325 research outputs found


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    Sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu modal penting bagi organisasi karena pada dasarnya manusia memiliki kemampuan untuk berkembang. Salah satu kunci pokok manajemen sumber daya manusia dalam pencapaian target suatu organisasi adalah budaya organisasi. Budaya organisasi merupakan nilai-nilai dan norma perilaku yang diterima dan dipahami secara bersama oleh anggota organisasi sebagai dasar dalam aturan perilaku yang terdapat dalam organisasi tersebut. Menurut Deal & Kennedy, Miner, & Robbins yaitu budaya yang kuat dan positif sangat berpengaruh terhadap perilaku dan efektivitas kinerja perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui budaya perusahaan dan mengukur pengaruh nya terhadap kinerja karyawan PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TELKOM) Tbk. Divisi Regional III Jawa Barat. Tipe penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier sederhana. Sampel diambil berdasarkan Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Hasil uji f dan signifikansi penelitian menunjukan bahwa Budaya Perusahaan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Besar nya pengaruh tersebut mencapai 32,37% yang ditunjukan oleh hasil uji koefisien determinasi. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian adalah bahwa Budaya Perusahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TELKOM) Tbk. Divisi Regional III Jawa Barat. Kata Kunci : Budaya Organisasi, Kinerj

    Genetic full waveform inversion to characterise fractures

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    Active seismic methodologies provide a non-invasive tool to remotely characterise the physical properties of fractures at a wide range of scales, and have a positive impact in helping to solve rock engineering problems in a variety of geo-industrial applications. With current advances in seismic processing tools, such as full waveform inversion (FWI), and accurate models of seismic wave interaction with fractures, seismic characterisation of fractures can be tackled by utilising the entire seismic wavefield recorded at the receiver locations. A two-step strategy, using the genetic algorithm (GA) for global optimisation and the Neighbourhood Algorithm (NA) for evaluating uncertainties, was developed to simultaneously estimate the fracture properties (both fracture specific stiffness and equivalent fracture stiffness) and the background material properties directly from seismic waveforms. The optimisation involves minimising the difference between the observed (measured) and forward-modelled full waveforms through the finite difference code WAVE3D. The development, named Genetic Algorithm Full-Waveform Fracture Inversion (GAFWFI), looks beyond conventional seismic methods which focus on characterising fracture-induced anisotropy, by reducing the need to manually condition the data (e.g. manual picking of seismic phases), and by providing a robust means to explore multiple solutions. The development also allows the gap between different representations of fracturing to be bridged within a comprehensive method which can employ both discrete fracture and effective fracture models. GA-FWFI is tested initially on synthetic ultrasonic experiments with parallel fractures. Results confirm that the method can effectively invert for physical properties such as fracture stiffness, location, background material properties, while the posterior probability density (PPD) show that inversions are very well constrained. GA-FWFI is then applied to waveforms from a laboratory experiment investigating fracture slip and again results show high degree of accuracy. GA-FWFI is then utilised to unveil the coupling between discrete fracture networks (DFNs) and their equivalent fracture zone properties. The results reveal that the transition from a medium with open cracks to one with welded interfaces leads to the equivalent media having the equivalent medium stiffness non-linearly related to the crack specific stiffness. An attribute χ is proposed which helps guide the interpretation of a cracked medium by giving a range of likely values for crack size and crack stiffness. This work paves the way for novel strategies to seismically characterise fractures

    Strategies and Controversies in the Treatment With Carbon Dioxide Laser of Laryngeal Hemangioma: A Case Series and Review of the Literature

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    The hemangioma is the most common vascular tumor, involving the head and neck in 60% of cases. It is rare in the larynx. In children, hemangiomas are more frequent on the subglottis, whereas in adults the most common site is the supraglottis. Laryngeal hemangioma with cavernous features isolated to the free edge of the vocal fold is a very rare clinical finding. We present 2 cases of glottic hemangioma. Both patients reported severe hoarseness

    Strategies and Controversies in the Treatment With Carbon Dioxide Laser of Laryngeal Hemangioma: A Case Series and Review of the Literature

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    Introduction: The hemangioma is the most common vascular tumor, involving the head and neck in 60% of cases. It is rare in the larynx. In children, hemangiomas are more frequent on the subglottis, whereas in adults the most common site is the supraglottis. Laryngeal hemangioma with cavernous features isolated to the free edge of the vocal fold is a very rare clinical finding. We present 2 cases of glottic hemangioma. Both patients reported severe hoarseness. Cases: In the first patient, an extensive blue-purple mass was seen on the right vocal cord. The patient was posted for microlaryngeal surgery with carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. Second patient had a large, smooth, flesh-colored polypoid mass emanating from the left vocal cord. The patient was posted for microlaryngeal surgery. After 2 months, both patients showed a considerable voice improvement. Discussion: Vocal cord hemangiomas are very rare, and they usually cause problem in the voice of the patient. A vascular lesion that may mimic a hemangioma may sometimes result from an organizing hematoma following a hemorrhage on the vocal cords due to voice abuse. Laryngeal hemangiomas also need to be distinguished pathologically from polypoidal vascular granulation tissue that may be produced by laryngeal biopsy, intubation, or trauma. Indirect endoscopy is enough to diagnosis. No active treatment is advised for adult laryngeal hemangiomas unless the lesions are symptomatic or show a tendency to involve other parts. There is no uniformly accepted treatment of head and neck hemangiomas. Surgical excision with laser CO2 microlaryngoscopic techniques gives satisfactory results

