798 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Fermat potentials in non-perturbative gravitational lensing

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    We present a framework, based on the null-surface formulation of general relativity, for discussing the dynamics of Fermat potentials for gravitational lensing in a generic situation without approximations of any kind. Additionally, we derive two lens equations: one for the case of thick compact lenses and the other one for lensing by gravitational waves. These equations in principle generalize the astrophysical scheme for lensing by removing the thin-lens approximation while retaining the weak fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    On bending angles by gravitational lenses in motion

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    The bending of lightrays by the gravitational field of a ``lens'' that is moving relative to the observer is calculated within the approximation of weak fields, small angles and thin lenses. Up to first order in v/cv/c -- and assuming the acceleration to be much smaller than v/cv/c -- the bending angle, time delay and redshift of the images are found to be affected by the component of the speed of the deflector along the line of sight. The correction takes the form of an overall factor of 1+v/c1+v/c accompanying the mass of the deflector, leading to an indeterminacy of the order of v/cv/c in the mass of the lens inferred on the basis of the separation of multiple images. The consequent correction to the microlensing lightcurve is pointed out, as well as scenarios where the correction is potentially relevant.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in MNRA

    Aberration by gravitational lenses in motion

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    It is known that a fully relativistic integration of the null geodesics of a weak perturbation of flat spacetime leads to a correction of order v/cv/c to the bending angle and time delay due to a gravitational lens in slow motion with small acceleration. The existence of the v/cv/c correction was verified by the VLBI experiment of the bending of light by Jupiter on September 8, 2002. Here the v/cv/c correction is interpreted by means of standard aberration of light in an optically active medium with an effective index of refraction induced by the gravitational field of a lens in motion.Comment: 3 page

    The Theory of Caustics and Wavefront Singularities with Physical Applications

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    This is intended as an introduction to and review of the work of V, Arnold and his collaborators on the theory of Lagrangian and Legendrian submanifolds and their associated maps. The theory is illustrated by applications to Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the eikonal equation, with an emphasis on null surfaces and wavefronts and their associated caustics and singularities.Comment: Figs. not include

    Dual Representation of Quasiconvex Conditional Maps

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    We provide a dual representation of quasiconvex maps between two lattices of random variables in terms of conditional expectations. This generalizes the dual representation of quasiconvex real valued functions and the dual representation of conditional convex maps.Comment: Date changed Added one remark on assumption (c), page

    On the super replication price of unbounded claims

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    In an incomplete market the price of a claim f in general cannot be uniquely identified by no arbitrage arguments. However, the ``classical'' super replication price is a sensible indicator of the (maximum selling) value of the claim. When f satisfies certain pointwise conditions (e.g., f is bounded from below), the super replication price is equal to sup_QE_Q[f], where Q varies on the whole set of pricing measures. Unfortunately, this price is often too high: a typical situation is here discussed in the examples. We thus define the less expensive weak super replication price and we relax the requirements on f by asking just for ``enough'' integrability conditions. By building up a proper duality theory, we show its economic meaning and its relation with the investor's preferences. Indeed, it turns out that the weak super replication price of f coincides with sup_{Q\in M_{\Phi}}E_Q[f], where M_{\Phi} is the class of pricing measures with finite generalized entropy (i.e., E[\Phi (\frac{dQ}{dP})]<\infty) and where \Phi is the convex conjugate of the utility function of the investor.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051604000000459 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On the Newtonian Limit of General Relativity

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    We find a choice of variables for the 3+1 formulation of general relativity which casts the evolution equations into (flux-conservative) symmetric-hyperbolic first order form for arbitrary lapse and shift, for the first time. We redefine the lapse function in terms of the determinant of the 3-metric and a free function U which embodies the lapse freedom. By rescaling the variables with appropriate factors of 1/c, the system is shown to have a smooth Newtonian limit when the redefined lapse U and the shift are fixed by means of elliptic equations to be satisfied on each time slice. We give a prescription for the choice of appropriate initial data with controlled extra-radiation content, based on the theory of problems with different time-scales. Our results are local, in the sense that we are not concerned with the treatment of asymptotic regions. On the other hand, this local theory is all what is needed for most problems of practical numerical computation.Comment: 16 pages, uses REVTe