952 research outputs found

    H2 Formation on Interstellar Grains in Different Physical Regimes

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    An analysis of the kinetics of H2 formation on interstellar dust grains is presented using rate equations. It is shown that semi-empirical expressions that appeared in the literature represent two different physical regimes. In particular, it is shown that the expression given by Hollenbach, Werner and Salpeter [ApJ, 163, 165 (1971)] applies when high flux, or high mobility, of H atoms on the surface of a grain, makes it very unlikely that H atoms evaporate before they meet each other and recombine. The expression of Pirronello et al.\ [ApJ, 483, L131 (1997)] -- deduced on the basis of accurate measurements on realistic dust analogue -- applies to the opposite regime (low coverage and low mobility). The implications of this analysis for the understanding of the processes dominating in the Interstellar Medium are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, MN styl

    Study of the activity of sunflower honey against a mixed microbial association isolated from bees with signs of dyspepsia in laboratory conditions

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    Beekeeping is one of the essential branches of agriculture in Ukraine, the main activity of which is aimed at breeding bees and obtaining honey and other products beneficial for human health. Maintaining the physiological state of bee colonies at the proper level is one of the essential tasks of veterinary medicine doctors and beekeepers. Compliance with veterinary and sanitary requirements at bee farms is the basis of preventing infectious pathologies in bee colonies. Since the body of insects has a fast metabolism, any infectious pathology quickly acquires a massive manifestation. One indicative symptom of infectious damage to the “gut” of bees is dyspepsia. Diarrhea, anorexia, and loss of productivity are observed in bees in this condition. The market of means to prevent such pathological manifestations in beekeeping is relatively narrow. The healing and favorable properties of honey, manifested in pain-relieving, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, have been known since ancient times. Sunflower honey differs from other types in a wide range of components, particularly phytoncides, which inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, the main goal of the experiment was a laboratory study of the effect of different concentrations of sunflower honey sieve on the mixed microbial association isolated from bees with signs of dyspepsia. The activity of sunflower honey in laboratory conditions was studied by the disco-diffusion method in Petri dishes on MPA medium (meat-peptone agar). To obtain syrup from sunflower honey, sunflower honey was diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1:1, working solutions were prepared from sunflower honey syrup in dilutions of 1:2, 1:4, 1:10, 1:100. The data analysis indicates the bacteriostatic activity of the syrup from sunflower honey in all studied concentrations concerning the mixed microbial association. Moreover, the largest diameter of the growth inhibition zone of the studied microorganisms was noted when the syrup from sunflower honey was diluted in a ratio of 1:10 (19.2 ± 0.42 mm). In turn, the antagonistic effect of the syrup from sunflower honey was observed in all dilutions concerning the mixed microbial association, where the largest diameter of the antagonism was 19.6 ± 0.27 mm when the disc was impregnated with the native working solution. Thus, it is promising to accumulate and identify a pure culture antagonist concerning a mixed culture of bacteria isolated during bee diarrhea to further create a pharmacological agent for preventing infectious pathologies of bees in unhealthy apiaries


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    In this article considers the effectiveness of the impact of sports on the functionality of the cardiovascular system of girls 17-21 years old living within the Podolsk region. The function of the cardiovascular system of girls was evaluated by the ability to recover after termination of work (by the parameters of heart rate). Classes cycling and playing sports (performance of muscle work of which is connected with the mixed mode of power supply) and martial arts (performance of muscular work is associated with anaerobic (lactate) mode of power supply) contribute to improvement the functional possibilities of the cardiovascular system. This is manifested by the acceleration of recovery of heart rate after metered physical loads of 1 watts and 2 watts per 1 kg of body weight. The smallest percentage of person with a slow recovery of heart rate were detected among athletes, volleyball players and representatives of complex coordination sports. These individuals are involved in the performing of physical exercise with anaerobic (alactate) processes of metabolism.In this article considers the effectiveness of the impact of sports on the functionality of the cardiovascular system of girls 17-21 years old living within the Podolsk region. The function of the cardiovascular system of girls was evaluated by the ability to recover after termination of work (by the parameters of heart rate). Classes cycling and playing sports (performance of muscle work of which is connected with the mixed mode of power supply) and martial arts (performance of muscular work is associated with anaerobic (lactate) mode of power supply) contribute to improvement the functional possibilities of the cardiovascular system. This is manifested by the acceleration of recovery of heart rate after metered physical loads of 1 watts and 2 watts per 1 kg of body weight. The smallest percentage of person with a slow recovery of heart rate were detected among athletes, volleyball players and representatives of complex coordination sports. These individuals are involved in the performing of physical exercise with anaerobic (alactate) processes of metabolism

