72 research outputs found


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    Desa Tlogosari memiliki potensi sebagai desa wisata, terbukti letak geografis desa berada pada daerah perbukitan, pegunungan, dan iklim yang dingin serta didukung banyaknya kearifan dan potensi lokal yang berada di desa tersebut yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi desa wisata. Desa tersebut berada di Kecamatan Tutur Kabupaten Pasuruan wilayah selatan. Dengan adanya desa wisata tersebut masih perlu pengembangan di antara perwujudan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam kemandirian masyarakat Desa Tlogosari, khususnya pengembangan potensi kearifan lokal untuk menjadi desa wisata. Hal itu penting dilakukan dengan tujuan agar dapat memberikan wawasan dalam rangka pengembangan Desa Tlogosari dalam memanfaatkan potensi kearifan lokal yang berada di Desa Tlogosari. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat melakukan pendampingan dan pelatihan kepada masyarakat Desa Tlogosari dalam bentuk work- shop inisiasi program, pelatihan manajemen visitor, pelatihan media promosi destinasi desa wisata, serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Dari hasil PKM dapat disimpulkan bahwa Desa Tlogosai memiliki keunggulan yang bisa dikembangkan menjadi objek desa wisata. Potensi yang dimiliki adalah sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia, dan sumber sosial budaya yang dapat menjadi minat wisatawan. Sebagai upaya mendukung transformasi menjadi desa wisata, diperlukan program kegiatan di antaranya workshop, pelatihan manajemen visitor, pelatihan media promosi destinasi desa wisata, serta moni- toring dan evaluas

    Influence of Adversity Quotient and Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy to the Entrepreneurial Intention on Management and Members of Cooperative

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    The purpose of this research is to know the influence of positive and significant between adversity quotient to entrepreneurial intention, to know the influence of positive and significant between entrepreneurial self-efficacy to the entrepreneurial intention, and to know the influence of positive and significant between adversity quotient and entrepreneurial self-efficacy to the entrepreneurial intention. This research uses quantitative research method. Data collection techniques in this study using questionnaires. The respondents used in this research are 120 people consist of staff and members of female’s cooperative. The result of this research there is positive and significant influence between adversity quotient to entrepreneurial intention on the staff and member of female’s cooperative and there is positive and significant influence between entrepreneurial self-efficacy to the entrepreneurial intention on the staff and members of female’s cooperative. Keywords: Adversity Quotient, Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy, Entrepreneurial Intentio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sistem standart operational procedre pada sikls pengeluaran pada perusahaan Treepark Apartment & Service Karawang. Pengumplan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan kuisoner. Dalam melakkan evaluasi ini menggnakan metode pendekatan pengendalian internal COSO Erm. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjkan bahwa sistem standart operational procedure yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan Treepark Apartment & Service belum memenuhi unsur – unsur pengendalian internal dan juga standart operational procedure yang dimiliki sudah tidak relevant dengan keadaan sesungghnya

    Identifikasi Pengaruh Keberadaan Hotel dan Kafe Terhadap Produktivitas Kopi di Wilayah Perkotaan Ruteng Kabupaten Manggarai

