64 research outputs found

    Patataren nematodo kiste-sortzailea

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    Globodera rostochiensis eta G. pallida espezieak patataren nematodo kistesortzaile taldea osatzen dute. Bi espezie hauek landare-bizkarroi talde garrantzitsu bat dira. Patata nekazari-produktu garrantzitsua izanik berarekin zer ikusia duten bizkarroi guztiak interesgarri gertatzen dira. Aztergai hartu ditugun nematodoak beste hainbeste bizkarroi bezala historia interesgarri bat erakutsi izan du

    Aly: a possible E2F interacting protein

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    Hesteetako hanturazko gaixotasuna: patogenia, tratamenduak eta mikrobiotan oinarritutako biomarkatzaileak

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) encompasses two types of idiopathic intestinal diseases, ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). Both are chronic, heterogeneous, and severe inflammatory disorders that primarily affect the intestine. IBD has emerged as a global disease with a sharp increase in worldwide incidence and prevalence. Although the specific underlying cause of UC is unknown, it is considered the result of a complex interaction between the microbiota, immune system, host genetics and environmental factors. The advent of new technologies has enabled the identification of disturbed microbiota composition and function and reduced microbial diversity in IBD pa-tients, termed dysbiosis. Obtained clinical and experimental data points dysbiosis as a key player in IBD pathogenesis, but it is still unclear whether it is the cause of consequence. Although a wide range of therapies are approved for use as treatment for IBD, there is no cure. TNF inhibitors are frequently used to induce clinical remission in severe patients, however a roughly one third of the patients may not respond, and another third may lose response over time. In addition, the cost associated with IBD treatments is increasing over time, mainly due the costs associated with the biologic treatment. Emerging evidence has pointed towards gut microbiota to find a set of biomarkers for diagnosis, and for prediction of disease severity and infliximab treatment response in IBD patients. The human fecal microbiota harbors promising and non-invasive biomarkers, which emphasizes its potential ability to stratify IBD patients and apply personalized therapy for optimal outcomes.; Hesteetako hanturazko gaixotasunak (HHG, ingelesez IBD) bi gaixotasun idiopatiko ezberdin biltzen ditu, ultzeradun kolitisa (UK) eta Crohn-en gaixotasuna (CG). Biak batez ere hesteari eragiten dioten gaixotasun kronikoak, heterogeneoak eta larriak dira. HHGa handitzen ari den gaixotasun globala da, eta haren intzidentzia eta prebalentzia areagotuz doa mundu osoan. UKaren kausa zehatza ezezaguna bada ere, uste da mikrobiotaren, sistema immunearen, ostalariaren genetikaren eta ingurumen-faktoreen arteko elkarrekintza konplexuaren ondorioz sortzen dela. Genomikako teknologia berriek HHG-pazienteetan mikrobiotaren osaeran eta funtzioan aldaketak identifikatzea ahalbidetu dute. Aldaketa horiek disbiosia bezala ezagutzen dira. Lortutako datu kliniko eta esperimentalak, disbiosia, HHGen funtsezko eragile gisa finkatzen dute, nahiz eta oraindik argi egon ez kausa edo ondorioa den. Gaur egun H HGaren aurkako tratamendu ugari dauden arren, ez dago sendabide-H HGaren aurkako tratamendu ugari dauden arren, ez dago sendabide- aurkako tratamendu ugari dauden arren, ez dago sendabide-rik. Paziente larrietan sintomatologia arintzeko, TNF inhibitzaileak dira gehien erabiltzen den tratamendua. Hala ere, pazienteen heren batek ez dio tratamenduari erantzuten eta beste heren batek denborarekin erantzuna galtzen du. Gainera, tratamenduei lotutako kostu ekonomikoa eten-gabe handitzen ari da, batez ere tratamendu biologikoen kostuengatik. HHGa duten gaixoen hesteetako mikrobiota baliagarri bilakatzen ari da gaixotasuna diagnostikatzeko, gaixotasunaren larritasuna zehazteko eta tratamenduarekiko erantzuna iragartzeko, hau da, mikrobiotaren osaera biomarkatzaile gisa erabil daiteke. Izan ere, giza gorotzetako mikrobiota biomarkatzaile esperantzagarri eta ez-inbaditzaile bihurtu da. Mikro-biotaren azterketak HHGa duten gaixoak sailkatzeko aukerak gehitzen ditu, eta tratamendu pertsonalizatuen aukera zabaldu

    Golgi Oncoprotein GOLPH3 Gene Expression is Regulated by Functional E2F and CREB/ATF Promoter Elements

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    The Golgi organelle duplicates its protein and lipid content to segregate evenly between two daughter cells after mitosis. However, how Golgi biogenesis is regulated during interphase remains largely unknown. Here we show that messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of GOLPH3 and GOLGA2, two genes encoding Golgi proteins, is induced specifically in G1 phase, suggesting a link between cell cycle regulation and Golgi growth. We have examined the role of E2F transcription factors, critical regulators of G1 to S progression of the cell cycle, in the expression of Golgi proteins during interphase. We show that promoter activity for GOLPH3, a Golgi protein that is also oncogenic, is induced by E2F1-3 and repressed by E2F7. Mutation of the E2F motifs present in the GOLPH3 promoter region abrogates E2F1-mediated induction of a GOLPH3 luciferase reporter construct. Furthermore, we identify a critical CREB/ATF element in the GOLPH3 promoter that is required for its steady state and ATF2-induced expression. Interestingly, depletion of GOLPH3 with small interfering RNA (siRNA) delays the G1 to S transition in synchronized U2OS cells. Taken together, our results reveal a link between cell cycle regulation and Golgi function, and suggest that E2F-mediated regulation of Golgi genes is required for the timely progression of the cell cycle.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry (SAF2015-67562-R, co-financed by Feder funds, and SAF2014-57791-REDC) and the Basque Government (IT634-13) to AMZ. B.P.-G. is recipient of a Spanish Ministry FPI fellowship for graduate studies; J.V.R. was recipient of a UPV/EHU fellowship for graduate studies; G.M. was recipient of a Spanish Ministry FPU fellowship for graduate studies

    Golgi Oncoprotein GOLPH3 Gene Expression is Regulated by Functional E2F and CREB/ATF Promoter Elements

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    The Golgi organelle duplicates its protein and lipid content to segregate evenly between two daughter cells after mitosis. However, how Golgi biogenesis is regulated during interphase remains largely unknown. Here we show that messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of GOLPH3 and GOLGA2, two genes encoding Golgi proteins, is induced specifically in G1 phase, suggesting a link between cell cycle regulation and Golgi growth. We have examined the role of E2F transcription factors, critical regulators of G1 to S progression of the cell cycle, in the expression of Golgi proteins during interphase. We show that promoter activity for GOLPH3, a Golgi protein that is also oncogenic, is induced by E2F1-3 and repressed by E2F7. Mutation of the E2F motifs present in the GOLPH3 promoter region abrogates E2F1-mediated induction of a GOLPH3 luciferase reporter construct. Furthermore, we identify a critical CREB/ATF element in the GOLPH3 promoter that is required for its steady state and ATF2-induced expression. Interestingly, depletion of GOLPH3 with small interfering RNA (siRNA) delays the G1 to S transition in synchronized U2OS cells. Taken together, our results reveal a link between cell cycle regulation and Golgi function, and suggest that E2F-mediated regulation of Golgi genes is required for the timely progression of the cell cycle.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry (SAF2015-67562-R, co-financed by Feder funds, and SAF2014-57791-REDC) and the Basque Government (IT634-13) to AMZ. B.P.-G. is recipient of a Spanish Ministry FPI fellowship for graduate studies; J.V.R. was recipient of a UPV/EHU fellowship for graduate studies; G.M. was recipient of a Spanish Ministry FPU fellowship for graduate studies