91 research outputs found

    Dispersal in dendritic networks: Ecological consequences on the spatial distribution of population densities

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    1. Understanding the consequences of spatial structure on ecological dynamics is a central theme in ecology. Recently, research has recognised the relevance of river and river-analogue network structures, because these systems are not only highly diverse but also rapidly changing due to habitat modifications or species invasions. 2. Much of the previous work on ecological and evolutionary dynamics in metapop- ulations and metacommunities in dendritic river networks has been either using comparative approaches or was purely theoretical. However, the use of micro- cosm experiments provides the unique opportunity to study large-scale questions in a causal and experimental framework. 3. We conducted replicated microcosm experiments, in which we manipulated the spatially explicit network configuration of a landscape and addressed how linear versus dendritic connectivity affects population dynamics, specifically the spatial distribution of population densities, and movement behaviour of the protist model organism Tetrahymena pyriformis. We tracked population densities and individual-level movement behaviour of thousands of individuals over time. 4. At the end of the experiment, we found more variable population densities between patches in dendritic networks compared to linear networks, as pre- dicted by theory. Specifically, in dendritic networks, population densities were higher at nodes that connected to headwaters compared to the headwaters themselves and to more central nodes in the network. These differences follow theoretical predictions and emerged from the different network topologies per se. These differences in population densities emerged despite weakly density- dependent movement. 5. We show that differences in network structure alone can cause characteristic spatial variation in population densities. While such differences have been postu- lated by theoretical work and are the underlying precondition for differential dis- persal evolution in heterogeneous networks, our results may be the first experimental demonstration thereof. Furthermore, these population-level dynam- ics may affect extinction risks and can upscale to previously shown metacommu- nity level diversity dynamics. Given that many species in natural river systems exhibit strong spatiotemporal patterns in population densities, our work suggests that abundance patterns should not only be addressed from a local environmental perspective, but may be the outcome of processes that are inher- ently driven by the respective habitat network structure

    Metaecosystem dynamics drive community composition in experimental, multi‐layered spatial networks

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    Cross‐ecosystem subsidies are studied with a focus on resource exchange at local ecosystem boundaries. This perspective ignores regional dynamics that can emerge via constraints imposed by the landscape, potentially leading to spatially‐dependent effects of subsidies and spatial feedbacks. Using miniaturized landscape analogues of river dendritic and terrestrial lattice spatial networks, we manipulated and studied resource exchange between the two whole networks. We found community composition in dendritic networks depended on the resource pulse from the lattice network, with the strength of this effect declining in larger downstream patches. In turn, this spatially‐dependent effect imposed constraints on the lattice network with populations in that network reaching higher densities when connected to more central patches in the dendritic network. Consequently, localized cross‐ecosystem fluxes, and their respective effects on recipient ecosystems, must be studied in a perspective taking into account the explicit spatial configuration of the landscape

    Selection on growth rate and local adaptation drive genomic adaptation during experimental range expansions in the protist Tetrahymena thermophila

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    1. Populations that expand their range can undergo rapid evolutionary adaptation of life-history traits, dispersal behaviour and adaptation to the local environment. Such adaptation may be aided or hindered by sexual reproduction, depending on the context. 2. However, few empirical and experimental studies have investigated the genetic basis of adaptive evolution during range expansions. Even less attention has been given to the question how sexual reproduction may modulate such adaptive evolution during range expansions. 3. We here studied genomic adaptation during experimental range expansions of the protist Tetrahymena thermophila in landscapes with a uniform environment or a pH gradient. Specifically, we investigated two aspects of genomic adaptation during range expansion. First, we investigated adaptive genetic change in terms of the underlying numbers of allele frequency changes from standing genetic variation and de novo variants. We focused on how sexual reproduction may alter this adaptive genetic change. Second, we identified genes subject to selection caused by the expanding range itself, and directional selection due to the presence or absence of the pH gradient. We focused this analysis on alleles with large frequency changes that occurred in parallel in more than one population to identify the most likely candidate targets of selection. 4. We found that sexual reproduction altered adaptive genetic change both in terms of de novo variants and standing genetic variation. However, sexual reproduction affected allele frequency changes in standing genetic variation only in the absence of long-distance gene flow. Adaptation to the range expansion affected genes involved in cell divisions and DNA repair, whereas adaptation to the pH gradient additionally affected genes involved in ion balance and oxidoreductase reactions. These genetic changes may result from selection on growth and adaptation to low pH. 5. In the absence of gene flow, sexual reproduction may have aided genetic adaptation. Gene flow may have swamped expanding populations with maladapted alleles, thus reducing the extent of evolutionary adaptation during range expansion. Sexual reproduction also altered the genetic basis of adaptation in our evolving populations via de novo variants, possibly by purging deleterious mutations or by revealing fitness benefits of rare genetic variants

    The shape of density dependence and the relationship between population growth, intraspecific competition and equilibrium population density

