171 research outputs found
Dignity at Work for Low Wage, Low Skill Service Workers
Using responses from a telephone survey of 589 low wage, low skill workers in US hospitals, the authors investigate the workplace features that influence workers’ perceptions of dignity at work. Both work organization variables and union representation are investigated as potential factors affecting workers’ perceptions of fair treatment by their employer, intrinsically satisfying work, and economic security. Work organization and union representation have little effect on dignity at work with the exception of their association with higher wages and therefore a greater degree of economic security. Results indicate that higher pay, adequate levels of staffing and resources, and access to training are the variables that are most closely associated with dignity on the job.On a rĂ©cemment accordĂ© beaucoup d’attention Ă l’inĂ©galitĂ© croissante des gains et aux conditions Ă©conomiques qui se dĂ©tĂ©riorent chez les travailleurs Ă faibles revenus (Levy et Murnane, 1992; Johnson et Kuhn, 2004). En plus de faibles revenus, ces travailleurs doivent aussi affronter de mauvaises conditions de travail : insĂ©curitĂ© d’emploi, traitement arbitraire et absence de reprĂ©sentation. De plus en plus, en relations industrielles, on cherche comment amĂ©liorer la vie au travail de ces travailleurs. La dignitĂ© au travail est devenue un sujet de ralliement, non seulement pour les syndicats, comme ce fut traditionnellement le cas, mais aussi pour les dĂ©cideurs politiques et les intellectuels.Dans cet article, nous avons voulu Ă©valuer les effets de certaines caractĂ©ristiques des lieux de travail sur les perceptions que les travailleurs se font de la dignitĂ© au travail, en recourant Ă une enquĂŞte auprès des personnes occupant des postes peu qualifiĂ©s et peu rĂ©munĂ©rĂ©s dans le secteur des services. De plus, nous nous sommes demandĂ©s si la reprĂ©sentation syndicale ou des changements dans l’organisation du travail associĂ©s Ă des pratiques de haut rendement au travail affectent ou non la perception de ces travailleurs de la dignitĂ© en emploi.Les donnĂ©es proviennent d’une enquĂŞte effectuĂ©e dans quinze hĂ´pitaux communautaires amĂ©ricains. Ce type d’hĂ´pitaux constitue la majeure partie des hĂ´pitaux aux États-Unis, et nous avons retenu le groupe le plus reprĂ©sentatif, c’est-Ă -dire ceux qui comptent entre 200 et 400 lits. Les hĂ´pitaux sont rĂ©partis dans presque toutes les rĂ©gions du pays. L’étude a dĂ©butĂ© Ă l’étĂ© de l’annĂ©e 2000 et elle s’est terminĂ©e au printemps de 2002.Notre analyse s’appuie sur une enquĂŞte tĂ©lĂ©phonique auprès de 589 travailleurs, dans les quinze hĂ´pitaux retenus, et comprend des questions sur tous les aspects du travail accompli et de la carrière. Nous avons aussi visitĂ© chaque hĂ´pital oĂą nous avons interviewĂ©s des gestionnaires, des surveillants et des reprĂ©sentants syndicaux. En recourant Ă l’analyse multivariĂ©e, nous avons ensuite analysĂ© l’effet de la syndicalisation et des pratiques de travail sur la perception de la dignitĂ© au travail dans les Ă©tablissements. Pour estimer la perception de la dignitĂ© au travail par les travailleurs, nous avons retenu trois variables dĂ©pendantes clĂ©s : la sĂ©curitĂ© d’emploi, la satisfaction intrinsèque au travail et le traitement Ă©quitable de la part de l’employeur. Nos variables indĂ©pendantes incluent une mesure de l’enrichissement du travail, la participation Ă des comitĂ©s de rĂ©solution de problèmes, la formation sur le tas ou d’ordre institutionnel, le champ d’action du syndicat, la perception de la suffisance du personnel et des ressources matĂ©rielles, la charge de travail ainsi que diverses variables de contrĂ´le.Nous avons posĂ© l’hypothèse que le fait de bonifier le travail, soit par un Ă©largissement des tâches, soit par un accroissement du niveau d’habiletĂ©s requises, par l’offre de participation Ă la solution des problèmes au travail, par l’offre d’occasions de formation et le fait de disposer d’une reprĂ©sentation syndicale sur le lieu de travail devraient ĂŞtre liĂ©s de façon positive Ă des niveaux plus Ă©levĂ©s de perception de la dignitĂ© au travail. Nos donnĂ©es nous indiquent qu’à l’exception des effets positifs de la formation, ni la restructuration du travail, ni la reprĂ©sentation syndicale