9 research outputs found

    A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions

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    Teachers’ behavior is a key factor that influences students’ motivation. Many theoretical models have tried to explain this influence, with one of the most thoroughly researched being self-determination theory (SDT). We used a Delphi method to create a classification of teacher behaviors consistent with SDT. This is useful because SDT-based interventions have been widely used to improve educational outcomes. However, these interventions contain many components. Reliably classifying and labeling those components is essential for implementation, reproducibility, and evidence synthesis. We used an international expert panel (N = 34) to develop this classification system. We started by identifying behaviors from existing literature, then refined labels, descriptions, and examples using the Delphi panel’s input. Next, the panel of experts iteratively rated the relevance of each behavior to SDT, the psychological need that each behavior influenced, and its likely effect on motivation. To create a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of behaviors, experts nominated overlapping behaviors that were redundant, and suggested new ones missing from the classification. After three rounds, the expert panel agreed upon 57 teacher motivational behaviors (TMBs) that were consistent with SDT. For most behaviors (77%), experts reached consensus on both the most relevant psychological need and influence on motivation. Our classification system provides a comprehensive list of TMBs and consistent terminology in how those behaviors are labeled. Researchers and practitioners designing interventions could use these behaviors to design interventions, to reproduce interventions, to assess whether these behaviors moderate intervention effects, and could focus new research on areas where experts disagreed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved

    A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions.

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    Teachers’ behavior is a key factor that influences students’ motivation. Many theoretical models have tried to explain this influence, with one of the most thoroughly researched being self-determination theory (SDT). We used a Delphi method to create a classification of teacher behaviors consistent with SDT. This is useful because SDT-based interventions have been widely used to improve educational outcomes. However, these interventions contain many components. Reliably classifying and labeling those components is essential for implementation, reproducibility, and evidence synthesis.We used an international expert panel (N = 34) to develop this classification system. We started by identifying behaviors from existing literature, then refined labels, descriptions, and examples using the Delphi panel’s input. Next, the panel of experts iteratively rated the relevance of each behavior to SDT, the psychological need that each behavior influenced, and its likely effect on motivation. To create a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of behaviors, experts nominated overlapping behaviors that were redundant, and suggested new ones missing from the classification. After three rounds, the expert panel agreed upon 57 teacher motivational behaviors (TMBs) that were consistent with SDT. For most behaviors (77%), experts reached consensus on both the most relevant psychological need and influence on motivation. Our classification system provides a comprehensive list of TMBs and consistent terminology in how those behaviors are labeled. Researchers and practitioners designing interventions could use these behaviors to design interventions, to reproduce interventions, to assess whether these behaviors moderate intervention effects, and could focus new research on areas where experts disagreed

    Vietovės, gyvenamojo rajono socialinės organizacijos ir raštingumougdymo namų aplinkoje reikšmė ankstyviesiems vaikų kognityviniams įgūdžiams Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose

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    Background. The bioecological model of human development indicates that there are multiple layers of factors influencing child development (Bronfenbrenner, Morris, 2006). Purpose. This study investigated the effects of community locale, neighborhood social organization, utilization of community cognitive developmental resources, and home literacy on early childhood cognitive skills. Material and methods. Hierarchical linear regression was employed with a nationally representative sample of kindergarten children from across the USA. This enabled an examination of the effects of community locale (urban, suburb/large town, and small town/rural) on neighborhood social organization, as well as the effect of social organization on early cognitive skills (a composite of individually administered early reading, math and general knowledge scales), above and beyond the effects of accessing community cognitive developmental resources (e.g., concerts, zoos, aquariums, museums, and libraries) and home literacy (e.g., parent-child shared reading). Multiple statistical controls were utilized, including race/ethnicity status, gender, and family SES. Results. Neighborhood social organization was lower in urban areas and social organization positively predicted early cognitive skills; however, family SES was the strongest predictor of social organization, indicating that dwelling in an urban area was only a notable disadvantage for families of lower income. Small town/rural residence was directly associated with lower cognitive skills, but this effect is partially mitigated by the higher levels of social organization in small town/ rural neighborhoods. Conclusions. Because contextual effects on cognitive skills were above and beyond the positive effects of parental involvement and SES, the importance of the contextualized support of child development is discussed.Mokslinė problema. Pagal bioekologinį žmogaus vystymosi modelį, vaiko vystymąsi veikia įvairių lygmenų veiksniai (Bronfenbrenner, Morris, 2006). Tikslas. Tyrimu nagrinėjama vietos bendruomenės, gyvenamojo rajono socialinės organizacijos, bendruomenės kognityvinio vystymosi išteklių ir raštingumo ugdymo namų aplinkoje reikšmė ankstyviesiems vaiko kognityviniams įgūdžiams. Metodika. Tyrime taikoma hierarchinė tiesinė regresija, analizuojama reprezentatyvi JAV vaikų darželius lankančių vaikų imtis. Vertinama gyvenamosios vietovės (miestas, priemiestis / didelis miestas, nedidelis miestas / kaimas) reikšmė gyvenamojo rajono socialinei organizacijai, taip pat socialinės organizacijos reikšmė ankstyviesiems kognityviniams įgūdžiams (įgūdžiai vertinami apibendrinant individualiai atliktų ankstyvųjų skaitymo, matematikos ir bendrųjų žinių testų skales), atsižvelgiant į bendruomenei prieinamus kognityvinio vystymo išteklius (pvz., koncertus, zoologijos sodus, akvariumus, muziejus, bibliotekas) ir raštingumo ugdymą namų aplinkoje (pvz., tėvų ir vaikų bendrą skaitymą). Atliekant statistinę analizę atsižvelgiama į rasę / etniškumą, lytį, šeimos socialinį-ekonominį statusą. Rezultatai. Gyvenamųjų rajonų socialinė organizacija buvo mažiau palanki kaimo vietovėse, socialinės organizacijos pobūdis savo ruožtu prognozavo ankstyvuosius kognityvinius įgūdžius. Tačiau šeimos socialinis-ekonominis statusas buvo stipresnis prognozinis veiksnys, numatantis socialinę organizaciją, – tai rodo, kad gyvenimas kaimo vietovėse yra ypač nepalankus šeimoms, turinčioms mažas pajamas. Gyvenimas mažuose miestuose ar kaime buvo tiesiogiai susijęs su prastesniais ankstyvaisiais kognityviniais įgūdžiais, tačiau ši sąsaja buvo silpnesnė tais atvejais, kai mažo miesto ar kaimo socialinė organizacija buvo geresnė. Išvada. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad kontekstas yra reikšmingas veiksnys, prognozuojantis vaiko ankstyvuosius kognityvinius gebėjimus, nepriklausomai nuo raštingumo lavinimo namuose ar šeimos socialinio-ekonominio statuso. Straipsnyje aptariama kontekstualizuotos pagalbos vaiko vystymuisi reikšmė

    Auklėjimo stilius, lytis, alaus vartojimas ir alkoholio vartojimo problemos studentų imtyje

