112 research outputs found

    Possibility of Turbulence from a Post-Navier-Stokes Equation

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    We introduce corrections to the Navier-Stokes equation arising from the transitions between molecular states and the injection of external energy. In the simplest application of the proposed post Navier-Stokes equation, we find a multi-valued velocity field and the immediate possibility of velocity reversal, both features of turbulence

    Des modùles et des concepts en question pour une didactique de l’Information-Documentation et proposition d’une matrice curriculaire dynamique

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    Dans cette recherche, nous nous demanderons comment aborder la question des « modĂšles didactiques » et penser un modĂšle de « matrice curriculaire » en Information-Documentation pour dĂ©passer ce que nous caractĂ©risons comme des « modĂšles Ă  Ă©tapes ». Dans un premier temps, nous allons illustrer la prĂ©dominance des « modĂšles Ă  Ă©tapes ». Puis, nous aborderons la question des conditions de l’élaboration des modĂšles et dispositifs didactiques. Nous terminerons avec une proposition de modĂšle de matrice curriculaire en mettant en Ɠuvre sa fonctionnalitĂ©.In this research, we will ask ourselves how to address the "educational models" and suggest a "curricular matrix" model for Information-Documentation in order to move beyond what we characterize as "steps models". We will initially be illustrating the dominance of "steps models". We will then address the conditions under which the development of didactics models and systems are made. We will end with a "curricular matrix" model proposition by implementing its functionality

    Accompanying training professionalization processes, using didactic and research in a complex perspective

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    The lack of reference to didactics obscures the perspective on the relationship to knowledge. It seems to us, however, that professionalization through training and a complex skills-based approach both imply integrating knowledge, knowledge constructions and devices; connecting elements together and reflecting on conceptualization processes in order to learn more dynamically without neglecting didactic innovations. How could new forms of complexity be re-established in pedagogy while bridging training-research with didactic research? Which frameworks and teaching tools would be needed to enable progress? In this article, after contextualizing our theoretical work and frameworks, we will present the emergence of a complex model connecting information-savoir and connaissance with pratiques-expĂ©rience-expĂ©rimentation-exploration-expertise-compĂ©tence-(re)-connaissance; a feedback on the concept of contre-transposition and the problematization approach for the purpose of (re)constructing professional skills. We will then use a flipped classroom method to try to understand how a teacher-in-training builds construction indices of his or her professionalism in interaction with pupils and teachers’ actions. Accompagnare i processi di professionalizzazione attraverso una prospettiva complessa di formazione e ricercaI mancati riferimenti alla didattica impediscono di mettere in luce la prospettiva legata al rapporto con la conoscenza. Ci sembra, tuttavia, che la professionalizzazione attraverso la formazione e un approccio complesso basato sulle competenze implichi l’integrazione di conoscenze, costruzioni di conoscenze e dispositivi da un lato, ed il collegamento, dall’altro, di elementi di riflessione sui processi di concettualizzazione che supportino un apprendimento dinamico senza trascurare le innovazioni didattiche. Come possono essere ristabilite nuove forme di complessitĂ  in pedagogia attraverso l’interazione tra ricerca-formazione e ricerca legata alla didattica? Quali framework e strumenti didattici sono necessari per promuovere il progresso? Nel presente articolo, dopo aver contestualizzato il quadro teorico di riferimento, illustriamo un modello complesso che collega informazioni-conoscenza e comprensione con pratiche-esperienza-sperimentazione-esplorazione-expertise-competenza-(re)-conoscenza. Forniamo inoltre alcune riflessioni sul concetto di contrasposizione e sull’approccio che problematizza la (ri)costruzione delle competenze professionali. Utilizzeremo quindi un metodo di flipped classroom per comprendere come un docente in formazione possa costruire indici per la definizione della sua professionalitĂ  nell’interazione con gli allievi e con le azioni degli altri docenti

    Documentation et inclusion: un dispositif original de recherche-intervention basé sur des méthodes combinées en France

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    The research intervention “Information-Documentation and inclusion” reported in this article falls within the context of the new primary and lower secondary school curriculum in France that are promoting inclusive schools as a better alternative for students with disabilities. It regarding a group of vocationalhigh schools and college female professor-documentalists, benefiting intheir respective institutions from Localized Units for Inclusive School (LUIS). Professorsdocumentalists are thus involved in the evolution of their professional practices, and in what we have called forms of “reflexive thinking effectiveness”. We are presenting the original mechanism of research-intervention and the combined methods we used. They lead us on to a characterization of seventypes of “didactic interaction”.La recherche intervention “Information-Documentation et inclusion” relatĂ©e dans cet article s’inscrit dans le contexte des nouveaux programmes d’enseignement du premier degrĂ© et du collĂšge en France qui rĂ©affirment la promotion d’une Ă©cole inclusive pour mieux scolariser les Ă©lĂšves en situation de handicap. Elle concerne un collectif de professeures-documentalistes de lycĂ©es professionnels et de collĂšge bĂ©nĂ©ficiant dans leurs Ă©tablissements respectifs d’un dispositif d’UnitĂ©s LocalisĂ©es pour l’Inclusion Scolaire (ULIS). Elle montre commentles professeures-documentalistes sont impliquĂ©es dans l’évolution de leurs pratiques professionnelles, et dans ce que nous avons appelĂ© des formes d’ “efficacitĂ© rĂ©flexive”. Nous prĂ©sentons le dispositif original de recherche-intervention et les mĂ©thodes combinĂ©es utilisĂ©es pour dĂ©boucher sur une caractĂ©risation de sept types “d’interactions didactiques”


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 L’ERTĂ© se fixe comme objectif de mieux dĂ©finir les Ă©lĂ©ments structurants d’une culture informationnelle nĂ©cessaire aujourd’hui pour relever les dĂ©fis de la sociĂ©tĂ© dite de l’information. Un des moyens proposĂ© pour relever ces dĂ©fis est celui de valoriser une « éducation à  » cette « culture informationnelle ». En choisissant d’orienter ses travaux autour des termes de « culture » et d’« éducation », elle s’inscrit dans une tradition de rapprochement en..

