74 research outputs found

    d8···d10 RhI···AuI Interactions in Rh 2,6-Xylylisocyanide Complexes with [Au(CN)2]: Bond Analysis and Crystal Effects

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    Producción CientíficaThe well known [RhL4]n(anion)n structures, with RhI···RhI d8···d8 interactions, are replaced by others with RhI···AuI d8···d10 interactions such as [{RhL4}{Au(CN)2}] (L = 2,6-Xylylisocyanide) or [{RhL4}{Au(CN)2} {RhL4}{Au2(CN)3}·4(CHCl3)]∞ when the anion is [Au(CN)2]–. Orbital (Rh···Au), coulombic, and inter-unit π-π aryl stacking interactions stabilize these crystal structures.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant CTQ2017-89217-P)Junta de Castilla y León (project VA038G18

    Reactivity of Fluorinated-Chalcone Phosphines, RPEWO-F4, Induced by C–F Activation upon Coordination to PdCl2

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    Producción CientíficaThe E phosphine ligands (R = Ph, o-Tol, Cy), abbreviated as RPEWO-F4, are stable in solution, but they develop a rich reactivity on coordination to PdCl2. The chelate P-olefin coordination to PdCl2 leads eventually to a Z conformation of the fluorinated-chalcone group o-C6F4CH═CHC(O)Ph. From there, a cyclization reaction occurs involving the C═O group and activation of a F atom, yielding a strongly chelated PdCl2(P-carbene) complex. The carbene carbon atom in the complex displays some electrophilicity, which is expressed in hydrolysis, ammonolysis, and oxidation (with peroxide) reactions, affording PdCl2 complexes with new P,C,O-pincer, P,C,N-pincer, or P,O-chelate fluorinated ligands. The C–F activation reactions are slow in comparison to the catalysis rates when the [PdCl2(RPEWO-F4)] complexes have been used in Negishi catalyses. Consequently, the reactivity discussed here is not expected to interfere with the interpretation of the data obtained in Pd-catalytic studies or processes, at least for fast transmetalating nucleophiles.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (projects CTQ2017-89217-P and CTQ2016-80913-P)Junta de Castilla y León (projects VA051P17 and VA062G18

    4-Pyridylisocyanide Gold(I) and Gold(I)-plus-Silver(I) Luminescent and Mechanochromic Materials: The Silver Role

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    Producción CientíficaCrystallographic and DFT examination of the metalloligands [AuAr(CNPy-4)] (Ar = C6F5 (1), C6F3Cl2-3,5 (2)) and their silver complexes [Ag[AuAr(CNPy-4)]2](BF4) (3 and 4) support that the marked luminescence red-shifts observed on moving from 1 to 2, from 1,2 to 3,4, or upon grinding, are not caused by electronic differences (either by changing the aryls C6F5/C6F3Cl2, or by N coordination to silver), nor by non-existent Au···Ag interactions. They are always due to structural changes disturbing stronger π-π stackings in order to allow for shorter Au···Au interactions.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant CTQ2017-89217-P )Junta de Castilla y León (project VA038G18

    E–Z Isomerization of Phosphine-Olefin (PEWO-F4) Ligands Revealed upon PdCl2 Capture: Facts and Mechanism

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    Producción CientíficaThe PEWO phosphines R2P(o-C6H4CH═CHC(O)Ph), R2P(o-C6H2F2CH═CHC(O)Ph), and R2P(o-C6F4CH═CHC(O)Ph) and their P-monodentate complexes trans-[PdCl2(P-monodentate)2] show, in solution and (when available) in the X-ray diffraction structures, an E configuration of the double bond. In contrast, the structures of [PdCl2(P-chelate)] display E and Z configurations. The E/Z isomerization of the latter requires first decoordination of the double bond, which then allows for easy rotation about the electron-deficient double bond. Thus, the E/Z equilibria exist for the free and the P-monodentate complexes as well but are not observed because they are extremely displaced toward the E isomer. Their capture in the form of [PdCl2(P-chelate)], with equilibrium constants on the order Keq ≈ 1–3, allows the two configurations to be observed and isolated. Evaluation of their ability to couple Pf–Pf from cis-[PdPf2(THF)2] (Pf = C6F5) affords values of their ΔG⧧(Pf–Pf)Pd parameters confirming that higher substitution of H by F produces lower coupling barriers and a double bond that is more electron deficient when it is free and more electron withdrawing when it is coordinated.Junta de Castilla y León (projects VA051P17 and VA062G18)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (projects CTQ2016-80913-P and CTQ2017-89217-P