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    Background and Purpose. Many college students and young adults in various parts of the world have difficulty with drinking too much alcohol and are at-risk for alcohol use disorders. A permissive parenting style and beer drinking are risk factors for alcohol abuse among late adolescents and young adults. Methods. This study examined the indirect relations between permissive parenting (measured with the Parental Authority Questionnaire, PAQ) and Alcohol Use Identification Test (AUDIT, 2nd edition) scores via beer drinking frequency (measured with the Student Alcohol Questionnaire, SAQ) among a sample of college students (ages 18 to 23) in the North-east region of the United States. In addition, the indirect relation between gender and AUDIT scores via beer drinking frequency were also examined through Structural Equation Modeling. Results. As predicted, students of permissive parents drank more beer and this was associated with more alcohol related problems. Likewise, young women drank significantly less beer than young men and this was associated with fewer alcohol dependence symptoms and healthier drinking habits. Conclusion. This study builds upon a number of studies that have found that beer drinking is potentially more problematic than wine drinking (and to some extent, liquor drinking) among young adults. Findings suggest that reducing beer drinking frequency, especially among boys, may be an intermediate target for future parenting intervention studies that aim to prevent alcohol use disorders. Tyrimo pagrindimas ir tikslas. Studentai ir jauni suaugusieji daugelyje pasaulio šalių suvartoja per daug alkoholio ir turi padidintą riziką vystytis alkoholio vartojimo sutrikimams. Nuolaidus auklėjimo stilius ir alaus vartojimas yra piktnaudžiavimo alkoholiu vėlyvoje paauglystėje ir jauno suaugusiojo amžiuje rizikos veiksniai. Metodai. Šiame tyrime analizuojama netiesioginė sąsaja tarp nuolaidaus auklėjimo stiliaus, vertinto Tėvų autoriteto klausimynu (the Parental Authority Questionnaire, PAQ) ir probleminio alkoholio vartojimo, vertinto Alkoholio vartojimo atpažinimo testu (AUDIT, 2nd edition) remiantis alaus vartojimo dažniu, vertintu Studentų alkoholio klausimynu (Student Alcohol Questionnaire, SAQ), studentų imtyje (amžiaus intervalas 18–23) Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų šiaurės rytų regionuose. Taip pat, pasitelkiant struktūrinį lygčių modeliavimą, analizuota netiesioginė sąsaja tarp lyties, AUDIT balų ir alaus vartojimo dažnio. Rezultatai. Kaip ir buvo tikėtasi, studentai, kurių tėvai pasižymėjo nuolaidžiu auklėjimo stiliumi, vartojo daugiau alaus ir tai buvo susiję su dažnesnėmis kitomis alkoholio priklausomybės sukeltomis problemomis. Jaunos moterys alaus vartojo reikšmingai mažiau nei jauni vyrai ir tai buvo susiję su mažiau alkoholio priklausomybės sukeltų simptomų ir sveikesniais alkoholio vartojimo įpročiais. Išvada. Šis tyrimas, kaip ir daugybė ankstesnių, nustatė, kad alaus suvartojimas jaunų suaugusiųjų tarpe yra sukeliantis daugiau problemų nei vyno (ar iki tam tikro laipsnio stipraus alkoholio) vartojimas. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad alaus vartojimo dažnio mažinimas, ypač vaikinų grupėje, gali būti tarpinis taikinys tėvams skirtose intervencijose, ypač nukreiptose į alkoholio vartojimo sutrikimų prevenciją.

    Auklėjimo stilius, lytis, alaus vartojimas ir alkoholio vartojimo problemos studentų imtyje

