824 research outputs found

    William Oliver Fuller Correspondence

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    Entry is a letter to Fuller. Date range: 1930-06-0

    Geothermal Power: Factors affecting the performance of Binary Plants

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    A meta-study is conducted investigating the effect of plant parameters on the power output and efficiency of geothermal binary cycle power plants. Production well depth, geofluid temperature and mass flow rate are the parameters considered. An increase in mass flow rate is shown to increase both power output and efficiency. It is shown that a distinction can be made between two basic types of binary plants based off of mass flow and performance data. The well depth is shown to have no effect on plant performance. In addition, condenser parameters were investigated and the highest efficiency condenser system is determined

    MEMS 411: Group B Prosthetic Arm Design

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    Design a custom prosthetic arm for a customer who is missing her arm two inches past her elbow. Introduce mobility so that she can utilize the arm to perform more everyday tasks than she was able to before with her immobile arm

    Exploring the relationship between risk perception, speed limit credibility and speed limit compliance

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    Driving speed is an important factor in road safety. Speed limit compliance is not only affected by the speed limit credibility, but is also related to driver’s risk perception. This study investigates the relationship between the factors of risk perception, speed limit credibility and speed limit compliance for a given rural single carriageway road and roadside environment. Speed limit credibility, subjective risk perception and compliance with the speed limit were measured separately. To be specific, speed limit credibility was measured by speed limit rating score using a picture questionnaire. Subjective risk perception was measured by risk rating in an automated car driving simulator for a given speed and road environment. Speed limit compliance was measured by percentage of driving time spent below the speed limit in a simulated manual driving task with a given speed limit and road environment. Multilevel regression and logistic regression analysis demonstrate that risk perception has a positive influence on compliance with the speed limit. Credibility of speed limit has a positive influence on speed limit compliance. Risk perception has a negative influence on speed limit credibility. The research results can be used for guiding speed limit design and speed management

    Rapid progression is associated with lymphoid follicle dysfunction in SIV-infected infant rhesus macaques.

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    HIV-infected infants are at an increased risk of progressing rapidly to AIDS in the first weeks of life. Here, we evaluated immunological and virological parameters in 25 SIV-infected infant rhesus macaques to understand the factors influencing a rapid disease outcome. Infant macaques were infected with SIVmac251 and monitored for 10 to 17 weeks post-infection. SIV-infected infants were divided into either typical (TypP) or rapid (RP) progressor groups based on levels of plasma anti-SIV antibody and viral load, with RP infants having low SIV-specific antibodies and high viral loads. Following SIV infection, 11 out of 25 infant macaques exhibited an RP phenotype. Interestingly, TypP had lower levels of total CD4 T cells, similar reductions in CD4/CD8 ratios and elevated activation of CD8 T cells, as measured by the levels of HLA-DR, compared to RP. Differences between the two groups were identified in other immune cell populations, including a failure to expand activated memory (CD21-CD27+) B cells in peripheral blood in RP infant macaques, as well as reduced levels of germinal center (GC) B cells and T follicular helper (Tfh) cells in spleens (4- and 10-weeks post-SIV). Reduced B cell proliferation in splenic germinal GCs was associated with increased SIV+ cell density and follicular type 1 interferon (IFN)-induced immune activation. Further analyses determined that at 2-weeks post SIV infection TypP infants exhibited elevated levels of the GC-inducing chemokine CXCL13 in plasma, as well as significantly lower levels of viral envelope diversity compared to RP infants. Our findings provide evidence that early viral and immunologic events following SIV infection contributes to impairment of B cells, Tfh cells and germinal center formation, ultimately impeding the development of SIV-specific antibody responses in rapidly progressing infant macaques

    UK monitoring and deposition of tephra from the May 2011 eruption of Grímsvötn, Iceland

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    Mapping the transport and deposition of tephra is important for the assessment of an eruption’s impact on health, transport, vegetation and infrastructure, but it is challenging at large distances from a volcano (> 1000 km), where it may not be visible to the naked eye. Here we describe a range of methods used to quantify tephra deposition and impact on air quality during the 21–28 May 2011 explosive basaltic eruption of Grímsvötn volcano, Iceland. Tephra was detected in the UK with tape-on-paper samples, rainwater samples, rainwater chemistry analysis, pollen slides and air quality measurements. Combined results show that deposition was mainly in Scotland, on 23–25 May. Deposition was patchy, with adjacent locations recording different results. Tape-on-paper samples, collected by volunteer citizen scientists, and giving excellent coverage across the UK, showed deposition at latitudes >55°N, mainly on 24 May. Rainwater samples contained ash grains mostly 20–30 μm long (maximum recorded grainsize 80 μm) with loadings of up to 116 grainscm-2. Analysis of rainwater chemistry showed high concentrations of dissolved Fe and Al in samples from N Scotland on 24–27 May. Pollen slides recorded small glass shards (3–4 μm long) deposited during rainfall on 24–25 May and again on 27 May. Air quality monitoring detected increased particulate matter concentrations in many parts of the country. An hourly concentration of particles  53°N) on 24 May but no negative effects on health were reported. Although the eruption column reached altitudes of 20 km above sea level, air mass trajectories suggest that only tephra from the lowest 4 km above sea level of the eruption plume was transported to the UK. This demonstrates that even low plumes could deliver tephra to the UK and suggests that the relative lack of basaltic tephra in the tephrochronological record is not due to transport processes

    Restricted Clonal Expression of IL-2 By Naive T Cells Reflects Differential Dynamic Interactions with Dendritic Cells

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    Limited frequencies of T cells express IL-2 in primary antigenic responses, despite activation marker expression and proliferation by most clonal members. To define the basis for restricted IL-2 expression, a videomicroscopic system and IL-2 reporter transgenic model were used to characterize dendritic cell (DC)–T cell interactions. T cells destined to produce IL-2 required prolonged interactions with DCs, whereas most T cells established only transient interactions with DCs and were activated, but did not express IL-2. Extended conjugation of T cells with DCs was not always sufficient to initiate IL-2 expression. Thus, there is intrinsic variability in clonal T cell populations that restricts IL-2 commitment, and prolonged engagement with mature DCs is necessary, but not sufficient, for IL-2 gene transcription

    An implantable microdevice to perform high-throughput in vivo drug sensitivity testing in tumors

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    Current anticancer chemotherapy relies on a limited set of in vitro or indirect prognostic markers of tumor response to available drugs. A more accurate analysis of drug sensitivity would involve studying tumor response in vivo. To this end, we have developed an implantable device that can perform drug sensitivity testing of several anticancer agents simultaneously inside the living tumor. The device contained reservoirs that released microdoses of single agents or drug combinations into spatially distinct regions of the tumor. The local drug concentrations were chosen to be representative of concentrations achieved during systemic treatment. Local efficacy and drug concentration profiles were evaluated for each drug or drug combination on the device, and the local efficacy was confirmed to be a predictor of systemic efficacy in vivo for multiple drugs and tumor models. Currently, up to 16 individual drugs or combinations can be assessed independently, without systemic drug exposure, through minimally invasive biopsy of a small region of a single tumor. This assay takes into consideration physiologic effects that contribute to drug response by allowing drugs to interact with the living tumor in its native microenvironment. Because these effects are crucial to predicting drug response, we envision that these devices will help identify optimal drug therapy before systemic treatment is initiated and could improve drug response prediction beyond the biomarkers and in vitro and ex vivo studies used today. These devices may also be used in clinical drug development to safely gather efficacy data on new compounds before pharmacological optimization.National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies Program R21-CA177391)Kibur Medical, Inc