489 research outputs found

    On the Terrestrial Earthworm Fauna of Yamagata Prefecture, northeastern Japan

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    We conducted to collect earthworms in order to clarify the earthworm fauna of Yamagata Prefecture. We could collect 16 species belonging to two families including two undescribed species from six localities. To our knowledge, it is first time to record Pheretima aokii, P. megascolidioides, P. micronaria and Aporrectodea caliginosa from Yamagata Prefecture. Therefore, except for two species which could not identified as known species, 18 valid species of earthworms exist in Yamagata Prefecture including our result. Keywords : earthworm fauna, Megascolecidae, Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta, Yamagata Prefectur

    The RAB2B-GARIL5 Complex Promotes Cytosolic DNA-Induced Innate Immune Responses

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    Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) is a cytosolic DNA sensor that induces the IFN antiviral response. However, the regulatory mechanisms that mediate cGAS-triggered signaling have not been fully explored. Here, we show the involvement of a small GTPase, RAB2B, and its effector protein, Golgi-associated RAB2B interactor-like 5 (GARIL5), in the cGAS-mediated IFN response. RAB2B-deficiency affects the IFN response induced by cytosolic DNA. Consistent with this, RAB2B deficiency enhances replication of vaccinia virus, a DNA virus. After DNA stimulation, RAB2B colocalizes with stimulator of interferon genes (STING), the downstream signal mediator of cGAS, on the Golgi apparatus. The GTP-binding activity of RAB2B is required for its localization on the Golgi apparatus and for recruitment of GARIL5. GARIL5 deficiency also affects the IFN response induced by cytosolic DNA and enhances replication of vaccinia virus. These findings indicate that the RAB2B-GARIL5 complex promotes IFN responses against DNA viruses by regulating the cGAS-STING signaling axis

    A Cardiac Rhabdomyoma in a Guinea Pig

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    A guinea pig (9-week-old) that had been placed in a control group for a pharmacological test was found to have a single nodule on the surface of the right ventricular wall. In a transverse section of the heart after fixation, a whitish mass was found that extended from the subendocardium to the subepicardium of the right ventricular wall. Histopathological examination revealed a spongy network consisting of vacuolated spaces in the myocardium of the right ventricle extending to the myocardium and subepicardium of the right atrium. The vacuolated space was PAS-positive. Immunohistochemical examinations revealed that the lesions contained striated fibers that were positive for anti-desmin and anti-myoglobin. Electron micrographs revealed the lesions resulting in affected striated muscle fibers and accumulations of many glycogen granules. Based on the findings, the lesions were diagnosed as a cardiac rhabdomyoma. This is the first report of application of immunohistochemical examinations to diagnosis of cardiac rhabdomyoma in the guinea pig

    Momentum reconstruction of charged particles using multiple Coulomb scatterings in a nuclear emulsion detector

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    This paper describes a new method for momentum reconstruction of charged particles using multiple Coulomb scatterings (MCS) in a nuclear emulsion detector with a layered structure of nuclear emulsion films and target materials. The method utilizes the scattering angles of particles precisely measured in the emulsion films. The method is based on the maximum likelihood to newly include information on the decrease of the energy as the particle travels through the detector. According to the MC simulations, this method can measure momentum with a resolution of 10% for muons of 500 MeV/c passing through the detector perpendicularly. The momentum resolution is evaluated to be 10-20%, depending on the momentum and emission angle of the particle. By accounting for the effect of the energy decrease, the momentum can be reconstructed correctly with less bias, particularly in the low-momentum region. We apply this method to measure the momentum of muon tracks detected in the NINJA experiment where the momentum is also measured independently by using the track range. The two measurements agree well within experimental uncertainties of a 2% difference, verifying the method experimentally. This method will extend the measurable phase space of muons and hadrons in the NINJA experiment.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure

    Molecular phylogeny and evolution of alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes in legumes

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    BACKGROUND: Nuclear genes determine the vast range of phenotypes that are responsible for the adaptive abilities of organisms in nature. Nevertheless, the evolutionary processes that generate the structures and functions of nuclear genes are only now be coming understood. The aim of our study is to isolate the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes in two distantly related legumes, and use these sequences to examine the molecular evolutionary history of this nuclear gene. RESULTS: We isolated the expressed Adh genes from two species of legumes, Sophora flavescens Ait. and Wisteria floribunda DC., by a RT-PCR based approach and found a new Adh locus in addition to homologues of the Adh genes found previously in legumes. To examine the evolution of these genes, we compared the species and gene trees and found gene duplication of the Adh loci in the legumes occurred as an ancient event. CONCLUSION: This is the first report revealing that some legume species have at least two Adh gene loci belonging to separate clades. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that these genes resulted from relatively ancient duplication events

    Developmental Changes in the Trail Making Test

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     Trail Making Test(TMT)は,ワーキングメモリや反応抑制,反応の切り替えなどの能力が求められる神経心理学的検査である。TMT は実行機能評価法の一つとして広く用いられているが,子どもを対象とした標準値の作成や臨床応用に関する報告はいまだ少ない。そこで本研究では,TMT の小児期から青年期までの各年齢群別標準値を作成するとともに,各指標の発達的変化について検討した。その結果,Part A の遂行時間,Part B の遂行時間,B-A 値およびB/A 値の4指標において年齢による有意な発達的変化が認められ,本検査は子どもの実行機能の発達の程度を反映しうるものと考えられた。本法は従来のTMT よりも刺激数を削減し簡便化したものであり,注意欠陥/動性障害などの発達障害をともなう子 どもへの臨床応用が期待される

    Sleep-wake habits in middle and late adolescence and the criteria for the choice of subjects on sleep research

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    Sleep-wake habits in middle and late adolescence were surveyed for college of technology (n=799), college of nursing (n=460) and university (n=1062) students. Daytime sleepiness and nodding off were often occurred. They made up for shortened sleep time at holiday. One third of them took replacement naps. Some of them had the irregular life habits, such as delayed bed-time, shortened sleep time, irregular meal time and engaging in night work, suggesting that these habits might alter the phase of circadian activity cycle. Finally, the criteria for the choice of subjects on sleep research were discussed

    Sarcomere Imaging by Quantum Dots for the Study of Cardiac Muscle Physiology

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    We here review the use of quantum dots (QDs) for the imaging of sarcomeric movements in cardiac muscle. QDs are fluorescence substances (CdSe) that absorb photons and reemit photons at a different wavelength (depending on the size of the particle); they are efficient in generating long-lasting, narrow symmetric emission profiles, and hence useful in various types of imaging studies. Recently, we developed a novel system in which the length of a particular, single sarcomere in cardiomyocytes can be measured at ~30 nm precision. Moreover, our system enables accurate measurement of sarcomere length in the isolated heart. We propose that QDs are the ideal tool for the study of sarcomere dynamics during excitation-contraction coupling in healthy and diseased cardiac muscle

    Steering the Climate System: Using Inertia to Lower the Cost of Policy

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    Conventional wisdom holds that the efficient way to limit warming to a chosen level is to price carbon emissions at a rate that increases exponentially. We show that this “Hotelling” tax on carbon emissions is actually inefficient. The least-cost policy path takes advantage of the climate system’s inertia by growing more slowly than exponentially. Carbon dioxide temporarily overshoots the steady-state level consistent with the temperature limit, and the efficient carbon tax follows an inverse-U-shaped path. Economic models that assume exponentially increasing carbon taxes are overestimating the minimum cost of limiting warming, overestimating the efficient near-term carbon tax, and overvaluing technologies that mature sooner