure proton aurora, electron aurora, and geocoronal Lyman alpha into a single instrument operated on a spinning spacecraft. The study consisted of two parts. First, the geocoronal Lyman alpha, proton aurora, and electron aurora emissions were modeled to determine instrument requirements. Second, several promising techniques were investigated to determine if they were suitable for use in an IMI-type mission. Among the techniques investigated were the Hydrogen gas cell for eliminating cold geocoronal Lyman alpha emissions, and a coded aperture spectrometer with sufficient resolution to separate Doppler shifted Lyman alpha components
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