120 research outputs found

    Factors affecting responses of children with autism spectrum disorder to yes/no questions

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    This study aimed to clarify factors related to difficulties in responding to yes/no questions (Y/N-Qs) among 52 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 41 boys and 11 girls aged between 3:5-16:0 years. Participants completed the Tanaka-Binet Intelligence Scale V, the Picture Vocabulary Test: Revised (PVT-R), and the Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Autism Society Japan Rating Scale (PARS). A yes/no test, developed for this study, included two types of task: a naming true/false task and a request-intention task. For the naming true/false task, clear yes/no responses accounted for 60% of responses among preschool children and more than 90% of responses among school-aged children in the normal IQ and mildly cognitively-impaired groups. In contrast, clear yes/no responses accounted for less than 30% of responses in the moderately cognitively-impaired group, and less than 1% in the severely cognitively-impaired group. For the request-intention task, clear yes/no responses were higher than for naming true/false tasks. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that scores of PARS, estimated mental age, vocabulary age according to the PVT-R, and IQ are associated with clear yes/no responses. These findings appear to indicate that ability or inability to respond to Y/N-Qs follows a developmental pattern in children with ASD. © The Author(s) 2013

    Spontaneous pregnancy after full recovery from hypopituitarism caused by lymphocytic hypophysitis

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    Lymphocytic hypophysitis (LyH) has been known to be associated with pregnancy. We herein report the case of a 33-year-old woman who underwent vaginal delivery without massive bleeding at 40 weeks of gestation. Because of the presence of headache and terrible fatigue after childbirth, she visited our hospital. Severe hyponatremia (Na, 118 mEq/L) and visual field abnormality was noted upon examination. MRI revealed pituitary enlargement with a swollen pituitary stalk, albeit at low signal intensity. Basal pituitary hormone levels were all reduced and remained low after exogenous administration of hypothalamic-releasing hormones. She was diagnosed with LyH and was started on prednisolone 60 mg/day. A month later, her pituitary function had gradually improved together with a decrease in pituitary enlargement and recovery of her visual field. The dose of prednisolone was gradually reduced and finally withdrawn 27 months later. After prednisolone withdrawal, her pituitary function remained normal despite the absence of any hormonal replacement. A year later, she became pregnant without medication and delivered a second baby without LyH recurrence. Thereafter, her pituitary function has been normal for more than 5 years. Two valuable observations can be highlighted from the case. First, the patient completely recovered from LyH through prompt prednisolone therapy during its initial phase and had almost normal pituitary function. Second, after recovery from LyH, she was able to undergo spontaneous pregnancy and deliver a baby. We believe that reporting incidences of spontaneous pregnancy after complete normalization of pituitary function in patients with LyH is of great significance

    Meat Quality Assessment by Electronic Nose (Machine Olfaction Technology)

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    Over the last twenty years, newly developed chemical sensor systems (so called “electronic noses”) have made odor analyses possible. These systems involve various types of electronic chemical gas sensors with partial specificity, as well as suitable statistical methods enabling the recognition of complex odors. As commercial instruments have become available, a substantial increase in research into the application of electronic noses in the evaluation of volatile compounds in food, cosmetic and other items of everyday life is observed. At present, the commercial gas sensor technologies comprise metal oxide semiconductors, metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors, organic conducting polymers, and piezoelectric crystal sensors. Further sensors based on fibreoptic, electrochemical and bi-metal principles are still in the developmental stage. Statistical analysis techniques range from simple graphical evaluation to multivariate analysis such as artificial neural network and radial basis function. The introduction of electronic noses into the area of food is envisaged for quality control, process monitoring, freshness evaluation, shelf-life investigation and authenticity assessment. Considerable work has already been carried out on meat, grains, coffee, mushrooms, cheese, sugar, fish, beer and other beverages, as well as on the odor quality evaluation of food packaging material. This paper describes the applications of these systems for meat quality assessment, where fast detection methods are essential for appropriate product management. The results suggest the possibility of using this new technology in meat handling

    Development of a small telescope like PZT and effects of vibrations of mercury surface and ground noise

