526 research outputs found

    Nondiffusive suprathermal ion transport in simple magnetized toroidal plasmas

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    We investigate suprathermal ion dynamics in simple magnetized toroidal plasmas in the pres- ence of electrostatic turbulence driven by the ideal interchange instability. Turbulent fields from fluid simulations are used in the non-relativistic equation of ion motion to compute suprathermal tracer ion trajectories. Suprathermal ion dispersion starts with a brief ballistic phase, during which particles do not interact with the plasma, followed by a turbulence interaction phase. In this one simple system, we observe the entire spectrum of suprathermal ion dynamics, from subdiffusion to superdiffusion, depending on beam energy and turbulence amplitude. We estimate the duration of the ballistic phase and identify basic mechanisms during the interaction phase that determine the character of suprathermal ion dispersion upon the beam energy and turbulence fluctuation amplitude.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted in PR

    Dynamics of plasma blobs in a shear flow

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    The global dynamic of plasma blobs in a shear flow is investigated in a simple magnetized torus using the spatial Fourier harmonics (k-space) framework. Direct experimental evidence of a linear drift in k space of the density fluctuation energy synchronized with blob events is presented. During this drift, an increase of the fluctuation energy and a production of the kinetic energy associated with blobs are observed. The energy source of the blob is analyzed using an advection-dissipation-type equation that includes blob-flow exchange energy, linear drift in k space, nonlinear processes, and viscous dissipations. We show that blobs tap their energy from the dominant E B vertical background flow during the linear drift stage. The exchange of energy is unidirectional as there is no evidence that blobs return energy to the flow

    Methods for characterising microphysical processes in plasmas

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    Advanced spectral and statistical data analysis techniques have greatly contributed to shaping our understanding of microphysical processes in plasmas. We review some of the main techniques that allow for characterising fluctuation phenomena in geospace and in laboratory plasma observations. Special emphasis is given to the commonalities between different disciplines, which have witnessed the development of similar tools, often with differing terminologies. The review is phrased in terms of few important concepts: self-similarity, deviation from self-similarity (i.e. intermittency and coherent structures), wave-turbulence, and anomalous transport.Comment: Space Science Reviews (2013), in pres

    Statistical analysis and modeling of intermittent transport events in the tokamak SOL

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    The turbulence observed in the scrape-off-layer of a tokamak is often characterized by intermittent events of bursty nature, a feature which raises concerns about the prediction of heat loads on the physical boundaries of the device. It appears thus necessary to delve into the statistical properties of turbulent physical fields such as density, electrostatic potential and temperature, focusing on the mathematical expression of tails of the probability distribution functions. The method followed here is to generate statistical information from time-traces of the plasma density stemming from Braginskii-type fluid simulations, and check this against a first-principles theoretical model. The analysis of the numerical simulations indicates that the probability distribution function of the intermittent process contains strong exponential tails, as predicted by the analytical theory.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Fast visible imaging of turbulent plasma in TORPEX

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    Fast framing cameras constitute an important recent diagnostic development aimed at monitoring light emission from magnetically confined plasmas, and are now commonly used to study turbulence in plasmas. In the TORPEX toroidal device [A. Fasoli et al., Phys. Plasmas 13, 055902 (2006)], low frequency electrostatic fluctuations associated with drift-interchange waves are routinely measured by means of extensive sets of Langmuir probes. A Photron Ultima APX-RS fast framing camera has recently been acquired to complement Langmuir probe measurements, which allows comparing statistical and spectral properties of visible light and electrostatic fluctuations. A direct imaging system has been developed, which allows viewing the light, emitted from microwave-produced plasmas tangentially and perpendicularly to the toroidal direction. The comparison of the probability density function, power spectral density, and autoconditional average of the camera data to those obtained using a multiple head electrostatic probe covering the plasma cross section shows reasonable agreement in the case of perpendicular view and in the plasma region where interchange modes dominate.This work is partly funded by the “Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique.

    Current driven rotating kink mode in a plasma column with a non-line-tied free end

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    First experimental measurements are presented for the kink instability in a linear plasma column which is insulated from an axial boundary by finite sheath resistivity. Instability threshold below the classical Kruskal-Shafranov threshold, axially asymmetric mode structure and rotation are observed. These are accurately reproduced by a recent kink theory, which includes axial plasma flow and one end of the plasma column that is free to move due to a non-line-tied boundary condition.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure
