14 research outputs found

    Ein vollsphärisches Multikanalmesssystem zur schnellen Erfassung räumlich hochaufgelöster, individueller kopfbezogener Übertragungsfunktionen

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    DFG, 174776315, FOR 1557: Simulation and Evaluation of Acoustical Environments (SEACEN)BMBF,13EZ1126A, OIWOB - Orientieren, Informieren, Warnen. Orientierungshilfe für Blind

    Limited protection of macro-Aggregate-occluded organic carbon in Siberian steppe soils

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    Macro-aggregates especially in agricultural steppe soils are supposed to play a vital role for soil organic carbon (OC) stabilization at a decadal timescale. While most research on soil OC stabilization in steppes focused on North American prairie soils of the Great Plains with information mainly provided by short-term incubation experiments, little is known about the agricultural steppes in southwestern Siberia, though they belong to the greatest conversion areas in the world and occupy an area larger than that in the Great Plains. To quantify the proportion of macro-aggregate-protected OC under different land use as function of land use intensity and time since land use change (LUC) from pasture to arable land in Siberian steppe soils, we determined OC mineralization rates of intact (250–2000 µm) and crushed (< 250 µm) macro-aggregates in long-term incubations over 401 days (20 °C; 60 % water holding capacity) along two agricultural chronosequences in the Siberian Kulunda steppe. Additionally, we incubated bulk soil (< 2000 µm) to determine the effect of LUC and subsequent agricultural use on a fast and a slow soil OC pool (labile vs. more stable OC), as derived from fitting exponential-decay models to incubation data. We hypothesized that (i) macro-aggregate crushing leads to increased OC mineralization due to an increasing microbial accessibility of a previously occluded labile macro-aggregate OC fraction, and (ii) bulk soil OC mineralization rates and the size of the fast OC pool are higher in pasture than in arable soils with decreasing bulk soil OC mineralization rates and size of the fast OC pool as land use intensity and time since LUC increase. Against our hypothesis, OC mineralization rates of crushed macro-aggregates were similar to those of intact macro-aggregates under all land use regimes. Macro-aggregate-protected OC was almost absent and accounted for < 1 % of the total macro-aggregate OC content and to a maximum of 8 ± 4 % of mineralized OC. In accordance to our second hypothesis, highest bulk soil OC mineralization rates and sizes of the fast OC pool were determined under pasture, but mineralization rates and pool sizes were unaffected by land use intensity and time since LUC. However, at one chronosequence mean residence times of the fast and slow OC pool tended to decrease with increasing time since establishment of arable use. We conclude that the tillage-induced breakdown of macro-aggregates has not reduced the OC contents in the soils under study. The decline of OC after LUC is probably attributed to the faster soil OC turnover under arable land as compared to pasture at a reduced plant residue input.BMBF/01 LL 0905Russian Ministry of Education and Science/14.B25.31.003

    Simulation der Lichtausbeute und des Quenchingfaktors eines CRESST-ähnlichen CaWO4 Kristalls basierend auf dem Birks-Gesetz