ne prĂ©sentaient des effets dans le sens anticipĂ©. Dans le cas de ces travailleurs du secteur des services, les emplois sont si faiblement rĂ©munĂ©rĂ©s, si exigeants physiquement et si peu gratifiants que le fait de les redessiner n’amĂ©liore pas la situation. Ce qui semble amĂ©liorer la perception de la dignitĂ© au travail est plutĂ´t liĂ© Ă l’accès Ă la formation, au fait de pouvoir compter sur du personnel en nombre suffisant et sur du matĂ©riel adĂ©quat et en quantitĂ© suffisante et aussi de ne pas se faire demander d’accomplir plus que ce qu’on peut faire.Cependant, des modifications dans l’organisation du travail et la reprĂ©sentation syndicale ont Ă©tĂ© associĂ©es avec un niveau plus Ă©levĂ© de rĂ©munĂ©ration, une mesure de dignitĂ© particulièrement importante chez cette catĂ©gorie de travailleurs. Bien que la restructuration du travail, la formation et la reprĂ©sentation syndicale sont sources de hausses salariales, elles ne contribuent pas Ă l’ajout d’une valeur intrinsèque au travail, pas plus qu’à l’impression d’un traitement Ă©quitable de la part des employeurs. Ces deux effets sont plutĂ´t liĂ©s Ă des enjeux inhĂ©rents au procès de travail, tels que la charge de travail, la prĂ©sence d’un personnel suffisant et de ressources matĂ©rielles adĂ©quates. Seule la formation demeure liĂ©e aux trois aspects de la dignitĂ© au travail.Ainsi, les changements dans la nature du travail, comme les travaux sur la promotion de la dignitĂ© au travail en relations industrielles le laissaient entendre, prĂ©sentent peu ou pas de relation avec cette dernière variable chez cette catĂ©gorie de travailleurs Ă faibles revenus et peu qualifiĂ©s. L’enrichissement du travail, de mĂŞme que la participation Ă des comitĂ© de rĂ©solution de problèmes ou la reprĂ©sentation syndicale n’amĂ©liorent pas la perception de dignitĂ© au travail chez ces travailleurs. Cependant, des salaires plus Ă©levĂ©s, du personnel en nombre suffisant et la formation contribuent Ă une meilleure perception de la dignitĂ© au travail. Par consĂ©quent, les politiques axĂ©es sur la formation et les qualifications des travailleurs peu rĂ©munĂ©rĂ©s sont plus susceptibles d’avoir un impact important sur leur emploi et leurs perspectives d’avenir. De plus, les syndicats pourraient davantage aider leurs membres en nĂ©gociant non seulement des salaires plus Ă©levĂ©s, mais aussi du personnel en nombre suffisant et des ressources adĂ©quates pour que les travailleurs et les travailleuses puissent bien accomplir leurs tâches.A partir de una encuesta telefĂłnica con 589 trabajadores hospitalarios de Estados Unidos caracterizados por sus bajos salarios y nivel bajo de calificaciĂłn, los autores investigan las caracterĂsticas del medio laboral que influyen las percepciones de dignidad en el trabajo. Tanto las variables relativas a la organizaciĂłn del trabajo como aquellas de la representaciĂłn sindical son investigadas como factores potenciales que afectan las percepciones de los trabajadores a propĂłsito de lo que es un tratamiento justo de la parte de su empleador, la satisfacciĂłn intrĂnseca en el trabajo y la seguridad econĂłmica. La organizaciĂłn del trabajo y la representaciĂłn sindical tienen poco efecto sobre la dignidad en el trabajo excepto cuando está asociada con los salarios elevados y por tanto, con un nivel mas elevado de seguridad econĂłmica. Los resultados indican que las remuneraciones mas elevadas, los niveles adecuados de personal y de recursos asĂ como el acceso a la formaciĂłn, son las variables que están mas fuertemente asociadas con la dignidad en el trabajo
Contraceptive methods and use by women aged 35 and over: A qualitative study of perspectives
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>More than 30% of the pregnancies in women aged 35 and over are unintended. This paper compares perceptions about contraceptive methods and use among women with and without an unintended pregnancy after turning age 35.