157 research outputs found

    Restauración de zonas naturales alteradas por actividades mineras a cielo abierto

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    The main reason for restoring lands affected by mining operations is to minimize the impact on the surrounding area, in such a way that the affected zone is reintegrated into the environment, with the Iand being put to its original use. A description of the generic criteria to be applied as regards the shape of slag heaps and final cutting fronts and slopes, in order for them to blend in with the surrounding landscape, is given below. Design of the final configuration of the terrain following restoration is conditioned by a series of factors that may be grouped under three overall headings: topographic, aesthetical and economical. It should also be taken into account that the remodeling will impact on other facets of the process of recuperation, such as the evolution of the soil and the establishment of vegetation. All of the above conditioning factors mean that consideration of the modeling of the terrain must be integrated into the overall planning of the restoration process (even during the initial stages), and that the technical and economic feasibility of the project requires that this be done simultaneously with explotation.El principal objetivo en la restauración de tierras afectadas por actividades mineras es minimizar el impacto en el área circundante, de manera que la zona afectada recupere su uso original y se reintegre en su entorno. En este artículo se describen algunos de los criterios a aplicar en la remodelación de escombreras y taludes finales de frentes de corta, con objeto de conseguir la integración de estos elementos en el paisaje circundante. Los factores que intervienen en la configuración de los terrenos alterados son muy diversos, unos de carácter económico, otros topográficos y otros estéticos. La remodelación va a condicionar otras facetas de la recuperación como son la evolución del suelo y el establecimiento de la vegetación. Todos estos condicionantes obligan a considerar el modelado del terreno integrado en el plan de restauración y de forma simultánea a la explotación para evitar futuros impactos o minimizar los ya existentes

    Regulación de la filtración glomerular por la matriz extracelular : implicación de la kinasa ligada a integrinas en la vía del NO/GMPc

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    El proceso de vasodilatación del eje óxido nítrico (NO)/guanilato ciclasa soluble(GCs)/GMPc/proteína kinasa dependiente de GMPc (PKG) permite regular la filtración glomerular en el riñón. En las patologías renales crónicas se producen cambios cuantitativos y cualitativos de matriz extracelular (MEC), que mediante la activación de la kinasa ligada a integrinas (ILK) disminuyen la actividad vasodilatadora de la vía NO/GMPc. El presente trabajo estudia el papel de la ILK en la regulación del eje NO/GMPc a nivel renal y sus consecuencias sobre la filtración glomerular en un modelo murino knock-out condicional para la ILK en condiciones basales o tratados con un donador de NO. El grupo knock-out mostró basalmente poliuria y mayor aclaramiento de creatinina en comparación con el control, debido a una mayor expresión de GCs y PKG. El tratamiento con el NO aumentó de manera sinérgica ambas medidas en el grupo knock-out. Aunque el tratamiento con el donador de NO produjo taquifilaxia en ambos grupos, los niveles de GCs y PKG en los animales knock-out se vieron compensados en parte con respecto a los controles. La deleción de la ILK favorece la filtración glomerular y además revierte parcialmente los efectos de tolerancia debidos a un tratamiento prolongado con donadores de N

    Integrin Linked Kinase (ILK) Downregulation as an Early Event During the Development of Metabolic Alterations in a Short-Term High Fat Diet Mice Model.