    Gut dysbiosis during influenza contributes to pulmonary pneumococcal superinfection through altered short-chain fatty acid production

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    Secondary bacterial infections often complicate viral respiratory infections. We hypothesize that perturbation of the gut microbiota during influenza A virus (IAV) infection might favor respiratory bacterial superinfection. Sublethal infection with influenza transiently alters the composition and fermentative activity of the gut microbiota in mice. These changes are attributed in part to reduced food consumption. Fecal transfer experiments demonstrate that the IAV-conditioned microbiota compromises lung defenses against pneumococcal infection. In mechanistic terms, reduced production of the predominant short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) acetate affects the bactericidal activity of alveolar macrophages. Following treatment with acetate, mice colonized with the IAV-conditioned microbiota display reduced bacterial loads. In the context of influenza infection, acetate supplementation reduces, in a free fatty acid receptor 2 (FFAR2)-dependent manner, local and systemic bacterial loads. This translates into reduced lung pathology and improved survival rates of double-infected mice. Lastly, pharmacological activation of the SCFA receptor FFAR2 during influenza reduces bacterial superinfection

    Logistic support provided to Australian disaster medical assistance teams: results of a national survey of team members

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    Background: It is likely that calls for disaster medical assistance teams (DMATs) continue in response to international disasters. As part of a national survey, the present study was designed to evaluate the Australian DMAT experience and the need for logistic support.\ud \ud Methods: Data were collected via an anonymous mailed survey distributed via State and Territory representatives on the Australian Health Protection Committee, who identified team members associated with Australian DMAT deployments from the 2004 Asian Tsunami disaster.\ud \ud Results: The response rate for this survey was 50% (59/118). Most of the personnel had deployed to the South East Asian Tsunami affected areas. The DMAT members had significant clinical and international experience. There was unanimous support for dedicated logistic support with 80% (47/59) strongly agreeing. Only one respondent (2%) disagreed with teams being self sufficient for a minimum of 72 hours. Most felt that transport around the site was not a problem (59%; 35/59), however, 34% (20/59) felt that transport to the site itself was problematic. Only 37% (22/59) felt that pre-deployment information was accurate. Communication with local health providers and other agencies was felt to be adequate by 53% (31/59) and 47% (28/59) respectively, while only 28% (17/59) felt that documentation methods were easy to use and reliable. Less than half (47%; 28/59) felt that equipment could be moved easily between areas by team members and 37% (22/59) that packaging enabled materials to be found easily. The maximum safe container weight was felt to be between 20 and 40 kg by 58% (34/59).\ud \ud Conclusions: This study emphasises the importance of dedicated logistic support for DMAT and the need for teams to be self sufficient for a minimum period of 72 hours. There is a need for accurate pre deployment information to guide resource prioritisation with clearly labelled pre packaging to assist access on site. Container weights should be restricted to between 20 and 40 kg, which would assist transport around the site, while transport to the site was seen as problematic. There was also support for training of all team members in use of basic equipment such as communications equipment, tents and shelters and water purification systems

    L'Ă©ducation Ă  la culture informationnelle

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    La publication des actes du colloque international L'Ă©ducation Ă  la culture informationnelle (Lille, octobre 2008 - sous le patronage de l'Unesco) prĂ©sente les regards de chercheurs, de praticiens ou de reprĂ©sentants d'institutions sur cette notion et ouvre de larges perspectives interdisciplinaires. Le nouveau concept de « culture informationnelle » est proposĂ© par la communautĂ© internationale pour mieux apprĂ©hender la complexification actuelle des relations entre l'enseignement, l'Ă©ducation et l'information, liĂ©e au dĂ©veloppement exponentiel des technologies numĂ©riques. Quel rapport entretient l'Ă©ducation Ă  l'information (information literacy) avec l'Ă©ducation aux mĂ©dias (media literacy) et l'Ă©ducation numĂ©rique (digital literacy) ? Le pĂ©rimĂštre de la « culture informationnelle » s'Ă©tend maintenant clairement au-delĂ  du monde de la documentation et des bibliothĂšques. La notion mĂȘme doit ĂȘtre prĂ©cisĂ©e, revue, alors que les pratiques continuent d'Ă©voluer. Une place importante est consacrĂ©e dans l'ouvrage Ă  l'analyse comparĂ©e des approches thĂ©oriques et de plusieurs expĂ©riences menĂ©es dans diffĂ©rents pays

    Table alphabétique par noms d'auteurs

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    Table alphabétique par noms d'auteurs. In: Bulletin Hispanique, tome 64, n°3-4, 1962. pp. 392-396
