12 research outputs found

    Caracterización nutricional y aromática de especies infravaloradas de hoja comestible

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La Tesis Doctoral con el título "Caracterización nutricional y aromática de especies infravaloradas de hoja comestible" ha planteado como objetivo principal el estudio de plantas infravaloradas silvestres inherentes a dos épocas del año. En este trabajo se tipificaron las características nutricionales y aromáticas en Portulaca oleracea L. (verdolaga) y Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass (quirquiña), como plantas infravaloradas propias de la estación primavera-verano, así como en Tropaeolum majus L. (capuchina), Stellaria media (L.) Vill (pamplina), Sonchus oleraceus L. (cerraja), Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC (wasabi mediterráneo), Chenopodium album L. (cenizo), como plantas inherentes a la estación otoño-invierno. Este estudio ha incluido la caracterización y comparación de la calidad nutricional, así como el contenido de distintos compuestos bioactivos. Además, se ha investigado sus perfiles volátiles como calidad aromática distintiva. Este análisis químico cuantitativo y organoléptico tiene el fin de potenciar el consumo tradicional de estas especies o su utilización como posibles fuentes de compuestos funcionales, y al mismo tiempo como nuevos cultivos sostenibles. Este objetivo principal se ha dividido en los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1) optimización de los distintos métodos analíticos que caracterizan las muestras objeto de estudio; 2) caracterización de compuestos de interés nutricional y funcional; 3) identificar los compuestos volátiles como característica aromática de las especies; 4) en las plantas de primavera-verano evaluar las diferencias entre la composición nutricional y los perfiles polifenólicos en condiciones de crecimiento silvestre y bajo técnicas de cultivo orgánico. Las partes aéreas de las siete plantas fueron recolectadas en el paraje natural de la Marjal dels Moros (Sagunto, Valencia) durante las campañas agrícolas de 2020 y 2021. Todas las especies han destacado por un alto contenido en fibra y carbohidratos. El mineral prominente en todas las especies ha sido el hierro y el zinc. El contenido elevado de antioxidantes totales se encontró en la especie P. oleracea del período primavera-verano y en la especie T. majus del período de otoño-invierno. Se observaron niveles uniformes de compuestos fenólicos totales, mientras que el contenido de clorofilas es significativamente mayor en las especies del período primavera-verano. El estudio del perfil volátil reveló la presencia de 37 compuestos diferentes que se agruparon en 11 familias químicas, de las cuales más abundantes han sido los bencenoides, seguidos por los aldehídos de cadena media. La especie de mayor diferenciación entre todas ha sido P. ruderale. En los perfiles polifenólicos de las plantas inherentes al periodo de primavera-verano se identificaron 10 compuestos fenólicos que se agruparon en dos categorías: ácidos hidroxicinámicos y flavonoides. El compuesto más abundante resultó ser el ácido clorogénico, seguido del ácido p-cumárico (P. ruderale) y del ácido cafeico (P. oleracea). Los compuestos flavonoides más abundantes fueron quercetina y miricetina. Los resultados de este estudio proporcionan una base para la caracterización de los compuestos nutricionales, bioactivos y volátiles de las siete especies infravaloradas. Todas las especies demostraron ser una fuente potencial de microelementos minerales, además de una fuente prometedora de componentes bioactivos como antioxidantes, compuestos fenólicos y clorofilas. Este estudio es el primer informe que evalúa los perfiles volátiles y la identificación de los aromas diferenciadores. La calidad nutricional y su prometedora cantidad de compuestos funcionales contribuirán en gran medida al conocimiento de estas plantas que podrían formar parte de una alimentación saludable. Además, por sus valores organolépticos, podrían contribuir a la diversificación de los ingredientes gastronómicos y rescatar la calidad de los productos tradicionales.[CA] La Tesi Doctoral amb el títol "Caracterització nutricional i aromàtica d'espècies infravalorades de fulla comestible" ha plantejat com a objectiu principal l'estudi de plantes infravalorades silvestres inherents a dues èpoques de l'any. En aquest treball es van tipificar les característiques nutricionals i aromàtiques a Portulaca oleracea L. (verdolaga) i Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass (quirquinya), com a plantes infravalorades pròpies de l'estació primavera-estiu, així com a Tropaeolum majus L. (caputxina) ), Stellaria mitjana (L.) Vill (pamplina), Sonchus oleraceus L. (serralla), Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC (wasabi mediterrani), Chenopodium album L. (cennis), com a plantes inherents a l'estació tardor-hivern . Aquest estudi ha inclòs la caracterització i comparació de la qualitat nutricional, així com el contingut de diferents compostos bioactius. A més, s'han investigat els seus perfils volàtils com a qualitat aromàtica distintiva. Aquesta anàlisi química quantitativa i organolèptica té la finalitat de potenciar el consum tradicional d'aquestes espècies o la seva utilització com a possibles fonts de compostos funcionals, i alhora com a nous cultius sostenibles. Aquest objectiu principal s'ha dividit en els objectius específics següents: 1) optimització dels diferents mètodes analítics que caracteritzen les mostres objecte d'estudi; 2) caracterització de compostos dinterès nutricional i funcional; 3) identificar els compostos volàtils com a característica aromàtica de les espècies; 4) a les plantes de primavera-estiu avaluar les diferències entre la composició nutricional i els perfils polifenòlics en condicions de creixement silvestre i sota tècniques de cultiu orgànic. Les parts aèries de les set plantes van ser recol·lectades al paratge natural de la Marjal dels Moros (Sagunt, València) durant les campanyes