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. A PZT type telescope for observations of gravity gradient and lunar rotation was developed, and a Bread Board Model (BBM) for ground experiments was completed. Some developments were made for the BBM such as a tripod with attitude control system, a stable mercury pool and a method for collecting the effects of vibrations. Laboratory experiments and field observations were performed from August to September of 2014, in order to check the entire system of the telescope and the software, and the results were compared to the centroid experiments which pursue the best accuracy of determination of the center of star images with a simple optical system. It was also investigated how the vibrations of mercury surface affect the centroid position on Charge Coupled Device (CCD). The results of the experiments showed that the effects of vibrations are almost common to stars in the same view, and they can be corrected by removing mean variation of the stars; and that the vibration of mercury surface can cause errors in centroid as large as 0.2 arcsec; and that there is a strong correlation between the Standard Deviation (SD) of variation of the centroid position and signal to noise ratio (SNR) of star images. It is likely that the accuracy of one (1) milli arcsecond is possible if SNR is high enough and the effects of vibrations are corrected

    Development of a digital zenith telescope for advanced astrometry

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    Like other optical astrometric techniques, the Photographic Zenith Tube (PZT) has played a key role in the past observations of the Earth rotation, and it also has a potential to be applied to several other observations by taking advantage of automatic observations with self compensation of tilt of the tube. We here propose In-situ Lunar Orientation Measurement (ILOM) to study lunar rotational dynamics by direct observations of the lunar rotation from the lunar surface by using a small telescope like PZT with an accuracy of 1 milli-seconds of arc (1 mas) in the post-SELENE mission. Our second application is to obtain local gravity field on the Earth by combining deflection of the vertical measured by PZT and the position measured by Global Positioning System (GPS) or Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The accuracy required for this purpose is not as strict as ILOM. We have already developed a Bread Board Model (BBM) of the telescope for ILOM and made some experiments in order to know the performance of the driving mechanism under a similar condition to the lunar environment showing high vacuum, large temperature change and dusty condition. We have also shown that it is possible to correct the effects of uniform temperature change upon the optical system by using a simple model with an accuracy of better than 1 mas. This model has the potential to attain the accuracy of 1 mas, based on the results of the experiments and the simulations. © 2012 Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Monitoring of physical-chemical and microbiological changes in fresh pork meat under cold storage by means of a potentiometric electronic tongue

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    This work describes the correlation found along 10 days between potentiometric measurements obtained by using an electronic tongue and the variation in certain physicochemical, microbial and biochemical parameters measured on a whole piece of pork loin stored under refrigeration. The electronic tongue consists of a set of six electrodes made of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn and C, and a reference electrode. Through the use of various multivariate analysis techniques, such as: PCA and two types of artificial neural networks (i.e. multilayer perceptron (MLP) and fuzzy ARTMAP) it was found that it is possible to determine the time elapsed in relation to the degradation of the loin by using simple potentiometric measurements. Additionally, in the same pork sample used to measure redox potentials with the electronic tongue, the following parameters were also determined; pH, microbial count, concentrations of inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP), inosine (Ino) and hypoxanthine (Hx). Through the use of PLS analysis, it was found a rather good correlation between pH and the potentiometric data. Also a remarkable correlation was observed between the measures carried out with the electronic tongue and the so-called K-index that simultaneously measures the variation in the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) degradation products. These results suggest that this simple, or a similar electronic tongue, could be useful for the undemanding qualitative or semi-quantitative evaluation of freshness in meat samples in a wide range of situations. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.We would like to thanks the Spanish Government for support (Project CTQ2006-15456-C04-01/BQU and AGL2007-65379-C02-01 and 02/ALI). This work has been partially carried out under Associated Unit framework between IIAD (UPV) and IATA (CSIC).Gil Sánchez, L.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Baigts Allende, DK.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Soto Camino, J.; García Breijo, E.; Aristoy Albert, MC.... (2011). Monitoring of physical-chemical and microbiological changes in fresh pork meat under cold storage by means of a potentiometric electronic tongue. Food Chemistry. 126(3):1261-1268. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.11.054S12611268126

    The changing face of letterpress.

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    As part of the Changing Face of Letterpress programme of talks Danny Flynn and Eri Funazaki discuss their use of laser cutting for letterpress printing


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