11 research outputs found

    Serum response factor contributes selectively to lymphocyte development.

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    Serum response factor (SRF), is a crucial transcription factor for murine embryonic development and for the function of muscle cells and neurons. Gene expression data show that SRF and its transcriptional cofactors are also expressed in lymphocyte precursors and mature lymphocytes. However, the role of SRF in lymphocyte development has not been addressed in vivo so far, attributed in part to early embryonic lethality of conventional Srf-null mice. To determine the in vivo role of SRF in developing lymphocytes, we specifically inactivated the murine Srf gene during T or B cell development using lymphocyte-specific Cre transgenic mouse lines. T cell-specific Srf deletion led to a severe block in thymocyte development at the transition from CD4/CD8 double to single positive stage. The few residual T cells detectable in the periphery retained at least one functional Srf allele, thereby demonstrating the importance of SRF in T cell development. In contrast, deletion of Srf in developing B cells did not interfere with the growth and survival of B cells in general, yet led to a complete loss of marginal zone B cells and a marked reduction of the CD5+ B cell subset. Our study also revealed a contribution of SRF to the expression of the surface molecules IgM, CD19, and the chemokine receptor 4 in B lymphocytes. We conclude that SRF fulfills essential and distinct functions in the differentiation of different types of lymphocytes

    Moraxella catarrhalis induces an immune response in the murine lung which is independent of human CEACAM5 expression and long-term smoke exposure.

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    In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Moraxella catarrhalis infection of the lower airways is associated with chronic colonization and inflammation during stable disease and acute exacerbations. Chronic smoke exposure induces chronic inflammation and impairs mucociliary clearance, thus contributing to bacterial colonization of the lower airways in COPD patients. The human-specific carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule (CEACAM) 5, expressed in human airways, has been shown to contribute to epithelial colonization of CEACAM-binding pathogens. To investigate the impact of CEACAM5 expression on pulmonary M. catarrhalis colonization, we infected mice transgenic for human CEACAM5 (hCEACAM5) and wild type mice intratracheally with M. catarrhalis with or without preceding smoke exposure and analyzed bacterial colonization and local and systemic inflammation. Our results show that airway infection with M. catarrhalis accelerated acute local but not systemic inflammation, albeit independent of hCEACAM5 expression. Long-term smoke exposure alone or prior to M. catarrhalis infection did not contribute to increased local or systemic inflammation. No difference was found in pulmonary clearance of M. catarrhalis in hCEACAM5-transgenic mice compared to wild type mice. Smoke exposure neither altered time nor extent of persistence of M. catarrhalis in the lungs of both genotypes. In conclusion, M. catarrhalis induced a local acute immune response in murine airways. Neither hCEACAM5- expression nor chronic smoke exposure nor a combination of both was sufficient as prerequisites for the establishment of chronic M. catarrhalis colonization. Our results demonstrate the difficulties in mirroring conditions of chronic airways colonization of M. catarrhalis in a murine model