agrícoles de 2020 i 2021. Totes les espècies han destacat per un alt contingut en fibra i carbohidrats. El mineral prominent a totes les espècies ha estat el ferro i el zinc. El contingut elevat d'antioxidants totals es va trobar a l'espècie P. oleracea del període primavera-estiu ia l'espècie T. majus del període de tardor-hivern. Es van observar nivells uniformes de compostos fenòlics totals, mentre que el contingut de clorofil·les és significativament més gran en les espècies del període primavera-estiu. L'estudi del perfil volàtil va revelar la presència de 37 compostos diferents que es van agrupar en 11 famílies químiques, de les quals han estat més abundants els bencenoides, seguits pels aldehids de cadena mitjana. L'espècie de major diferenciació entre totes ha estat P. ruderale. Als perfils polifenòlics de les plantes inherents al període de primavera-estiu es van identificar 10 compostos fenòlics que es van agrupar en dues categories: àcids hidroxicinámics i flavonoides. El compost més abundant va resultar ser l'àcid clorogènic, seguit de l'àcid p-cumàric (P. ruderale) i de l'àcid cafeic (P. oleracea). Els compostos flavonoides més abundants van ser quercetina i miricetina. Els resultats daquest estudi proporcionen una base per a la caracterització dels compostos nutricionals, bioactius i volàtils de les set espècies infravalorades. Totes les espècies van demostrar ser una font potencial de microelements minerals, a més d'una font prometedora de components bioactius com a antioxidants, compostos fenòlics i clorofil·les. Aquest estudi és el primer informe que avalua els perfils volàtils i la identificació de les aromes diferenciadores. La qualitat nutricional i la quantitat prometedora de compostos funcionals contribuiran en gran mesura al coneixement d'aquestes plantes que podrien formar part d'una alimentació saludable. A més, pels seus valors organolèptics podrien contribuir a la diversificació dels ingredients gastronòmics i rescatar la qualitat dels productes tradicionals.[EN] The main objective of the Doctoral Thesis entitled "Nutritional and aromatic characterization of undervalued edible leaf species" was the study of undervalued wild plants inherent to two seasons of the year. In this work, nutritional and aromatic characteristics were typified in Portulaca oleracea L. (purslane) and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass (quirquiña), as undervalued plants inherent to the spring-summer season, as well as in Tropaeolum majus L. (nasturtium), Stellellum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass (quirquiña), and Tropaeolum majus L. (nasturtium). (nasturtium), Stellaria media (L.) Vill (chickweed), Sonchus oleraceus L. (sowthistle), Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC (Mediterranean wasabi), Chenopodium album L. (ash), as plants inherent to the autumn-winter season. This study has included the characterization and comparison of the nutritional quality, as well as the content of different bioactive compounds. In addition, their volatile profiles have been investigated as a distinctive aromatic quality. This quantitative chemical and organoleptic analysis aims to enhance the traditional consumption of these species or their use as potential sources of functional compounds, and at the same time as new sustainable crops. This main objective has been divided into the following specific objectives: 1) optimization of the different analytical methods characterizing the samples under study; 2) characterization of compounds of nutritional and functional interest; 3) identification of volatile compounds as an aromatic characteristic of the species; 4) in spring-summer plants to evaluate the differences between nutritional composition and polyphenolic profiles under wild growth conditions and under organic farming techniques. The aerial parts of the seven plants were collected in the natural site of Marjal dels Moros (Sagunto, Valencia) during the 2020 and 2021 agricultural campaigns. All species were noted for their high fiber and carbohydrate content. The prominent mineral in all species was iron and zinc. High total antioxidant content was found in P. oleracea species from the spring-summer period and in T. majus species from the autumn-winter period. Uniform levels of total phenolic compounds were observed, while the chlorophyll content is significantly higher in the species of the spring-summer period. The study of the volatile profile revealed the presence of 37 different compounds that were grouped into 11 chemical families, of which the most abundant were benzenoids, followed by medium-chain aldehydes. The species with the highest differentiation among all was P. ruderale. In the polyphenolic profiles of the plants inherent to the spring-summer period, 10 phenolic compounds were identified and grouped into two categories: hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids. The most abundant compound was chlorogenic acid, followed by p-coumaric acid (P. ruderale) and caffeic acid (P. oleracea). The most abundant flavonoid compounds were quercetin and myricetin. The results of this study provide a basis for the characterization of the nutritional, bioactive and volatile compounds of the seven undervalued species. All species proved to be a potential source of mineral trace elements, as well as a promising source of bioactive compounds such as antioxidants, phenolic compounds and chlorophylls. This study is the first report to evaluate volatile profiles and the identification of differentiating aromas. The nutritional quality and their promising amount of functional compounds will greatly contribute to the knowledge of these plants that could be part of a healthy diet. Moreover, due to their organoleptic values, they could contribute to the diversification of gastronomic ingredients and rescue the quality of traditional products.Fukalova Fukalova, T. (2022). Caracterización nutricional y aromática de especies infravaloradas de hoja comestible [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/190999Compendi

