148 research outputs found

    A evolução estética das revistas femininas populares brasileiras. Estudo de caso: revista AnaMaria

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    This article presents the graphic design changes of AnaMaria magazine, a publication targeted to women, between 2006 and 2009, a period of growth for Brazilian middle class. As a result of some changes in the profile of its readers, the demand, and the expansion of the publishing market, there was a significant change in the visual language of this publication and similar editorial projects. The evolution of such language, references and reasons for the new editorial proposal, which so far continues without significant changes, can be verified in this paper.Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as mudanças no projeto gráfico da revista AnaMaria, publicação destinada ao público feminino, entre 2006 e 2009, período de crescimento da classe média brasileira. Como resultado da mudança do perfil dos consumidores, bem como da exigência e expansão do mercado editorial, verificou-se significativa transformação na linguagem visual desse e de outros títulos de nicho semelhante. A evolução dessa linguagem, das referências e dos fatores determinantes para a nova proposta editorial, que perdura sem mudanças significativas até hoje, pode ser verificada neste artigo

    FAU Escola Internacional: experiencia didáctica sobre raza, género y clase

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    Este artículo presenta el camino metodológico para la creación de una asignatura de apoyo al evento FAU Escola Internacional.&nbsp

    Móvel popular: design para a nova classe média

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    It is the focus of this paper the ability of architects and designers to choose, distribute and articulate objects inside Brazilian popular houses. The social group targeted by this research was the so-called New Brazilian Middle Class. Given the impossibility of hiring the services of an architect or interior designer, either for lack of capital, whether for cultural reasons, the New Middle Class, largest consumer group in the country, ultimately choose and buy objects and household furniture without the help of a professional. This empirical selection process results in ineffective arrangements that hinder the movement through the rooms and end up harming the life quality of those families. The present study analyzed the process of designing, editing and broadcasting a pioneer strategy by a popular architecture and design magazine, first published in 2010. Apartments and houses constructed by the federal popular housing program Minha Casa,Minha Vida were used as templates. The communication, the language editing, the strategy of content production on decoration, renovation and building ideas targeting the New Middle Class, as well as their effects, are presented on the Conclusion chapter of this research.Este trabalho traz uma avaliação da capacidade de atuação de arquitetos e designers na escolha, distribuição e articulação dos objetos no ambiente da habitação popular no Brasil. Tem-se como grupo social alvo da pesquisa a Nova Classe Média Brasileira. Diante da impossibilidade de contratação dos serviços de um arquiteto ou designer de interiores, seja por falta de capital, seja por questão cultural, a Nova Classe Média, maior consumidora do país, acaba por escolher e comprar objetos e mobiliário doméstico sem o auxílio de um profissional da área. Esse processo empírico de escolha resulta em arranjos ineficazes que dificultam a circulação no espaço e acabam por prejudicar a qualidade de vida dessas famílias. Neste artigo, apresenta-se uma análise do processo de concepção, edição e estratégia de veiculação de revista popular de arquitetura e design pioneira no país, lançada em 2010. Unidades habitacionais do programa federal de produção de moradias Minha Casa, Minha Vida foram usadas como modelos de laboratório no decorrer da investigação. Comunicação, adaptação de linguagem, conceito de produção de conteúdo de arquitetura, design, reforma e construção para a Nova Classe Média e seus efeitos integram os resultados deste trabalho

    DA CASA PARA A RUA: Entrevista com Roberto DaMatta

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    O entrevistado desta primeira edição da Revista Interfaces da Comunicação é Roberto DaMatta, historiador, especialista em Antropologia Social e que tornou-se mestre e Ph.D em, respectivamente, 1969 e 1971 pelo Peabody Museum da Universidade de Harvard. Foi Chefe do Dept. de Antropologia do Museu Nacional e coordenador do seu Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social (de 1972 a 1976). É professor emérito da Universidade de Notre Dame, USA, onde ocupou a Cátedra Rev. Edmund Joyce, c.s.c., de Antropologia de 1987 a 2004. Atualmente, é professor titular da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Realizou pesquisas etnológicas entre os índios Gaviões e Apinajés. Foi pioneiro nos estudos de rituais e festivais em sociedades industriais, tendo investigado o Brasil como sociedade e sistema cultural por meio do carnaval, do futebol, da música, da comida, da cidadania, da mulher, da morte, do jogo do bicho e das categorias de tempo e espaço

    Texture analysis-and support vector machine-assisted diffusional kurtosis imaging may allow in vivo gliomas grading and IDH-mutation status prediction:a preliminary study

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    We sought to investigate, whether texture analysis of diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) enhanced by support vector machine (SVM) analysis may provide biomarkers for gliomas staging and detection of the IDH mutation. First-order statistics and texture feature extraction were performed in 37 patients on both conventional (FLAIR) and mean diffusional kurtosis (MDK) images and recursive feature elimination (RFE) methodology based on SVM was employed to select the most discriminative diagnostic biomarkers. The first-order statistics demonstrated significantly lower MDK values in the IDH-mutant tumors. This resulted in 81.1% accuracy (sensitivity = 0.96, specificity = 0.45, AUC 0.59) for IDH mutation diagnosis. There were non-significant differences in average MDK and skewness among the different tumour grades. When texture analysis and SVM were utilized, the grading accuracy achieved by DKI biomarkers was 78.1% (sensitivity 0.77, specificity 0.79, AUC 0.79); the prediction accuracy for IDH mutation reached 83.8% (sensitivity 0.96, specificity 0.55, AUC 0.87). For the IDH mutation task, DKI outperformed significantly the FLAIR imaging. When using selected biomarkers after RFE, the prediction accuracy achieved 83.8% (sensitivity 0.92, specificity 0.64, AUC 0.88). These findings demonstrate the superiority of DKI enhanced by texture analysis and SVM, compared to conventional imaging, for gliomas staging and prediction of IDH mutational status

    Staphylococcus sciuri Exfoliative Toxin C (ExhC) is a Necrosis-Inducer for Mammalian Cells

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    Staphylococcus sciuri (S. sciuri) is a rare pathogen in humans, but it can cause a wide array of human infections. Recently a S. sciuri isolate (HBXX06) was reported to cause fatal exudative epidermitis (EE) in piglets and thus considered as a potential zoonotic agent. To investigate the pathogenicity of this bacterium, we cloned exfoliative toxin C (ExhC), a major toxin of the S. sciuri isolate and performed functional analysis of the recombinant ExhC-his (rExhC) protein using in vitro cell cultures and newborn mice as models. We found that rExhC could induce necrosis in multiple cell lines and peritoneal macrophages as well as skin lesions in newborn mice, and that the rExhC-induced necrosis in cells or skin lesions in newborn mice could be completely abolished if amino acids 79-128 of rExhC were deleted or blocked with a monoclonal antibody (3E4), indicating aa 79-128 portion as an essential necrosis-inducing domain. This information contributes to further understandings of the mechanisms underlying S. sciuri infection

    Glioma imaging in Europe: A survey of 220 centres and recommendations for best clinical practice

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    Objectives: At a European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR) Annual Meeting 2015 workshop, commonalities in practice, current controversies and technical hurdles in glioma MRI were discussed. We aimed to formulate guidance on MRI of glioma and determine its feasibility, by seeking information on glioma imaging practices from the European Neuroradiology community. Methods: Invitations to a structured survey were emailed to ESNR members (n=1,662) and associates (n=6,400), European national radiologists’ societies and distributed via social media. Results: Responses were received from 220 institutions (59% academic). Conventional imaging protocols generally include T2w, T2-FLAIR, DWI, and pre- and post-contrast T1w. Perfusion MRI is used widely (85.5%), while spectroscopy seems reserved for specific indications. Reasons for omitting advanced imaging modalities include lack of facility/software, time constraints and no requests. Early postoperative MRI is routinely carried out by 74% within 24–72 h, but only 17% report a percent measure of resection. For follow-up, most sites (60%) issue qualitative reports, while 27% report an assessment according to the RANO criteria. A minori

    2002-2009 : the evolution of design in aesthetic-functional fields at Brazilian popular houses

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    O presente trabalho objetiva o delineamento do perfil da mobília popular brasileira e a sua respectiva inserção no interior da habitação popular. Trata-se de um levantamento acerca das possibilidades de atuação do arquiteto/designer como profissional responsável pelo projeto da moradia e dos equipamentos destinados às populações que habitam os grandes centros urbanos brasileiros. Através de visitas às unidades habitacionais e pontos de venda de mobiliário, análise de peças publicitárias destinadas ao grupo social escolhido como objeto de pesquisa, estudo do funcionamento dos cômodos, projeto de adaptação de uma sala de estar e análise de conteúdo editorial de publicação voltada ao grupo social estudado, compôs-se esta dissertação de cunho histórico-científico.The present production objectified the delineation of the profile of the Brazillian furniture and its insertion in popular habitations. It exposes the possibilities of interaction of an architect/designer as a professional responsible for the habitation and equipments projects for low-income populations of large Brazillian urban centres. A historical and scientific document was composed according to the results of visits at the habitations and furniture commercial points, analysis of advertisement and editorial data extracted from popular magazines focusing the social group chosen as object of research, study of the operation system of the rooms and project of adaptation for a living room
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