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    Kabupaten Manggarai menjadi salah satu daerah penghasil kopi terbesar di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Perkebunan kopi dapat menjadi salah satu sektor penting penunjang perekonomian. Kabupaten Manggarai sebagai salah satu kabupaten penghasil kopi diprovinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur seharusnya dapat lebih memaksimalkan potensi yang dimiliki dengan meningkatkan produktivitas produk hasil pengolahan kopi yang dihasilkan. Kabupaten Manggarai di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur merupakan salah satu kabupaten dengan hasil perkebunan kopi yang besar. Berdasarkan data dari Kabupaten Manggarai dalam angka tahun 2022 kabupaten Manggarai menghasilkan 1667 ton kopi dari areal perkebunan seluas 5346 ha yang terdapat di wilayahnya. Dalam tulisan ini penulis ingin mencoba melihat pengaruh keberadaan hotel dan kafe bagi komoditas kopi di Kabupaten Manggarai. Hotel dan Kafe secara khusus yang berada di wilayah Kecamatan Langke Rembong dapat dilihat sebagai tempat yang berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kopi manggarai. Untuk dapat melihat pengaruh tersebut akan dilakukan proses identifikasi terhadap proses distribusi kopi menuju hotel dan kafe. Dalam proses distribusi ini kemudian jugaakan dilihat jalur mana saja yang dilalui dalam proses distribusi tersebut. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh keberadaan hotel dan kafe untuk peningkatan produktivitas komoditas kopi akan dilakukan juga proses identifikasi jumlah konsumsi kopi manggarai sebagai bahan baku untuk produk yang disediakan oleh hotel dan kafe. Untuk membantu proses identifikasi dalam penelitian ini, digunakan aplikasi SW Maps dan aplikasi ArcGis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan beberapa hal diantaranya teridentifikasinya tempat atau daerah asal yang menjadi sumber bahan baku kopi untuk konsumsi hotel dan kafe. Melalui identifikasi proses distribusi kopi juga diperoleh faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses distribusi kopi menuju ke hotel dan kafe. Melalui proses survey primer dan sekunder juga diperoleh angka produktivitas kopi di Kabupaten Manggarai serta besaran nilai konsumsi kopi manggarai oleh hotel dan kafe. Kata Kunci : Kopi, Hotel, Kafe, Produktivitas, Konsums

    Memòria Digital de Catalunya

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    Inclou (f. sign. g1-g5): Fabii Fulgentii Placiadis Uocum antiqua[rum] cum testimonio ad Calcidium, segons ISTC: Expositio sermonum antiquorumMenció d'ed. al f. sign. a3: Ioannis Baptiste Pii ... Commentarius in FulgentuiumPeu d'impr. obtingut del colofó (f. sign. f5v.)El f. sign. f6 en blancSignatures: a-d8, e4, f-g6 (f. sig. f3 signat f)Text i comentari, i registre al f. sign. f5v.Caplletres ornade

    Assessment of indigenous forest degradation and deforestation along the wild coast, near Port St John’s, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    Indigenous forests along the Wild Coast of the Eastern Cape Province have experienced both degradation and deforestation over the past decades. In early 2000, steps were taken to rehabilitate some of the degraded areas. Nevertheless, there is no monitoring mechanism in place, so little is known about the extent of degradation and impact of the rehabilitation efforts. The present study assesses the extent to which deforestation and degradation of the indigenous forests have occurred, and evaluates rehabilitation efforts in the study area around Port Saint John’s. Forest degradation was defined as the decrease in forest cover density while deforestation was defined as an increase in the trend of light forests and/ or a decrease in dense forests. The details for this study were obtained from multi – temporal remotely sensed data for a period between 1982 and 2013 (31 years). Multi-temporal Landsat satellite imagery for 1982, 1986, 1989, 2002, 2009 and 2013 was acquired and analysed. On the basis of prior knowledge of the area, the supervised classification approach was used. The Maximum likelihood supervised classification technique was used to extract information from satellite data. The classified images were filtered using a majority filtering procedure to reduce noise. Google Earth (Astrium) ancillary images were used to refine the classification based on expert rules. The derived changes in the degraded and rehabilitated areas were further validated through field visits. The overall image classification accuracy generated from Landsat image data ranged from 80% to 90%. It was noted that the area of dense forest almost doubled between 1986 and 1989, coinciding with a 59% decrease in the light forest. Subsequently, dense forests increased by 14,820 ha while light forests decreased by 16,690 ha between 1989 and 2002. The subsequent reduction in light forest coverage is explained by the establishment of the Participatory Forest Management (PFMA) approach by Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) which reversed the degradation trend. However, specific degradation hotspots were identified, particularly where new settlements have been established. The emergence of the non-vegetated area increased gradually from 7% in 1986 to 23.4% in 2013. Notably, dense forest was observed to have experienced higher rates of forest degradation and deforestation than the light forest. The highest number patches were 4 recorded between 2002 and 1998, followed by between 2010 and 2013 and lastly 1986. Based on spatial connectedness of patches, the year 1986 had the highest landscape connectedness of forest vegetation (CONAT = 35.3) followed by 2002 and 1996 while the year 2010 and 2013 had the lowest landscape contiguity. Over the study period, the distribution of patches clearly shows that forest degradation and deforestation rates were lower in the years 1986, 1998 and tremendously increased in the later period of between 2010 and 2013. However, as a result of rehabilitation efforts, dense forest was seen to steadily gain more land than light forest. Finer details of degradation trends could not be easily picked from the images used in the study, given their spatial resolution limitations. That notwithstanding, the trends identified are good for overview decisions. The study has also established that de-agraianisation, forest restoration and rehabilitation greatly contributed to increased forest cover. Therefore, with more use of GIS by forest managers, and imagery of the high resolution being readily available, forests will in future be easily monitored using remote sensing

