40 research outputs found

    Norwegian National Program for Lifetime Commissioning and Energy Efficient Operation of Buildings

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    The project “Life-Time Commissioning for Energy Efficient Operation of Buildings” is actually a network of industrial companies, private and public entities, and R&D organizations. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the implementation of life-long commissioning of building HVAC systems, so that this becomes a standardized way of building, operating and maintaining the HVAC systems in Norway. The project is organized as an industry research program with minimum duration of five years. Project members pay an annual membership fee. The main goal for the project is to develop, verify, document and implement suitable tools for functional control of energy and indoor environment in buildings under continuous operation during the entire operational life of the building. This will improve energy efficiency and ensure a rational use of energy and a sound indoor environment. All achievements concerning energy improvement will also contribute to the decrease of CO2 emissions

    Norwegian National Program for Lifetime Commissioning and Energy Efficient Operation of Buildings

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    The project “Life-Time Commissioning for Energy Efficient Operation of Buildings” is actually a network of industrial companies, private and public entities, and R&D organizations. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the implementation of life-long commissioning of building HVAC systems, so that this becomes a standardized way of building, operating and maintaining the HVAC systems in Norway. The project is organized as an industry research program with minimum duration of five years. Project members pay an annual membership fee. The main goal for the project is to develop, verify, document and implement suitable tools for functional control of energy and indoor environment in buildings under continuous operation during the entire operational life of the building. This will improve energy efficiency and ensure a rational use of energy and a sound indoor environment. All achievements concerning energy improvement will also contribute to the decrease of CO2 emissions

    Utilization and control of ecological interactions in polymicrobial infections and community-based microbial cell factories

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    Microbial activities are most often shaped by interactions between co-existing microbes within mixed-species communities. Dissection of the molecular mechanisms of species interactions within communities is a central issue in microbial ecology, and our ability to engineer and control microbial communities depends, to a large extent, on our knowledge of these interactions. This review highlights the recent advances regarding molecular characterization of microbe-microbe interactions that modulate community structure, activity, and stability, and aims to illustrate how these findings have helped us reach an engineering-level understanding of microbial communities in relation to both human health and industrial biotechnology

    Evolution of metabolic divergence in <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> during long-term infection facilitates a proto-cooperative interspecies interaction

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    The effect of polymicrobial interactions on pathogen physiology and how it can act either to limit pathogen colonization or to potentiate pathogen expansion and virulence are not well understood. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are opportunistic pathogens commonly found together in polymicrobial human infections. However, we have previously shown that the interactions between these two bacterial species are strain dependent. Whereas P. aeruginosa PAO1, a commonly used laboratory strain, effectively suppressed S. aureus growth, we observed a commensal-like interaction between the human host-adapted strain, DK2-P2M24-2003, and S. aureus. In this study, characterization by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) and mass spectral (MS) molecular networking revealed a significant metabolic divergence between P. aeruginosa PAO1 and DK2-P2M24-2003, which comprised several virulence factors and signaling 4-hydroxy-2-alkylquinoline (HAQ) molecules. Strikingly, a further modulation of the HAQ profile was observed in DK2-P2M24-2003 during interaction with S. aureus, resulting in an area with thickened colony morphology at the P. aeruginosa–S. aureus interface. In addition, we found an HAQ-mediated protection of S. aureus by DK2-P2M24-2003 from the killing effect of tobramycin. Our findings suggest a model where the metabolic divergence manifested in human host-adapted P. aeruginosa is further modulated during interaction with S. aureus and facilitate a proto-cooperative P. aeruginosa–S. aureus relationship

    Tilbakeblikk pÄ norsk pengehistorie - Konferanse 7. juni 2005 pÄ Bogstad gÄrd

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    Den 7. juni 2005 arrangerte Norges Bank i tilknytning til prosjektet “Historisk-monetĂŠr statistikk for Norge” en konferanse pĂ„ Bogstad gĂ„rd. Konferansen var Norges Banks bidrag til 100-Ă„rsmarkeringen av unionsopplĂžsningen i 1905. Westye HĂžegh, formann i Bogstad Stiftelses styre (familierepresentant for de siste private eierne av Bogstad gĂ„rd) hadde velvilligst stilt stedet til disposisjon. I denne boken publiserer vi foredragene som ble holdt pĂ„ denne konferansen. Vi har kalt boken “Tilbakeblikk pĂ„ norsk pengehistorie”. Stedet og datoen preger utvalget av bidrag til boken