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 17 women. They were all 35 to 49 years old, regularly menstruating, sexually active, not sterilized, not desiring a pregnancy in the near future, and at least 3 months postpartum. We purposely sampled for women who had had at least one unintended pregnancy after age 35 (n = 9) and women who did not (n = 8). We assessed partnership, views of pregnancy and motherhood, desired lifestyle, perceived advantages and disadvantages of using and obtaining currently available well-known reversible contraceptives in the U.S. ''We also assessed contraceptive methods used at any time during their reproductive years, including current method use and, if appropriate, circumstances surrounding an unintended pregnancy after age 35.'' Each interview was taped and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed using Grounded Theory. Analysis focused on partnership, views of pregnancy, motherhood, desired lifestyle and perceived advantages and disadvantages of various reversible contraceptive methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The women without an unintended pregnancy after age 35 were more likely to (1) use contraceptive methods that helped treat a medical condition, (2) consider pregnancy as dangerous, or (3) express concerns about the responsibilities of motherhood. The women who experienced an unintended pregnancy after age 35 were more likely to (1) report unstable partnerships, (2) perceive themselves at lower risk of pregnancy, or (3) report past experiences with unwanted contraceptive side effects. There was a greater likelihood a woman would choose a contraceptive method if it was perceived as easy to use, accessible, affordable and had minimal side effects.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Women's perspective on contraceptive use after age 35 varies. Public health messages and health providers' care can help women in this age group by reviewing their fertility risks, as well as all contraceptive methods and their associated side effects. The impact of such interventions on unintended pregnancy rates in this age group should be tested in other areas of evidence-based medicine.</p
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An investig-ation into the epidemiology of chikungunya virus across neglected regions of Indonesia
Funder: US-CDCBackground: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an important emerging and re-emerging public health problem worldwide. In Indonesia, where the virus is endemic, epidemiological information from outside of the main islands of Java and Bali is limited. Methodology/Principal Findings: Four hundred and seventy nine acutely febrile patients presenting between September 2017–2019 were recruited from three city hospitals situated in Ambon, Maluku; Banjarmasin, Kalimantan; and Batam, Batam Island as part of a multi-site observational study. CHIKV RNA was detected in a single serum sample while a separate sample was IgM positive. IgG seroprevalence was also low across all three sites, ranging from 1.4–3.2%. The single RT-PCR positive sample from this study and 24 archived samples collected during other recent outbreaks throughout Indonesia were subjected to complete coding region sequencing to assess the genetic diversity of Indonesian strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed all to be of a single clade, which was distinct from CHIKV strains recently reported from neighbouring regions including the Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Conclusions/Significance: Chikungunya virus strains from recent outbreaks across Indonesia all belong to a single clade. However, low-level seroprevalence and molecular detection of CHIKV across the three study sites appears to contrast with the generally high seroprevalences that have been reported for non-outbreak settings in Java and Bali, and may account for the relative lack of CHIKV epidemiological data from other regions of Indonesia
An investig-ation into the epidemiology of chikungunya virus across neglected regions of Indonesia