    Coordinatively Unsaturated [RhCp*Rf2] (Cp* = C5Me5; Rf = C6F3Cl2-3,5), General Precursor to Cp*-Diaryl and Cp*-Halo-Aryl RhIII Complexes. Observing and Testing the Effect of Cp* as Electronic Buffer

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    Producción CientíficaThe pentacoordinated [RhCp*Rf2] (Rf = C6F3Cl2-3,5) and the octahedral (μ-Cl)2[RhCp*Rf]2, obtained by stoichiometric rearrangement with (μ-Cl)2[RhCp*Cl]2, are general precursors of [RhCp*RfXL] (X = Rf, Cl; L = ligand) complexes, which were studied by NMR (L dissociation and fluxional processes) and X-ray diffraction (structural effects affecting the Rh–Cp* distances) techniques. The Rh–Cp*centroid distances decrease markedly for identical L in the order [RhCp*Rf2L] > [RhCp*RfClL] > [RhCp*Cl2L] and are further influenced regularly within each family by the trans influence of L (longer distances for higher trans influence of L). The structural effects observed reveal a remarkable capability of Cp* to act as an electron-density buffer, which attenuates the Rh electron density variations induced by the substituents in front of Cp* by releasing toward Rh or polarizing toward Cp*, on demand, the electron density of the Rh–Cp* bonds. This buffer effect explains the easy L dissociation from [RhCp*Rf2L] and the accessibility to formally 16e pentacoordinated [RhCp*Rf2].2019-09-092019-09-09Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects CTQ2016-80913-P, CTQ2014-52796-P, and CTQ2017-89217-P)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA051P17


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    En el presente trabajo se evalúa el comportamiento hidráulico de la red de alcantarillado existente en el sector colindante con la Universidad del Azuay. El estudio se lleva a cabo en base a los principales parámetros de diseño de una red de alcantarillado. Para la representación correcta del sistema se elabora un modelo haciendo uso del programa SWMM 5.1, el cual permite considerar las variables necesarias para la simulación de los eventos de precipitación registrados y las tormentas de diseño para un periodo de retorno especificado. La eficiencia de la red de alcantarillado se analiza en base a los valores permitidos por la normativa. Los resultados de la simulación de los eventos para la condición actual del sistema, evidencian un funcionamiento ineficiente con anegación en varios tramos del colector principal. Por ende, se adopta como solución la alternativa de aumentar los diámetros y adicionar un aliviadero lateral diseñado por métodos empíricos. De esta manera se consigue el desempeño óptimo de la red y la obtención de una base sobre la que se puede incorporar futuros estudios relacionados a la naturaleza del río, permeabilidad del terreno y el diseño detallado del aliviadero.This paper assesses the hydraulic performance of the combined sewerage network in the sector adjacent to the University of Azuay. The study is carried out on the basis of the main design parameters of a sewerage network. For the correct representation of the system, a numeric model is developed using the SWMM 5.1 program, which allows us to consider the variables necessary for the simulation of registered precipitation events and design storms for a specified return period. The efficiency of the sewerage network is analyzed based on the values allowed by the regulations. The results of the simulation of the events for the current condition of the system show an inefficient operation of the system with flooding in several sections of the main collector. Therefore, is adopted as a solution the alternative of increasing diameters and adding a lateral spillway designed by empirical methods. In this way the optimal performance of the network is achieved, and obtaining a basis on which future studies can be incorporated related to the nature of the river, the permeability of the land and the detailed design of the spillway.0000-0002-8206-386

    Hidden aryl-exchange processes in stable 16e RhIII [RhCp*Ar2] complexes, and their unexpected transmetalation mechanism

