16,005 research outputs found

    Vortex density fluctuations in quantum turbulence

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    We compute the frequency spectrum of turbulent superfluid vortex density fluctuations and obtain the same Kolmogorov scaling which has been observed in a recent experiment in Helium-4. We show that the scaling can be interpreted in terms of the spectrum of reconnecting material lines. The calculation is performed using a vortex tree algorithm which considerably speeds up the evaluation of Biot-Savart integrals.Comment: 7 Pages, 7 figure

    Universal dissipation scaling for non-equilibrium turbulence

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    It is experimentally shown that the non-classical high Reynolds number energy dissipation behaviour, CϵϵL/u3=f(ReM)/ReLC_{\epsilon} \equiv \epsilon L/u^3 = f(Re_M)/Re_L, observed during the decay of fractal square grid-generated turbulence is also manifested in decaying turbulence originating from various regular grids. For sufficiently high values of the global Reynolds numbers ReMRe_M, f(ReM)ReMf(Re_M)\sim Re_M.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    A digital computer program for the dynamic interaction simulation of controls and structure (DISCOS), volume 1

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    A theoretical development and associated digital computer program system for the dynamic simulation and stability analysis of passive and actively controlled spacecraft are presented. The dynamic system (spacecraft) is modeled as an assembly of rigid and/or flexible bodies not necessarily in a topological tree configuration. The computer program system is used to investigate total system dynamic characteristics, including interaction effects between rigid and/or flexible bodies, control systems, and a wide range of environmental loadings. In addition, the program system is used for designing attitude control systems and for evaluating total dynamic system performance, including time domain response and frequency domain stability analyses

    Consequences of a Change in the Galactic Environment of the Sun

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    The interaction of the heliosphere with interstellar clouds has attracted interest since the late 1920's, both with a view to explaining apparent quasi-periodic climate "catastrophes" as well as periodic mass extinctions. Until recently, however, models describing the solar wind - local interstellar medium (LISM) interaction self-consistently had not been developed. Here, we describe the results of a two-dimensional (2D) simulation of the interaction between the heliosphere and an interstellar cloud with the same properties as currently, except that the neutral H density is increased from the present value of n(H) ~ 0.2 cm^-3 to 10 cm^-3. The mutual interaction of interstellar neutral hydrogen and plasma is included. The heliospheric cavity is reduced considerably in size (approximately 10 - 14 AU to the termination shock in the upstream direction) and is highly dynamical. The interplanetary environment at the orbit of the Earth changes markedly, with the density of interstellar H increasing to ~2 cm^-3. The termination shock itself experiences periods where it disappears, reforms and disappears again. Considerable mixing of the shocked solar wind and LISM occurs due to Rayleigh-Taylor-like instabilities at the nose, driven by ion-neutral friction. Implications for two anomalously high concentrations of 10Be found in Antarctic ice cores 33 kya and 60 kya, and the absence of prior similar events, are discussed in terms of density enhancements in the surrounding interstellar cloud. The calculation presented here supports past speculation that the galactic environment of the Sun moderates the interplanetary environment at the orbit of the Earth, and possibly also the terrestrial climate.Comment: 23 pages, 2 color plates (jpg), 3 figures (eps

    Microstructure of the Local Interstellar Cloud and the Identification of the Hyades Cloud

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    We analyze high-resolution UV spectra of the Mg II h and k lines for 18 members of the Hyades Cluster to study inhomogeneity along these proximate lines of sight. The observations were taken by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) instrument on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Three distinct velocity components are observed. All 18 lines of sight show absorption by the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC), ten stars show absorption by an additional cloud, which we name the Hyades Cloud, and one star exhibits a third absorption component. The LIC absorption is observed at a lower radial velocity than predicted by the LIC velocity vector derived by Lallement & Bertin (1992) and Lallement et al. (1995), (v(predicted LIC) - v(observed LIC) = 2.9 +/- 0.7 km/s), which may indicate a compression or deceleration at the leading edge of the LIC. We propose an extention of the Hyades Cloud boundary based on previous HST observations of other stars in the general vicinity of the Hyades, as well as ground-based Ca II observations. We present our fits of the interstellar parameters for each absorption component. The availability of 18 similar lines of sight provides an excellent opportunity to study the inhomogeneity of the warm, partially ionized local interstellar medium (LISM). We find that these structures are roughly homogeneous. The measured Mg II column densities do not vary by more than a factor of 2 for angular separations of < 8 degrees, which at the outer edge of the LIC correspond to physical separations of < 0.6 pc.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, AASTEX v.5.0 plus EPSF extensions in mkfig.sty; accepted by Ap

