50 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico do consumo de peixe na comunidade do contão, munícipio de Pacaraima (RR) / Diagnosis of fish consumption in the contão community, municipality of Pacaraima (RR)

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    As regiões Norte e Nordeste concentram a maior parte dos consumidores de pescado, o qual se relaciona à disponibilidade regional, ao patamar de preços, a tradição e a cultura local. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar os fatores relevantes sobre o consumo de peixe dos moradores da comunidade indígena do Contão município de Pacaraima (RR). Realizou-se visitas em 52 residências representando 20% das famílias residentes, em julho de 2018, na qual um dos moradores de cada residência foi entrevistado por meio de questionário estruturado e semiestruturado sobre o perfil, hábitos de consumo/preferências e prováveis fatores que afetam a decisão de consumo. Foram entrevistados 30 moradores do sexo masculino e 22 do sexo feminino, com idade entre 22 a 59 anos de etnias diferentes, como Macuxi, Wapichana, Taurepang, sendo a maioria pertencentes a etnia Macuxi e nascidos na comunidade. Ao analisar os tipos de proteína animal, as carnes bovina, aves e peixes são consumidos com mais frequência. Quanto ao hábito alimentar, 92,3% dos entrevistados afirmam ter interesse em consumir peixe em maior frequência por considerarem um alimento saudável. Quanto a forma de aquisição do pescado, 48,1% dos entrevistados adquirem os peixes que consomem por meio da Pesca e Feira Livre, e no que diz respeita forma de aquisição (compra) do peixe, 96% adquirem o peixe fresco e inteiro. A pesquisa apontou que o peixe faz parte do habito alimentar da população, preferencialmente nas refeições em suas próprias residências, uma vez que é considerado um alimento de fácil preparo. Contudo, pode-se concluir que a carne do peixe é bastante apreciada, uma vez que os entrevistados afirmaram ter interesse em consumir com mais frequência, por considerar uma carne saudável

    A Non-Mammalian Type Opsin 5 Functions Dually in the Photoreceptive and Non-Photoreceptive Organs of Birds

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    A mammalian type opsin 5 (neuropsin) is a recently identified ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive pigment of the retina and other photosensitive organs in birds. Two other opsin 5-related molecules have been found in the genomes of non-mammalian vertebrates. However, their functions have not been examined as yet. Here, we identify the molecular properties of a second avian opsin 5, cOpn5L2 (chicken opsin 5-like 2), and its localization in the post-hatch chicken. Spectrophotometric analysis and radionucleotide-binding assay have revealed that cOpn5L2 is a UV-sensitive bistable pigment that couples with the Gi subtype of guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein). As a bistable pigment, it also shows the direct binding ability to agonist all-trans-retinal to activate G protein. The absorption maxima of UV-light-absorbing and visible light-absorbing forms were 350 and 521 nm, respectively. Expression analysis showed relatively high expression of cOpn5L2 mRNA in the adrenal gland, which is not photoreceptive but an endocrine organ, while lower expression was found in the brain and retina. At the protein level, cOpn5L2 immunoreactive cells were present in the chromaffin cells of the adrenal gland. In the brain, cOpn5L2 immunoreactive cells were found in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus, known for photoreceptive deep brain areas. In the retina, cOpn5L2 protein was localized to subsets of cells in the ganglion cell layer and the inner nuclear layer. These results suggest that the non-mammalian type opsin 5 (Opn5L2) functions as a second UV sensor in the photoreceptive organs, while it might function as chemosensor using its direct binding ability to agonist all-trans-retinal in non-photoreceptive organs such as the adrenal gland of birds

    A transmembrane glycoprotein, gp38, is a novel marker for immature hepatic progenitor cells in fetal mouse livers

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    Previously, we clarified the surface antigen profiles of hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) in fetal liver tissue as the CD49f+CD45−Thy1− cell fraction. However, these cells were a heterogeneous cell population containing various stages of differentiation. This study aimed to detect more immature HPCs, using a novel surface antigen, gp38. After the collagenase digestion of fetal livers harvested from E13.5 to E18.5 fetal mice, HPCs were obtained and divided into two subpopulations using flow cytometry: gp38-positive HPCs, and gp38-negative HPCs. Both types of HPCs were characterized by immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR. The proliferative activity was compared by BrdU incorporation and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTS) assay. Furthermore, the comprehensive gene expression was investigated by DNA microarray. Both types of HPCs expressed alpha-fetoprotein. However, the gp38-positive HPCs derived from E13.5 fetal livers did not express albumin or cytokeratin 19, while the gp38-negative HPCs did. DNA microarray revealed that some genes related to the Wnt signal pathway were up-regulated in the gp38-positive HPCs. Furthermore, Wnt3a had a proliferative effect on the gp38-positive HPCs. In conclusion, the gp38-positive HPCs derived from fetal liver tissue until E13.5 could therefore be candidates for hepatic stem cells in the fetal liver

