285 research outputs found

    Efficiently Computing All Delaunay Triangles Occurring over All Contiguous Subsequences

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    p_n}, we are interested in computing T, the set of distinct triangles occurring over all Delaunay triangulations of contiguous subsequences within P. We present a deterministic algorithm for this purpose with near-optimal time complexity O(|T|log n). Additionally, we prove that for an arbitrary point set in random order, the expected number of Delaunay triangles occurring over all contiguous subsequences is ?(nlog n)

    An Upper Bound on the Number of Extreme Shortest Paths in Arbitrary Dimensions

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    Graphs with multiple edge costs arise naturally in the route planning domain when apart from travel time other criteria like fuel consumption or positive height difference are also objectives to be minimized. In such a scenario, this paper investigates the number of extreme shortest paths between a given source-target pair s, t. We show that for a fixed but arbitrary number of cost types d ? 1 the number of extreme shortest paths is in n^O(log^{d-1}n) in graphs G with n nodes. This is a generalization of known upper bounds for d = 2 and d = 3

    Preference-Based Trajectory Clustering - An Application of Geometric Hitting Sets

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    In a road network with multicriteria edge costs we consider the problem of computing a minimum number of driving preferences such that a given set of paths/trajectories is optimal under at least one of these preferences. While the exact formulation and solution of this problem appears theoretically hard, we show that in practice one can solve the problem exactly even for non-homeopathic instance sizes of several thousand trajectories in a road network of several million nodes. We also present a parameterized guaranteed-polynomial-time scheme with very good practical performance

    Constant Time Queries for Energy Efficient Paths in Multi-hop Wireless Networks

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    We investigate algorithms for computing energy efficient paths in ad-hoc radio networks. We demonstrate how advanced data structures from computational geometry can be employed to preprocess the position of radio stations in such a way that approximately energy optimal paths can be retrieved in constant time, i.e., independent of the network size. We put particular emphasis on actual implementations which demonstrate that large constant factors hidden in the theoretical analysis are not a big problem in practice

    Combinatorial curve reconstruction and the efficient exact implementation of geometric algorithms

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    This thesis has two main parts. The first part deals with the problem of curve reconstruction. Given a finite sample set S from an unknown collection of curves Gamma, the task is to compute the graph G(S, Gamma) which has vertex set S and an edge between exactly those pairs of vertices that are adjacent on some curve in Gamma. We present a purely combinatorial algorithm that solves the curve reconstruction problem in polynomial time. It is the first algorithm which provably handles collections of curves with corners and endpoints. In the second part of this thesis, we will be concerned with the exact and efficient im plementation of geometric algorithms. First, we develop a generalized filtering scheme to speed-up exact geometric computation and then discuss the design of an object-oriented kernel for geometric computation.Diese Dissertation besteht aus zwei Teilen. Der erste Teil beschĂ€ftigt sich mit den Problemen der Kurvenrekonstruktion. Gegeben eine endliche Menge von Stichprobenpunkten S von einer Menge von unbekannten Kurven Gamma, besteht die Aufgabe darin, den Graphen G(S, Gamma) zu konstruieren, welcher die Knotenmenge S und Kanten zwischen genau den Knotenpaaren besitzt, welche auf einer der Kurven in Gamma adjazent sind. Wir prĂ€sentieren einen rein kombinatorischen Algorithmus, der das Kurevenkonstruktionsproblem in polynomieller Zeit löst. Es ist der erste Algorithmus, der beweisbar Mengen von Kurven rekonstruieren kann, wenn diese auch Ecken und Endpunkte beinhalten dĂŒrfen. Der zweite Teil dieser Dissertation handelt von der exakten und effizienten Implementierung von Geometrischen Algorithmen. Wir entwickeln zunĂ€chst ein generalisiertes Filterschema, um exakte geometrische Berechnungen zu beschleunigen, und entwerfen dann das Design eines objektorientierten Kernels fĂŒr geometrische Berechnungen
