10 research outputs found

    Portrait of a man by Lucas Cranach the Elder

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    Comparing the Cologne Sonderbund of 1912 and the Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition in London

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    The article examines the agendas of the International Art Exhibition of the West German Sonderbund held in Cologne in 1912 and the Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition organised in London the same year, by contrasting their historical contexts and comparing their theoretical backgrounds. While the shows varied slightly in approach, both sought to give a systematic overview of the latest trends in art, which was then marketed mainly by private dealers. They addressed similar issues, such as defining the inherited tradition and topical dilemmas about the autonomy of painting and its decorative potential. The paper will discuss the emphasis on the progressive timeline and international outlook on modern art they formulated. It will also revisit the role of these exhibitions in light of the currently expanding discussion of the mechanisms that shaped the canon of European modernism

    'Safe places in domestic spaces: two-year-olds at play in their homes'.

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    This paper contributes to the growing research literature on children's 'intimate geographies' by focusing on two-year-old children's explorations and play within the domestic spaces of their homes. It draws on video data showing three young girls playing in selected home spaces i.e. a family grocery shop in Peru, the upstairs rooms of a house in America, and the balcony of an apartment in Italy. Through analysis of short video sequences the paper describes the way children use and invest meaning in these spaces. It is argued that the three domestic locations can be seen as 'safe places', in both material and personal senses; and that they enable children's sense of belonging, foster their 'emplaced knowledge' and build on their confidence to explore spaces further afield

    AçÔes afirmativas e o debate sobre racismo no Brasil Afirmative actions and the debate on racism in Brazil

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    O tema "açÔes afirmativas" tem dividido a opiniĂŁo pĂșblica e esquentado o debate acadĂȘmico. Enquanto alguns especialistas e militantes negros entendem a introdução de açÔes afirmativas como uma forma de combate ao racismo, uma vez que, segundo esta interpretação, a discriminação positiva ajudarĂĄ os historicamente desprivilegiados a criar e fortalecer uma identidade positiva, outros vĂȘem em tais medidas um ataque perigoso contra a "maneira tradicional brasileira" de se relacionar com as "diferenças humanas" e temem que polĂ­ticas como essas possam instigar conflitos raciais abertos. Embora os defensores e opositores Ă  introdução de projetos de ação afirmativa raramente explicitem o que entendem por racismo e como interpretam este fenĂŽmeno social, Ă© possĂ­vel detectar nesses discursos distintas linhas de argumentação que remetem a orientaçÔes teĂłricas diferentes no que diz respeito Ă  anĂĄlise de categorias como "raça" e "cor".<br>The "affirmative action" issue has split the public opinion and heated up the academic debate. While some experts and black activists see the affirmatives actions as a way to fight racism, since the positive discrimination could help the historically underprivileged to create and empower a positive identity, others see such measures as a dangerous attack against the "traditional brazilian way" of dealing with "human differences". The latter fear that such policies may unleash racial conflicts. Although both sides barely explain what they mean for racism and how they understand that social phenomenon, it is possible to discern in those discourses different lines of argument, which can be related to different theoretical orientations about the analysis of such concepts as "race" and "color"

    31st Annual Meeting and Associated Programs of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2016): part one

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