455 research outputs found

    The Consortium for Advancing Renewable Energy Technology (CARET)

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    The Consortium for Advancing Renewable Energy (CARET) is a research and education program which uses the theme of renewable energy to build a minority scientist pipeline. CARET is also a consortium of four universities and NASA Lewis Research Center working together to promote science education and research to minority students using the theme of renewable energy. The consortium membership includes the HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities), Fisk, Wilberforce and Central State Universities as well as Kent State University and NASA Lewis Research Center. The various stages of this pipeline provide participating students experiences with a different emphasis. Some emphasize building enthusiasm for the classroom study of science and technology while others emphasize the nature of research in these disciplines. Still others focus on relating a practical application to science and technology. And, of great importance to the success of the program are the interfaces between the various stages. Successfully managing these transitions is a requirement for producing trained scientists, engineers and technologists. Presentations describing the CARET program have been given at this year's HBCU Research Conference at the Ohio Aerospace Institute and as a seminar in the Solar Circle Seminar series of the Photovoltaic and Space Environments Branch at NASA Lewis Research Center. In this report, we will describe the many positive achievements toward the fulfillment of the goals and outcomes of our program. We will begin with a description of the interactions among the consortium members and end with a description of the activities of each of the member institutions

    Foot and ankle Osteoarthritis and Cognitive impairment in retired UK Soccer players (FOCUS): protocol for a cross-sectional comparative study with general population controls

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    INTRODUCTION: Professional footballers commonly experience sports-related injury and repetitive microtrauma to the foot and ankle, placing them at risk of subsequent chronic pain and osteoarthritis (OA) of the foot and ankle. Similarly, repeated heading of the ball, head/neck injuries and concussion have been implicated in later development of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia. A recent retrospective study found that death from neurodegenerative diseases was higher among former professional soccer players compared with age matched controls. However, well-designed lifetime studies are still needed to provide evidence regarding the prevalence of these conditions and their associated risk factors in retired professional football players compared with the general male population. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether former professional male footballers have a higher prevalence than the general male population of: (1) foot/ankle pain and radiographic OA; and (2) cognitive and motor impairments associated with dementia and Parkinson's disease. Secondary objectives are to identify specific football-related risk factors such as head impact/concussion for neurodegenerative conditions and foot/ankle injuries for chronic foot/ankle pain and OA. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This is a cross-sectional, comparative study involving a questionnaire survey with subsamples of responders being assessed for cognitive function by telephone assessment, and foot/ankle OA by radiographic examination. A sample of 900 adult, male, ex professional footballers will be recruited and compared with a control group of 1100 age-matched general population men between 40 and 100 years old. Prevalence will be estimated per group. Poisson regression will be performed to determine prevalence ratio between the populations and logistic regression will be used to examine risk factors associated with each condition in footballers. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study was approved by the East Midlands-Leicester Central Research Ethics Committee on 23 January 2020 (REC ref: 19/EM/0354). The study results will be disseminated at national and international meetings and submitted for peer-review publication

    A comparison of wind observations of the upper thermosphere from the dynamics explorer satellite with the predictions of a global time-dependent model

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    Seven polar passes of the NASA Dynamics Explorer 2 (DE-2) satellite during October and early December 1981 have been used to examine the high-latitude circulation in the upper thermosphere. Vector winds along the satellite track are derived by appropriate merging of the data from the remote-sensing Fabry-Perot interferometer (meridional wind) and the in situ wind and temperature spectrometer (zonal wind) and are compared with the predictions of a three-dimensional, time-dependent, global model of the thermosphere. Major features of the experimental winds, such as the mean day to night circulation caused by solar u.v. and e.u.v. heating, augmented by magnetospheric processes at high latitude and the sharp boundaries and flow reversals imposed on thermospheric winds by momentum transfer (ion drag) from the magnetosphere, are qualitatively explained by a version of the global model using a semi-empirical global model of polar electric fields (Volland Model 2 or Heppner Model A) and a model of global electron density which excludes the effects of high-latitude geomagnetic processes. A second version of the global dynamic model includes a theoretical model of the high-latitude ionosphere which is self-consistent and reflects the enhancement of ionization due to magnetospheric phenomena acting in addition to solar e.u.v. photo-ionization, including the interactive processes which occur between ionization and high latitude ion convection and thermospheric winds. This second dynamical model shows an improved comparison with the structure and magnitude of polar cap and auroral oval winds at times of other than extremely low geomagnetic activity, when the first model appears a better match. An improved empirical description of the complex magnetospheric processes exciting the thermosphere in the vicinity of the dayside polar cusp and an empirical description of storm-time electric fields will be required for a quantitative explanation of the polar thermospheric winds during geomagnetic substorm events.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/25079/1/0000510.pd