    Analysis of antithrombotic therapy of atrial fibrillation in international and Russian registries

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    In the article the features of the organization of international and Russian registers of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients included in the registers, as well as the features of antithrombotic therapy of AF and its compliance with current clinical guidelines were observed. In a number of large randomized controlled trials (RCTs), not less effectiveness, and in some cases, the superiority of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) over warfarin, were proved in the prevention of ischemic insulin stroke patients with non-valvular AF with better safety profile and ease of use. However, the problem of the use of data obtained during RCTs in real clinical practice, for the solution of which medical registers are gaining much popularity, remains relevant. The article provides an analysis of 16 prospective multicenter international and Russian registers of patients with AF. For convenience of comparison, registers were divided into three groups in accordance with the features of the organization and inclusion criteria. Unambiguous conclusions were drawn about the incompatibility of the real clinical practice of antithrombotic therapy of AF with current clinical recommendations. Differences in the population of patients with AF in Russia compared with European countries were found, which led to the conclusion that insufficient detection of AF at the outpatient stage of diagnosis and the resulting inappropriate anticoagulant therapy aiming the prevention of stroke and ischemic complications take place, which may be due to the differences in the socioeconomic status of the regions and the characteristics of the organization of medical treatment and preventive care to the population


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    Aim. To analyze current clinical practice in the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) in emergency care department of multidisciplinary hospital in 2008-2009. Material and methods. Retrospective continuous pharmacoepidemiology study was carried out. Hospital history sheets of the patients admitted to the emergency care department in the period from 01.01.2008 to 31.12.2009 were analyzed. Results. Physicians of emergency care department mainly chose strategy of sinus rhythm restoration and maintenance in patients with paroxysmal and persistent AF . To implement this strategy pharmacological cardioversion was performed in patients with stable hemodynamics. The most frequently used medicine for pharmacological cardioversion was procainamide (60% of all prescriptions). Its efficacy was about 50% as compared with this of 80% for amiodarone and propafenone. In order to maintain sinus rhythm monotherapy with beta-blockers or amiodarone was preferred. Conclusion. Overall, AF treatment corresponded to current guidelines. Physicians preferred strategy of sinus rhythm restoration and maintenance