    Estimates for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in terms of the Reynolds number

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    The tradition in Navier-Stokes analysis of finding estimates in terms of the Grashof number \bG, whose character depends on the ratio of the forcing to the viscosity ν\nu, means that it is difficult to make comparisons with other results expressed in terms of Reynolds number \Rey, whose character depends on the fluid response to the forcing. The first task of this paper is to apply the approach of Doering and Foias \cite{DF} to the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations on a periodic domain [0,L]2[0,L]^{2} by estimating quantities of physical relevance, particularly long-time averages \left, in terms of the Reynolds number \Rey = U\ell/\nu, where U^{2}= L^{-2}\left and \ell is the forcing scale. In particular, the Constantin-Foias-Temam upper bound \cite{CFT} on the attractor dimension converts to a_{\ell}^{2}\Rey(1 + \ln\Rey)^{1/3}, while the estimate for the inverse Kraichnan length is (a_{\ell}^{2}\Rey)^{1/2}, where aa_{\ell} is the aspect ratio of the forcing. Other inverse length scales, based on time averages, and associated with higher derivatives, are estimated in a similar manner. The second task is to address the issue of intermittency : it is shown how the time axis is broken up into very short intervals on which various quantities have lower bounds, larger than long time-averages, which are themselves interspersed by longer, more quiescent, intervals of time.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication from J. Math. Phys. for the special issue on mathematical fluid mechanic

    Statistical model for intermittent plasma edge turbulence

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    The Probability Distribution Function of plasma density fluctuations at the edge of fusion devices is known to be skewed and strongly non-Gaussian. The causes of this peculiar behaviour are, up to now, largely unexplored. On the other hand, understanding the origin and the properties of edge turbulence is a key issue in magnetic fusion research. In this work we show that a stochastic fragmentation model, already successfully applied to fluid turbulence, is able to predict an asymmetric distribution that closely matches experimental data. The asymmetry is found to be a direct consequence of intermittency. A discussion of our results in terms of recently suggested BHP universal curve [S.T. Bramwell, P.C.W. Holdsworth, J.-F. Pinton, Nature (London) 396, 552 (1998)], that should hold for strongly correlated and critical systems, is also proposedComment: 13 pages. Physica Review E, accepte

    Entire solutions of hydrodynamical equations with exponential dissipation

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    We consider a modification of the three-dimensional Navier--Stokes equations and other hydrodynamical evolution equations with space-periodic initial conditions in which the usual Laplacian of the dissipation operator is replaced by an operator whose Fourier symbol grows exponentially as \ue ^{|k|/\kd} at high wavenumbers k|k|. Using estimates in suitable classes of analytic functions, we show that the solutions with initially finite energy become immediately entire in the space variables and that the Fourier coefficients decay faster than \ue ^{-C(k/\kd) \ln (|k|/\kd)} for any C<1/(2ln2)C<1/(2\ln 2). The same result holds for the one-dimensional Burgers equation with exponential dissipation but can be improved: heuristic arguments and very precise simulations, analyzed by the method of asymptotic extrapolation of van der Hoeven, indicate that the leading-order asymptotics is precisely of the above form with C=C=1/ln2C= C_\star =1/\ln2. The same behavior with a universal constant CC_\star is conjectured for the Navier--Stokes equations with exponential dissipation in any space dimension. This universality prevents the strong growth of intermittency in the far dissipation range which is obtained for ordinary Navier--Stokes turbulence. Possible applications to improved spectral simulations are briefly discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, Comm. Math. Phys., in pres