315 research outputs found

    Modelling transport and deposition of caesium and iodine from the Chernobyl accident using the DREAM model

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    International audienceA tracer model, DREAM (the Danish Rimpuff and Eulerian Accidental release Model), has been developed for modelling transport, dispersion and deposition (wet and dry) of radioactive material from accidental releases, as the Chernobyl accident. The model is a combination of a Lagrangian model, that includes the near source dispersion, and an Eulerian model describing the long-range transport. The performance of the transport model has previously been tested within the European Tracer Experiment, ETEX, which included transport and dispersion of an inert, non-depositing tracer from a controlled release. The focus of this paper is the model performance with respect to the deposition of 137Cs, 134Cs and 131I from the Chernobyl accident, using different relatively simple and comprehensive parameterizations. The performance, compared to measurements, of different combinations of parameterizations of wet and dry deposition schemes has been evaluated, using different statistical tests

    Modelling of Mercury in the Arctic with the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model

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    International audienceA new 3-D mercury model has been developed within the Danish Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). The model is based on the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model, which in the original version has been used to study the transport of SO2, SO42- and Pb into the Arctic. It was developed for sulphur in 1990 and in 1999 also lead was included. For the current study a chemical scheme for mercury has been included and the model is now applied to the mercury transport problem. Some experiments with the formulation of the mercury chemistry during the Polar Sunrise are carried out in order to investigate the observed depletion. Some of the main conclusions of the work described in this paper are that atmospheric transport of mercury is a very important pathway into the Arctic and that mercury depletion in the Arctic troposphere during the Polar Sunrise contributes considerably to the deposition of mercury in the Arctic

    Modelling of mercury with the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model

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    International audienceA new 3-D mercury model has been developed within the Danish Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). The model is based on the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model, which in the original version has been used to study the transport of SO2, SO42? and Pb into the Arctic. It was developed for sulphur in 1990 and in 1999 also lead was included. For the current study a chemical scheme for mercury has been included and the model is now applied to the mercury transport problem. Some experiments with the formulation of the mercury chemistry during the Polar Sunrise are carried out in order to investigate the observed depletion. Some of the main conclusions of the work described in this paper are that atmospheric transport of mercury is a very important pathway into the Arctic and that mercury depletion in the Arctic troposphere during the Polar Sunrise contributes considerably to the deposition of mercury in the Arctic

    Towards a Characterisation of Emotional Intent During Scripted Scenes Using In-ear Movement Sensors

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    Theatre provides a unique environment in which to obtain detailed data on social interactions in a controlled and repeatable manner.This work introduces a method for capturing and characterising the underlying emotional intent of performers in a scripted sceneusing in-ear accelerometers. Each scene is acted with different underlying emotional intentions using the theatrical technique ofActioning. The goal of the work is to uncover characteristics in the joint movement patterns that reveal information on the positive ornegative valence of these intentions. Preliminary findings over 3x12 (Covid-19 restricted) non-actor trials suggests people are moreenergetic and more in-sync when using positive versus negative intentions

    Modelling atmospheric transport of ?-hexachlorocyclohexane in the Northern Hemispherewith a 3-D dynamical model: DEHM-POP

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    International audienceThe Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model (DEHM) is a 3-D dynamical atmospheric transport model originally developed to describe the atmospheric transport of sulphur into the Arctic. A new version of the model, DEHM-POP, developed to study the atmospheric transport and environmental fate of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is presented. During environmental cycling, POPs can be deposited and re-emitted several times before reaching a final destination. A description of the exchange processes between the land/ocean surfaces and the atmosphere is included in the model to account for this multi-hop transport. The ?-isomer of the pesticide hexachlorocyclohexane (?-HCH) is used as tracer in the model development. The structure of the model and processes included are described in detail. The results from a model simulation showing the atmospheric transport for the years 1991 to 1998 are presented and evaluated against measurements. The annual averaged atmospheric concentration of ?-HCH for the 1990s is well described by the model; however, the shorter-term average concentration for most of the stations is not well captured. This indicates that the present simple surface description needs to be refined to get a better description of the air-surface exchange processes of POPs

    Observation of the spin-orbit gap in bilayer graphene by one-dimensional ballistic transport

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    We report on measurements of quantized conductance in gate-defined quantum point contacts in bilayer graphene that allow the observation of subband splittings due to spin-orbit coupling. The size of this splitting can be tuned from 40 to 80 μ\mueV by the displacement field. We assign this gate-tunable subband-splitting to a gap induced by spin-orbit coupling of Kane-Mele type, enhanced by proximity effects due to the substrate. We show that this spin-orbit coupling gives rise to a complex pattern in low perpendicular magnetic fields, increasing the Zeeman splitting in one valley and suppressing it in the other one. In addition, we observe the existence of a spin-polarized channel of 6 e2^2/h at high in-plane magnetic field and of signatures of interaction effects at the crossings of spin-split subbands of opposite spins at finite magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Supplement 6 figure

    Modelling atmospheric transport of persistent organic pollutants in the Northern Hemisphere with a 3-D dynamical model: DEHM-POP

