327 research outputs found

    Book Review: Restoring Dignity in Public Schools: Human Rights Education in Action by Maria Hantzopoulos

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    A School of Education Curricular Response to Anti-Blackness

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    In this article, the authors share the inspiration for and development of a new concentration in a doctoral program at the University of San Francisco. The concentration, Racial Justice and Education, is grounded in four pillars of knowledge, love, solidarity and justice. The concentration allows doctoral students to study critical race theory and critical Whiteness studies. In addition, students take two ethnic studies courses that focus on the educational experiences of different racial and ethnic groups, as well as relational histories and shared solidarities across groups. During multiple pandemics that disparately harm Black communities (including state-sanctioned violence against Black communities and health and environmental pandemics), the launch of this new concentration is timely

    Matkonsumtion under pandemin: Digitala plattformar och nya matpraktiker

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    Online food shopping reinvented : developing digitally enabled coping strategies in times of crisis

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted consumer food shopping. This paper aims to conceptualise, illustrate and explain how and why online grocery shopping has changed during the pandemic. Taking a shopping-as-practice approach and drawing on ethnographic interviews with 31 Swedish households, we analyse how online grocery shopping was performed during the pandemic.Our findings show that online grocery shopping was reinvented during the pandemic, it was no longer only a convenient mode of shopping, but became also a way to cope with the crisis brought about by Covid-19. This change, however, was demanding as developing and routinizing a new mode of shopping practice required substantial work on the part of consumers. Consumers had to engage in detailed planning, to learn to shop anew, and to develop temporal sensitivity. By developing this new mode of online grocery shopping consumers were able to cope, both practically and emotionally, with the challenges brought on by the restrictions.This study provides insights into consumers’ capacities to manage a food crisis, showing that this capacity depends on both retailers’ digital food platforms as well as consumers’ pre-existing shopping competencies and social networks. We conclude by discussing both the managerial and societal implications of these results

    Celebrities, violencia de género y derechos de las mujeres: ¿hacia una transformación del marco de reconocimiento?

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    Introducción. Ante los límites que presenta el actual marco de reconocimiento de la violencia de género, el presente trabajo analiza las posibilidades que abre la acción de celebrities en la transformación de este marco y en relación a la lucha por los derechos de las mujeres. Para ello proponemos el concepto de ethical witnessing. Metodología. Se propone un modelo de análisis a través de la operacionalización de dicho concepto para el estudio de prácticas representacionales que puedan desestabilizar los actuales parámetros de representación en aras de la resignificación del sujeto-víctima de la violencia. Las cuatro dimensiones de análisis son: el tipo de relación que se genera entre el sujeto-víctima y quien atestigua; el grado de transgresión de los modelos reificados de la identificación del sujeto-víctima; la focalización en la capacidad de agencia; y las conexiones que se establecen con las luchas por los derechos de las mujeres y con otras luchas. Este modelo se aplica a tres casos de estudio: las actuaciones musicales de Beyoncé, la entrevista periodística realizada a Carmen Maura y la campaña mediática de Emma Watson. Resultados. Se discuten las posibilidades de las prácticas discursivas que se incardinan en los principios del postfeminismo. Frente a la identidad de la mujer como víctima emerge la de la mujer exitosa que compatibiliza vindicación feminista y lucha contra la violencia de género con consumismo, materialismo y capitalismo. Esto permite desestabilizar la narrativa fijada sobre la violencia pero no llega a constituir una re-significación del marco en tanto que puede quedar co-optado por la ‘economía de las celebrities’, ser absorbido por el feminismo liberal o estar desvinculado de la lucha colectiva, lo que dificulta la aprehensión del carácter compartido de la vulnerabilidad.Introduction. Due to the limitations of the current framework of recognition of gender-based violence, this article analyses the possibilities of the actions performed by celebrities in the transformation of such framework and in the fight for women’s rights. To this end, we propose the concept of “ethical witnessing”. Methods. The study proposes an analytical model based on the operationalisation of this concept applied to the examination of the representational practices that may destabilise the current hegemonic configuration and re-signify the subject-victim relationship of violence. The four dimensions of analysis are: the relations generated between the subject-victim and the witness; the degree of transgression of the reified representational models of the subject-victim; the focus on agency; and the connection with women’s fights for their rights and other social movements. This model is applied to three case studies: Beyoncé’s musical performances; the interview with actress Carmen Maura, and Emma Watson’s #HeForShe media campaign. Results. The study discusses the possibilities of the discursive practices stemming from postfeminist principles. A new image emerges to contrast the image of women as victims: the image of successful women who find a balance between feminist vindications and the fight against gender-based violence with consumerism, materialism and capitalism. This image enables the destabilisation of the narrative about violence, but it does not constitute a re-signification of the framework of recognition, as it can be co-opted by the “celebrity economy”, can be absorbed by liberal feminism, or can be disassociated from the collective fight, which complicates the comprehension of the shared nature of vulnerability