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    Background/Aims: Diabetes type 2, metabolic syndrome or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are insulin resistance-related metabolic disorders, which lack a better prognosis before their full establishment. We studied the importance of the intracellular scaffold protein integrin linked kinaes (ILK) as a key modulator in the initial pathogenesis and the early progression of those insulin resistance- related disorders. Methods: Adult mice with a global transgenic downregulation of ILK expression (cKD-ILK) and littermates without that depletion (CT) were fed with either standard (STD) or high fat (HFD) diets during 2 and 6 weeks. Weights, blood glucose and other systemic biochemical parameters were determined in animals under fasting conditions and after glucose or pyruvate intraperitoneal injections to test their tolerance. In RNA or proteins extracted from insulin-sensitive tissues, we determined by reverse transcription?quantitative PCR and western blot the expression of ILK, metabolites transporters and other metabolism and inflammatory markers. Glucose uptake capacity was studied in freshly isolated tissues. Results: HFD feeding was able to early and progressively increase glycaemia, insulinemia, circulating glycerol, body weight gain, liver-mediated gluconeogenesis along this time lapse, but cKD-ILK have all these systemic misbalances exacerbated compared to CT in the same HFD time lapse. Interestingly, the tisular expression of ILK in HFD-fed CT was dramatically downregulated in white adipose tissue (WAT), skeletal muscle and liver at the same extent of the original ILK downregulation of cKD-ILK. We previously published that basal STD-fed cKD-ILK compared to basal STD-CT have different expression of glucose transporters GLUT4 in WAT and skeletal muscle. In the same STD-fed cKD-ILK, we observed here the increased expressions of hepatic GLUT2 and WAT pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-? and MCP-1. The administration of HFD exacerbated the expression changes in cKD-ILK of these and other markers related to the imbalanced metabolism observed, such as WAT lipolysis (HSL), hepatic gluconeogenesis (PCK-1) and glycerol transport (AQP9). Conclusion: ILK expression may be taken as a predictive determinant of metabolic disorders establishment, because its downregulation seems to correlate with the early imbalance of glucose and glycerol transport and the subsequent loss of systemic homeostasis of these metabolites.Instituto de Salud Carlos III-ISCIIIComunidad de MadridFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-FEDERInstituto Ramon y Cajal de Investigación Sanitária-IRYCISFundación Renal Iñigo Álvarez de Toledo-FRIA

    The Integrin Beta1 Modulator Tirofiban Prevents Adipogenesis and Obesity by the Overexpression of Integrin-Linked Kinase: a Pre-Clinical Approach In Vitro and In Vivo

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    de Frutos, S., Griera, M., Hatem-Vaquero, M. et al. The integrin beta1 modulator Tirofiban prevents adipogenesis and obesity by the overexpression of integrin-linked kinase: a pre-clinical approach in vitro and in vivo. Cell Biosci 12, 10 (2022)Background: Obesity is caused by the enlargement of the white adipose tissue (WAT) depots, characterized by the hypertrophic enlargement of malfunctioning adipocytes within WAT which increases the storage of triglycerides (TG) in the lipid droplets (LD). Adipogenesis pathways as well as the expression and activity of some extracellular matrix receptors integrins are upregulated. Integrin?1 (INTB1) is the main isoform involved in WAT remodeling during obesity and insulin resistance-related diseases. We recently described Integrin Linked Kinase (ILK), a scafold protein recruited by INTB1, as an important mediator of WAT remodeling and insulin resistance. As the few approved drugs to fght obesity have brought long-term cardiovascular side efects and given that the consideration of INTB1 and/or ILK modulation as anti-obesogenic strategies remains unexplored, we aimed to evaluate the anti-obesogenic capacity of the clinically approved anticoagulant Tirofban (TF), stated in preclinical studies as a cardiovascular protector. Methods: Fully diferentiated adipocytes originating from C3H10T1/2 were exposed to TF and were co-treated with specifc INTB1 blockers or with siRNA-based knockdown ILK expression. Lipid-specifc dyes were used to determine the TG content in LD. The genetic expression pattern of ILK, pro-infammatory cytokines (MCP1, IL6), adipogenesis (PPAR?, Leptin), thermogenesis (UCP1), proliferation (PCNA), lipid metabolism (FASN, HSL, ATGL), and metabolite trans porters (FABP4, FAT, AQP7) were detected using quantitative PCR. Cytoskeletal actin polymerization was detected by confocal microscopy. Immunoblotting was performed to detect INTB1 phosphorylation at Thr788/9 and ILK activity as phosphorylation levels of protein kinase B (AKT) in Ser473 and glycogen synthase kinase 3? (GSK3?) at Ser9. TF was intraperitoneally administered once per day to wildtype and ILK knockdown mice (cKDILK) challenged with a high-fat diet (HFD) or control diet (STD) for 2 weeks. Body and WAT weight gains were compared. The expression of ILK and other markers was determined in the visceral epididymal (epi) and inguinal subcutaneous (sc) WAT. Results: TF reduced TG content and the expression of adipogenesis markers and transporters in adipocytes, while UCP-1 expression was increased and the expression of lipases, cytokines or PCNA was not afected. Mechanistically, TF rapidly increased and faded the intracellular phosphorylation of INTB1 but not AKT or GSK3?. F-actin levels were rapidly decreased, and INTB1 blockade avoided the TF efect. After 24 h, ILK expression and phosphorylation rates of AKT and GSK3? were upregulated, while ILK silencing increased TG content. INTB1 blockade and ILK silencing avoided TF efects on the TG content and the transcriptional expression of PPAR? and UCP1. In HFD-challenged mice, the systemic administration of TF for several days reduced the weight gain on WAT depots. TF reduced adipogenesis and pro-infammatory biomarkers and increased lipolysis markers HSL and FAT in epiWAT from HFD, while increased UCP1 in scWAT. In both WATs, TF upregulated ILK expression and activity, while no changes were observed in other tissues. In HFD-fed cKDILK, the blunted ILK in epiWAT worsened weight gain and avoided the anti-obesogenic efect of in vivo TF administration. Conclusions: ILK downregulation in WAT can be considered a biomarker of obesity establishment. Via an INTB1-ILK axis, TF restores malfunctioning hypertrophied WAT by changing the expression of adipocyte-related genes, increas ing ILK expression and activity, and reducing TG storage. TF prevents obesity, a property to be added to its anticoagu lant and cardiovascular protective advantages.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIComunidad de MadridFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-FEDE