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    The influence of fertilizer on the growth and development of spring barley has been studied and the influence of phosphoazotine on the productivity and quality of spring barley grain has been analyzed and the efficiency of using the proposed fertilizer system has been established.One of the conditions for intensive agriculture at the present stage is the optimal management of nutrients and creating their active balance through the use of mineral fertilizers in the implementation of programmed yield levels based on a clear implementation of science-based system (model) measures and technologies for enhanced soil fertility reproduction. regional conditions.The genetic potential of modern varieties of cereals, including spring barley, has crossed the 10 t / ha mark. However, due to insufficient study of the biological characteristics of these varieties, lack of mineral fertilizers and financial resources, as well as changes in weather and climatic conditions, the realization of genetic potential reaches barely 40-50%. One of the important factors that significantly affect the productivity of cereals is the optimal fertilizer system.The agrochemical and economic feasibility of fertilizing spring barley with phosphoazitin has been proved and the optimal doses of fertilizers for this crop on sod-podzolic sandy soils of the Western Polissya of Ukraine have been established.Meat waste can be a valuable fertilizer due to its high protein content. This is one of the promising measures to reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. One ton of this fertilizer is close to 5 tons of manure.The positive effect of this fertilizer must be supplemented with mineral fertilizers. But in conditions of high prices for fertilizers, even partial replacement can give significant savings.Numerous studies show that the productivity of spring barley depends on its growth and development during the growing season. Given this, we were faced with the task of studying the effect of fertilizers on the growth and development of spring barley plants. Structural analysis data show that yield structure indicators also depended on fertilizer systems.Досліджений вплив удобрення на ріст і розвиток ячменю ярого та проаналізований вплив фосфоазотину на продуктивність та якість зерна ячменю ярого і встановлена ефективність використання запропонованої системи удобрення.Доведено агрохімічну та економічну доцільність удобрення ячменю ярого фосфоазитином та встановлені оптимальні дози застосування добрив під дану культуру на дерново-підзолистих супіщаних ґрунтах Західного Полісся України.Генетичний потенціал сучасних сортів зернових культур, у тому числі ярого ячменю, перевищив позначку в 10 т/га. Однак через недостатню вивченість біологічних особливостей цих сортів, нестачу мінеральних добрив і фінансових ресурсів, а також зміну погодно-кліматичних умов реалізація генетичного потенціалу досягає ледве 40–50%. Одним із важливих факторів, що істотно впливають на продуктивність зернових культур, є оптимальна система удобрення.Доведено агрохімічну та економічну доцільність підживлення ярого ячменю фосфоазитином та встановлено оптимальні дози добрив для цієї культури на дерново-підзолистих піщаних ґрунтах Західного Полісся України.М’ясні відходи можуть бути цінним добривом завдяки високому вмісту білка. Це один із перспективних заходів щодо зменшення кількості азотних і фосфорних добрив. Одна тонна цього добрива – це близько 5 тон гною.Позитивну дію цього добрива необхідно доповнити мінеральними добривами. Але в умовах високих цін на добрива навіть часткова заміна може дати значну економію.Численні дослідження показують, що продуктивність ярого ячменю залежить від його росту та розвитку протягом вегетації. З огляду на це перед нами постало завдання вивчення впливу добрив на ріст і розвиток рослин ярого ячменю. Дані структурного аналізу показують, що показники структури врожайності також залежали від систем внесення добрив

    Key indicators of beef safety and quality as important aspects of conservation

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    Meat cattle breeding should develop in Ukraine as a priority and independent industry to meet beef needs. The meat industry has enormous potential and, as the most promising and attractive, will take a dominant place in the structure of the domestic food industry in the coming years. Beef is one of the most essential elements of the human diet. It contains complete proteins and animal fats, biologically active substances, mineral elements, and vitamins. The most important feature of food products is their quality and safety indicators, that is, the absence of substances harmful to the consumer's health and pathogens of infectious and invasive diseases. In this regard, veterinary and sanitary expertise and product safety control are of particular importance, as they are necessary to ensure the health of the population of Ukraine. Improving the quality of meat and meat products is a primary task in modern conditions. The implementation of this task depends not only on agricultural but also on processing enterprises. The article presents materials on the study of critical indicators of the safety and quality of beef. The study was carried out as part of the research work of the Department of Normal and Pathological Morphology, hygiene, and Expertise: “Monitoring the content of toxic substances in drinking water, feed and their impact on the body of cattle and the quality and safety of products”, state registration number – 0120U101318. The material for the research was the slaughter products of domestic animals, such as cattle, which were supplied to enterprises in the city of Zhytomyr. Pre-slaughter inspection and veterinary-sanitary examination of carcasses and their slaughter products of cattle was carried out following the “Rules of pre-slaughter veterinary examination of animals and veterinary-sanitary examination of meat and meat products”. The study aims to determine the safety and quality indicators of beef obtained in the conditions of meat processing enterprises of the Zhytomyr region. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive survey of beef safety and quality indicators was conducted. As a result of the tests, it was established that the pH level of the meat was 5.7–6.1. Carrying out the reaction with a 5 % solution of CuSO4 in the broth showed that the broth was transparent. A positive response to peroxidase was also detected. The safety parameters corresponded to regulatory documents. Careful control of the safety and quality of beef at every stage of production, starting from the rearing of animals and up to the sale of the product, guarantees a high degree of consumer protection

    Effective Lagrangian for strongly coupled domain wall fermions

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    We derive the effective Lagrangian for mesons in lattice gauge theory with domain-wall fermions in the strong-coupling and large-N_c limits. We use the formalism of supergroups to deal with the Pauli-Villars fields, needed to regulate the contributions of the heavy fermions. We calculate the spectrum of pseudo-Goldstone bosons and show that domain wall fermions are doubled and massive in this regime. Since we take the extent and lattice spacing of the fifth dimension to infinity and zero respectively, our conclusions apply also to overlap fermions.Comment: 26 pp. RevTeX and 3 figures; corrected error in symmetry breaking scheme and added comments to discussio

    Chiral perturbation theory at O(a^2) for lattice QCD

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    We construct the chiral effective Lagrangian for two lattice theories: one with Wilson fermions and the other with Wilson sea fermions and Ginsparg-Wilson valence fermions. For each of these theories we construct the Symanzik action through order a2a^2. The chiral Lagrangian is then derived, including terms of order a2a^2, which have not been calculated before. We find that there are only few new terms at this order. Corrections to existing coefficients in the continuum chiral Lagrangian are proportional to a2a^2, and appear in the Lagrangian at order a2p2a^2 p^2 or higher. Similarly, O(4) symmetry breaking terms enter the Symanzik action at order a2a^2, but contribute to the chiral Lagrangian at order a2p4a^2 p^4 or higher. We calculate the light meson masses in chiral perturbation theory for both lattice theories. At next-to-leading order, we find that there are no order a2a^2 corrections to the valence-valence meson mass in the mixed theory due to the enhanced chiral symmetry of the valence sector.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX2e; references adde


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    Досліджений вплив удобрення на ріст і розвиток ячменю ярого та проаналізований вплив фосфоазотину на продуктивність та якість зерна ячменю ярого і встановлена ефективність використання запропонованої системи удобрення. Доведено агрохімічну та економічну доцільність удобрення ячменю ярого фосфоазитином та встановлені оптимальні дози застосування добрив під дану культуру на дерново-підзолистих супіщаних ґрунтах Західного Полісся України. Генетичний потенціал сучасних сортів зернових культур, у тому числі ярого ячменю, перевищив позначку в 10 т/га. Однак через недостатню вивченість біологічних особливостей цих сортів, нестачу мінеральних добрив і фінансових ресурсів, а також зміну погодно-кліматичних умов реалізація генетичного потенціалу досягає ледве 40–50%. Одним із важливих факторів, що істотно впливають на продуктивність зернових культур, є оптимальна система удобрення. Доведено агрохімічну та економічну доцільність підживлення ярого ячменю фосфоазитином та встановлено оптимальні дози добрив для цієї культури на дерново-підзолистих піщаних ґрунтах Західного Полісся України. М’ясні відходи можуть бути цінним добривом завдяки високо- му вмісту білка. Це один із перспективних заходів щодо зменшення кількості азотних і фосфорних добрив. Одна тонна цього добрива – це близько 5 тон гною. Позитивну дію цього добрива необхідно доповнити мінеральними добривами. Але в умовах високих цін на добрива навіть часткова заміна може дати значну економію. Численні дослідження показують, що продуктивність ярого ячменю залежить від його росту та розвитку протягом вегетації. З огляду на це перед нами постало завдання вивчення впливу добрив на ріст і розвиток рослин ярого ячменю. Дані структурного аналізу показують, що показники структури врожайності також залежали від систем внесення добрив