    Rabia blanca, Rabia negra: Las políticas de la rabia femenina en Little Fires Everywhere (HULU, 2020)

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    This article is part of the R+D project ‘Mediatization of Women’s Rage: Intelligibility Frameworks and Strategies of Politicizing Transformation’ (PID2020-113054GB-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation, and also part of the Universitat Jaume I (Castellón, Spain) Research Programme projects UJI-B2019-13 and UJI-B2022-10 on hate speeches.This article examines the TV show Little Fires Everywhere through the operationalisation of the concept of “anger competence” (Chemaly, 2018). The interest in the series lies in its representation of female rage. We contend that its narrative approach both legitimizes its expression and unravels the structures and practices of subject(ificat)ion through the axis of class and race. To prove it, we tackle the construction of the enraged subject, what the mediatization unfolds and its effects.Este artículo propone el análisis de la serie de televisión Little Fires Everywhere a partir de la operacionalización del concepto de “competencia de la rabia” (Chemaly, 2018). Nuestro interés en la serie radica en su representación de la ira femenina. Sostenemos que su abordaje narrativo legitima su expresión y desvela las prácticas y estructuras de su(b)je(tiva)ción a través de los ejes de clase y raza. Para demostrarlo, abordamos la construcción del sujeto enfurecido, lo que la mediatización de la rabia revela y los efectos de esta.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN) PID2020-113054GB-I00Universitat Jaume I UJI-B2019-13Universitat Jaume I UJI-B2022-1

    White anger, Black anger: The politics of female rage in Little Fires Everywhere (HULU, 2020)

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    This article examines the TV show Little Fires Everywhere through the operationalisation of the concept of “anger competence” (Chemaly, 2018). The interest in the series lies in its representation of female rage. We contend that its narrative approach both legitimizes its expression and unravels the structures and practices of subject(ificat)ion through the axis of class and race. To prove it, we tackle the construction of the enraged subject, what the mediatization unfolds and its effects.Este artículo propone el análisis de la serie de televisión Little Fires Everywhere a partir de la operacionalización del concepto de “competencia de la rabia” (Chemaly, 2018). Nuestro interés en la serie radica en su representación de la ira femenina. Sostenemos que su abordaje narrativo legitima su expresión y desvela las prácticas y estructuras de su(b)je(tiva) ción a través de los ejes de clase y raza. Para demostrarlo, abordamos la construcción del sujeto enfurecido, lo que la mediatización de la rabia revela y los efectos de esta

    A Review of Agro-enterprise Development Models in Conflict-Vulnerable Areas in the Philippine Context

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    The agro-enterprise approach is a systematic method of shifting from a food security strategy focused on production to a market-oriented approach that emphasizes income generation and profit based on market demand and sales of agricultural products. This paper reviews agro-enterprise development models implemented in conflict-vulnerable areas in the Philippines. These include (1) the Catholic Relief Services Philippines’ clustering approach to agro-enterprise development that evolved in the course of the implementation of the US Department of Agriculture– assisted Small Farms Marketing Project (SFMP), Department of Trade and Industry’s Rural Agro-enterprise Partnership and Inclusive Development (RAPID) project, and ACIAR Mindanao Agricultural Extension Project’s (AMAEP) Livelihood Improvement through Facilitated Extension (LIFE) model, which is now being implemented through PCAARRD, UP Mindanao, and the Landcare Foundation of the Philippines Inc. (LPFI), in three conflict-vulnerable areas in Mindanao. Another agro-enterprise model in conflict areas is Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Training Institute’s (DA-ATI) “From Arms to Farms: Fostering Peace through Agri-Fishery Development in Conflict Areas.” Desk research and secondary data gathered showed that while there are a number of agro-enterprise engagements in the Philippines, there are few approaches that focus on conflict-vulnerable areas. There are common elements in the models reviewed, such as community organizing, an emphasis on participatory approach, and taking stock of the community’s assets and resources. Differences also lie among them in terms of their focus on improvement in social capital and income. Results of this review can be utilized by both policy makers and development workers on how to craft more effective programs using these approaches