613 research outputs found

    BaFe2As2/Fe bilayers with [001]-tilt grain boundary on MgO and SrTiO3 bicrystal substrates

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    Co-doped BaFe2As2 (Ba-122) can be realized on both MgO and SrTiO3 bicrystal substrates with [001]-tilt grain boundary by employing Fe buffer layers. However, an additional spinel (i.e. MgAl2O4) buffer between Fe and SrTiO3 is necessary since an epitaxial, smooth surface of Fe layer can not be grown on bare SrTiO3. Both types of bicrystal films show good crystalline quality.Comment: Accepted for the ISS2012 Proceedins, a special issue of Physics Procedi

    Mapping Turnaround Times (TAT) to a Generic Timeline: A Systematic Review of TAT Definitions in Clinical Domains

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Assessing turnaround times can help to analyse workflows in hospital information systems. This paper presents a systematic review of literature concerning different turnaround time definitions. Our objectives were to collect relevant literature with respect to this kind of process times in hospitals and their respective domains. We then analysed the existing definitions and summarised them in an appropriate format.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Our search strategy was based on Pubmed queries and manual reviews of the bibliographies of retrieved articles. Studies were included if precise definitions of turnaround times were available. A generic timeline was designed through a consensus process to provide an overview of these definitions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>More than 1000 articles were analysed and resulted in 122 papers. Of those, 162 turnaround time definitions in different clinical domains were identified. Starting and end points vary between these domains. To illustrate those turnaround time definitions, a generic timeline was constructed using preferred terms derived from the identified definitions. The consensus process resulted in the following 15 terms: admission, order, biopsy/examination, receipt of specimen in laboratory, procedure completion, interpretation, dictation, transcription, verification, report available, delivery, physician views report, treatment, discharge and discharge letter sent. Based on this analysis, several standard terms for turnaround time definitions are proposed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using turnaround times to benchmark clinical workflows is still difficult, because even within the same clinical domain many different definitions exist. Mapping of turnaround time definitions to a generic timeline is feasible.</p

    Matching times of leading and following suggest cooperation through direct reciprocity during V-formation flight in ibis

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    One conspicuous feature of several larger bird species is their annual migration in V-shaped or echelon formation. When birds are flying in these formations, energy savings can be achieved by using the aerodynamic up-wash produced by the preceding bird. As the leading bird in a formation cannot profit from this up-wash, a social dilemma arises around the question of who is going to fly in front? To investigate how this dilemma is solved, we studied the flight behavior of a flock of juvenile Northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) during a human-guided autumn migration. We could show that the amount of time a bird is leading a formation is strongly correlated with the time it can itself profit from flying in the wake of another bird. On the dyadic level, birds match the time they spend in the wake of each other by frequent pairwise switches of the leading position. Taken together, these results suggest that bald ibis cooperate by directly taking turns in leading a formation. On the proximate level, we propose that it is mainly the high number of iterations and the immediacy of reciprocation opportunities that favor direct reciprocation. Finally, we found evidence that the animals' propensity to reciprocate in leading has a substantial influence on the size and cohesion of the flight formations

    Cadomian and Variscan metamorphic events in the Léon Domain (Armorican Massif) resolved by trace element analysis in monazite and garnet

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    The question, whether crustal domains are allochthonous terranes or not is crucial for plate tectonic models of the Ibero-Armorican segment of the Variscan belt. The Léon Domain in the Armorican Massif appears as a displaced crustal block as it bears a resemblance to the South Armorican Domain of the internal Variscan belt (Le Corre et al. 1989). In the central part of the Léon, the amphibolite-facies Conquet- Penze Micaschist Unit (CPMU) overlies the high-grade Lesneven Gneiss Unit (LGU). At the base of the LGU, a high-pressure stage at 700°C/>13 kbar, recorded by garnet-clinopyroxene assemblages in eclogites was followed by a high-temperature event at 800°C/8 kbar with garnet and cordierite in aluminous paragneisses. Maximal temperatures in the upper parts of the LGU were 630°C/6 kbar. In the micaschists of the Conquet-Penze Unit, microstructures indicate a crystallization of garnet and then staurolite during the development of S1 and S2 foliations. Zoned garnet in assemblages with staurolite recorded prograde P–T paths from 490– 610°C at 5–8 kbar in the upper and at 6– 9 kbar in the lower parts of the CPMU. The foliation S2 was overprinted by shear bands with a top-to- SW directed normal sense of shear, corresponding to a dextral strike-slip movement (Balé & Brun 1986). A younger population of monazite with variable Y contents displays Variscan Th-U-Pb ages (EMP dating method) between 340 and 300Ma. In contrast, an older population of Cadomian monazite at 552–517Ma is uniformly rich in Y and was observed in samples with only few or even no garnet. As the 330–340Ma Saint Renan- Kersaint granite postdates the foliations S1 and S2 with peak metamorphic assemblages one can conclude that 340–300Ma Variscan monazites should postdate garnet crystallization.conferenc

