378 research outputs found

    How The One-Stop System Serves People with Disabilities: A Nationwide Survey of Disability Agencies

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the opinion of the One-Stop system among state and local agencies that focus on people with disabilities. Representatives of agencies that specifically serve people with disabilities have a unique and important view of the One-Stop system's services. These people are knowledgeable about both the needs of job seekers with disabilities and the extent to which the One-Stop system in their state has included the disability community in planning and implementation

    One-Stop Accessibility: A Nationwide Survey of One-Stop Centers on Services for People with Disabilities

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    The purpose of this study is to ascertain the accessibility status of One-Stop centers andthe ways that workforce development systems are serving people with disabilities. It is important to gauge how services to people with disabilities are being implemented around the country. While WIA requires that all services be fully accessible to people with disabilities , and that VR agencies be partners in the One-Stop system, the real success of the One-Stop system for people with disabilities depends on the commitment of local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) and One-Stop Operators to create a system that responds to their needs. Services and programs for people with disabilities should not only focus on accessibility and nondiscrimination

    The Workforce Investment Act of 1998: Performance Management and People With Disabilities

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    The primer outlines the various components of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). It also suggests ways that people with disabilities can fully access WIA systems and services.The report was prepared for the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities and funded by the United States Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research

    Homoclinic snaking of localized states in doubly diffusive convection

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    Numerical continuation is used to investigate stationary spatially localized states in two-dimensional thermosolutal convection in a plane horizontal layer with no-slip boundary conditions at top and bottom. Convectons in the form of 1-pulse and 2-pulse states of both odd and even parity exhibit homoclinic snaking in a common Rayleigh number regime. In contrast to similar states in binary fluid convection, odd parity convectons do not pump concentration horizontally. Stable but time-dependent localized structures are present for Rayleigh numbers below the snaking region for stationary convectons. The computations are carried out for (inverse) Lewis number \tau = 1/15 and Prandtl numbers Pr = 1 and Pr >> 1

    Technology Alignment and Portfolio Prioritization (TAPP): Advanced Methods in Strategic Analysis, Technology Forecasting and Long Term Planning for Human Exploration and Operations, Advanced Exploration Systems and Advanced Concepts

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    The Advanced Concepts Office (ACO) at NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center is expanding its current technology assessment methodologies. ACO is developing a framework called TAPP that uses a variety of methods, such as association mining and rule learning from data mining, structure development using a Technological Innovation System (TIS), and social network modeling to measure structural relationships. The role of ACO is to 1) produce a broad spectrum of ideas and alternatives for a variety of NASA's missions, 2) determine mission architecture feasibility and appropriateness to NASA's strategic plans, and 3) define a project in enough detail to establish an initial baseline capable of meeting mission objectives ACO's role supports the decision-making process associated with the maturation of concepts for traveling through, living in, and understanding space. ACO performs concept studies and technology assessments to determine the degree of alignment between mission objectives and new technologies. The first step in technology assessment is to identify the current technology maturity in terms of a technology readiness level (TRL). The second step is to determine the difficulty associated with advancing a technology from one state to the next state. NASA has used TRLs since 1970 and ACO formalized them in 1995. The DoD, ESA, Oil & Gas, and DoE have adopted TRLs as a means to assess technology maturity. However, "with the emergence of more complex systems and system of systems, it has been increasingly recognized that TRL assessments have limitations, especially when considering [the] integration of complex systems." When performing the second step in a technology assessment, NASA requires that an Advancement Degree of Difficulty (AD2) method be utilized. NASA has used and developed or used a variety of methods to perform this step: Expert Opinion or Delphi Approach, Value Engineering or Value Stream, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for the Order of Prioritization by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and other multicriteria decision-making methods. These methods can be labor-intensive, often contain cognitive or parochial bias, and do not consider the competing prioritization between mission architectures. Strategic Decision-Making (SDM) processes cannot be properly understood unless the context of the technology is understood. This makes assessing technological change particularly challenging due to the relationships "between incumbent technology and the incumbent (innovation) system in relation to the emerging technology and the emerging innovation system." The central idea in technology dynamics is to consider all activities that contribute to the development, diffusion, and use of innovations as system functions. Bergek defines system functions within a TIS to address what is actually happening and has a direct influence on the ultimate performance of the system and technology development. ACO uses similar metrics and is expanding these metrics to account for the structure and context of the technology. At NASA technology and strategy is strongly interrelated. NASA's Strategic Space Technology Investment Plan (SSTIP) prioritizes those technologies essential to the pursuit of NASA's missions and national interests. The SSTIP is strongly coupled with NASA's Technology Roadmaps to provide investment guidance during the next four years, within a twenty-year horizon. This paper discusses the methods ACO is currently developing to better perform technology assessments while taking into consideration Strategic Alignment, Technology Forecasting, and Long Term Planning

    Technology Alignment and Portfolio Prioritization (TAPP)

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    Technology Alignment and Portfolio Prioritization (TAPP) is a method being developed by the Advanced Concepts Office, at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. The TAPP method expands on current technology assessment methods by incorporating the technological structure underlying technology development, e.g., organizational structures and resources, institutional policy and strategy, and the factors that motivate technological change. This paper discusses the methods ACO is currently developing to better perform technology assessments while taking into consideration Strategic Alignment, Technology Forecasting, and Long Term Planning

    Tratamiento oportuno de mordida cruzada en dentición mixta

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    Introducción: La mordida cruzada o mordida invertida es un trastorno del crecimiento dentario que involucra no más de dos piezas dentarias por discrepancia local o mal posición. Se debe corregir en dentición temprana o mixta. Las causas pueden ser traumatismos de dientes temporarios que desplazan a los permanentes en desarrollo, falta de diastemas, pérdida de longitud del arco, extracciones tempranas, caries. Requiere de interconsulta y tratamiento en forma conjunta con fonoaudiólogo y otorrinolaringólogo en casos de compromiso de vías respiratorias.Facultad de Odontologí

    Tratamiento oportuno de mordida cruzada en dentición mixta

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    Introducción: La mordida cruzada o mordida invertida es un trastorno del crecimiento dentario que involucra no más de dos piezas dentarias por discrepancia local o mal posición. Se debe corregir en dentición temprana o mixta. Las causas pueden ser traumatismos de dientes temporarios que desplazan a los permanentes en desarrollo, falta de diastemas, pérdida de longitud del arco, extracciones tempranas, caries. Requiere de interconsulta y tratamiento en forma conjunta con fonoaudiólogo y otorrinolaringólogo en casos de compromiso de vías respiratorias.Facultad de Odontologí

    Status of Salerno Laboratory (Measurements in Nuclear Emulsion)

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    A report on the analysis work in the Salerno Emulsion Laboratory is presented. It is related to the search for nu_mu->nu_tau oscillations in CHORUS experiment, the calibrations in the WANF (West Area Neutrino Facility) at Cern and tests and preparation for new experiments.Comment: Proc. The First International Workshop of Nuclear Emulsion Techniques (12-24 June 1998, Nagoya, Japan), 15 pages, 11 figure