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    Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersDas CRESST-Experiment sucht mittels Detektion elastischer Kernrückstöße in kryogenen CaWO4-Kristallen nach Dunkler Materie. Zu diesem Zweck ist ein Zwei-Kanal-Ausleseverfahren implementiert, welches sowohl das Szintillations- als auch das Phonon-Signal jeder Interaktion im Detektor misst. Über das Verhältnis dieser Signale definiert man die Lichtausbeute (LY) und den Quenching-Faktor (QF) jeder Interaktion. Da LY und QF Teilchen-abhängig sind, sind sie essentielle Größen für die Diskriminierung des detektierten Backgrounds. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollen experimentell beobachtete Lichtausbeuten und Quenching-Faktoren mithilfe eines Simulationsmodells basierend auf dem Birks-Gesetz modelliert werden. Dies könnte zur Verbesserung der Parametrisierung der Kernrückstoß-Daten beitragen. Bisher sind phenomenologische Fit-Funktionen mit 9 freien Parametern in Verwendung. Durch das Birks-Modells reduziert sich die Anzahl der benötigten Parameter auf 2, welche außerdem unabhängig vom wechselwirkenden Teilchen und daher einfacher zu bestimmen und universeller in ihrer Anwendung sind. Um das Modell zu testen werden Simulationen in einem auf Geant4 basierenden Framework durchgeführt. Im niederenergetischen Bereich auftretende Probleme werden analysiert und Lösungen präsentiert. Verschiedene Code-Erweiterungen und Modelle des Bremsvermögens der Teilchen werden getestet und tiefgehende Einblicke in den Simulationsmechanismus gewonnen. Die finalen Resultate zeigen deutliche Verbesserungen zu jenen, die bei Verwendung der standardisierten Geant4-Physik-Listen gewonnen werden. Eine präzise Reproduktion der experimentellen Ergebnisse ist allerdings speziell bei niedrigen Energien (< 100 keV) nicht möglich, da die Genauigkeit des Birks-Modells hier an seine Grenzen stößt.The CRESST experiment searches for dark matter particles via elastic scattering off target nuclei in cryogenic CaWO4 crystals. A two-channel readout system is applied, measuring the light and phonon signal of each interaction. The ratio between these signals defines the Light Yield (LY) and Quenching Factor (QF). These quantities are employed to distinguish between different incident particles and are hence essential for background discrimination. Within this thesis, experimentally observed LYs and QFs shall be reproduced by developing a simulation model based on Birks’ Law. This model could simplify and improve the parametrization of the nuclear recoil data. In the ideal case, the phenomenological parametrization employing 9 particle-dependent parameters could be replaced by the Birks parametrization, which only makes use of 2 particle-independent parameters. Our simulations are run within a framework based on Geant4. Problems occurring with processes at low energies are being analyzed and solved. Various energy loss models are compared and a profound insight into the simulation procedure is gained. The final results yield a good estimate of all LY and QF curves. However, they fail in precisely reproducing experimental data especially at low energies (< 100 keV), where Birks’ Law is not sufficiently accurate.11

    Schuldfähigkeit bei Personen, die wegen Nutzung von Missbrauchsabbildungen angeklagt sind

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    &lt;jats:title&gt;Zusammenfassung&lt;/jats:title&gt;&lt;jats:p&gt;Die Nutzung von Missbrauchsabbildungen (umgangssprachlich „Kinderpornografie“) und damit im Zusammenhang stehende Straftaten haben in den letzten Jahren an Bedeutung gewonnen. Der vorliegende Aufsatz beleuchtet die gängigen forensisch-psychiatrischen Kriterien zur Einschätzung der Schuldfähigkeit bei Personen, die wegen des Erwerbs, Besitzes oder der Verbreitung kinderpornografischer Schriften angeklagt sind. Liegt aus forensisch-psychiatrischer Perspektive eine schwere Sexualpathologie vor, die die psychiatrischen Voraussetzungen für eine sog. schwere andere seelische Abartigkeit erfüllt, so wird sich der Gutachter die Frage einer Steuerungsminderung stellen. Im Fall von Delikten im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung von Missbrauchsabbildungen lassen sich die Kriterien aus den Mindestanforderungen jedoch aus Sicht der Autoren schlecht anwenden. Ein weiteres Problem bei der Begutachtung ist, dass sich die angeklagten Straftaten häufig über einen längeren Zeitraum verteilen und daher der Sachverständige ggf. nach überdauernden psychopathologischen Hinweisen einer geminderten Steuerungsfähigkeit suchen muss. Die sexuelle Dranghaftigkeit, die motivationale Steuerungsfähigkeit und die Desaktualisierungspotenz sind hilfreiche Konzepte, um die Steuerungsfähigkeit in diesem Zusammenhang einzuschätzen. Eine überdauernde forensisch-relevante Steuerungsminderung, die sich ggf. über mehrere Jahre hingezogen hat, wird im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung von Missbrauchsabbildungen in der Regel nicht vorliegen und eher einen Sonderfall darstellen.&lt;/jats:p&gt

    Raumakustische Messungen in sechs Aufführungsräumen: Konzerthaus / Kleiner Saal (Berlin), Jesus-Christus-Kirche (Berlin), Kloster Eberbach / Basilika (Eltville am Rhein), Renaissance-Theater (Berlin), Komische Oper (Berlin), Gewandhaus / Großer Saal (Leipzig)