    Endoscopic vacuum therapy (EVT) for early infradiaphragmal leakage after bariatric surgery—outcomes of six consecutive cases in a single institution

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    Purpose Anastomotic leakages or staple line defects after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and primary laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), respectively, with consecutive bariatric revisional surgery are associated with relevant morbidity and mortality rates. Endoscopic vacuum therapy (EVT) with or without stent-over-sponge (SOS) has been shown to be a promising therapy in foregut wall defects of various etiologies and may therefore be applied in the treatment of postbariatric leaks. Methods We report the results of six consecutive patients treated with EVT (83% in combination with SOS) for early postoperative leakages in close proximity to the esophagogastric junction (EGJ) after LSG (n = 2) and RYGB (n = 4) from May 2016 to May2018. Results All patients (2/6 male, median age 51 years, median BMI 44.2 kg/m2) were treated successfully without further signs of persisting leakage at the last gastroscopy. The lesions’ size ranged from 0.5 cm2 to 9 cm2, and the leaks were connected to large (max. 225 cm2) abscess cavities in 80% of the cases. Median duration of treatment (= EVT in situ) was 23.5 days (range, 7–89). The number of endoscopic interventions ranged from 1 to 24 (median, n = 7), with a median duration between vacuum sponge replacements of 4 days. Conclusion EVT is an effective and safe treatment for staple line defects or anastomotic leakage after bariatric surgeries and can therefore be adopted for the treatment of midgut wall defects. Further studies with a greater number of patients comparing surgical drainage alone or in combination with EVT versus EVT alone are needed

    Митна політика Запорозької Січі: деякі аспекти дослідження проблеми.

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    Про те, що Запорозька Січ мала свою, хоча і слабо структуровану, митну систему, і що вона була важливою складовою економічного існування Січі, історики побіжно згадують, відносячи цей факт до сер. 50-х рр. XVIII ст., пояснюючи її складання прискоренням внутрішнього економічного розвитку Запорожжя, не забуваючи, однак, що стратегічне положення Січі давало їй величезні переваги від транзитної торгівлі та її забезпечення. Можливо, справедливим є припущення українського історика Я. Дашкевича про те, що “зони впливу (народів) з середини XVII ст. почали оформлюватися у вигляді юридичних кордонів, щоб остаточно стабілізуватися наприкінці XVIII ст.” [1]. Імовірно, що оформлення структури митної мережі, як і прикордонної, чітке оформлення географічних і політичних кордонів для захисту економічних інтересів відбувається на території Запорозьких Вольностей в період Нової Запорозької Січі. Питання функціонування і остаточного визначення структури митної мережі в період Нової Запорозької Січі (1734–1775 рр.) набуває актуальності і окреслених рис під тиском не лише внутрішніх, але і зовнішніх обставин. Ініціатива у цій справі з початку XVIII ст. поступово перехоплювалася царським урядом. Йшлося не про захист інтересів російської держави, а про наміри контролювати важливі торгівельні потоки і спрямовувати їх у загальноімперських інтересах. У введенні митної мережі на південних рубежах Вольностей Запорозьких найбільш показовим було ігнорування інтересів Війська Запорозького. На поверхні чітко відстежувалася загальна політика на завоювання Чорноморського узбережжя, вільну, без будь-яких політичних обмежень і перешкод східну торгівлю, виключно в інтересах Росії