400 research outputs found
Ultrasound studies of dilated cardiomyopathy in Dobermanns and English cocker spaniels
The basic hypothesis tested in this study was that dogs with dilated
cardiomyopathy have abnormal ventricular function, and that this can be detected
noninvasively using M-mode, two-dimensional (2D), and Doppler echocardiography, and
also by measuring myocardial ultrasonic integrated backscatter. An additional hypothesis
was that different breeds of dogs affected with DCM have a different clinical course, and
that differences in ventricular function between these breeds can be detected by
echocardiography or integrated backscatter measurements that might account for the
different prognosisThe aims of this study therefore were (1) to identify echocardiographic variables
that distinguished normal dogs from dogs with DCM; (2) to identify differences in
ventricular function using echocardiography between Dobermanns and English cocker
spaniels with DCM; and (3) to measure ultrasonic integrated backscatter in normal dogs and
in Dobermanns and Cocker spaniels with DCM.In this group of Dobermanns, median survival time was 98 days (range 16 - 508
days), whereas median survival in the cocker spaniels was 512 days (range 51 to >1388
days), with 6/11 still alive at the time of writing (p < 0.002). All the measured M-mode
variables differed significantly between the normal dogs and the dogs with DCM. Compared
with the Dobermanns, the cocker spaniels had significantly increased LV free wall
thickening and increased LV diastolic diameter when indexed to body surface area. All the
2D echocardiographic variables were significantly different between the normal dogs and
dogs with DCM when corrected for body size, but there were no significant differences
between Dobermanns and cocker spaniels. Significant differences were found between
normal and DCM dogs in some but not all of the Doppler echocardiographic variables.
Cocker spaniels had higher mitral A wave velocities than the normal dogs, and decreased
mitral E/A ratios compared with both the other groups. Dobermanns had shorter isovolumic
relaxation times than the other groupsIn the second part of this study, measurements were made of ultrasonic integrated
backscatter in selected regions of the left ventricle in normal dogs and dogs with DCM.
Ultrasonic integrated backscatter is a measurement of the power of the ultrasound signal
returned from the myocardium to the transducer. This backscattered signal reflects basic
tissue properties, and exhibits dynamic variation with contractile function that may represent
fundamental alterations in the shape, size and distribution of scatterers within the
myocardium. Consistent cyclic variation in integrated backscatter was observed in the LV
free wall and septum of the normal dogs, but this pattern was not consistently seen in the
DCM dogs. Differences were not seen between the Dobermanns and cocker spaniels,
although the number of cocker spaniels measured was small.In conclusion, the DCM dogs had evidence of markedly reduced systolic function
compared with the normal dogs. The affected dogs had left atrial and left ventricular dilation
with thinner left ventricular walls. Although there was little evidence of any difference in
systolic function between the two affected breeds, there was evidence of different diastolic
function, with a tendency for Dobermanns to show a restrictive pattern of transmitral filling,
and cocker spaniels to show evidence of delayed relaxation. The different pattern of
diastolic dysfunction in the two breeds is consistent with the prognostic value ascribed to
transmitral flow patterns in human DCM patients: delayed relaxation patterns have been
associated with improved survival times in man. Reduced cyclic variation of ultrasonic
integrated backscatter was also seen in the dogs affected with DCM, although no differences
were found between the two affected breeds
Transcending the Border: The Encounter with the Other in Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings
This article explores the representation of borders and cosmopolitanism in the film Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings (2012), the fourth title in the Disney fairies franchise. The film tells the story of a world divided into two territories, the Winter Woods and Pixie Hollow. A ban on cross-border mobility prohibits any kind of interaction between the inhabitants of the two worlds. Tinker Bell, the main character in the film, feels the urge to break the law and cross to the other side, where she meets her twin sister and finds out the reason for the ban. Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings is a border film that deals with the processes of border construction and dissolution while also highlighting the potential, and some of the risks, of the dismantling of borders. This article analyses the film''s use of different spaces that, in line with the dual nature of borders theorised by, among others, Gloria Anzaldua, work simultaneously as dividing lines and borderlands. Gerard Delanty''s concept of cosmopolitan moments is used to analyse the articulation of cross-border relationships in the film
Sources of Indoor Air Pollution and Respiratory Health in Preschool Children
We carried out bibliographic searches in PubMed and Embase.com for the period from 1996 to 2008 with the aim of reviewing the scientific literature on the relationship between various sources of indoor air pollution and the respiratory health of children under the age of five. Those studies that included adjusted correlation measurements for the most important confounding variables and which had an adequate population size were considered to be more relevant. The results concerning the relationship between gas energy sources and children's respiratory health were heterogeneous. Indoor air pollution from biomass combustion in the poorest countries was found to be an important risk factor for lower respiratory tract infections. Solvents involved in redecorating, DYI work, painting, and so forth, were found to be related to an increased risk for general respiratory problems. The distribution of papers depending on the pollution source showed a clear relationship with life-style and the level of development
Introducción a la plataforma Arduino y al Sensor ultrasónico HC-SR04 : experimentado en una aplicación para medición de distancias
Grado en Ingeniería Informátic
Grado de competencia digital y usos TIC en profesoras del Campo de Gibraltar
Esta investigación sirve para conocer y estudiar el grado de competencia digital y uso de redes sociales, la calidad relacional online y la inmersión digital de las profesoras correspondientes a la zona de Gibraltar de la que es responsable el CEP de Algeciras-La Línea. La metodología es cuantitativa, de corte correlacional y descriptivo, con una muestra de 1134 profesoras. El instrumento de investigación es un cuestionario que contiene diversos bloques con los constructos vinculados a la investigación diagnóstica de la competencia digital de estas profesoras.
Por último, hemos podido saber que el grado de uso con las redes sociales es a diario, siendo la aplicación WhatsApp la más utilizada. En cuanto a dicho uso tecnológico es más difícil en la etapa de infantil que en etapas posteriores. Además se ha podido observar que existe mayor grado de relación entre Calidad Relacional e Inmersión Digital y entre Calidad Relacional y Competencia Digital. Al predecir la calidad relacional online dentro las competencias digitales generales especificamos dos especialmente importantes (Competencia digital socio comunicativa y Competencia digital emocional).The aim of this research is to know and study the digital skill level and network use, online relational quality and digital inmersion from female teachers of CEP1 de Algeciras-La Línea (Gibraltar). The metodology is cuantitative, correlational and descriptive, with a population of 1134 female teachers. The research instrument consist in a survey with several measure with constructs conected to the diagnostic research of these female teachers digital skill.
In conclusion, we have discovered that networks are used daily and that WhatsApp is the most used.. However, the use of this App is less common in childhood than in later stages. Futhermore, it has been noticed that the connecting level is higher between relational quality and digital inmersion and between relational quality and digital skill. After predicting online relational quality inside general digital skills, we specify two important digital skills (comunicational digital skill and emotional digital skill).Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Pedagogí
"A vueltas con las migraciones”. Estrategias de migración familiar transnacional. Una mirada desde el Trabajo Social a propósito de las familias bolivianas
Tradicionalmente, la investigación sobre el “hecho migratorio” se ha centrado en los acontecimientos económicos, sociales y políticos que explican las razones y circunstancias de los movimientos poblacionales. La incorporación de la perspectiva de género al estudio de las migraciones ha permitido que, a día de hoy, un gran número de investigaciones indaguen sobre los procesos familiares que acompañan a la migración cuando ésta es encabezada por mujeres. Esta tesis doctoral pretende contribuir a esta línea de investigación para el caso de la migración boliviana a España. Desde el enfoque transnacional investigamos sobre el impacto y reorganización familiar a partir de la migración, así como las lógicas y modos de intervención profesional que desde el Trabajo Social se ejecutan en relación al tema. Tomando como referencia los contextos de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) y Jaén (España), el presente estudio explora en las estrategias desplegadas por las familias para soportar las condiciones económicas adversas que presenta el contexto de destino –crisis económica-.[EN]Traditionally, “migratory fact” research has been focused on economic, social and political events, which explain the reasons and circumstances behind human migration. The inclusion of the female perspective in the study of migrations has allowed the increase in research focused on the familiar processes involved when the migration is lead by women. This doctoral thesis aims to contribute to this line of research in the case of migration from Bolivia to Spain. From the transnational approach, we research about the impact and familiar reorganization in migration, as well as logic and professional intervention from Social Work are implemented in relationships. Using the migration patterns of Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) and Jaén (Spain), the present research explores the strategies used by the families to bear unfavorable economical conditions presented in the context of the destination- economical crisis-.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Psicología. Leída el 19 de junio de 201
Un análisis de las percepciones de los estudiantes que cursan materias en-línea
Propósito y método de estudio
El propósito central de esta investigación consistió en explorar la percepción de los estudiantes de la facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación en relación con los cursos en-línea. Para recabar los datos se diseñó un proceso de
observación basado en técnicas de entrevistas semiestructuradas y focus group en el que participaron 15 estudiantes que cursan, en la modalidad enlínea, la asignatura de “Pensamiento Creativo”. En virtud de que el estudio fue de naturaleza exploratoria y descriptiva con un enfoque cualitativo, no se
trabajó con hipótesis sino con objetivos. De esta manera, se planteó una pregunta central de la que se derivaron tres objetivos específicos.
