13 research outputs found

    A nutrient-wide association study for risk of prostate cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition and the Netherlands Cohort Study.

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    Funder: Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100008700PURPOSE: The evidence from the literature regarding the association of dietary factors and risk of prostate cancer is inconclusive. METHODS: A nutrient-wide association study was conducted to systematically and comprehensively evaluate the associations between 92 foods or nutrients and risk of prostate cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Cox proportional hazard regression models adjusted for total energy intake, smoking status, body mass index, physical activity, diabetes and education were used to estimate hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for standardized dietary intakes. As in genome-wide association studies, correction for multiple comparisons was applied using the false discovery rate (FDR < 5%) method and suggested results were replicated in an independent cohort, the Netherlands Cohort Study (NLCS). RESULTS: A total of 5916 and 3842 incident cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed during a mean follow-up of 14 and 20 years in EPIC and NLCS, respectively. None of the dietary factors was associated with the risk of total prostate cancer in EPIC (minimum FDR-corrected P, 0.37). Null associations were also observed by disease stage, grade and fatality, except for positive associations observed for intake of dry cakes/biscuits with low-grade and butter with aggressive prostate cancer, respectively, out of which the intake of dry cakes/biscuits was replicated in the NLCS. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide little support for an association for the majority of the 92 examined dietary factors and risk of prostate cancer. The association of dry cakes/biscuits with low-grade prostate cancer warrants further replication given the scarcity in the literature

    Digital kompetence som en del af lægestuderendes professionelle udvikling

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    Udviklingen i lægegerningen og professionsrollen beskrives i snitfladen mellem samfundsmæssige behov, politiske krav og sundhedssektorens udfordringer. ’Fremtidens læger’ bliver uddannet på de danske universiteter med et kompetence-sortiment, der bevæger sig ud over den biomedicinske udenadslære for at dække de nye behov. Herved bevæger uddannelsen og kravene til kompetenceudvikling sig både ud over og væk fra den traditionelle kerne i den medicinske uddannelse. Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i en aktuel uddannelsescase og sætter herigennem fokus på de udfordringer, som uddannelse af medicinstuderende til digitalt kompetente professionelle står overfor.

    GoTO: A Process-Navigation Tool for Telehealth and -Care Solutions, Designed to Ensure an Efficient Trajectory from Goal Setting to Outcome Evaluation

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    Objectives: The digital transformation of the healthcare sector involves the procurement and implementation of new health technologies, which will likely be a challenge to healthcare providers who are not part of large organizations. In response to the needs of small and middle-sized health and care organizations, we have developed a process navigator to guide providers of healthcare through the processes of innovation, the procurement of mature products, and their implementation in telehealth and telecare projects. Methods: A narrative overview identified health-technology-assessment-inspired models. Conversations with national and international colleagues identified project and implementation models. The origin of the included models was identified, and relevant articles were referred to to describe the essential principles, including the nature of stakeholder involvement and the evaluation processes when appropriate. Based on the inputs, we proposed the process navigator GoTO. Results: Six health-technology-assessment-inspired models, six project models, one implementation model, and one innovation model were identified and informed the creation of the GoTO process navigator. The navigator consists of four parts: inception (eight steps); materialization (three tracks, depending on the maturity of the planned solution); implementation (five steps); and the final assessment and evaluation. Conclusion: The GoTO process navigator is an intuitive guide for innovation, procurement, and implementation in telehealth and -care. The GoTo navigator can assist providers of digital health and care services throughout the process from the initial identification of goals to the final evaluation of outcomes

    GoTO: A Process-Navigation Tool for Telehealth and -Care Solutions, Designed to Ensure an Efficient Trajectory from Goal Setting to Outcome Evaluation

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    Objectives: The digital transformation of the healthcare sector involves the procurement and implementation of new health technologies, which will likely be a challenge to healthcare providers who are not part of large organizations. In response to the needs of small and middle-sized health and care organizations, we have developed a process navigator to guide providers of healthcare through the processes of innovation, the procurement of mature products, and their implementation in telehealth and telecare projects. Methods: A narrative overview identified health-technology-assessment-inspired models. Conversations with national and international colleagues identified project and implementation models. The origin of the included models was identified, and relevant articles were referred to to describe the essential principles, including the nature of stakeholder involvement and the evaluation processes when appropriate. Based on the inputs, we proposed the process navigator GoTO. Results: Six health-technology-assessment-inspired models, six project models, one implementation model, and one innovation model were identified and informed the creation of the GoTO process navigator. The navigator consists of four parts: inception (eight steps); materialization (three tracks, depending on the maturity of the planned solution); implementation (five steps); and the final assessment and evaluation. Conclusion: The GoTO process navigator is an intuitive guide for innovation, procurement, and implementation in telehealth and -care. The GoTo navigator can assist providers of digital health and care services throughout the process from the initial identification of goals to the final evaluation of outcomes