    Métodos, procedimientos y estilos de enseñanza adaptados para la atención a la diversidad poblacional (Original)

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    The present work presents the teaching methods, procedures and styles, which can be used in the search for a solution, of the algorithm of adaptation of physical activity for the health of the population diversity, based on the main contributions of Vigotski (1989) version, which support the sociocultural approach and the adaptation criteria of Williamson (1988), those elaborated by De Potter (1988), the adaptations registered in the LOGSE (1992) cited by Toro & Zarco (1998), those of Ríos., Blanco., Bonany; & Carol (1998) and Arráez (1998), which constitutes a methodological and practical guide for professionals who attend to this population diversity.En el presente trabajo se presentan los métodos, procedimientos y estilos de enseñanza, que pueden ser utilizados en la etapa de búsqueda de una solución, del algoritmo de adaptación de la actividad física para la salud de la diversidad poblacional, basado en los principales aportes de Vigotski (1989) versión, que sustentan el enfoque socio cultural y los criterios de adaptación de Williamson (1988), las elaboradas por De Potter (1988), las adaptaciones registradas en la LOGSE (1992) citados por Toro & Zarco (1998), las de Ríos., Blanco., Bonany; & Carol (1998) y Arráez (1998), lo cual constituye una guía metodológica y práctica para los profesionales, que atienden a esa diversidad poblacional

    Algoritmo de adaptación de la actividad física para la salud de la diversidad poblacional (Original)

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    At present, an algorithm for the adaptation of physical activity for the health of the population diversity is elaborated, based on the main contributions of Vigotsky (1989), which support the socio-cultural approach and the adaptation criteria of Williamson (1988), those made by De Potter (1988), the adaptations registered in the LOGSE (1992) cited by Toro & Zarco (1998), those by Ríos., Blanco., Bonany; & Carol (1998) and Arráez (1998), as a methodological and practical tool for professionals, who attend to this population diversity.En el presente se elabora un algoritmo de adaptación de la actividad física para la salud de la diversidad poblacional, basado en los principales aportes de Vigotsky (1989), que sustentan el enfoque socio cultural y los criterios de adaptación de  Williamson (1988),  las elaboradas por De Potter (1988), las adaptaciones registradas en la LOGSE (1992) citados por Toro &  Zarco (1998), las de Ríos., Blanco., Bonany; & Carol (1998) y Arráez (1998), como herramienta metodológica y práctica para los profesionales, que atienden a esa diversidad poblacional

