9 research outputs found

    An approach to knowledge dynamic maintenance for emotional agents

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    In this work we present an approach to emotional reasoning for believable agents, by introducing a mechanism to progressively build a map of knowledge for reasoning. We present the notion of inference graph for progressive reasoning in an emotional context. In this model, knowledge is partially highlighted and noticed by the agent.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    An approach to knowledge dynamic maintenance for emotional agents

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    In this work we present an approach to emotional reasoning for believable agents, by introducing a mechanism to progressively build a map of knowledge for reasoning. We present the notion of inference graph for progressive reasoning in an emotional context. In this model, knowledge is partially highlighted and noticed by the agent.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    An approach to knowledge dynamic maintenance for emotional agents

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    In this work we present an approach to emotional reasoning for believable agents, by introducing a mechanism to progressively build a map of knowledge for reasoning. We present the notion of inference graph for progressive reasoning in an emotional context. In this model, knowledge is partially highlighted and noticed by the agent.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Agentes inteligentes con razonamiento dirigido por factores emocionales

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    Esta investigaci贸n est谩 centrada en la integraci贸n de formalismos de argumentaci贸n rebatible en agentes inteligentes cre铆bles. Los agentes cre铆bles son agentes aut贸nomos en los que aspectos tales como la personalidad, las actitudes y las emociones juegan un rol preponderante para definir su comportamiento. Por lo tanto, se considera a estos aspectos como factores cuya influencia resulta de utilidad tanto para servir como gu铆a en la construcci贸n de argumentos de forma oportuna, como para definir criterios de evaluaci贸n y comparaci贸n de argumentos.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    DBI-DeLP: a framework for defeasible argumentation over databases

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    Nowadays Argumentation Systems in general, and DeLP in particular, build arguments based on the context of a single and xed logical program. This leads to a practical limitation regarding the volume of data in which the argumentation is supported, because integration of constantly updated external data only can be made by the "hard-coding" of facts (i.e., the explicit codi cation of facts in the program), which is inne cient for massive data. This paper introduces Database Integration for Defeasible Logic Programming (DBI-DeLP), a framework that integrates Defeasible Argumentation with Databases that may be updated by other external applications, allowing the execution of argumentation processes based on masive external sources of data.Presentado en el XII Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    DBI-DeLP: a framework for defeasible argumentation over databases

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    Nowadays Argumentation Systems in general, and DeLP in particular, build arguments based on the context of a single and xed logical program. This leads to a practical limitation regarding the volume of data in which the argumentation is supported, because integration of constantly updated external data only can be made by the "hard-coding" of facts (i.e., the explicit codi cation of facts in the program), which is inne cient for massive data. This paper introduces Database Integration for Defeasible Logic Programming (DBI-DeLP), a framework that integrates Defeasible Argumentation with Databases that may be updated by other external applications, allowing the execution of argumentation processes based on masive external sources of data.Presentado en el XII Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Agentes cre铆bles basados en argumentaci贸n en sistemas multiagente

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    Esta investigaci贸n est谩 centrada en la integraci贸n de formalismos de argumentaci贸n rebatible en agentes inteligentes cre铆bles. Los agentes cre铆bles son agentes aut贸nomos ricos en aspectos de personalidad propia, en los que las emociones juegan un rol preponderante para definir su comportamiento. Actualmente cobran vital importancia en 谩reas de crecimiento vertiginoso donde la interactividad es protagonista, como los juegos interactivos digitales de entretenimiento o educativos, la b煤squeda personalizada de informaci贸n, los sistemas de recomendaciones o la simulaci贸n computarizada. En todos estos escenarios es importante la percepci贸n que se tiene del agente seg煤n su comportamiento. Hasta el momento, no ha sido explorado completamente el uso de formalismos de argumentaci贸n en el modelado de aspectos emocionales en agentes inteligentes, lo que constituye el eje central del presente plan de trabajo. Creemos que el enriquecimiento de los sistemas argumentativos con caracter铆sticas tales como factores de personalidad est谩tica y cambiante, caracter铆sticas emocionales, habilidades sociales y consistencia de expresi贸n representar谩 un avance significativo dentro del 谩rea de sistemas argumentativos en Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencias de la Computaci贸n.Eje: Agentes y sistemas inteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    An Approach to Emotion-based Abstract Argumentative Reasoning

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    Most of work on reasoning and decision-making in virtual agents relates the choices with a exhaustive exploration, analyzing every possible alternative and implication, and trying to maximize some utility measure in order to make the best decision. Humans, however, seems no reason and make decisions naturally in this way. As authors such as Herbert A. Simon have proposed, humans seems to develop a concept of bounded rationality, according to which human reasoning process and decision-making is bounded to a part of reality at a time as a focussing effect. According some psychologists, focus of thought is one of the main purposes of emotions in humans. Using an abstract framework, in this work we propose an approach to consider emotions as an argument-selection heuristic towards the ability for an agent to reason and act in a believable manner. Influenced by emotions, the agent will produce a line of reasoning according to the evolution of its own emotional state.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    DBI-DeLP: a framework for defeasible argumentation over databases

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    Nowadays Argumentation Systems in general, and DeLP in particular, build arguments based on the context of a single and xed logical program. This leads to a practical limitation regarding the volume of data in which the argumentation is supported, because integration of constantly updated external data only can be made by the "hard-coding" of facts (i.e., the explicit codi cation of facts in the program), which is inne cient for massive data. This paper introduces Database Integration for Defeasible Logic Programming (DBI-DeLP), a framework that integrates Defeasible Argumentation with Databases that may be updated by other external applications, allowing the execution of argumentation processes based on masive external sources of data.Presentado en el XII Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI