40 research outputs found

    Undiagnosed nevus of Оta, facial hemiparesis and esotropia: a case report

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    Perinatal history is often underrated in ophthalmologic consultation and may provide important information in order to establish an assertive diagnosis. Purpose: To report a case of a patient who was evaluated in two hospitals as a child and misdiagnosed with Goltz syndrome. Material and Methods: it was ruled out a syndrome and the existence of three independent diagnoses was proposed: nevus of Ota, non-accommodative esotropia and left facial hemiparesis due to involvement of the VII cranial nerve. Results: A combined left eye strabismus surgery and neodymium Yag laser treatment were performed under sedation over the entire length of the nevus. Conclusion: The presence of facial palsy, strabismus or a nevus directs the physician to interrogate prenatal and perinatal issues to establish a complete diagnosis. The patient received treatment after several years and now she is satisfied

    Corneal macular dystrophy. Case Presentation.

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    Among the stromal corneal dystrophies corneal macular dystrophy is one of the most frequent. It is an autosomal recessive disorder linked to chromosome 16, in which a mutation occurs in the CHST6 gene, causing an alteration in keratan sulfate metabolism. This alteration produces extracellular deposits of glycosaminoglycans between the stromal lamellae of the cornea, as well as in the cytoplasm of the endothelial cells. Clinically, the presence of centrally predominant white-greyish focal stromal corneal opacities is observed in early stages. Symptoms begin between the second and third decade of life and consist of progressive decrease in visual acuity and photophobia. In this work, we present the clinical case of a 56-year-old male patient who came to the clinic due to progressive decrease in visual acuity and photophobia. On physical examination, multiple intrastromal macules, whitish in color, were found by biomicroscopy in both eyes that were accentuated in greater quantity in the central 5 mm of the cornea. According to the findings obtained in the examination, the diagnosis of corneal macular dystrophy is established

    Observation of environments with different restorative potential results in differences in eye patron movements and pupillary size

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    The Environmental Psychological Restoration (EPR) is the result of the recovery of an antecedent deficit (e.g. stress or attentional fatigue) culminating in a restorative environment exposure. Recent findings suggest that visual contact with nature is important in triggering restorative responses. We measure the behavioral evidence of visual exposure to restorative environments in an eye-tracking study. Eye movement patterns (fixations and pupil dilatation) were evaluated while a sample of participants (n = 27; 15 females and 12 males) viewed photographs with High Restorative Potential (HRP) or Low Restorative Potential (LRP). The eye patterns during the observation of LRP were distinct to those of the HRP environments. Eye movements related to LRP photographs were characterized by a greater number of fixations compared to those related to HRP. Fixation times predicted an inverse relation, with LRP settings having a significantly shorter time per fixation than HRP pictures. Differences on pupil diameter were found. A higher pupil size was found during the view of HRP vs. LRP environments. Our eye tracking study suggest that restorative environment observation is associated with reduced eye movement activity relative to low restorative potential environment perception, which may reflect a lower cognitive effort in processing natural scenes. Likewise, pupillary dilatation variations suggest a possible link between the affective valences of the settings and its restorative quality. Data results are confronted according to attention restoration theory on restorative environments. Keywords: Restoration, Fatigue, Restorative potential, Eye tracking, Pupil dilation, Fixatio

    Elaboracion de una estrategia Customer Relationship Management (CRM) para Multicentro Ltda

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    171 p.El estudio que se realizó a Comercial Multicentro Ltda. tuvo como objetivo analizar la base de datos entregada por la empresa con la finalidad de elaborar una estrategia de Administración de Relaciones con los Clientes. Se dió inicio con la revisión bibliográfica la que se enfocó a estudiar las nuevas herramientas del marketing, comenzando con el Marketing Relacional y el surgimiento de herramientas del marketing, comenzando con el Marketing Relacional y el surgimiento de mantener relaciones perdurables en el tiempo con los clientes. La metodología utilizada en el estudio se basó en un análisis secundario descriptivo de una base de datos, con la finalidad de encontrar variables claves del comportamiento de los clientes de comercial Multicentro Talca. Los datos fueron analizados con la ayuda del software estadístico SPSS 15.0. El resultado del análisis permitió encontrar las principales características del cliente de Comercial Multicentro Ltda., lo que a posteriori sirvió para confeccionar una estrategia de Administración de Relaciones con los Clientes (CRM) al segmento C3 y D. Luego se procedió a analizar la plataforma tecnológica de Comercial Multicentro donde se diagnosticó el actual soporte tecnológico que tiene implementado. Se identificó que la empresa posee infraestructura relacionada con un avanzado data warehouse, que es esencial para poder implementar una aplicación CRM, desde donde se pueda administrar el Data Mining. Sin embargo, la empresa aun no tiene incorporado un sistema de planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP), que mantenga todos los procesos operacionales en línea, disponibles para toda la organización. Finalmente se elaboró una estrategia de CRM, de acuerdo a los resultados encontrados en el análisis de la base de datos, con la finalidad que la empresa tenga conocimiento de los beneficios que puede llegar a alcanzar con un enfoque centrado en las relaciones con el cliente

    Deglacial and Holocene changes in Mediterranean Thermohaline Circulation: A joint perspective from Eastern and Western basins

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    The dominant arid climate conditions over the Mediterranean (Med) control water properties and the formation processes of intermediate and deep water masses. Deep convection cells occur in both the E- and W-Med basins and there are interconnected through the intermediate waters mostly formed in the easternmost area of the Med. Model projections anticipate that the current situation of climate change will led to an overall weakening of this circulation system during the current century. But the natural range of variability in the intensity of individual cells, the drivers and the inter-connection patterns between the cells is not well stablished. During the recent past (las deglaciation and current Holocene) both E- and W-Med had experienced periods of major disruptions in convection. The last organic layer (ORL1) formed in the W-Med during the deglacial period and later the last sapropel (S1) in the E-Med. Both enhanced productivity and weakening in convection are regarded as the causes in the two events but due to different drivers, the deglacial freshening in the case of the ORL1 and the African monsoon flooding for the S1. Here we present U/Mn ratios measured in the foraminifera diagenetic coatings from sediment cores from both E- and W-Med. The nature of this proxy, that provides information of the oxygen water content, allows its application in a wide range of oceanographical/oxygen conditions, a situation that limits other proxies whose carrier is very sensitive to oxygen content. This approach allows us, by the first time, to compare the oxygen evolution of individual basins and at different water depths by means of the same tool. The comparison with other available proxies let us to interpret the drivers of the changes and analyze the evolution of Med deep and intermediate convection along the ORL1 and S1. This new view advocates for a very close link between these two events but with very distinctive response of the individual cells to the dominant forcings

    Miocene vertebrates from Entre Ríos province, eastern Argentina

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    La diversa fauna de antiguos vertebrados que se registra en los acantilados que bordean la margen oriental del río Paraná cerca de la ciudad de Paraná, provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina se conoce científicamente desde la primera mitad del siglo XIX. En esos sedimentos se han colectado numerosos vertebrados de agua dulce, marinos y terrestres. Los fósiles proceden casi exclusivamente de la Formación Paraná (taxones marinos y de agua dulce: elasmobranquios, teleósteos, cetáceos, sirenios y pinnípedos) y en el “Conglomerado osífero” (“Mesopotamiense” auctorum) en la base de la Formación Ituzaingó (taxones marinos, de agua dulce y terrestres: elasmobranquios, teleósteos, cocodrilos, quelonios, aves y diferentes grupos de mamíferos. Los cetáceos sugieren que al menos el tope de la Formación Paraná es Tortoniano (Mioceno Tardío). El término “Piso Mesopotamiense” o “Mesopotamiense” es considerado inválido. El “Conglomerado osífero” parece representar un corto lapso. La fauna terrestre sugiere una edad Huayqueriense (Tortoniano) para el “Conglomerado osífero”. La evidencia de vertebrados y las relaciones estratigráficas confirman la correlación de al menos la base de las capas puelchenses del subsuelo de la región pampeana con la Formación Ituzaingó. De acuerdo a la evidencia que aportan los cetáceos y los peces, las temperaturas marinas durante la depositación de la parte superior de la Formación Paraná eran similares a aquellas presentes en la plataforma atlántica actual a la misma latitud. Tanto la fauna terrestre como la de agua dulce del “Conglomerado osífero” indican un clima más cálido que el actual. Los vertebrados de agua dulce sugieren importantes conexiones entre las cuencas hidrográficas del sur y del norte de América del Sur. Los restos de aves y de mamíferos (y plantas) sugieren la presencia de áreas forestadas a lo largo de las costas de los ríos donde se depositó el “Conglomerado osífero” y áreas abiertas cercanas.Museo de La Plat