502 research outputs found

    Radiografía de una educación física en crisis

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    En el presente libro analizamos como la dinámica de la educación física nos exige a los profesionales adaptarnos a los cambios que se producen para proteger nuestros diversos ámbitos de trabajo. Sin lugar a dudas, el auge de las diferentes disciplinas de entrenamiento grupal y el cuidado de la salud, ha llevado a la Educación Física a estar entre las prioridades de la sociedad en general, ahora, ¿la sociedad es consciente de la importancia del rol del profesional en todo esto? ¿Nosotros protegemos nuestros ámbitos de ejercicio? ¿Conocemos la legislación vigente y las responsabilidades que tenemos? Las respuestas a estas preguntas las desarrollaremos en este libros que lo que busca es generar consciencia profesional, debate entre pares y empezar a sembrar un nuevo paradigma en las generaciones que vienen con desafíos totalmente diferentes a los del siglo XX

    Al servizio di una rivoluzione globale? I comunisti italiani e il colonialismo (1926-1956)

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    This research focuses on the policy of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) regarding the colonial question, understood as the set of positions on Italian and European colonialism, the 'missions' organized by the party in specific colonial contexts, and the representation of colonialism in relation to these experiences. The chronological span extends from 1926 – the year of the Lyon Congress, where the party first elaborated Lenin's positions on the colonial question in the Italian context – to 1956 – when the PCI's VIII Congress marked a crucial political turning point, recognizing the 'polycentrism' of the socialist camp and elaborating the 'Italian way to socialism'. The work is structured in four parts. The first part analyzes the theoretical development of the PCI on the colonial question in the second half of the 1920s, then moves on to the reconstruction of two episodes that constitute a concrete manifestation of this development – Spano's missions in Egypt in 1935-36 and Barontini, Ukmar, and Rolla's mission in Ethiopia in 1939-40. Subsequently, it examines the activity of Italian militants in the Tunisian Communist Party (PCT) and the reorganization of the anti-fascist movement in Tunisia undertaken with the contribution of leaders sent by the PCI's foreign center, namely Velio Spano and Giorgio Amendola, between 1938 and 1939. The research then reconstructs the work carried out by Italian communists during World War II in Vichy-controlled Tunisia and, subsequently, in the years following liberation, up to 1950. Moving to Somalia and Eritrea, the focus shifts to the emergence of communist sections and groups formed by Italian soldiers and former colonists in territories of the former empire occupied by the British. Similar to the previous section, in this one dedicated to the Horn of Africa, the relationship with indigenous populations and nationalist movements is one of the main lenses through which the historiographical reconstruction is approached. Additionally, the positions of the PCI regarding the fate of former colonies during debates preceding the ratification of the 1947 Peace Treaty are analyzed. Finally, the last part concentrates on the PCI's attitude towards the major decolonization movements in North Africa in the first half of the 1950s

    La contratación laboral irregular como comportamiento delictivo en el Código Penal Argentino

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    El trabajo irregular o trabajo en negro siempre ha sido uno de los grandes temas por resolver en la sociedad. Es por ello que a lo largo de la historia una de las grandes preocupaciones ha sido intentar establecer normas que de alguna manera sancionen este tipo de comportamiento, con el fin de disminuir el número de casos que este fenómeno presenta en las realidades de las relaciones de trabajo. Estas normas generalmente son materia del Derecho del Trabajo, y en definitiva, son los operadores de esta rama del Derecho quienes con frecuencia se abocan a la difícil tarea de promover su cumplimiento en el flujo de las relaciones de empleo. No obstante, con este trabajo de investigación se pretende dejar al descubierto que además de las disposiciones que están previstas respecto esta temática en el ordenamiento laboral vigente en nuestro país, encontramos otra respuesta concreta para este grave problema en otra de las ramas del Derecho. La cual entendemos como suficiente, y tal vez más efectiva, para atacar con eficacia laproblemática del empleo informal. Sin embargo, advertimos que en la práctica del ejercicio del derecho todavía no ha podido ser abordada con la profundidad que merece.Fil: Fugazzotto, Mariano José. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Derecho

    Hypericum perforatum L. prevents the acquisition of and promotes resilience against stress-induced reinstatement of the conditioned place preference induced by cocaine.

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    Abstract Cocaine use disorder is a serious problem worldwide, and there are no approved medications for its treatment. A novel approach to the treatment of drug addiction is the use of natural products, and, in this context, preclinical evidence suggests that Hypericum perforatum L. (Hypericum) is effective against alcohol and other substance use disorders. We hypothesised that Hypericum could also be useful as a treatment for cocaine use disorder, and so we set out to test its effectiveness in a mice model of cocaine addiction. In the first experiment we evaluated its effects on the acquisition of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). Adult male mice were conditioned with cocaine (25 mg/kg), cocaine with Hypericum (75, 150 or 300 mg/kg) or the plant extract alone (300 mg/kg). In the second experiment, we tested the effects of Hypericum on stress-induced reinstatement of cocaine CPP. All the mice were conditioned with cocaine (25 mg/kg) and, after extinction of CPP, the reinstating effects of social defeat (alone or with 75, 150 or 300 mg/kg of Hypericum) were evaluated. All the doses of Hypericum prevented the acquisition of cocaine-induced CPP. Furthermore, the plant extract dose-dependently reduced the reinstating effects of social defeat. Therefore, Hypericum is effective in reducing the rewarding effects of cocaine and prevents the stress-induced reinstatement of cocaine CPP in mice. The mechanisms underlying these positive effects of Hypericum perforatum L. need to be determined by future research. Our results endorse Hypericum as a natural treatment for cocaine dependence

    Industrial Ceramics: From Waste to New Resources for Eco-Sustainable Building Materials

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    Today, the need to dispose of a huge amount of ceramic industrial waste represents an important problem for production plants. Contextually, it is increasingly difficult to retrieve new mineral resources for the realization of building materials. Reusing ceramic industrial waste as precursors for building blocks/binders, exploiting their aluminosilicate composition for an alkaline activation process, could solve the problem. This chemical process facilitates the consolidation of new binders/blocks without thermal treatments and with less CO2 emissions if compared with traditional cements/ceramics. The alkali-activated materials (AAMs) are today thought as the materials of the future, eco-sustainable and technically advanced. In this study, six different kind of industrial ceramic waste are compared in their chemical and mineralogical composition, together with their thermal behaviour, reactivity in an alkaline environment and surface area characteristics, with the aim of converting them from waste into new resources. Preliminary tests of AAM synthesis by using 80%–100% of ceramic waste as a precursor show promising results. Workability, porosity and mechanical strengths in particular are measured, showing as, notwithstanding the presence of carbonate components, consolidated materials are obtained, with similar results. The main factors which affect the characteristics of the synthetized AAMs are the precursors’ granulometry, curing temperature and the proportions of the activating solutions

    Raman spectroscopy potentiality in the study of geopolymers reaction degree

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    AbstractAlkali‐activated materials (AAMs) and "geopolymers" are inorganic polymeric materials obtained by mixing of solid aluminosilicate precursors with an alkaline solution (generally, KOH or NaOH and Na2SiO3 mixed in various ratios). This class of aluminosilicate materials has emerged as a greener alternative to traditional concrete, for large‐scale as well as for niche applications such as conservation and restoration of built heritage. In this work we apply Raman spectroscopy both to aluminosilicate precursors (metakaolin, pumice, volcanic ash, volcanic soils, clayey sediments, ceramic waste) and to the respective AAMs. In the field of vibrational spectroscopy, Raman is much less employed in the literature with respect to Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) to have insights into the alkali activation process from a molecular point of view. The aim of this paper is to investigate the potentiality of a Raman approach to the comparison of the employed raw materials with the respective AAMs. Raman analyses during the first hours of geopolymerization were also carried out on the clayey sediments and ceramic waste‐based products. The results, differentiated according to the employed precursors, exhibit spectra relative to crystalline and amorphous phases that can give an indication about the newly formed aluminosilicate gel

    Estudio descriptivo correlacional del plan de estudio y contenidos mínimos curriculares de la carrera de Licenciatura de Educación Física de la UMaza y su relación con las percepciones de docentes, alumnos y el rendimiento académico de los mismos

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    Este trabajo es un estudio descriptivo, correlacional, no experimental bajo encuadre cuali cuantitativo, realizado con el objetivo de evaluar la actual propuesta curricular de la carrera de Licenciatura en Educación Física de la Facultad de Educación de la UMaza desde la mirada de docentes y alumnos de la sede Gran Mendoza. Esta investigación se está desarrollando con el análisis de la documentación institucional que registra los contenidos mínimos de la carrera y el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Simultáneamente se están aplicando encuestas y entrevistas semiestructuradas a docentes y alumnos para reconocer sus percepciones sobre los mencionados contenidos a través de la reflexión derivada del diálogo. La aplicación de estos instrumentos nos orientará hacia las zonas vulnerables de la carrera en cuanto a contenidos mínimos y a buscar caminos que permitan favorecer la transformación del pensamiento rutinario y espontáneo en nuestras aulas

    Percepciones de docentes y alumnos sobre el plan de estudios y contenidos mínimos en la currícula de la carrera de Licenciatura en Educación Física de la UMaza y su relación con el rendimiento académico de los alumnos de la mencionada carrera

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    Conocer la percepción de docentes y alumnos sobre el plan de estudio y contenidos mínimos de la carrera de Licenciatura de Educación Física de la Facultad de Educación de la UMAZA sede Gran Mendoza. •Intentar establecer si existe relación entre el rendimiento académico de los alumnos y la percepción de los mismos sobre el plan de estudio y contenidos mínimos de la carrera de Licenciatura de Educación Física de la Facultad de Educación de la UMaza sede Gran Mendoza

    Clinical treatment of postoperative infection following sinus augmentation

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    Purpose: The aim of this case report is to present the successful clinical treatment of two cases of postoperative infection following maxillary sinus augmentation. Methods: In the two cases of postoperative infection, immediate total removal of the grafted material from the sinus was conducted to stop the spread of the infection, after which a high dose of antibiotics was administrated. Re-augmentation procedures were then conducted after the infection subsided. Results: No further complications occurred after sinus re-augmentation. The dental implants placed in the re-augmented sinus were clinically osseointegrated, and the implant-supported restorations in the two cases of postoperative infection have been functioning very well for over 2 years. Conclusions: In the case of infection of the grafted sinuses, it is necessary to completely remove the graft materials and then administer a high dose of antibiotics to treat the acute infection, after which sinus re-augmentation is suggested. ?? 2010 Korean Academy of Periodontology

    Dynamic structural health monitoring of a model wind turbine tower using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)

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    AbstractMaintenance of wind turbine towers is currently a manual process that requires visual inspection and bolt tightening yearly. This process is costly to energy companies and its necessity is not well-defined. In this study, two Rayleigh-based distributed fiber optic sensing technologies are evaluated and compared for their ability to monitor the dynamic structural behavior of a model wind turbine tower subject to free and forced vibration. They are further tested for their ability to detect structural phenomena associated with loose bolts and material damage within the tower. The two technologies examined are optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) and phase-based optical time domain reflectometry (ϕ\phi ϕ -OTDR), which is a technology used in distributed acoustic sensing (DAS). OFDR is a tested and proven strain measurement technology commonly used for structural health monitoring but can only make strain measurements over short distances (10 s of meters). OFDR was used to validate the measurements made with ϕ\phi ϕ -OTDR which can measure over much longer distances (several kilometers). Due to its sensing distance capability, ϕ\phi ϕ -OTDR is a promising technology for monitoring many wind turbines networked together with a single fiber optic cable. This study presents a first-of-its-kind use of ϕ\phi ϕ -OTDR for structural health monitoring to demonstrate its capabilities