23 research outputs found

    Mesoscopic simulations of reaction-diffusion-advection problems

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    A case study of the July 2021 Henan extreme rainfall event: From weather forecast to climate risks

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    During 17–22 July 2021 a rainfall event in Henan Province of China has delivered over 820 mm precipitation around Zhengzhou with hourly intensity exceeded 201 mm. This paper presents a systematic case study of its driving processes, predictability, and future climate risks. The key aspects of this event are 1) geographically stationary and 2) temporally persistent. A sustained low-level moist easterly jetstream resulting from between typhoon In-Fa and a northward displaced subtropical high and orography in the region appear to have played a major role in the event. The event was, overall, well predicted in global operational 5-day weather forecast, though the details may not be very accurate. From a climate perspective, the large-scale low-level circulation pattern was like the August 1975 catastrophic floods in the same region, but opposite to the 2020 summer anomalous extreme Meiyu situation. Both weather patterns were rare during the past 47 years, together accounting for less than 10% of low-level daily weather patterns. The orographic features around Henan make it vulnerable for floods. A risk assessment based two sets of ensemble climate model simulations suggest the probability of such events occurring in the future will increase under the IPCC RCP8.5 scenario

    A bimodal diagnostic cloud fraction parameterization : part I : motivating analysis and scheme description

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    Cloud fraction parameterizations are beneficial to regional, convection-permitting numerical weather prediction. For its operational regional midlatitude forecasts, the Met Office uses a diagnostic cloud fraction scheme that relies on a unimodal, symmetric subgrid saturation-departure distribution. This scheme has been shown before to underestimate cloud cover and hence an empirically based bias correction is used operationally to improve performance. This first of a series of two papers proposes a new diagnostic cloud scheme as a more physically based alternative to the operational bias correction. The new cloud scheme identifies entrainment zones associated with strong temperature inversions. For model grid boxes located in this entrainment zone, collocated moist and dry Gaussian modes are used to represent the subgrid conditions. The mean and width of the Gaussian modes, inferred from the turbulent characteristics, are then used to diagnose cloud water content and cloud fraction. It is shown that the new scheme diagnoses enhanced cloud cover for a given gridbox mean humidity, similar to the current operational approach. It does so, however, in a physically meaningful way. Using observed aircraft data and ground-based retrievals over the southern Great Plains in the United States, it is shown that the new scheme improves the relation between cloud fraction, relative humidity, and liquid water content. An emergent property of the scheme is its ability to infer skewed and bimodal distributions from the large-scale state that qualitatively compare well against observations. A detailed evaluation and resolution sensitivity study will follow in Part II

    Sensitivities of the Asian Summer Monsoon Simulations to Physical Parameters for the Perturbed Parameter Ensemble of HadGEM3‐GC3.05

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    Abstract The simulation skill of the perturbed parameter ensemble (PPE) of HadGEM3‐GC3.05 on the mean climate pattern of the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) is evaluated in this study. The sensitivities of the model bias to the perturbed parameters are investigated based on metrics. The results show that the PPE mean (PPE‐20M) could effectively capture the general ASM precipitation and wind patterns, with a correlation coefficient of 0.78. PPE‐20M mainly shows positive precipitation biases over the tropical western Pacific, southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau, Indochina Peninsula, and South China and negative precipitation biases over the Indian continent and Bay of Bengal. The magnitude of the precipitation biases is more sensitive than its pattern to the variation of the perturbed parameters. Four parameters (ent_fac_dp, qlmin, ps_cloud‐ph, and psm) are found to be crucial for simulating the ASM precipitation intensity, and their combined effects are related to the simulated precipitation biases

    Implementing a process-based contrail parametrization in the Unified Model

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    &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;&amp;amp;#160;&amp;amp;#160;&amp;amp;#160;&amp;amp;#160; The global aviation fleet modifies cloudiness through contrail formation and their subsequent competition with natural cirrus for ambient water vapor, along with enhanced ice-nuclei concentrations from aircraft soot emissions. Contrails form in the upper troposphere at temperatures below 233 K and pressures below 300 hPa, when plume gases from jet engines, having appreciable water vapor content, saturate with respect to liquid water (Schmidt-Appleman Criterion, SAC). Realistic assessments of the aviation-induced modifications to global cloud cover demand improved representation of contrails and their interaction with background cloudiness in climate models. We have implemented a process-based parametrization of contrail cirrus, that applies to both young (&amp;amp;#8804; 5 h) and aged contrails, in the UK Met Office Unified Model, version 12.0. Contrail cirrus is introduced as a new prognostic cloud class, forming in the parametrized, fractional ice supersaturated area which then undergoes advection, depositional growth, sublimation and sedimentation. The proxy for the fractional supersaturated area is calculated using the same total water PDF as used for natural cirrus but with a different critical relative humidity, r&amp;lt;sub&amp;gt;cc&amp;lt;/sub&amp;gt; - a value at which part of the model grid box is at least ice-saturated. The persistence of contrails being allowed in the ice supersaturated areas, the simulated coverage is not confined to flight corridors, but is advected to air traffic free zones as well. The simulated annual mean global coverage due to young contrails is 0.13%, with the main traffic areas of Europe and North America having the maximum coverage. Similar to natural cirrus, the contrail ice particles reflect the solar short-wave (SW) radiation and trap outgoing long-wave (LW) radiation, thereby modifying the radiative balance of the Earth&amp;amp;#8217;s atmosphere. Contrail cirrus is radiatively active in the model with forcing studies enabled via a &amp;amp;#8216;double radiation call&amp;amp;#8217; approach, wherein parallel runs of the radiation scheme &amp;amp;#8216;with&amp;amp;#8217; (prognostic) and &amp;amp;#8216;without&amp;amp;#8217; (diagnostic) the contrail radiative effects isolates the contrail-induced perturbations. Contrails are seen to induce a short-wave cooling and long-wave warming and the net (SW+LW) direct top-of-atmosphere radiative forcing by young contrails amounts globally to 0.5 mWm&amp;lt;sup&amp;gt;-2&amp;lt;/sup&amp;gt;, with the peak forcing seen along the main air traffic areas of North America, Europe and East Asia. The implementation of this process-based parametrization in the UM enables the simulation of the life cycle of persistent contrails, and can provide valuable insights to the aviation-induced modifications to the global cloud cover.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;</jats:p