    Factors Explaining Language Performance After Training in Elders With and Without Subjective Cognitive Decline

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    The present study explores if cognitive reserve, executive functions, and working memory capacity are predictive of performance in the language domain (specifically in sentence comprehension and naming) after a cognitive training intervention. Sixty-six Spanish older adults voluntarily participated in the study, classified either as older adults with subjective cognitive decline according to Jessen et al.’s (2014) criteria (n = 35; 70.94 ± 4.16 years old) or cognitively intact (n = 31; 71.34 ± 4.96 years old). Written sentence comprehension and visual confrontation naming were assessed both immediately after recruitment (at the baseline), and then 6 months later, once each participant had completed his/her cognitive training (a well-known program in Spain, called UMAM; English translation: Madrid City Council Memory Unit Program). Cognitive reserve, executive functions (cognitive flexibility and controlled interference efficiency), and working memory capacity were measured for all participants at the baseline. Results pointed out that the subjective cognitive decline group presented greater benefits in the language domain than cognitively intact participants. We also observed that lower executive functioning and working memory capacity at the baseline predicted larger benefits in language performance after training, but only in the group of cognitively intact older adults. However, selected predictors hardly explained subjective cognitive decline participants’ results in language performance after training

    H- ras deletion protects against angiotensin II-induced arterial hypertension and cardiac remodeling through protein kinase G-Ibeta pathway activation

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    15 p.Ras proteins regulate cell survival, growth, differentiation, blood pressure, and fibrosis in some organs.We have demonstrated that H-rasgene deletion produces mice hypotensionviaa soluble guanylate cyclase-proteinkinase G (PKG)–dependent mechanism. In this study, we analyzed the consequences of H-rasdeletiononcardiacremodeling induced by continuous angiotensin II (AngII) infusion and the molecular mechanisms implied. Leftventricular posterior wall thickness and mass and cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area were similar between AngII-treated H-Ras knockout (H-ras2/2) and control wild-type (H-ras+/+) mice, as were extracellular matrix proteinexpression. Increased cardiac PKG-Ibprotein expression in H-ras2/2mice suggests the involvement of this proteinin heart protection.Ex vivoexperiments on cardiac explants could support this mechanism, as PKG blockadeblunted protection against AngII-induced cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis markers in H-ras2/2mice. Geneticmodulation studies in cardiomyocytes and cardiac and embryonic fibroblasts revealed that the lack of H-Ras down-regulates the B-RAF/MEK/ERK pathway, which induces the glycogen synthase kinase-3b-dependent activation ofthe transcription factor, cAMP response element-binding protein, which is responsible for PKG-Iboverexpressionin H-ras2/2mouse embryonic fibroblasts. This study demonstrates that H-rasdeletion protects against AngII-induced cardiac remodeling, possiblyviaa mechanism in which PKG-Iboverexpression could play a partial role, andpoints to H-Ras and/or downstream proteins as potential therapeutic targets in cardiovascular disease.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIUniversidad de AlcaláFundación SenefroFEDE

    Crosstalk Between LXR and Caveolin-1 Signaling Supports Cholesterol Efflux and Anti-Inflammatory Pathways in Macrophages

