22 research outputs found

    Modeling isovolumetric phases in cardiac flows by an Augmented Resistive Immersed Implicit Surface method

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    A major challenge in the computational fluid dynamics modeling of the heart function is the simulation of isovolumetric phases when the hemodynamics problem is driven by a prescribed boundary displacement. During such phases, both atrioventricular and semilunar valves are closed: consequently, the ventricular pressure may not be uniquely defined, and spurious oscillations may arise in numerical simulations. These oscillations can strongly affect valve dynamics models driven by the blood flow, making unlikely to recovering physiological dynamics. Hence, prescribed opening and closing times are usually employed, or the isovolumetric phases are neglected altogether. In this article, we propose a suitable modification of the Resistive Immersed Implicit Surface (RIIS) method (Fedele et al., Biomech Model Mechanobiol 2017, 16, 1779-1803) by introducing a reaction term to correctly capture the pressure transients during isovolumetric phases. The method, that we call Augmented RIIS (ARIIS) method, extends the previously proposed ARIS method (This et al., Int J Numer Methods Biomed Eng 2020, 36, e3223) to the case of a mesh which is not body-fitted to the valves. We test the proposed method on two different benchmark problems, including a new simplified problem that retains all the characteristics of a heart cycle. We apply the ARIIS method to a fluid dynamics simulation of a realistic left heart geometry, and we show that ARIIS allows to correctly simulate isovolumetric phases, differently from standard RIIS method. Finally, we demonstrate that by the new method the cardiac valves can open and close without prescribing any opening/closing times

    A mathematical model that integrates cardiac electrophysiology, mechanics, and fluid dynamics: Application to the human left heart

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    : We propose a mathematical and numerical model for the simulation of the heart function that couples cardiac electrophysiology, active and passive mechanics and hemodynamics, and includes reduced models for cardiac valves and the circulatory system. Our model accounts for the major feedback effects among the different processes that characterize the heart function, including electro-mechanical and mechano-electrical feedback as well as force-strain and force-velocity relationships. Moreover, it provides a three-dimensional representation of both the cardiac muscle and the hemodynamics, coupled in a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model. By leveraging the multiphysics nature of the problem, we discretize it in time with a segregated electrophysiology-force generation-FSI approach, allowing for efficiency and flexibility in the numerical solution. We employ a monolithic approach for the numerical discretization of the FSI problem. We use finite elements for the spatial discretization of partial differential equations. We carry out a numerical simulation on a realistic human left heart model, obtaining results that are qualitatively and quantitatively in agreement with physiological ranges and medical images

    Utilizzo di dati telerilevati nella mappatura e nel monitoraggio dei fenomeni franosi e nell’analisi della suscettibilità da frana

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    The recent advances in the optical satellites capabilities (e.g. high spatial resolution, stereoscopy), the development of new robust techniques based on the interferometric analysis of radar images, such as the Permanent Scatterers (PS) and the possibility of integrating these data within a Geographical Information System (GIS) have dramatically increased the potential of remote sensing for landslide investigations. The Arno river basin (Italy), with a spatial extension of about 9131 km2, has been chosen a as test area for the presence of a relevant number of mass movements (27270 landslides have been mapped by the institutional authorities by the end of 2004) and for its significance concerning the Italian Apennine territory. The aim of the research was to integrate the inventory maps produced through traditional methods with the information derived from the Permanent Scatterers standard interferometric analysis. The spatial significance of the PS point measures (about 600000 PS for the whole Arno river basin), also in terms of geological and geomorphological interpretation, was inferred with the help of optical satellite images and aerial-photos. This approach allowed the mapping of new unstable areas or the modification of boundaries and state of activity of existing landslides. The standard PS analysis was also employed for the validation of a statistically-based susceptibility map of the Arno river basin, through the analysis of predicted susceptibility over the areas identified as new landslides by the PS analysis. An advanced PS analysis, capable of detecting the time evolution of single important mass movements, was also applied over 4 test sites. The results for the Chianciano landslide are in particular presented. The integration of the advanced analysis with on siteal monitoring confirmed the inactivity of the principal landslide body but it revealed the presence of two possible minor movements

    An Image-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Mitral Regurgitation in Presence of Prolapse

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    Purpose: In this work we performed an imaged-based computational study of the systolic fluid dynamics in presence of mitral valve regurgitation (MVR). In particular, we compared healthy and different regurgitant scenarios with the aim of quantifying different hemodynamic quantities. Methods: We performed computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations in the left ventricle, left atrium and aortic root, with a resistive immersed method, a turbulence model, and with imposed systolic wall motion reconstructed from Cine-MRI images, which allowed us to segment also the mitral valve. For the regurgitant scenarios we considered an increase of the heart rate and a dilation of the left ventricle. Results: Our results highlighted that MVR gave rise to regurgitant jets through the mitral orifice impinging against the atrial walls and scratching against the mitral valve leading to high values of wall shear stresses (WSSs) with respect to the healthy case. Conclusion: CFD with prescribed wall motion and immersed mitral valve revealed to be an effective tool to quantitatively describe hemodynamics in case of MVR and to compare different regurgitant scenarios. Our findings highlighted in particular the presence of transition to turbulence in the atrium and allowed us to quantify some important cardiac indices such as cardiac output and WSS

    Sigh in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome: the PROTECTION pilot randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Sigh is a cyclic brief recruitment manoeuvre: previous physiological studies showed that its use could be an interesting addition to pressure support ventilation to improve lung elastance, decrease regional heterogeneity and increase release of surfactant. Research question: Is the clinical application of sigh during pressure support ventilation (PSV) feasible? Study design and methods: We conducted a multi-center non-inferiority randomized clinical trial on adult intubated patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure or acute respiratory distress syndrome undergoing PSV. Patients were randomized to the No Sigh group and treated by PSV alone, or to the Sigh group, treated by PSV plus sigh (increase of airway pressure to 30 cmH2Ofor 3 seconds once per minute) until day 28 or death or successful spontaneous breathing trial. The primary endpoint of the study was feasibility, assessed as non-inferiority (5% tolerance) in the proportion of patients failing assisted ventilation. Secondary outcomes included safety, physiological parameters in the first week from randomization, 28-day mortality and ventilator-free days. Results: Two-hundred fifty-eight patients (31% women; median age 65 [54-75] years) were enrolled. In the Sigh group, 23% of patients failed to remain on assisted ventilation vs. 30% in the No Sigh group (absolute difference -7%, 95%CI -18% to 4%; p=0.015 for non-inferiority). Adverse events occurred in 12% vs. 13% in Sigh vs. No Sigh (p=0.852). Oxygenation was improved while tidal volume, respiratory rate and corrected minute ventilation were lower over the first 7 days from randomization in Sigh vs. No Sigh. There was no significant difference in terms of mortality (16% vs. 21%, p=0.342) and ventilator-free days (22 [7-26] vs. 22 [3-25] days, p=0.300) for Sigh vs. No Sigh. Interpretation: Among hypoxemic intubated ICU patients, application of sigh was feasible and without increased risk

    High resolution CSK data for emergency response

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    On January 13, 2012, the Italian vessel Costa Concordia wrecked offshore the Giglio Island, along the coast of Tuscany (Italy). The ship partially sunk, lying on the starboard side on a steep rocky seabed, creating also pernicious conditions for divers involved in the search and rescue operations. Starting from January 19, the Italian COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) constellation of was tasked to acquire high resolution images of the wreck. Thanks to CSK’s short response and revisiting time and its capability to acquire high resolution images in spotlight mode, satellite data were integrated within the real time, ground-based monitoring system already installed, in order to provide the Civil Protection authorities with a regular update on the ship stability