    The westward thermospheric jet-stream of the evening auroral oval

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    One of the most consistent and often dramatic interactions between the high latitude ionosphere and the thermosphere occurs in the vicinity of the auroral oval in the afternoon and evening period. Ionospheric ions, convected sunward by the influence of the magnetospheric electric field, create a sunward jet-stream in the thermosphere, where wind speeds of up to 1 km s-1 can occur. This jet-stream is nearly always present in the middle and upper thermosphere (above 200 km altitude), even during periods of very low geomagnetic activity. However, the magnitude of the winds in the jet-stream, as well as its location and range in latitude, each depend on geomagnetic activity. On two occasions, jet-streams of extreme magnitude have been studied using simultaneous ground-based and satellite observations, probing both the latitudinal structure and the local time dependence. The observations have then been evaluated with the aid of simulations using a global, three-dimensional, time-dependent model of thermospheric dynamics including the effects of magnetospheric convection and particle precipitation. The extreme events, where sunward winds of above 800 ms-1 are generated at relatively low geomagnetic latitudes (60-70[deg]) require a greatly expanded auroral oval and large cross-polar cap electric field ( ~ 150 kV). These in turn are generated by a persistent strong Interplanetary Magnetic Field, with a large southward component. Global indices such as Kp are a relatively poor indicator of the magnitude and extent of the jet-stream winds.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/25724/1/0000281.pd

    A theoretical and empirical study of the response of the high latitude thermosphere to the sense of the "Y" component of the interplanetary magnetic field

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    The strength and direction of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) controls the transfer of solar wind momentum and energy to the high latitude thermosphere in a direct fashion. The sense of " Y" component of the IMF (BY) creates a significant asymmetry of the magnetospheric convection pattern as mapped onto the high latitude thermosphere and ionosphere. The resulting response of the polar thermospheric winds during periods when BY is either positive or negative is quite distinct, with pronounced changes in the relative strength of thermospheric winds in the dusk-dawn parts of the polar cap and in the dawn part of the auroral oval. In a study of four periods when there was a clear signature of BY, observed by the ISEE-3 satellite, with observations of polar winds and electric fields from the Dynamics Explorer-2 satellite and with wind observations by a ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometer located in Kiruna, Northern Sweden, it is possible to explain features of the high latitude thermospheric circulation using three dimensional global models including BY dependent, asymmetric, polar convection fields. Ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometers often observe anomalously low zonal wind velocities in the (Northern) dawn auroral oval during periods of extremely high geomagnetic activity when BY is positive. Conversely, for BY negative, there is an early transition from westward to southward and eastward winds in the evening auroral oval (excluding the effects of auroral substorms), and extremely large eastward (sunward) winds may be driven in the auroral oval after magnetic midnight. These observations are matched by the observation of strong anti-sunward polar-cap wind jets from the DE-2 satellite, on the dusk side with BY negative, and on the dawn side with BY positive.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/26311/1/0000396.pd

    Impact of a cis-associated gene expression SNP on chromosome 20q11.22 on bipolar disorder susceptibility, hippocampal structure and cognitive performance.