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    International audienceThe Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model (DEHM) is a 3-D dynamical atmospheric transport model originally developed to describe the atmospheric transport of sulphur into the Arctic. A new version of the model, DEHM-POP, developed to study the atmospheric transport and environmental fate of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is presented. During environmental cycling, POPs can be deposited and re-emitted several times before reaching a final destination. A description of the exchange processes between the land/ocean surfaces and the atmosphere is included in the model to account for this multi-hop transport. The ?-isomer of the pesticide hexachlorocyclohexane (?-HCH) is used as tracer in the model development. The structure of the model and processes included are described in detail. The results from a model simulation showing the atmospheric transport for the years 1991 to 1998 are presented and evaluated against measurements. The annual averaged atmospheric concentration of ?-HCH for the 1990s is well described by the model; however, the shorter-term average concentration for most of the stations is not well captured. This indicates that the present simple surface description needs to be refined to get a better description of the air-surface exchange proceses of POPs

    Operational mapping of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to the Baltic Sea

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    International audienceA new model system for mapping and forecasting nitrogen deposition to the Baltic Sea has been developed. The system is based on the Lagrangian variable scale transport-chemistry model ACDEP (Atmospheric Chemistry and Deposition model), and aims at delivering deposition estimates to be used as input to marine ecosystem models. The system is tested by comparison of model results to measurements from monitoring stations around the Baltic Sea. The comparison shows that observed annual mean ambient air concentrations and wet depositions are well reproduced by the model. Diurnal mean concentrations of NHx (sum of NH3 and NH4+) and NO2 are fairly well reproduced, whereas concentrations of total nitrate (sum of HNO3 and NO3-) are somewhat overestimated. Wet depositions of nitrate and ammonia are fairly well described for annual mean values, whereas the discrepancy is high for the monthly mean values and the wet depositions are rather poorly described concerning the diurnal mean values. The model calculations show that the annual atmospheric nitrogen deposition has a pronounced south--north gradient with depositions in the range about 1.0 T N km-2 in the south and 0.2 T N km-2 in the north. The results show that in 1999 the maximum diurnal mean deposition to the Danish waters appeared during the summer in the algae growth season. For the northern parts of the Baltic the highest depositions were distributed over most of the year. Total deposition to the Baltic Sea was for the year 1999 estimated to 318 kT N for an area of 464 406 km2 equivalent to an average deposition of 684 kg N/km2

    Impacts of climate change on air pollution levels in the Northern Hemisphere with special focus on Europe and the Arctic

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    International audienceThe response of a selected number of chemical species is inspected with respect to climate change. The coupled Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model ECHAM4-OPYC3 is providing meteorological fields for the Chemical long-range Transport Model DEHM. Three selected decades (1990s, 2040s and 2090s) are inspected. The 1990s are used as a reference and validation period. In this decade an evaluation of the output from the DEHM model with ECHAM4-OPYC3 meteorology input data is carried out. The model results are tested against similar model simulations with MM5 meteorology and against observations from the EMEP monitoring sites in Europe. The test results from the validation period show that the overall statistics (e.g. mean values and standard deviations) are similar for the two simulations. However, as one would expect the model setup with climate input data fails to predict correctly the timing of the variability in the observations. The overall performance of the ECHAM4-OPYC3 setup as meteorological input to the DEHM model is shown to be acceptable according to the applied ranking method. It is concluded that running a chemical long-range transport model on data from a "free run" climate model is scientifically sound. From the model runs of the three decades, it is found that the overall trend detected in the evolution of the chemical species, is the same between the 1990 decade and the 2040 decade and between the 2040 decade and the 2090 decade, respectively. The dominating impacts from climate change on a large number of the chemical species are related to the predicted temperature increase. Throughout the 21th century the ECHAM4-OPYC3 projects a global mean temperature increase of 3 K with local maxima up to 11 K in the Arctic winter based on the IPCC A2 emission scenario. As a consequence of this temperature increase, the temperature dependent biogenic emission of isoprene is predicted to increase significantly over land by the DEHM model. This leads to an increase in the O3 production and together with an increase in water vapor to an increase in the number of free OH radicals. Furthermore this increase in the number of OH radicals contributes to a significant change in the typical life time of many species, since OH are participating in a large number of chemical reactions. It is e.g. found that more SO42? will be present in the future over the already polluted areas and this increase can be explained by an enhanced conversion of SO2 to SO42?

    Vicinal Surfaces and the Calogero-Sutherland Model

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    A miscut (vicinal) crystal surface can be regarded as an array of meandering but non-crossing steps. Interactions between the steps are shown to induce a faceting transition of the surface between a homogeneous Luttinger liquid state and a low-temperature regime consisting of local step clusters in coexistence with ideal facets. This morphological transition is governed by a hitherto neglected critical line of the well-known Calogero-Sutherland model. Its exact solution yields expressions for measurable quantities that compare favorably with recent experiments on Si surfaces.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 2 figures (.eps
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