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    The logistic growth model is one of the most frequently used formalizations of density dependence affecting population growth, persistence and evolution. Ecological and evolutionary theory, and applications to understand population change over time often include this model. However, the assumptions and limitations of this popular model are often not well appreciated. Here, we briefly review past use of the logistic growth model and highlight limitations by deriving population growth models from underlying consumer–resource dynamics. We show that the logistic equation likely is not applicable to many biological systems. Rather, density‐regulation functions are usually non‐linear and may exhibit convex or concave curvatures depending on the biology of resources and consumers. In simple cases, the dynamics can be fully described by the Schoener model. More complex consumer dynamics show similarities to a Maynard Smith–Slatkin model. We show how population‐level parameters, such as intrinsic rates of increase and equilibrium population densities are not independent, as often assumed. Rather, they are functions of the same underlying parameters. The commonly assumed positive relationship between equilibrium population density and competitive ability is typically invalid. We propose simple relationships between intrinsic rates of increase and equilibrium population densities that capture the essence of different consumer–resource systems. Relating population level models to underlying mechanisms allows us to discuss applications to evolutionary outcomes and how these models depend on environmental conditions, like temperature via metabolic scaling. Finally, we use time‐series from microbial food chains to fit population growth models as a test case for our theoretical predictions. Our results show that density‐regulation functions need to be chosen carefully as their shapes will depend on the study system's biology. Importantly, we provide a mechanistic understanding of relationships between model parameters, which has implications for theory and for formulating biologically sound and empirically testable predictions

    Causes and consequences of dispersal in biodiverse spatially structured systems: what is old and what is new?

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    Dispersal is a well recognized driver of ecological and evolutionary dynamics, and simultaneously an evolving trait. Dispersal evolution has traditionally been studied in single-species metapopulations so that it remains unclear how dispersal evolves in spatially structured communities and food webs. Since most natural systems are biodiverse and spatially structured, and thus affected by dispersal and its evolution, this knowledge gap should be bridged. Here we discuss whether knowledge established in single-species systems holds in spatially structured multispecies systems and highlight generally valid and fundamental principles. Most biotic interactions form the ecological theatre for the evolutionary dispersal play because interactions mediate patterns of fitness expectations in space and time. While this allows for a simple transposition of certain known drivers to a multispecies context, other drivers may require more complex transpositions, or might not be transferred. We discuss an important quantitative modulator of dispersal evolution in the increased trait dimensionality of biodiverse meta-systems and an additional driver in co-dispersal. We speculate that scale and selection pressure mismatches due to co-dispersal, together with increased trait dimensionality may lead to slower and more "diffuse" evolution in biodiverse meta-systems. Open questions and potential consequences in both ecological and evolutionary terms call for more investigation

    Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: A cross‐species experiment

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    Dispersal is a central biological process tightly integrated into life-histories, morphology, physiology and behaviour. Such associations, or syndromes, are anticipated to impact the eco-evolutionary dynamics of spatially structured populations, and cascade into ecosystem processes. As for dispersal on its own, these syndromes are likely neither fixed nor random, but conditional on the experienced environment. We experimentally studied how dispersal propensity varies with individuals' phenotype and local environmental harshness using 15 species ranging from protists to vertebrates. We reveal a general phenotypic dispersal syndrome across studied species, with dispersers being larger, more active and having a marked locomotion-oriented morphology and a strengthening of the link between dispersal and some phenotypic traits with environmental harshness. Our proof-of-concept metacommunity model further reveals cascading effects of context-dependent syndromes on the local and regional organisation of functional diversity. Our study opens new avenues to advance our understanding of the functioning of spatially structured populations, communities and ecosystems. Keywords: context-dependent dispersal; dispersal strategy; distributed experiment; predation risk; resource limitatio

    Evolutionary ecology of dispersal in biodiverse spatially structured systems : what is old and what is new?

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    Dispersal is a well-recognized driver of ecological and evolutionary dynamics, and simultaneously an evolving trait. Dispersal evolution has traditionally been studied in single-species metapopulations so that it remains unclear how dispersal evolves in metacommunities and metafoodwebs, which are characterized by a multitude of species interactions. Since most natural systems are both species-rich and spatially structured, this knowledge gap should be bridged. Here, we discuss whether knowledge from dispersal evolutionary ecology established in single-species systems holds in metacommunities and metafoodwebs and we highlight generally valid and fundamental principles. Most biotic interactions form the backdrop to the ecological theatre for the evolutionary dispersal play because interactions mediate patterns of fitness expectations across space and time. While this allows for a simple transposition of certain known principles to a multispecies context, other drivers may require more complex transpositions, or might not be transferred. We discuss an important quantitative modulator of dispersal evolution-increased trait dimensionality of biodiverse meta-systems-and an additional driver: co-dispersal. We speculate that scale and selection pressure mismatches owing to co-dispersal, together with increased trait dimensionality, may lead to a slower and more 'diffuse' evolution in biodiverse meta-systems. Open questions and potential consequences in both ecological and evolutionary terms call for more investigation. This article is part of the theme issue 'Diversity-dependence of dispersal: interspecific interactions determine spatial dynamics'

    Dispersal: from “neutral” to a state- and context-dependent view

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    A recommendation – based on reviews by Two anonymous reviewers – of the article: Sevchik, A., Logan, C. J., McCune, K. B., Blackwell, A., Rowney, C. and Lukas, D. (2021) Investigating sex differences in genetic relatedness in great-tailed grackles in Tempe, Arizona to infer potential sex biases in dispersal. EcoEvoRxiv, osf.io/t6beh, ver. 5 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer community in Ecology. doi: https://doi.org/10.32942/osf.io/t6be