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    BackgroundBipolar disorder is a highly heritable polygenic disorder. Recent enrichment analyses suggest that there may be true risk variants for bipolar disorder in the expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) in the brain.AimsWe sought to assess the impact of eQTL variants on bipolar disorder risk by combining data from both bipolar disorder genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and brain eQTL.MethodTo detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that influence expression levels of genes associated with bipolar disorder, we jointly analysed data from a bipolar disorder GWAS (7481 cases and 9250 controls) and a genome-wide brain (cortical) eQTL (193 healthy controls) using a Bayesian statistical method, with independent follow-up replications. The identified risk SNP was then further tested for association with hippocampal volume (n = 5775) and cognitive performance (n = 342) among healthy individuals.ResultsIntegrative analysis revealed a significant association between a brain eQTL rs6088662 on chromosome 20q11.22 and bipolar disorder (log Bayes factor = 5.48; bipolar disorder P = 5.85×10(-5)). Follow-up studies across multiple independent samples confirmed the association of the risk SNP (rs6088662) with gene expression and bipolar disorder susceptibility (P = 3.54×10(-8)). Further exploratory analysis revealed that rs6088662 is also associated with hippocampal volume and cognitive performance in healthy individuals.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that 20q11.22 is likely a risk region for bipolar disorder; they also highlight the informative value of integrating functional annotation of genetic variants for gene expression in advancing our understanding of the biological basis underlying complex disorders, such as bipolar disorder

    Black-carbon absorption enhancement in the atmosphere determined by particle mixing state

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    Atmospheric black carbon makes an important but poorly quantified contribution to the warming of the global atmosphere. Laboratory and modelling studies have shown that the addition of non-black-carbon materials to black-carbon particles may enhance the particles’ light absorption by 50 to 60% by refracting and reflecting light. Real-world experimental evidence for this ‘lensing’ effect is scant and conflicting, showing that absorption enhancements can be less than 5% or as large as 140%. Here we present simultaneous quantifications of the composition and optical properties of individual atmospheric black-carbon particles. We show that particles with a mass ratio of non-black carbon to black carbon of less than 1.5, which is typical of fresh traffic sources, are best represented as having no absorption enhancement. In contrast, black-carbon particles with a ratio greater than 3, which is typical of biomass-burning emissions, are best described assuming optical lensing leading to an absorption enhancement. We introduce a generalized hybrid model approach for estimating scattering and absorption enhancements based on laboratory and atmospheric observations. We conclude that the occurrence of the absorption enhancement of black-carbon particles is determined by the particles’ mass ratio of non-black carbon to black carbon

    A randomised controlled trial of the efficacy of the ABCD Parenting Young Adolescents Program: rationale and methodology

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    Background: The transition to adolescence is a time of increased vulnerability for risk taking and poor health, social and academic outcomes. Parents have an important role in protecting their children from these potential harms. While the effectiveness of parenting programs in reducing problem behavior has been demonstrated, it is not known if parenting programs that target families prior to the onset of significant behavioral difficulties in early adolescence (9-14 years) improve the wellbeing of adolescents and their parents. This paper describes the rationale and methodology of a randomised controlled trial testing the efficacy of a parenting program for the promotion of factors known to be associated with positive adolescent outcomes, such as positive parenting practices, parent-adolescent relationships and adolescent behavior.Methods/Design: One hundred and eighty parents were randomly allocated to an intervention or wait list control group. Parents in the intervention group participated in the ABCD Parenting Young Adolescents Program, a 6-session behavioral family intervention program which also incorporates acceptance-based strategies. Participants in the Wait List control group did not receive the intervention during a six month waiting period. The study was designed to comply with recommendations of the CONSORT statement. The primary outcome measures were reduction in parent-adolescent conflict and improvements in parent-adolescent relationships. Secondary outcomes included improvements in parent psychosocial wellbeing, parenting self-efficacy and perceived effectiveness, parent-adolescent communication and adolescent behavior.Conclusions: Despite the effectiveness of parenting programs in reducing child behavioral difficulties, very few parenting programs for preventing problems in adolescents have been described in the peer reviewed literature. This study will provide data which can be used to examine the efficacy of a universal parenting interventions for the promotion of protective factors associated with adolescent wellbeing and will add to the literature regarding the relationships between parent, parenting and adolescent factors

    Raman Spectroscopy and Ab-Initio Model Calculations on Ionic Liquids:Invited Review

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