    Salinity Stress and Salt Tolerance

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    "Salinity is one of the most serious factors limiting the productivity of agricultural crops, with adverse effects on germination, plant vigour and crop yield (R Munns & Tester, 2008). Salinization affects many irrigated areas mainly due to the use of brackish water. Worldwide, more than 45 million hectares of irrigated land have been damaged by salt, and 1.5 million hectares are taken out of production each year as a result of high salinity levels in the soil (R Munns & Tester, 2008). High salinity affects plants in several ways: water stress, ion toxicity, nutritional disorders, oxidative stress, alteration of metabolic processes, membrane disorganization, reduction of cell division and expansion, genotoxicity (Hasegawa, Bressan, Zhu, & Bohnert, 2000, R. Munns, 2002, Zhu, 2007). Together, these effects reduce plant growth, development and survival.

    An HPLC-automated Derivatization for Glutathione and Related Thiols Analysis in Brassica rapa L

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    The high content of glucosinolates and glutathione makes the Brassicaceae an important healthy food. Thiols and especially glutathione and γ-Glu-Cys-Gly tripeptide are involved in many fundamental cellular functions such as oxidative stress protection. Although several methods for sulphur compounds analysis in biological samples are actually used, the determination of glutathione and other sulphur derivatives in plant tissues is rather problematic due to their extreme susceptibility to oxidation, which can lead to their overestimation. The aim of this work was the improvement and validation of an automated method for determination of reduced and oxidised glutathione, cysteine and γ-glutamylcysteine in plant tissues. The method consists of a fully automated pre-column derivatization of thiols based on monobromobimane reagent, a high-performance liquid chromatography derivatives separation, and a fluorimetric detection and quantification. The method was successfully applied for determination of the oxidized and reduced forms of Cys, γ-GC and GSH content in leaves, petioles, inflorescences and roots of Brassica rapa L. subsp. Sylvestris. At harvest, in freshly cut plants, the average contents of GSH/2GSSG were 840/45, 345/70 and 150/70 nmol g−1 FW for the florets, leaf blades and stems, respectively; those of Cys/2Cys were 80/12, 29/12 and 24/6 nmol g-1 FW; while those of γ-GC/γ-GCCG-γ were 8.0/4.0, and 6.0/3.0, 3.0/2.0 nmol g−1 FW, respectively. Such amounts were lower in low-sulphur-grown plants at harvest. The very low coefficient of variation between repeated tests (maximum 1.6%), the high recovery of internal standard (>96%) and the linear correlation coefficient of the calibration (R2 > 0.99) support the efficiency of this method that allowed analysing about 50 samples/die in a totally automated manner with no operator intervention. Our results show that the reported method integrations can significantly improve thiols detection via HPL

    Durum wheat roots adapt to salinity remodeling the cellular content of nitrogen metabolites and sucrose

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    Plants are currently experiencing increasing salinity problems due to irrigation with brackish water. Moreover, in fields, roots can grow in soils which show spatial variation in water content and salt concentration, also because of the type of irrigation. Salinity impairs crop growth and productivity by inhibiting many physiological and metabolic processes, in particular nitrate uptake, translocation, and assimilation. Salinity determines an increase of sap osmolality from about 305 mOsmol kg-1 in control roots to about 530 mOsmol kg-1 in roots under salinity. Root cells adapt to salinity by sequestering sodium in the vacuole, as a cheap osmoticum, and showing a rearrangement of few nitrogencontaining metabolites and sucrose in the cytosol, both for osmotic adjustment and oxidative stress protection, thus providing plant viability even at low nitrate levels. Mainly glycine betaine and sucrose at low nitrate concentration, and glycine betaine, asparagine and proline at high nitrate levels can be assumed responsible for the osmotic adjustment of the cytosol, the assimilation of the excess of ammonium and the scavenging of ROS under salinity. High nitrate plants with half of the root system under salinity accumulate proline and glutamine in both control and salt stressed split roots, revealing that osmotic adjustment is not a regional effect in plants. The expression level and enzymatic activities of asparagine synthetase and δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase, as well as other enzymatic activities of nitrogen and carbon metabolism, are analyzed

    Mechanism of proton-linked nitrate uptake in Cyanidium caldarium, an acidophilic non-vacuolated alga

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    The unicellular non-vacuolated alga Cyanidium caldarium, grown under conditions of nitrogen limitation, possesses two permease systems for nitrate uptake, one of which, the so-called 'high-affinity nitrate uptake system', enables the alga to take up nitrate through a mechanism involving cotransport of protons. Measurements of nitrate and proton stoichiometry, and determination of the kinetic parameters of uptake in cells resuspended in medium adjusted at different pH values, are consistent with a mechanism of uptake in which two protons for each nitrate ion are transported across the plasmalemma. Furthermore, kinetic data suggest that the carrier first binds nitrate and, subsequently, protons. Permutations of this binding sequence do not agree with the experimental results. © 1985
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