Funder: US-CDCBackground: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an important emerging and re-emerging public health problem worldwide. In Indonesia, where the virus is endemic, epidemiological information from outside of the main islands of Java and Bali is limited. Methodology/Principal Findings: Four hundred and seventy nine acutely febrile patients presenting between September 2017–2019 were recruited from three city hospitals situated in Ambon, Maluku; Banjarmasin, Kalimantan; and Batam, Batam Island as part of a multi-site observational study. CHIKV RNA was detected in a single serum sample while a separate sample was IgM positive. IgG seroprevalence was also low across all three sites, ranging from 1.4–3.2%. The single RT-PCR positive sample from this study and 24 archived samples collected during other recent outbreaks throughout Indonesia were subjected to complete coding region sequencing to assess the genetic diversity of Indonesian strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed all to be of a single clade, which was distinct from CHIKV strains recently reported from neighbouring regions including the Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Conclusions/Significance: Chikungunya virus strains from recent outbreaks across Indonesia all belong to a single clade. However, low-level seroprevalence and molecular detection of CHIKV across the three study sites appears to contrast with the generally high seroprevalences that have been reported for non-outbreak settings in Java and Bali, and may account for the relative lack of CHIKV epidemiological data from other regions of Indonesia
Consumer Bankruptcy Update
Materials from the Consumer Bankruptcy Update presentations held by UK/CLE in December 2000
An inclusive Research and Education Community (iREC) model to facilitate undergraduate science education reform
Funding: This work was supported by Howard Hughes Medical Institute grants to DIH is GT12052 and MJG is GT15338.Over the last two decades, there have been numerous initiatives to improve undergraduate student outcomes in STEM. One model for scalable reform is the inclusive Research Education Community (iREC). In an iREC, STEM faculty from colleges and universities across the nation are supported to adopt and sustainably implement course-based research – a form of science pedagogy that enhances student learning and persistence in science. In this study, we used pathway modeling to develop a qualitative description that explicates the HHMI Science Education Alliance (SEA) iREC as a model for facilitating the successful adoption and continued advancement of new curricular content and pedagogy. In particular, outcomes that faculty realize through their participation in the SEA iREC were identified, organized by time, and functionally linked. The resulting pathway model was then revised and refined based on several rounds of feedback from over 100 faculty members in the SEA iREC who participated in the study. Our results show that in an iREC, STEM faculty organized as a long-standing community of practice leverage one another, outside expertise, and data to adopt, implement, and iteratively advance their pedagogy. The opportunity to collaborate in this manner and, additionally, to be recognized for pedagogical contributions sustainably engages STEM faculty in the advancement of their pedagogy. Here, we present a detailed pathway model of SEA that, together with underpinning features of an iREC identified in this study, offers a framework to facilitate transformations in undergraduate science education.Peer reviewe
Functional mechanisms underlying pleiotropic risk alleles at the 19p13.1 breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility locus
A locus at 19p13 is associated with breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer (OC) risk. Here we analyse 438 SNPs in this region in 46,451 BC and 15,438 OC cases, 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers and 73,444 controls and identify 13 candidate causal SNPs associated with serous OC (P=9.2 × 10-20), ER-negative BC (P=1.1 × 10-13), BRCA1-associated BC (P=7.7 × 10-16) and triple negative BC (P-diff=2 × 10-5). Genotype-gene expression associations are identified for candidate target genes ANKLE1 (P=2 × 10-3) and ABHD8 (P<2 × 10-3). Chromosome conformation capture identifies interactions between four candidate SNPs and ABHD8, and luciferase assays indicate six risk alleles increased transactivation of the ADHD8 promoter. Targeted deletion of a region containing risk SNP rs56069439 in a putative enhancer induces ANKLE1 downregulation; and mRNA stability assays indicate functional effects for an ANKLE1 3′-UTR SNP. Altogether, these data suggest that multiple SNPs at 19p13 regulate ABHD8 and perhaps ANKLE1 expression, and indicate common mechanisms underlying breast and ovarian cancer risk
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