11 research outputs found

    54 th European Congress of the Regional Science Association 26 th -29 th

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    Abstract Studies, which aim to increase life satisfaction of the elderly, are gradually gaining importance. Findings of various studies underline the importance of environmental conditions as one of the factors that influence the perception of life quality and life satisfaction among the elderly. This study aims to define the physical and socio-economic environment determinants which affect the overall life satisfaction of the elderly in Istanbul. Independent samples t-test is used to analyze the difference in life satisfaction between socio-demographic characteristics and between socioeconomic environment determinants, which include the frequency of socializing with friends and the youth, having a caretaker, participation in social activities, seaside holidays, and participation in trips

    54 th European Congress of the Regional Science Association 26 th -29 th

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    TREATMENT OF WILMS TUMOR: A Report from the Turkish Pediatric Oncology Group (TPOG)

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    Aim: To standardize diagnosis and treatment of childhood Wilms tumor (WT) in Turkey. Methods and patients: Between 1998 and 2006, WT patients were registered from 19 centers. Patients 2 years had significantly more advanced disease. 1/11 cases with recurrent disease died; 2/165 had progressive disease, 2/165 had secondary cancers, and all 4 died. In all cases 4-year OS and EFS were 92.8 and 86.5%, respectively. Both OS and EFS were significantly worse in stage IV. Conclusions: Despite problems in patient management and follow-up, treatment results were encouraging in this first national experience with a multicentric study in pediatric oncology. Revisions and modifications are planned to further improve results and minimize short- and long-term side effects

    A Nationwide Retrospective Study in Turkish Children With Nephrocalcinosis.

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    Background/aim: Nephrocalcinosis (NC) is defined as calcium deposition in the kidney parenchyma and tubules. This study aims to determine the etiology, risk factors, and follow-up results of patients with NC in Turkey. Materials and methods: Patients diagnosed with NC in the pediatric nephrology Department Units of 19 centers from all geographical regions of Turkey over a 10-year period (2010-2019) were included in the study. The medical records from the centers were reviewed and demographic data, admission complaints, medical history, systemic and genetic disorders, risk factors for NC, treatment details, and presence of NC after one-year follow-up, were recorded retrospectively. Results: The study sample included 195 patients (88 females, 107 males). The mean age at diagnosis was 39.44 +/- 47.25 (0.5-208) months; 82/190 patients (43.2%) were diagnosed incidentally; 46/195 patients (23.6%) had an underlying disease; idiopathic hypercalciuria was detected in 75/195 (38.4%) patients. The most common systemic diseases were distal renal tubular acidosis in 11/46 patients (23.9%), primary hyperoxaluria in 9/46 patients (19.6%) and Bartter syndrome in 7/46 patients (15.3%). After one year of follow-up, NC resolved in 56/159 patients (35.2%) and they all did not have an underlying systemic disease. Conclusion: The most common presentation of NC was incidental. Distal renal tubular acidosis and primary hyperoxaluria were the main systemic diseases leading to NC, while hypercalciuria was the most common metabolic risk factor. Nephrocalcinosis was found to remain in most of the patients at a one-year follow-up. It may resolve particularly in patients with no underlying systemic disease

    Comparison of infants and children with urolithiasis: a large case series.

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    We evaluated the demographic features, etiologic risk factors, treatment strategies, and outcome of the infants and children with urolithiasis (UL). A retrospective multicenter study was conducted including 23 Pediatric Nephrology centers in Turkey. The medical records of 2513 children with UL were reviewed. One thousand, three hundred and four boys and 1209 girls (1.1:1) were reported. The mean age at diagnosis was 39.5 +/- 35 months (0.4-231 months), and 1262 patients (50.2%) were in the first year of life (infants). Most of the cases with infantile UL were diagnosed incidentally. Microlithiasis (< 3 mm) was found in 794 patients (31.6%), and 64.5% of the patients with microlithiasis were infants. Stones were located in the pelvis-calyces in 63.2% (n: 1530) of the cases. The most common stone type was calcium oxalate (64.6%). Hypocitraturia was the most common metabolic risk factor (MRF) in children older than 12 months, but in infancy, hypercalciuria was more common. Fifty-five percent of the patients had received at least one medical treatment, mostly potassium citrate. At the end of a year's follow-up, most of the patients with microlithiasis (85%) showed spontaneous remission. The rate of spontaneous stone resolution in infants was higher than in children. Spontaneous remission rate was higher in cases with MRF ( - ) stones than in MRF ( +) stones. However, remission rate with medical treatment was higher in cases with MRF ( +) stones. This study represents the results of a large series of infants and children with UL and showed that there are several differences such as underlying metabolic and anatomic abnormalities, clinical course, and stone remission rates between infants and children with urinary stone disease