Contribuciones y conclusiones:
Una contribución importante de la presente investigación es la perspectiva estudiantil en cuanto a las fortalezas y debilidades de la forma en que se desarrollan los cursos en-línea en la facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Esto se puede considerar como una importante referencia para la futura programación de cursos bajo esta modalidad educativa. Entre
los hallazgos importantes se encuentran: (a) la falta de retroalimentación, (b) la impersonalidad del diálogo transaccional y (c) la desconfianza en la modalidad educativa. Asimismo, se encontró que la experiencia satisfactoria
con los cursos en línea y las ventajas de tiempo y espacio, son importantes factores predictivos para el futuro registro de los estudiantes en esta modeliad. Finalmente, se concluye que los cursos en-línea son una magnífica opción educativa que se debe considerar en le nuevo debate sobre la flexibilidad curricular en las instituciones de educación superior (IES)
La orientación y las transiciones educativas
Máster Univ. en Formación del Profes. en E.S.O., Bachillerato, F.P. y E.Ii.Al tiempo que la orientación va adquiriendo mayor consistencia en el desarrollo
integral del alumnado surgen con fuerza la relevancia de los procesos de
transición. A lo largo de la vida académica se transita por distintos niveles
educativos, con distintas metodologías de trabajo, distintos entornos, distintas
realidades… Uno de los indicadores más influyentes en el éxito académico es
conseguir una adaptación rápida y efectiva al nuevo entorno educativo en el que
se integra el alumnado. Y uno de los factores básicos del abandono de los
estudios postobligatorios está en los problemas de integración al nuevo nivel
educativo. Además, también es importante para el éxito en la vida una buena
transición al mundo laboral. Por todo ello, la Administración y las instituciones
educativas asumen la responsabilidad de planificar estos procesos
adecuadamente, fomentando su puesta en práctica en cada momento. Este
proyecto de innovación pretende hacer una propuesta a través del PAT para
mejorar la transición después de finalizar la enseñanza secundaria obligatoria.
Palabras clave: orientación, transición educativa, nivel educativo, plan de acción
tutorial.As the orientation becomes more consistent in the integral development of the
students, the relevance of the transition processes strongly arises. Throughout
the academic life one goes through different educational levels, with different
work methodologies, different environments, different realities ... One of the most
influential indicators of academic success is achieving a quick and effective
adaptation to the new educational environment in the that the students are
integrated. And one of the basic factors of dropping out of post-compulsory
studies is in the problems of integration to the new educational level. In addition,
a good transition to the world of work is also important for success in life. For all
these reasons, the Administration and educational institutions assume the
responsibility of planning these processes adequately, promoting their
implementation at all times. This proyect aims to analyze the different transition
processes that students experience, with special emphasis on access after
completing compulsory secondary education
Variables Contributing to the Awareness of Online Gendered Violence: Focus on Observers
The study aimed to examine variables that could contribute to the awareness of online gendered violence (OGV). For this, an online survey was used. First, we assessed whether sexism and violence justification affect awareness of gender-based cyberviolence. Second, this effect was evaluated considering the smartphone usage. Third, we studied differences in awareness of OGV according to gender, digital generation, and academic field of study. Fourth, we tested for multiple associations of attitudinal variables, smartphone usage, and sociodemographic variables with OGV. The study involved 453 young adults from the Andalucia region, Spain (Mage = 21.9, SD = 2.15; 64% women). The results showed that, with more sexist attitudes and normalization of violence, the limits regarding what constitute gender-based violence in digital media are more permissive (less awareness). Regarding smartphone use, when it became problematic, desensitization to cyberviolence against women and sexual and gender minorities increased. Multiple correspondence analysis revealed an observer profile, that is, a woman studying for a humanistic or healthcare career who does not believe in psychosocial sex differences, or that violence as a reaction is justified, and also does not support biological fatalism of sexism and violence. This observer also has high awareness of the cyber-behaviors that constitute OGV. In conclusion, this study provides key data for psychoeducational strategies aiming to increase awareness of gender-based cyberviolence.Proyecto financiado por el “Pacto de Estado contra la Violencia de Género” (2019–2020
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