12 research outputs found

    Perubahan Struktur Tematik dalam Penerjemahan

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    Every translator seeks to find the equivalence of the source text in terms of meaning and style. In practice, translators often need to change the structure of their translations. This kind of techniques or methods of translation is often called shift. Shift can occur in different levels, which can include a clause, sentence, or paragraph level. By analyzing students’ translation using the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics by Halliday, this study finds several shifts in terms of theme-rheme classification and theme constituents. Shifts in theme-rheme classification can be categorized into: a) a change from rheme into theme, b) from theme into rheme, c) addition of textual theme, and d) deletion or omission of textual theme. In terms of theme constituents, shifts were found in four categories, namely a) shifts from a morpheme into a word, b) from a word into a phrase, c) from a phrase into a word, and d) from a clause into a word. These shifts have impacts on the meaning of the target texts as opposed to the source texts, at sentence or paragraph level.Setiap penerjemah dituntut menemukan padanan dari makna Bsu ke dalam Bsa secara tepat untuk menjaga prinsip kesetiaan makna dan, jika memungkinkan, gaya. Pada praktiknya karena berbagai pertimbangan seringkali terjadi perubahan struktur teks Bsa jika dibandingkan dengan teks Bsu. Dengan mencermati teks terjemahan mahasiswa, tulisan ini menemukan bahwa struktur tematik Bsa mengalami pergeseran dibandingkan Bsu. Pergeseran tersebut terjadi dalam 2 tataran: pergeseran batasan tema-rema dan pergeseran konstituen tema. Pergeseran batasan tema-rema dapat digolongkan menjadi 4 kategori: a) pergeseran rema menjadi tema, b) pergeseran tema menjadi rema, c) penambahan tema, dan d) pelesapan tema. Adapun pergeseran konstituen tema yang terjadi dapat digolongkan menjadi 4 kategori juga yaitu: a) pergeseran dari morfem menjadi kata, b) pergeseran dari kata menjadi frasa, c) pergeseran dari frasa menjadi kata, dan d) pergeseran dari klausa menjadi kata


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    Arguments that the ultimate purpose of L2 acquisition and learning is to communicate have been widely accepted. To get a better result, a combination of instruction and opportunities to practice in communication is necessary. Instruction can provide learners with communicative competence, and practice can improve the automatic processing of this competence to communicate (Brown, 2001). CLT instruction should therefore equip L2 learners with both formal and functional aspects of the language. Depending on the context of the learners, focus on form and function are here viewed as a continuum and complementary to each other. By doing so, it is expected that L2 learners are well provided with ability to perceive not only the whole picture (in this case to communicate) but also small pieces (of grammar, form). It is believed that SLTL with activities that focus on both form (grammar) and function (communication) tends to produce learners with greater accuracy and fluency


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    Culture specifics, i.e. the manifestation of culture in language, are unique and their translation is also quite complicated compared to other ordinary lexical items. The culture of the source language may not necessary have equivalence in the target language culture. However, it is believed that there are several alternative ways, or translation techniques, to solve the problem. The techniques such as choosing more common words, borrowing, translation by adaptation, or free translation by the culture of the target language (Indonesian), in addition to several other alternatives, can be used. The translation techniques for those culture specifics should be chosen on the basis of the text the translators are dealing with, and so they need to be careful in choosing the most appropriate one

    Design of TOEC/IKLA Online Examination Service Application: Case Study of the Centre of Language Development UIN Sunan Kalijaga: Perancangan Aplikasi Pelayanan Ujian Online TOEC/IKLA: Studi Kasus Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa UIN Sunan Kalijaga

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    The Language Center offers standardized tests for Arabic and English in the form of IKLA and TOEC exams. When conducted on paper, they are corrected manually and can have problems such as being less efficient, effective, and accurate. This research aims to design an online test application for TOEC/IKLA that can overcome these problems. This research uses a specific method called a waterfall. The research stages include needs analysis, design, implementation, and testing. A need analysis is carried out to understand the necessity of the application from the user’s perspective. Design is carried out to produce an application design that meets user needs. Implementation is carried out to build applications according to the design that has been created. Testing is carried out to ensure that the application can function properly and meet user needs. The research results show that the designed TOEC/IKLA online test application can overcome the problems found in the manual TOEC/IKLA test. This application can provide more efficient, effective, and accurate exam services. This application is a new and better service that UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta delivers for everyone, whether internal or external test takers. This application can even be utilized by other institutions that require online examination services. Abstrak Tes standar untuk bahasa Arab dan Inggris ditawarkan oleh Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa (P2B) dalam bentuk ujian IKLA dan TOEC. Ketika dilakukan di atas kertas, tes tersebut dikoreksi secara manual dan memiliki beberapa masalah seperti kurang efisien, efektif, dan akurat. Tujuan penelitian ini fokus pada merancang sebuah aplikasi tes online TOEC/IKLA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode khusus yang disebut waterfall. Model pengembangan waterfall terdiri dari tahap analisis kebutuhan, desain, implementasi, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan. Analisis kebutuhan dilakukan untuk memahami kebutuhan aplikasi dari sudut pandang pengguna. Desain dilakukan untuk menghasilkan rancangan aplikasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Implementasi dilakukan untuk membangun aplikasi sesuai dengan desain yang telah dibuat. Pengujian dilakukan untuk memastikan aplikasi dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa system aplikasi ujian online TOEC/IKLA ini merupakan layanan baru yang disediakan P2B UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta untuk semua orang, baik peserta ujian internal maupun eksternal. Desain system aplikasi ujian TOEC/IKLA online dikembangkan sesuai dengan tahap pengembangan. Namun, belum dilakukan pengujian untuk melihat efisiensi, efektifitas dan akurasi karena keterbatasan penulis. Oleh karena itu rekomendasi penelitian lebih lanjut tentang system aplikasi ini untuk melihat efektivatas, efisiensi, dan akurasi secara lebih valid. Rancangan ini juga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh institusi lain yang membutuhkan layanan ujian secara online

    Illocutionary speech acts and language style analysis of Biden's speech at the Eid Al-Fitr celebration in 2022

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    Islamic issues have always been intriguing topics to discuss, especially in the Western world, where Islam is a minority religion. It is more prominent and becomes the center of public attention when a person of political power delivers the issue. For such a reason, this paper seeks to analyze Biden's speech when hosting a reception of the Eid Al-Fitr celebration in the east room of the White House in Washington, DC, on May 2, 2022. His speech is examined through Searle’s illocutionary speech act and Keraf’s language styles theory. A qualitative approach was applied in this study. The present study finds that according to Searle’s theory, Biden’s speech was mostly assertive. It was because he wanted to assert Eid Al-Fitr as a sign of the end of Ramadan as well as to appreciate Muslim Americans’ contributions to the state. Furthermore, Biden utilizes five classifications of language styles: climax, anticlimax, parallelism, antithesis, and repetition (epizeuxis, anaphora, and anadiplosis). Consequently, by employing various language styles to emphasize important messages, Biden's speech can positively influence Muslim American citizens

    Pedoman pelaksanaan pembelajaran tematik

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    Politik pendidikan : Kebudayaan, kekuasaan, dan pembebasan

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    Judul asli: The politic of education: culture, power, and liberationxxxvi, 351 p., : il.; 24 c