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    Background and Purpose. Many college students and young adults in various parts of the world have difficulty with drinking too much alcohol and are at-risk for alcohol use disorders. A permissive parenting style and beer drinking are risk factors for alcohol abuse among late adolescents and young adults. Methods. This study examined the indirect relations between permissive parenting (measured with the Parental Authority Questionnaire, PAQ) and Alcohol Use Identification Test (AUDIT, 2nd edition) scores via beer drinking frequency (measured with the Student Alcohol Questionnaire, SAQ) among a sample of college students (ages 18 to 23) in the North-east region of the United States. In addition, the indirect relation between gender and AUDIT scores via beer drinking frequency were also examined through Structural Equation Modeling. Results. As predicted, students of permissive parents drank more beer and this was associated with more alcohol related problems. Likewise, young women drank significantly less beer than young men and this was associated with fewer alcohol dependence symptoms and healthier drinking habits. Conclusion. This study builds upon a number of studies that have found that beer drinking is potentially more problematic than wine drinking (and to some extent, liquor drinking) among young adults. Findings suggest that reducing beer drinking frequency, especially among boys, may be an intermediate target for future parenting intervention studies that aim to prevent alcohol use disorders. Tyrimo pagrindimas ir tikslas. Studentai ir jauni suaugusieji daugelyje pasaulio šalių suvartoja per daug alkoholio ir turi padidintą riziką vystytis alkoholio vartojimo sutrikimams. Nuolaidus auklėjimo stilius ir alaus vartojimas yra piktnaudžiavimo alkoholiu vėlyvoje paauglystėje ir jauno suaugusiojo amžiuje rizikos veiksniai. Metodai. Šiame tyrime analizuojama netiesioginė sąsaja tarp nuolaidaus auklėjimo stiliaus, vertinto Tėvų autoriteto klausimynu (the Parental Authority Questionnaire, PAQ) ir probleminio alkoholio vartojimo, vertinto Alkoholio vartojimo atpažinimo testu (AUDIT, 2nd edition) remiantis alaus vartojimo dažniu, vertintu Studentų alkoholio klausimynu (Student Alcohol Questionnaire, SAQ), studentų imtyje (amžiaus intervalas 18–23) Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų šiaurės rytų regionuose. Taip pat, pasitelkiant struktūrinį lygčių modeliavimą, analizuota netiesioginė sąsaja tarp lyties, AUDIT balų ir alaus vartojimo dažnio. Rezultatai. Kaip ir buvo tikėtasi, studentai, kurių tėvai pasižymėjo nuolaidžiu auklėjimo stiliumi, vartojo daugiau alaus ir tai buvo susiję su dažnesnėmis kitomis alkoholio priklausomybės sukeltomis problemomis. Jaunos moterys alaus vartojo reikšmingai mažiau nei jauni vyrai ir tai buvo susiję su mažiau alkoholio priklausomybės sukeltų simptomų ir sveikesniais alkoholio vartojimo įpročiais. Išvada. Šis tyrimas, kaip ir daugybė ankstesnių, nustatė, kad alaus suvartojimas jaunų suaugusiųjų tarpe yra sukeliantis daugiau problemų nei vyno (ar iki tam tikro laipsnio stipraus alkoholio) vartojimas. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad alaus vartojimo dažnio mažinimas, ypač vaikinų grupėje, gali būti tarpinis taikinys tėvams skirtose intervencijose, ypač nukreiptose į alkoholio vartojimo sutrikimų prevenciją.&nbsp

    A Classification System for Teachers’ Motivational Behaviors Recommended in Self-Determination Theory Interventions

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    Teachers’ behavior is a key factor that influences students’ motivation. Many theoretical models have tried to explain this influence, with one of the most thoroughly researched being self-determination theory (SDT). We used a Delphi method to create a classification of teacher behaviors consistent with SDT. This is useful because SDT-based interventions have been widely used to improve educational outcomes. However, these interventions contain many components. Reliably classifying and labeling those components is essential for implementation, reproducibility, and evidence synthesis.We used an international expert panel (N = 34) to develop this classification system. We started by identifying behaviors from existing literature, then refined labels, descriptions, and examples using the Delphi panel’s input. Next, the panel of experts iteratively rated the relevance of each behavior to SDT, the psychological need that each behavior influenced, and its likely effect on motivation. To create a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of behaviors, experts nominated overlapping behaviors that were redundant, and suggested new ones missing from the classification. After three rounds, the expert panel agreed upon 57 teacher motivational behaviors (TMBs) that were consistent with SDT. For most behaviors (77%), experts reached consensus on both the most relevant psychological need and influence on motivation. Our classification system provides a comprehensive list of TMBs and consistent terminology in how those behaviors are labeled. Researchers and practitioners designing interventions could use these behaviors to design interventions, to reproduce interventions, to assess whether these behaviors moderate intervention effects, and could focus new research on areas where experts disagreed