    Iniciação científica e tecnológica no Instituto Federal de Educação, ciência e tecnologia de Roraima: um panorama entre 2015 e 2019: Scientific and technological initiation in the Federal Institute of Education, science and technology of Roraima: an overview between 2015 and 2019

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os percursos de oferta e produção oriundos dos programas institucionais de iniciação científica e tecnológica do IFRR no período de 2015 a 2019. A pesquisa se baseou na análise das informações de documentos disponíveis no site institucional do IFRR, assim como dos currículos dos orientadores disponíveis no banco de dados da Plataforma Lattes do CNPq. A partir do levantamento preliminar realizado, obteve-se o total de 289 projetos desenvolvidos. Os resultados indicam que a maioria dos projetos foram desenvolvidos por estudantes matriculados no ensino superior do IFRR/CBV, já nas unidades localizadas no interior do estado de Roraima a maior parcela de pesquisas foi desenvolvida por estudantes matriculados no ensino médio, especialmente relacionadas à área de ciências agrárias. Quanto aos estudantes participantes, de forma geral, registrou-se a presença feminina com maior representatividade, contudo em projetos executados nas áreas de ciências agrárias, ciências exatas e da terra e engenharias registrou-se predominância de estudantes do sexo masculino. Os orientadores destes programas são maioria do sexo masculino, mestres com atuação nas áreas de ciências agrárias e ciências humanas. A participação de estudantes e servidores do IFRR ainda é baixa, comparada ao número de estudantes matriculados e servidores que atendem os requisitos. Neste sentido, ainda é necessário maior sensibilização quanto ao engajamento da comunidade acadêmica da instituição pesquisada no que se refere à participação em programas de pesquisa com ou sem fomento interno ou externo, objetivando com isso maior visibilidade da produção científica e tecnológica na região Norte do país.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os percursos de oferta e produção oriundos dos programas institucionais de iniciação científica e tecnológica do IFRR no período de 2015 a 2019. A pesquisa se baseou na análise das informações de documentos disponíveis no site institucional do IFRR, assim como dos currículos dos orientadores disponíveis no banco de dados da Plataforma Lattes do CNPq. A partir do levantamento preliminar realizado, obteve-se o total de 289 projetos desenvolvidos. Os resultados indicam que a maioria dos projetos foram desenvolvidos por estudantes matriculados no ensino superior do IFRR/CBV, já nas unidades localizadas no interior do estado de Roraima a maior parcela de pesquisas foi desenvolvida por estudantes matriculados no ensino médio, especialmente relacionadas à área de ciências agrárias. Quanto aos estudantes participantes, de forma geral, registrou-se a presença feminina com maior representatividade, contudo em projetos executados nas áreas de ciências agrárias, ciências exatas e da terra e engenharias registrou-se predominância de estudantes do sexo masculino. Os orientadores destes programas são maioria do sexo masculino, mestres com atuação nas áreas de ciências agrárias e ciências humanas. A participação de estudantes e servidores do IFRR ainda é baixa, comparada ao número de estudantes matriculados e servidores que atendem os requisitos. Neste sentido, ainda é necessário maior sensibilização quanto ao engajamento da comunidade acadêmica da instituição pesquisada no que se refere à participação em programas de pesquisa com ou sem fomento interno ou externo, objetivando com isso maior visibilidade da produção científica e tecnológica na região Norte do país

    Reverse pharmacological effect of loop diuretics and altered rBSC1 expression in rats with lithium nephropathy

