722 research outputs found

    Numerical Implementation of lepton-nucleus interactions and its effect on neutrino oscillation analysis

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    We discuss the implementation of the nuclear model based on realistic nuclear spectral functions in the GENIE neutrino interaction generator. Besides improving on the Fermi gas description of the nuclear ground state, our scheme involves a new prescription for Q2Q^2 selection, meant to efficiently enforce energy momentum conservation. The results of our simulations, validated through comparison to electron scattering data, have been obtained for a variety of target nuclei, ranging from carbon to argon, and cover the kinematical region in which quasi elastic scattering is the dominant reaction mechanism. We also analyse the influence of the adopted nuclear model on the determination of neutrino oscillation parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 35 figures, version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Theoretical Uncertainties in the QCD Evolution of Structure Functions and their Impact on αs(MZ2)\alpha_s(M_Z^2)

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    The differences are discussed between various next-to-leading order prescriptions for the QCD evolution of parton densities and structure functions. Their quantitative impact is understood to an accuracy of 0.02\%. The uncertainties due to the freedom to choose the renormalization and factorization scales are studied. The quantitative consequences of the different uncertainties on the extraction of the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s from scaling violations in deep--inelastic scattering are estimated for the kinematic regime accessible at HERA.Comment: 10 pages Latex, including 3 eps-figures, and a style file. To appear in: Proc. of the International Workshop: QCD and QED in Higher Orders, Rheinsberg, April, 1996, Nucl. Phys. {\bf B} (Proc. Suppl); The lay-out of the paper has been changed, one figure sent separately before has been bound i


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    We investigate the spectral properties of the volume operator in quantum gravity in the framework of a previously introduced lattice discretization. The presence of a well-defined scalar product in this approach permits us to make definite statements about the hermiticity of quantum operators. We find that the spectrum of the volume operator is discrete, but that the nature of its eigenstates differs from that found in an earlier continuum treatment.Comment: 15 pages, TeX, 3 figures (postscript, compressed and uu-encoded), May 9

    Prospects of light sterile neutrino oscillation and CP violation searches at the Fermilab Short Baseline Neutrino Facility

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    We investigate the ability of the short baseline neutrino (SBN) experimental program at Fermilab to test the globally-allowed (3 þ N) sterile neutrino oscillation parameter space. We explicitly consider the globally-allowed parameter space for the (3 þ 1), (3 þ 2), and (3 þ 3) sterile neutrino oscillation scenarios. We find that SBN can probe with 5σ sensitivity more than 85%, 95% and 55% of the parameter space currently allowed at 99% confidence level for the (3 þ 1), (3 þ 2) and (3 þ 3) scenarios, respectively, with the (3 þ N) allowed space used in these studies closely resembling that of previous studies [J. M. Conrad, C. M. Ignarra, G. Karagiorgi, M. H. Shaevitz, and J. Spitz, Adv. High Energy Phys. 2013, 1 (2013).], calculated using the same methodology. In the case of the (3 þ 2) and (3 þ 3) scenarios, CP-violating phases appear in the oscillation probability terms, leading to observable differences in the appearance probabilities of neutrinos and antineutrinos. We explore SBN’s sensitivity to those phases for the (3 þ 2) scenario through the currently planned neutrino beam running, and investigate potential improvements through additional antineutrino beam running. We show that, if antineutrino exposure is considered, for maximal values of the (3 þ 2) CP-violating phase ϕ54, SBN could be the first experiment to directly observe ∼2σ hints of CP violation associated with an extended lepton sector

    Leading logarithmic large-x resummation of off-diagonal splitting functions and coefficient functions

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    We analyze the iterative structure of unfactorized partonic structure functions in the large-x limit, and derive all-order expressions for the leading-logarithmic off-diagonal splitting functions P_gq and P_qg and the corresponding coefficient functions C_phi,q and C_2,g in Higgs- and gauge-boson exchange deep-inelastic scattering. The splitting functions are given in terms of a new function not encountered in perturbative QCD so far, and vanish maximally in the supersymmetric limit C_A - C_F to 0. The coefficient functions do not vanish in this limit, and are given by simple expressions in terms of the above new function and the well-known leading-logarithmic threshold exponential. Our results also apply to the evolution of fragmentation functions and semi-inclusive e^+ e^- annihilation.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 1 eps-figur

    The Singlet Contribution to the Structure Function g1(x,Q2)g_1(x,Q^2) at Small xx

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    The resummation of O(αsl+1ln2lx)O(\alpha_s^{l+1} \ln^{2l} x) terms in the evolution equation of the singlet part of g1(x,Q2)g_1(x,Q^2) is carried out. The corresponding singlet evolution kernels are calculated explicitely. The leading small-xx contribution to the three-loop splitting function matrix is determined in the MS\overline{\rm MS} scheme. Relations are derived for the case of N=1{\cal N} = 1 supersymmetric Yang--Mills field theory. Numerical results are presented for the polarized singlet and gluon densities, and the structure functions g1p(x,Q2)g_1^{\, p}(x,Q^2) and g1n(x,Q2)g_1^{\, n}(x,Q^2). They are compared for different assumptions on the non--perturbative input distributions, and the stability of the results against presently unknown subleading contributions is investigated.Comment: 10 pages Latex, including two eps-figures, all compressed by uufil

    The Evolution of Unpolarized and Polarized Structure Functions at Small xx

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    A survey is given of recent developments on the resummed small-xx evolution, in a framework based on the renormalization group equation, of non--singlet and singlet structure functions in both unpolarized and polarized deep--inelastic scattering. The available resummed anomalous dimensions are discussed for all these cases, and the most important analytic and numerical results are compiled. The quantitative effects of these small-xx resummations on the evolution of the various parton densities and structure functions are presented, and their present uncertainties are investigated. An application to QED radiative corrections is given.Comment: 18 pages Latex, including 11 eps-figures, and a style file. To appear in: Proc. of the International Workshop: QCD and QED in Higher Orders, Rheinsberg, April, 1996, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl

    Evolution of Parton Distributions

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    I present a highly efficient method for evolving parton distributions in perturbative QCD. The method allows evolving the parton distribution functions according to any of the commonly-used truncations of the evolution equations (which differ in their treatment of higher-order terms). I also give formul\ae\ for computing crossing functions within the method.Comment: 28 pages, TeX, "draft" notice delete

    Canonical Quantisation in n.A=0 gauges

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    We give a unified derivation of the propagator in the gauges n.A=0n.A=0 for n2n^2 timelike, spacelike or lightlike. We discuss the physical states and other physical questions.Comment: 7 pages, DAMTP 93-33, ITP-SB-93-3

    An inverse oblique effect in human vision

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    AbstractIn the classic oblique effect contrast detection thresholds, orientation discrimination thresholds, and other psychophysical measures are found to be smallest for vertical or horizontal stimuli and significantly higher for stimuli near the ±45° obliques. Here we report a novel inverse oblique effect in which thresholds for detecting translational structure in random dot patterns [Glass, L. (1969). Moiré effect from random dots. Nature, 223, 578–580] are lowest for obliquely oriented structure and higher for either horizontal or vertical structure. Area summation experiments provide evidence that this results from larger pooling areas for oblique orientations in these patterns. The results can be explained quantitatively by a model for complex cells in which the final filtering stage in a filter–rectify–filter sequence is of significantly larger area for oblique orientations