106 research outputs found

    Islam, the Indonesian State, and Identity the Ideas of Nurcholis Madjid and Abdurrahman WAHID

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    Makalah ini membahas gagasan-gagasan Nurcholis Madjid dan Abdurrahman Wahid tentang hubungan antara Islam dan negara dan antara Islam dan bangsa dan implikasinya pada konsep tentang identitas Muslim di Indonesia. Madjid berpendapat bahwa umat Islam pernah berhasil mengembangkan masyarakat yang demokratis pada masa Madinah dan Andalusia di masa lampau. Dia mengajak umat Islam Indonesia untuk menggunakan keberhasilan ini sebagai model untuk membangun demokrasi di Indonesia sekarang. Sementara itu, Wahid menelusuri sejarah Indonesia untuk mencari model tersebut dan mencoba menerapkannya pada situasi Indonesia sekarang. Implikasi dari dua orientasi yang berbeda ini adalah bahwa model Madjid mengesankan identitas Muslim yang lebih menekankan keislaman dan model Wahid mengesankan identitas yang lebih menekankan keindonesiaan

    Perkembangan Perusahaan Fintech Indonesia: Sebuah Tinjauan Produk, Akad dan Performa pada ALAMI Sharia

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    Islamic fintech industry provides solutions for SMEs who need funding access besides banks. One of the Islamic fintechs contributing to the economy in Indonesia is PT. Alami Fintek Sharia or commonly known as ALAMI Sharia. This article attempts to describe the products and contracts used by ALAMI Sharia and its financial condition from 2019 to 2021. The method used is descriptive analysis of data obtained from primary and secondary data sources. The research results show that ALAMI has 3 types of products, namely invoice financing, purchase order financing, and community-based financing. In these products, the contracts used are a combination of Wakalah bil Ujroh, Hawalah bil Ujroh, Qardh, Murabahah, and Musyarakah. On the other hand, ALAMI Sharia has shown good performance in 2021 by recording several financial ratios, namely the current ratio of 132%, Net Profit Margin of 5%, ROI of 7%, ROE of 19%, debt to Asset Ratio of 62%, and debt to Equity Ratio of 165%

    Penentuan Indikator Kualitas Tanah dari Reklamasi Bekas Tambang

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    Setyani I, Budihardjo MA, Muhammad F.  2020. The determination of soil quality indicators from ex-mining reclamation. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang  20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Soil plays a role in maintaining and improving environmental quality. As a result of mining activities, the soil quality will decline. There are six key indicators to determine the recommended soil quality, namely soil organic matter content, soil acidity, soil bulk density, available water capacity, soil aggregation and respiration. There is also a need for a policy regarding reclamation as a form of controlling ex-mining land. Reclamation is a soil management activity which includes improving the physical condition of the soil, constructing reservoirs to improve the quality of mine water, and revegetation activities. Reclamation activities must be carried out in an effort to reduce environmental damage and divert the function of ex-mining land into agricultural land. This paper aims to explain the determination of soil quality indicators and the factors that support the success of ex-mining land reclamation. With the success of reclamation carried out on ex-mining land, it is hoped that environmental sustainability and agricultural sustainability can be maintained to support food security

    Efektivitas Kombinasi Salvinia Molesta dengan Hydrilla Verticillata dalam Remediasi Logam Cu pada Limbah Elektroplating

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    Studi tentang efektivitas kombinasi Salvinia molesta dan Hydrilla verticillata dalam meremediasi logam Cu pada limbah elektroplating telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui besarnya total konsentrasi Cu yang tertinggal pada limbah setelah perlakuan fitoremediasi oleh kombinasi kedua tumbuhan tersebut dan untuk mengetahui nilai faktor transfer Cu oleh kombinasi keduanya. Penelitian menggunakan metode Rancang Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan dua faktor, yaitu: variasi kombinasi S. molesta dan H. verticillata serta waktu pemaparan dengan tiga kali pengulangan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tiga variasi kombinasi pada media berupa 5L limbah elektroplating selama 14 hari setelah dilakukan aklimasi selama 5 hari. Tiga variasi kombinasi yang digunakan disebutkan sebagai kombinasi A (perbandingan berat S. molesta sebanyak 25 gram dengan H. verticillata sebanyak 10 gram), kombinasi B (perbandingan berat S. molesta sebanyak 10 gram dengan H. verticillata sebanyak 25 gram), dan kombinasi C (perbandingan berat S. molesta sebanyak 10 gram dengan H. verticillata sebanyak 10 gram). Total konsentrasi logam Cu yang tertinggal setelah perlakuan fitoremediasi oleh kombinasi kedua tumbuhan itu tidak berkurang secara signifikan. Namun, faktor transfer yang terbesar didapat dari kombinasi B, yaitu sebesar 10,2 L/k

    Towards Normalizing the Edit Distance Using a Genetic Algorithms Based Scheme

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    The normalized edit distance is one of the distances derived from the edit distance. It is useful in some applications because it takes into account the lengths of the two strings compared. The normalized edit distance is not defined in terms of edit operations but rather in terms of the edit path. In this paper we propose a new derivative of the edit distance that also takes into consideration the lengths of the two strings, but the new distance is related directly to the edit distance. The particularity of the new distance is that it uses the genetic algorithms to set the values of the parameters it uses. We conduct experiments to test the new distance and we obtain promising results.Comment: The 8th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2012

    An analysis of speech act in whatsapp

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    Language is a crucial aspect of our lives, serving as a bridge for communication among individuals. People use language to convey emotions, ideas, desires, and feelings. One platform for communication is WhatsApp. Many people enjoy chatting on WhatsApp, but not all of them grasp the meaning behind each utterance spoken or sent by the speaker or sender. Various linguistic aspects, including speech acts, can be explored on WhatsApp, such as pragmatics, semantics, and sociolinguistics. This study aims to analyze the factors that lead to misunderstandings when performing perlocutionary acts on WhatsApp and how locutionary acts influence perlocutionary acts on the platform. The research findings identify several causes of misunderstandings in the communication process through WhatsApp. Firstly, incorrect punctuation usage contributes to misunderstandings. Secondly, typographical errors are another common factor. Thirdly, incomplete sentences resulting from typing too quickly make it challenging to comprehend the intended message. Fourthly, issues such as poor network connectivity lead to only a fraction of the message reaching the recipient. Additionally, locutionary acts represent the literal meaning of a sentence. The conclusion of this research is the impact of locution on perlocution depends on how effectively locution can convey instructions or meanings of the spoken sentence. If the utterance is not well-understood by the listener, they may not execute or comprehend the intended meaning, leading to perlocutionary acts and miscommunication between the individuals involved
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