    Five undervalued edible species inherent to autumn-winter season: nutritional composition, ioactive constituents and volatiles profile

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    [EN] Background: Wild edible herbs have historically been used as local nutritional and medicinal sources. These plants grow spontaneously, depending on the season.They adapt well to different edaphoclimatic conditions, generating a diversity constituent beneficial to health. They impart compounds needed in the human diet in regard to macro and micronutrients. When consumed raw, they keep their properties intact and provide health benefits. Five undervalued edible plants: Stellaria media (L.) Vill, Tropaeolum majus L., Sonchus oleraceus L., henopodium album L. and Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC are characteristic of the autumn-winter season in the Valencian coastal region and could have new sustainable agro-ecological potential for the local commercial sector. However, little information is available from the nutritional quality and bioactive composition viewpoint for these species. Concurrently, the volatiles compounds profiles describing the characteristic flavors are unknown. Methods: Nutritional characteristics, bioactive compounds, and other chemical components of the fresh leaves were analyzed. In addition, the volatiles composite profile was performed. The analyzed species come from the soil reservoir; their wild growth is adjusted to the autumn season. The proximate analysis was carried out by Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods. Total antioxidants were measured as 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrzyl hydrate (DPPH) and total polyphenols content via the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure. Volatiles profile was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The vegetative part analyzed was the tender leaves with edible potential. Results: A high variability has been obtained in the composition of the species studied. The proximate analysis found a considerable content of fiber (1.22¿5.4 g·100 g¿1), potassium (157.7¿1,250.6 mg·100 g¿1), iron (0.6¿2.0 mg·100 g¿1), and a low caloric value (16.1¿43.02 kcal·mg·100 g¿1). In bioactive compounds analysis, a high level of antioxidants was highlighted (1,604.3¿4,874.6 mmol·100 g¿1), followed by chlorophylls. Volatiles profile revealed that the species were rich in benzenoids (33.8¿89.9%) as the majority family. The pyrazines class was characteristic only in D. erucoides L. Discussion: Fresh edible leaves of the undervalued plants show considerable nutritional potential and a high bioactive components level, which highlight the antioxidant capacity. Leaves of C. album L. stand out due to their higher concentration of nutritional compounds, while D. erucoides L. is noted for its higher antioxidant capacity. Aromatic descriptor of pyrazines detected in the leaves of D. erucoides L. is associated with the slightly spicy flavors that characterize this species. Results suggest that studied species could be of great relevance in introducing these five edible herbs as a source of new grown material, postulating them as healthy food ingredients with attractive flavors for the gourmet cuisine industry.Fukalova Fukalova, T.; García-Martínez, MD.; Raigón Jiménez, MD. (2021). Five undervalued edible species inherent to autumn-winter season: nutritional composition, ioactive constituents and volatiles profile. PeerJ. 9:1-23. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.12488123