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    Im Rahmen der DFG-Forschergruppe FOR 1557 Simulation and Evaluation of Acoustical Environments (SEACEN) wurden die raumakustischen Eigenschaften von sechs Aufführungs-räumen messtechnisch bestimmt. Die Messungen wurden von Teilprojekt 6 (Evaluation of Virtual Acoustic Environments) durchgeführt und erfolgten in Anlehnung an DIN EN ISO 3382 – 1: 2009. In dem vorliegenden Papier sind die Raumeigenschaften und konditionen sowie die Messaufbauten, -bedingungen und -ergebnisse dokumentiert.DFG, MA 4343/1-1, Audio-visual perception of acoustical environment

    High-throughput method for the hybridisation-based targeted enrichment of long genomic fragments for PacBio third-generation sequencing

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    Hybridisation-based targeted enrichment is a widely used and well-established technique in high-throughput second-generation short-read sequencing. Despite the high potential to genetically resolve highly repetitive and variable genomic sequences by, for example PacBio third-generation sequencing, targeted enrichment for long fragments has not yet established the same high-throughput due to currently existing complex workflows and technological dependencies. We here describe a scalable targeted enrichment protocol for fragment sizes of >7 kb. For demonstration purposes we developed a custom blood group panel of challenging loci. Test results achieved > 65% on-target rate, good coverage (142.7×) and sufficient coverage evenness for both non-paralogous and paralogous targets, and sufficient non-duplicate read counts (83.5%) per sample for a highly multiplexed enrichment pool of 16 samples. We genotyped the blood groups of nine patients employing highly accurate phased assemblies at an allelic resolution that match reference blood group allele calls determined by SNP array and NGS genotyping. Seven Genome-in-a-Bottle reference samples achieved high recall (96%) and precision (99%) rates. Mendelian error rates were 0.04% and 0.13% for the included Ashkenazim and Han Chinese trios, respectively. In summary, we provide a protocol and first example for accurate targeted long-read sequencing that can be used in a high-throughput fashion

    Bundesweite Landnutzungsdaten am Thünen-Institut : Sachstand und Perspektiven

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    Data on the status of and changes in land use, i.e. on the use of soils and land areas by humans, represent a central basis for fact-based policy advice and research as well as various monitoring and evaluation tasks at the Thünen Institute. Accordingly, the Thünen Institute has broad expertise in the collection, management, processing and analysis of land use data for Germany. Against the background of current and future requirements as well as the dynamic development with regard to the type and quantity of data on land use, this working paper maps the status quo of the relevant work at the Thünen Institute and develops guidelines for an overall concept for land use data management. The focus is on the use of open land and forest areas in Germany. However, data in the land use area of settlement and transport are also considered. First, the needs and requirements that have developed for the processing of land use data at Thünen Institute in recent years are presented. This is followed in Chapter 2 by a description of the data held and processed at the Thünen Institute. Chapter 3 describes the available technical and human resources as well as the existing organisational structures. Chapter 4 describes the current tasks and the upcoming challenges. Finally, a perspective for further work with land use data at the Thünen Institute is described and outlined in a roadmap

    The high-intensity reflectometer of the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science : MARIA

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    MARIA (magnetism reflectometer with high incident angle) is a world class vertical sample reflectometer dedicated to the investigation of thin films in the fields of magnetism, soft matter and biology. The elliptical vertically focusing guide allows one to measure small samples with a typical size of 1 × 1 cm very efficiently. The double-bounce polarizer and the in situ pumped 3He SEOP (spin-exchange optical pumping) neutron spin filter cell for analysing the polarization of the reflected neutron beam can be moved into the beam in seconds. The polarized flux of MARIA amounts to 5 × 107 n (s cm2)−1 at the sample position with a horizontally collimated beam of 3 mrad, a wavelength of λ = 4.5 Å and a wavelength resolution of Δλ/λ = 10%. In the non-polarized mode a flux of 1.2 × 108 n (s cm2)−1 is achieved in this configuration. MARIA is also capable of grazing-incidence small-angle neutron scattering measurements, using a pinhole collimation with two four-segment slits and an absorber that prevents the focusing of the elliptical guide in the vertical direction