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    Reverse pharmacological effect of loop diuretics and altered rBSC1 expression in rats with lithium nephropathy.BackgroundRenal urinary concentration is associated with enhanced expression of rBSC1, a rat sodium cotransporter, in the thick ascending limb of Henle. Increased expression of rBSC1 was reported recently in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus induced by lithium chloride (Li nephropathy). However, the pathophysiological implication of altered rBSC1 expression has not yet been investigated.MethodsLi nephropathy was induced in rats by an oral administration of 40 mmol lithium/kg dry food. In rats with reduced urinary osmolality to less than 300 mOsm/kg H2O, we examined the expression of rBSC1 mRNA and protein, plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) and RNA expression of kidney-specific water channel, aquaporin-2 (AQP2), of collecting ducts. Rats with Li nephropathy were treated with furosemide (3 mg/kg body weight), which blocks the activity of rBSC1, and changes in urine concentration, plasma AVP, medullary accumulation of Li ions, and apical AQP2 expression were determined.ResultsRats with Li nephropathy showed increased rBSC1 RNA and protein expression and reduced AQP2 RNA. In these rats, furosemide, which induces dilution of urine and polyuria in normal rats, resulted in a progressive and significant rise in urine osmolality from 167 ± 11 (mean ± SD) at baseline to 450 ± 45 mOsm/kg H2O at three hours after administration, and significant oliguria. In the same rats, plasma AVP decreased significantly from 5.7 to 3.0 pg/mL. In addition, recovery of apical AQP2 expression was noted in a proportion of epithelial cells of the collecting ducts. Although Li+ in the renal medulla was slightly lower in rats with Li nephropathy treated with furosemide, statistical significance was not achieved.ConclusionsOur results suggest that dehydration or high plasma AVP results in an enhanced rBSC1 expression in Li nephropathy, and that rBSC1 expression is closely associated with the adverse effects of Li ions on collecting duct function

    Evolution of mammalian Opn5 as a specialized UV-absorbing pigment by a single amino acid mutation.

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    Opn5 is one of the recently identified opsin groups that is responsible for nonvisual photoreception in animals. We previously showed that a chicken homolog of mammalian Opn5 (Opn5m) is a Gi-coupled UV sensor having molecular properties typical of bistable pigments. Here we demonstrated that mammalian Opn5m evolved to be a more specialized photosensor by losing one of the characteristics of bistable pigments, direct binding of all-trans-retinal. We first confirmed that Opn5m proteins in zebrafish, Xenopus tropicalis, mouse, and human are also UV-sensitive pigments. Then we found that only mammalian Opn5m proteins lack the ability to directly bind all-trans-retinal. Mutational analysis showed that these characteristics were acquired by a single amino acid replacement at position 168. By comparing the expression patterns of Opn5m between mammals and chicken, we found that, like chicken Opn5m, mammalian Opn5m was localized in the ganglion cell layer and inner nuclear layer of the retina. However, the mouse and primate (common marmoset) opsins were distributed not in the posterior hypothalamus (including the region along the third ventricle) where chicken Opn5m is localized, but in the preoptic hypothalamus. Interestingly, RPE65, an essential enzyme for forming 11-cis-retinal in the visual cycle is expressed near the preoptic hypothalamus of the mouse and common marmoset brain but not near the region of the chicken brain where chicken Opn5m is expressed. Therefore, mammalian Opn5m may work exclusively as a short wavelength sensor in the brain as well as in the retina with the assistance of an 11-cis-retinal-supplying system

    Role of Nitrogen on Growth and Seed Yield of Soybean and a New Fertilization Technique to Promote Nitrogen Fixation and Seed Yield

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    Soybean is an important crop for human food and feed for livestock. World soybean production is increasing especially in North and South America. Soybean seeds contain a high percentage of protein about 35–40%, and they require a large amount of nitrogen compared with other crops. Soybean plants make root nodules with rhizobia, and rhizobia can fix atmospheric N2 and give the fixed N to the host soybean plants. Also, soybean can absorb nitrogen usually nitrate from soil or fertilizers. The amount of total assimilated nitrogen in shoot is proportional to the soybean seed yield either from nitrogen fixation or from nitrogen absorption, and the nitrogen availability is very important for soybean cultivation. Maintenance of a high and long-term nitrogen fixation activity is very important for a high production of soybean. However, application of chemical nitrogen fertilizers usually depresses nodule formation and nitrogen fixation. Nitrate in direct contact with a nodulated part of roots causes severe inhibition of nodule growth and nitrogen fixation, although a distant part of nodules from nitrate application gives no or little effect. Deep placement of slow-release nitrogen fertilizers, coated urea, or lime nitrogen promoted the growth and seed yield and quality of soybean without depressing nitrogen fixation