    Challenges of Business Success in Era of Disruption

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    As a business actor in the era of disruption, it is necessary to improve soft skills. The purpose of this study is to comprehensively analyze the effect of entrepreneurship education and digital literacy on business success with attitude as a mediating variable. This research uses quantitative methods. The research population is business actors in East Java, Indonesia, with a sample of 221 people. Data analysis used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)-PLS) and the calculation tool SMART PLS 3.0. Based on the results of the study, it was stated that Entrepreneurship Education (EE) and Digital Literacy (DML) through Entrepreneurial Attitudes (EA) had an effect on business success. The results of this study are very relevant to current conditions, the large number of market expansions from conventional to digitalization, and the need to improve entrepreneurship education to develop creativity, innovation, and business products that are competitive and adaptive. And the positive attitude of accepting new things must always be owned by business actors


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    Entrepreneurship is important for economic growth in Indonesia. Entrepreneurial opportunities are essential to maintain a business. This study is intended to explore how business teams recognize entrepreneurial opportunities as a common outcome of their entrepreneurial mindsets. Specifically, this study explores how business teams express their ideas for introducing innovative products in a marketplace where entrepreneurial opportunities underlie those ideas. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach to achieve a comprehensive summarization. A few business teams had already enrolled in the entrepreneurship course. Each business team was asked to report how the business team recognized entrepreneurial opportunities. Content analysis was used to analyze the business team reports. The business team reports were coded into main categories, which the main categories were then analyzed using manifest analysis. The results showed that the business teams recognized the entrepreneurial opportunities underlying their business ideas. Business ideas have several characteristics. This study has implications, limitations, and suggestions for future studies

    Development of Paver Block Containing Recycled Plastic

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    Disposal of accumulated plastic waste daily is an exigent in solid waste management. Hence, this study investigated the possibility of utilizing plastics waste in paver block fabrication for the pedestrian walkway. The development of paver block containing recycled plastic was started with a trial mix in order to identify the appropriate method for paver block fabrication. Two methods which are heating and compression were observed during the trial mix before proceeding to full scale casting. Compression method was selected in the production of paver block for further test. There were two ratios of cement, sand and soil used in the design mix namely mixture A and mixture B. The plastic content used in each mix were 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% by weight of sand. Laboratory tests conducted on the specimen were compressive strength, water absorption and skid resistance. Both mixtures were compared in terms of compressive strength in order to select the appropriate ratio. The results showed that mixture B produced higher compressive strength compared to mixture A. Replacement of 5% recycled plastic exhibits the highest compressive strength for mixture B, however for economical consideration the replacement can be utilized up to 30% recycled plastic content. Based on the water absorption test, the recycled plastic increases the water absorption. However, the skid resistance of the paver block was found higher than the requirements. Therefore, paver block made of recycled plastic incorporating locally available material has the potential for use in the construction of pedestrian path
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