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    Producción CientíficaExperiments mixing the stable 16e 5-coordinate complexes [RhCp*Ar2] (Cp* = C5Me5; Ar = C6F5, C6F3Cl2-3,5) uncover fast aryl transmetalations. Unexpectedly, as supported computationally, these exchanges are not spontaneous, but catalyzed by minute amounts of 18e (μ-OH)2[RhCp*Ar]2 as a source of 16e [RhCp*Ar(OH)]. The OH group is an amazingly efficient bridging partner to diminish the activation barrier of transmetalation.2019-04-04Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects CTQ2016-80913-P and CTQ2014-52796-P)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA051P17

    Some Singular Features of Gold Catalysis: Protection of AuI Catalysts by Substoichiometric Agents, and Associated Phenomena

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    Producción CientíficaThis study deals with two striking phenomena: the complete protection against decomposition of hypothetically monocoordinated AuI intermediates [AuL]Y (L = strongly coordinating ligand; Y– = poorly coordinating anion) by addition of small substoichiometric amounts (5 mol% relative to Au) of not strongly coordinating ligands (e.g. AsPh3), and the fact that, in contrast, strongly coordinating ligands cannot provide this substoichiometric protection. The two phenomena are explained considering that: i) the existence of real monocoordinated [AuL]Y is negligible in condensed phases, and the kinetically efficient existing species are dicoordinated [AuL(W)]Y (W = any very weekly coordinating ligand existing in solution, including OH2, the solvent, or the Y– anion); and ii) these [AuL(W)]Y intermediates give rise to decomposition by a disproportionation mechanism, via polynuclear intermediates formed by associative oligomerization with release of some W ligands. It is also shown that very small concentrations of [AuL(W)]Y are still catalytically efficient, and can be stabilized by overstoichiometric adventitious water, so that full decomposition of the catalyst is hardly reached although eventually the stabilized concentration can result kinetically inefficient for the catalysis. These results suggest that, in cases of gold catalysis requiring the use of a significant quantity of gold catalyst, the turnover numbers can be increased, or the concentration of gold catalyst widely reduced, using substoichiometric protection properly tuned to the case.2017-12-30Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (CTQ2014-52796-P)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (CTQ2013-48406-P)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – GR 169 and project VA256U13

    Problematic ArF–Alkynyl Coupling with Fluorinated Aryls. From Partial Success with Alkynyl Stannanes to Efficient Solutions via Mechanistic Understanding of the Hidden Complexity

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    Producción CientíficaThe synthesis of aryl–alkynyl compounds is usually achieved via Sonogashira catalysis, but this is inefficient for fluorinated aryls. An alternative method reported by Shirakawa and Hiyama, using alkynylstannanes and hemilabile PN ligands, works apparently fine for conventional aryls, but it is also poor for fluorinated aryls. The revision of the unusual literature cycle reveals the existence and nature of unreported byproducts and uncovers coexisting cycles and other aspects that explain the reasons for the conflict. This knowledge provides a full understanding of the real complexity of these aryl/alkynylstannane systems and the deviations of their evolution from that of a classic Stille process, providing the clues to design several very efficient alternatives for the catalytic synthesis of the desired ArF–alkynyl compounds in almost quantitative yield. The same protocols are also very efficient for the catalytic synthesis of alkynyl–alkynyl’ hetero- and homocoupling.Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital (project PID2020- 118547GB-I00)Junta de Castilla y León (project VA224P20)Irish Research Council (GOIPD/2020/701)Universidad de Valladolid (Margarita Salas program, ref. CONVREC- 2021-221

    Laser induced enhancement of dichroism in supported silver nanoparticles deposited by evaporation at glancing angles

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    were deposited on flat substrates by physical vapor deposition in a glancing angle configuration. The particles were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy and their optical properties examined by UV–vis absorption spectroscopy using linearly polarized light. It was found that, depending on the amount of deposited silver and the evaporation angle, part of the ‘as-prepared’ samples present NPs characterized by an anisotropic shape and a polarization dependent SPR absorption and different colors when using polarized white light at 0 and 90 . Low-power irradiation of these materials with an infrared Nd-YAG nanosecond laser in ambient conditions produced an enhancement in such dichroism. At higher powers, the dichroism was lost and the SPR bands shifted to lower wavelengths as a result of the reshaping of the silver NPs in the form of spheres. The possible factors contributing to the observed changes in dichroism are discussed