    Nutritional Composition, Bioactive Compounds, and Volatiles Profile Characterization of Two Edible Undervalued Plants: Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass

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    [EN] Wild edible plants are an important source of healthy food and have played an important role in traditional Mediterranean diets. In this paper, quality characteristics were typified in Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass, undervalued plants inherent to the spring-summer season in the Valencian coastal region. Nutritional composition and bioactive compounds were analyzed and compared between plants in wild and organic cultivation conditions. Proximate analysis was carried out according to Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods. Total antioxidants were measured as 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl hydrate and total polyphenols content via the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure. The HS-SPME technique was used to characterize the volatiles profile, and the polyphenol profile was evaluated by HPLC. The most important microelement was iron. Total antioxidants ranged from 4392.16 to 7315.00 mu mol Trolox center dot equivalents 100 g(-1) fw, and total phenolic content ranged from 99.09 to 391.18 mg gallic acid equivalents center dot 100 g(-1) fw. Results show that the content of antioxidants and phenols was higher in wild species than in cultivated ones. The volatiles profile revealed that P. ruderale was rich in monoterpenoids (48.65-55.82%), and fatty alcohols were characteristic in P. oleracea species (16.21-54.18%). The results suggest that both plants could be healthy foods and could have new sustainable agro-ecological potential for the local commercial sector.Fukalova Fukalova, T.; García-Martínez, MD.; Raigón Jiménez, MD. (2022). Nutritional Composition, Bioactive Compounds, and Volatiles Profile Characterization of Two Edible Undervalued Plants: Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. Plants. 11(3):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants1103037712111

    The Effects of Low-Input (Wild and Organic Farming) Conditions on the Nutritional Profile of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Fruits from the Valencian Mediterranean

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    [EN] Jujube fruit (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) has been a food source since ancient times. In Spain, it is considered a marginal crop, and jujube fruits are of low economic importance. Its consumption is bound to local marketplaces. However, jujube is a good alternative crop due to its climatic adaptation and low-input conditions. We aimed to evaluate the morphological, physicochemical, and bioactive compounds of jujube fruits grown under low-input conditions (wild and organic farming) in the Mediterranean basin, specifically in Marjal de los Moros, Valencia, Spain. The organic system produces higher protein, fiber, ash, and carbohydrate concentrations from small-caliber fruit cultivars. Potassium and phosphorus are the major mineral elements in jujube. The fruits¿ total polyphenols range from 480.83 to 630.81 mg EGA·100 g¿1 fw in organic conditions and 520.71 mg EGA·100 g¿1 fw in wild conditions. Low-input conditions influence the production of glucose (sweet fruits) and bioactive compounds, as well as mineral concentrations. A strong relationship exists between vitamin C levels and the potassium concentration. Jujube fruits are classified as ¿vitamin C-rich¿. A 20 g serving of fruit can provide the regular vitamin C requirements of an adult person. The environmental and nutritional opportunities offered by jujubes are in line with different SDGs.The authors thank Anna Pons, of the Environmental Education Center of the Valencian Community, for her direct collaboration, providing the materials used in this study, and for the center's great work in maintaining Mediterranean diversity. The authors would also like to thank Alba Agenjos for her previous work with jujube fruits.Fukalova-Fukalova, T.; García-Martínez, MD.; Esteve Ciudad, P.; Raigón Jiménez, MD. (2023). The Effects of Low-Input (Wild and Organic Farming) Conditions on the Nutritional Profile of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Fruits from the Valencian Mediterranean. Sustainability. 15(19):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151914587117151

    Influencia de las condiciones de cultivo sobre la composición nutricional y componentes bioactivos de dos plantas alimenticias infravaloradas (Poriphyllum ruderale y Portulaca oleracea): Influência de condições de crescimento na composição nutricional e componentes bioactivos de duas plantas alimentares infravioladas (Poriphyllum ruderale y Portulaca oleracea)

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    Las plantas silvestres han recibido una atención considerable referiéndose a los aspectos etnobotánicos y farmacológicos. Sin embargo, el potencial de las plantas silvestres comestibles en término de sus beneficios nutricionales y bioactivos se ha investigado sólo en unos pocos casos, a pesar de ser una importante fuente de alimento. El presente estudio pretende ser un referente para promover la inclusión de dos plantas alimenticias infravaloradas como alternativa nutricional en dietas equilibradas y saludables. Se ha evaluado la composición nutricional y componentes bioactivos en Poriphyllum ruderale y Portulaca oleracea, en condiciones mediterráneas de crecimiento silvestre y cultivo ecológico. La cuantificación de nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos se realizó con hojas y tallos pequeños de planta fresca. La composición proximal y mineral se determinó con los métodos oficiales. El análisis de antioxidantes se realizó con la técnica de DPPH y los compuestos fenólicos totales por Folin-Ciocalteu. Se determinaron también otros componentes químicos como nitratos, pH y acidez total. Los componentes nutricionales más representativos fueron la fibra cruda y carbohidratos en condiciones silvestres para P. ruderale y en condiciones cultivadas para P. oleracea. Los macroelementos minerales con mayor abundancia fueron calcio y magnesio en P. ruderale cultivada y P. oleracea silvestre. Para ambas especies el microelemento destacado fue el hierro en condiciones silvestres. Ambas especies en condiciones silvestres destacaron por un alto contenido de antioxidantes y clorofila. Los resultados sugieren que ambas plantas tienen un considerable potencial nutritivo y alto contenido de compuestos bioactivos, además pueden diversificar la producción y un ingrediente atractivo en dietas saludables. &nbsp

    Análisis comparativo de las propiedades fisicoquímicas y capacidad antioxidante de un morfotipo de orégano (Origanum vulgare L.) cultivado en dos localidades de la sierra ecuatoriana

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    Oregano (Origanum. vulgare L.) is a species introduced into the Ecuadorian flora. This species due to its culinary properties is highly appreciated and consumed, and therefore the nature of its benefits is important to be determined. In this study, the chemical composition and the functional compounds content responsible for the antioxidant activity of the plant were evaluated in the oregano accession ECU-20229 from the Germplasm Bank of the National Institute for Agriculture Research (INIAP). This research was carried out in Italquí-province of Imbabura and Tumbaco-province of Pichincha. The whole plant and the plant parts root, stem and leaves were analyzed to determine the content of protein, fatty compounds, minerals and functional compounds. The proximal analysis, the concentration of protein, fatty compounds, minerals, polyphenols and flavonoids, as well as the antioxidant capacity were performed. Content of compounds were statistically different among plant parts as well as among sites. Concentration of protein, fatty compounds and carbohydrates were higher on leaves than the other parts of the plant. Concentration of these compounds were higher in Tumbaco than in Italquí. The micro and macro-minerals were higher in Italquí than in Tumbaco, as well as the content of the total polyphenols and flavonoids. The antioxidant capacity was higher in Tumbaco. The nutritional properties that have been described for this plant for the benefit of human and animal health have been confirmed, and in this research an adding value has been incorporated to the plant parts that are regularly not used.El orégano (Origanum vulgare L.) es una especie introducida en la flora ecuatoriana. Por sus propiedades es muy apreciada y consumida, por lo que es importante determinar la naturaleza de sus beneficios. En este estudio se evaluó la composición fisicoquímica y el contenido de los compuestos funcionales responsables de la actividad antioxidante de la planta en la accesión ECU-20229 del Banco de Germoplasma del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP). El estudio se realizó en Italquí provincia de Imbabura y en Tumbaco provincia de Pichincha. Se analizó la planta entera y sus partes (raíz, tallo y hojas), con la finalidad de determinar dónde se encuentra el mayor contenido de proteína, grasa, minerales y los compuestos funcionales. Se realizó el análisis proximal, concentración de proteína, minerales, polifenoles y flavonoides totales, así como la capacidad antioxidante. El contenido de los compuestos analizados fue estadísticamente diferentes entre las partes de la planta analizadas, y entre los sitios estudiados. La concentración de proteína, grasa y carbohidratos fue superior en las hojas que en las otras partes de la planta. La concentración de estos compuestos fue mayor en Tumbaco que en Italquí. Los macro y microminerales se encontraron en mayor cantidad en Italquí, al igual que el contenido de polifenoles y flavonoides totales. La capacidad de antioxidante fue mayor en Tumbaco. En este estudio se han confirmado las propiedades nutritivas descritas para esta planta en beneficio de la salud humana y animal, pero además se aporta información sobre el valor agregado a las partes de la planta que regularmente son desaprovechadas

    Comparative Analysis of the Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Capacity of a Morphotype Of Oregano (O. Vulgare L.) Cultivated in Two Locations of the Ecuadorian Sierra

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    Oregano (O.vulgare L.) is a species introduced in the Ecuadorian flora. Because of its properties it is highly appreciated and consumed, and it is important to determine the nature of its benefits. The chemical composition and the content of functional compounds responsible for the antioxidant activity of the plant identified by the INIAP Germplasm Bank as ECU-20229 were evaluated. It was cultivated in two areas of the provinces of Imbabura (Italquí) and Pichincha (Tumbaco). The whole plant and its parts (root, stem and leaves) were analyzed in order to determine where the highest content was found. Proximal analysis, minerals, polyphenols and total flavonoids were analyzed, as well as the antioxidant capacity. The analyses carried out on the plant parts showed significant differences, determining the influence of the environment where it was grown. It was possible to determine the presence of nutrients such as protein, fat and carbohydrates, which is higher in the leaves; macro elements are abundant in the stem and leaves and micro elements are found in greater quantity when it was cultivated in Italquí, as well as the content of polyphenols and total flavonoids; the antioxidant capacity is higher in the environmental conditions of Tumbaco. The properties described for this plant have been proven to benefit human and animal health, as well as adding value to its wasted parts.&nbsp

    Nutritional Composition, Bioactive Compounds, and Volatiles Profile Characterization of Two Edible Undervalued Plants: Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass

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    Wild edible plants are an important source of healthy food and have played an important role in traditional Mediterranean diets. In this paper, quality characteristics were typified in Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass, undervalued plants inherent to the spring-summer season in the Valencian coastal region. Nutritional composition and bioactive compounds were analyzed and compared between plants in wild and organic cultivation conditions. Proximate analysis was carried out according to Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods. Total antioxidants were measured as 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl hydrate and total polyphenols content via the Folin–Ciocalteu procedure. The HS-SPME technique was used to characterize the volatiles profile, and the polyphenol profile was evaluated by HPLC. The most important microelement was iron. Total antioxidants ranged from 4392.16 to 7315.00 μmol Trolox·equivalents 100 g−1 fw, and total phenolic content ranged from 99.09 to 391.18 mg gallic acid equivalents·100 g−1 fw. Results show that the content of antioxidants and phenols was higher in wild species than in cultivated ones. The volatiles profile revealed that P. ruderale was rich in monoterpenoids (48.65–55.82%), and fatty alcohols were characteristic in P. oleracea species (16.21–54.18%). The results suggest that both plants could be healthy foods and could have new sustainable agro-ecological potential for the local commercial sector

    Assessment of the Volatile Profiles and Identification of Differentiating Aromas of Wild Undervalued Plants

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    [EN] Wild edible plants have played an important role in traditional diets, including the Mediterranean diet. Many of these plants have acquired an undervalued status, since they are under-appreciated in terms of their nutritional, organoleptic qualities, or their seasonality. However, some of these species are still used in local gastronomy for their aromatic and taste characteristics. This study has investigated the quantitative and qualitative aromatic characteristics of seven undervalued wild plants that determine their organoleptic characteristics. Volatiles of the fresh leaves of each species have been determined by head-space solid-phase microextraction, a sensitive and solvent-free technique, coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. A total of 37 compounds with remarkable quantitative and qualitative differences were identified. In general, benzenoids and monoterpenoids were the most abundant groups, while branched unsaturated hydrocarbons, fatty alcohols, and sesquiterpenoids were the minor groups. Benzyl nitrile, benzyl isothiocyanate, p-cymene, and 2-hexenal were the main individual volatiles, while benzyl alcohol, eugenol, and u-copaene were the differentiating aromas. The results display that the undervalued species studied could be a suitable choice to include as new environmentally friendly crops, providing a double benefit to producers, because they are a possible way to achieve sustainable production systems, and they are an alternative for consumers, because these plants provide flavors that have high organoleptic qualities.Fukalova Fukalova, T.; Moreno Peris, E.; García-Martínez, MD.; Raigón Jiménez, MD. (2022). Assessment of the Volatile Profiles and Identification of Differentiating Aromas of Wild Undervalued Plants. Frontiers in Nutrition. 9:1-14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.912680114

    Efecto del sistema de deshidratación sobre el contenido de carotenoides extraídos de dos variedades del fruto de Carica papaya.

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    In Ecuador the papaya export has increased due to international demand for this product. This gives way to an advantage of its by-products. The obtention of carotenoids from papaya fruits is of great importance, so the dyes market has grown vertiginous. This research has been carried out to evaluate two dehydration systems effect, as a pretreatment for carotenoids extraction and we have worked with two papaya varieties of greater cultivation in this country. The obtained carotenoids were determined by spectrophotometry at 450 nm. With applying the lyophilization method the highest amount extracted of total β-carotenes (5.87 ± 0.62 mg β-carotene/100 g dry sample) was obtained from the Sunrise Solo variety, while for the Tainung variety the values are minor (4.62 ± 0.28 mg β-carotene / 100 g dry sample). The dehydration system by lyophilization is the best pretreatment method for the extraction of carotenoids in the Sunrise Solo variety, while the tray drying is optimal for the Tainung varietyEn Ecuador se ha incrementado la exportación de papaya debido a la demanda internacional por este producto, esto permite dar paso a un aprovechamiento integral de sus subproductos. La obtención de los carotenoides a partir de los frutos de papaya es de gran importancia, pues el mercado de los colorantes naturales ha crecido vertiginosamente. Se ha realizado esta investigación para evaluar el efecto de dos sistemas de deshidratación, como tratamiento previo para la extracción de carotenoides y se ha trabajado con dos variedades de papaya de mayor cultivo en este país. Se determinaron los carotenoides obtenidos por espectrofotometría a 450 nm. La mayor cantidad extraída de b-carotenos totales (5,87 ± 0,62 mg β-caroteno/100 g muestra seca) se obtuvo luego de aplicar el método de liofilización para la variedad Sunrise Solo, mientras que para la variedad Tainung los valores son menores (4,62 ± 0,28 mg β-caroteno/100 g muestra seca). El sistema de deshidratación por liofilización es el mejor método de tratamiento previo para la extracción de carotenoides en la variedad Sunrise Solo, mientras que el secado en bandeja es óptimo para la variedad Tainung