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    © 2021 Ramírez, Torrecilla-Parra, Pardo-Marqués, de-Frutos, Pérez-García, Tabraue, de la Rosa, Martín-Rodriguez, Díaz-Sarmiento, Nuñez, Orizaola, Través, Camps, Boscá and Castrillo.Macrophages are immune cells that play crucial roles in host defense against pathogens by triggering their exceptional phagocytic and inflammatory functions. Macrophages that reside in healthy tissues also accomplish important tasks to preserve organ homeostasis, including lipid uptake/efflux or apoptotic-cell clearance. Both homeostatic and inflammatory functions of macrophages require the precise stability of lipid-rich microdomains located at the cell membrane for the initiation of downstream signaling cascades. Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is the main protein responsible for the biogenesis of caveolae and plays an important role in vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis. The Liver X receptors (LXRs) are key transcription factors for cholesterol efflux and inflammatory gene responses in macrophages. Although the role of Cav-1 in cellular cholesterol homeostasis and vascular inflammation has been reported, the connection between LXR transcriptional activity and Cav-1 expression and function in macrophages has not been investigated. Here, using gain and loss of function approaches, we demonstrate that LXR-dependent transcriptional pathways modulate Cav-1 expression and compartmentation within the membrane during macrophage activation. As a result, Cav-1 participates in LXR-dependent cholesterol efflux and the control of inflammatory responses. Together, our data show modulation of the LXR-Cav-1 axis could be exploited to control exacerbated inflammation and cholesterol overload in the macrophage during the pathogenesis of lipid and immune disorders, such as atherosclerosis.We thank MINECO FPI predoctoral fellowship granted to MCO (BES-2015-075339). Experimental work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigación y Universidades, y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Grant REF: PID2019-104284RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (to AC) and support from Networks of Excellence from MINECO (Nuclear Receptors in Cancer, Metabolism and Inflammation [NuRCaMeIn] SAF2017-90604-REDT to AC. Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigación y Universidades, and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (SAF2017-82436-R, RTC2017-6283-1), Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CB16/11/00222), Consorcio de Investigación en Red de la Comunidad de Madrid, S2017/BMD-3686 and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (to LB). Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigación y Universidades, and Agencia Estatal de Investigación Proyectos de I+D+i Retos Investigación 2018 (RTI2018-095061-B-I00); TALENTO Grant from Madrid Government, Spain (2017-T1/BMD-5333); Consejería de Ciencia, Universidades e Innovación Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (PEJD-2018-POST/BMD-8900 and PEDJ-2018-AI/BDM-9724) to CMR

    Nuclear translocation of glutaminase GLS2 in human cancer cells associates with proliferation arrest and differentiation

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    Glutaminase (GA) catalyzes the first step in mitochondrial glutaminolysis playing a key role in cancer metabolic reprogramming. Humans express two types of GA isoforms: GLS and GLS2. GLS isozymes have been consistently related to cell proliferation, but the role of GLS2 in cancer remains poorly understood. GLS2 is repressed in many tumor cells and a better understanding of its function in tumorigenesis may further the development of new therapeutic approaches. We analyzed GLS2 expression in HCC, GBM and neuroblastoma cells, as well as in monkey COS-7 cells. We studied GLS2 expression after induction of differentiation with phorbol ester (PMA) and transduction with the full-length cDNA of GLS2. In parallel, we investigated cell cycle progression and levels of p53, p21 and c-Myc proteins. Using the baculovirus system, human GLS2 protein was overexpressed, purified and analyzed for posttranslational modifications employing a proteomics LC-MS/MS platform. We have demonstrated a dual targeting of GLS2 in human cancer cells. Immunocytochemistry and subcellular fractionation gave consistent results demonstrating nuclear and mitochondrial locations, with the latter being predominant. Nuclear targeting was confirmed in cancer cells overexpressing c-Myc- and GFP-tagged GLS2 proteins. We assessed the subnuclear location finding a widespread distribution of GLS2 in the nucleoplasm without clear overlapping with specific nuclear substructures. GLS2 expression and nuclear accrual notably increased by treatment of SH-SY5Y cells with PMA and it correlated with cell cycle arrest at G2/M, upregulation of tumor suppressor p53 and p21 protein. A similar response was obtained by overexpression of GLS2 in T98G glioma cells, including downregulation of oncogene c-Myc. Furthermore, human GLS2 was identified as being hypusinated by MS analysis, a posttranslational modification which may be relevant for its nuclear targeting and/or function. Our studies provide evidence for a tumor suppressor role of GLS2 in certain types of cancer. The data imply that GLS2 can be regarded as a highly mobile and multilocalizing protein translocated to both mitochondria and nuclei. Upregulation of GLS2 in cancer cells induced an antiproliferative response with cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase