652 research outputs found

    Sociala utredningar om brottsutsatta barn. MÄlgrupp, handlÀggning och insatser. Delrapport 3 i utvÀrderingen av nationell försöksverksamhet med barnahus 2006-2007.

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    Barnahus Àr en ny modell för samverkan mellan myndigheter kring som utsatts för brott. Tanken Àr att barnen ska bli omhÀndertagna i en barnvÀnlig miljö dÀr alla nödvÀndiga utredningar kan genomföras. SocialtjÀnsten Àr en av de berörda myndigheterna, och har ett sÀrskilt ansvar för att dessa barn fÄr det skydd eller stöd de behöver. I denna bok undersöks och jÀmförs socialtjÀnstens utredningar om brottsutsatta barn i sex kommuner med barnahus och tvÄ kommuner utan barnahus. Vilka barn utreds, hur utreds och vilket stöd fÄr de? Skiljer sig utredningarna kvalitativt mellan kommunerna? Dessa frÄgor behandlas i boken, som ingÄr i en rapportserie för utvÀrderingen av nationell försöksverksamhet med barnahus

    Sociala utredningar om barn : En rÀttssociologisk studie av lagstiftningens krav, utredningarnas argumentationer och konsekvenser för den enskilde

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    This thesis is about the social services’ investigations into childrens need of protection and support. The principal purpose is, from a critical perspective, to analyse and discuss how the legally-accorded procedural directives for the execution of an investigation, and therein the integrated support and counselling work, are adapted in the social services’ actual investigation work in relation to the parents.The issue is illustrated through an in-depth analysis of three case documents as a basis for an application in the county administrative court for compulsory care in 1997. For analytical purposes two elements are distinguished: 1) The investigation as part of a decision process constitutes an argumentation process which affects how the family’s problems and the child’s need of care may be defined. 2) The investigation as part of a counselling process constitutes a social intervention which affects the parents’ capacity to act as parents and individuals. The study is looked at from a socio-constructionist perspective which concerns itself with how the law is applied in the interaction between the executor of the law and the individual in daily reality, as well as an analytical method which considers various social factors’ significance in the way in which the law is actually applied.The analysis is based on two premises: 1) The investigator is placed in a rhetorical situation and must formulate his/her argumentation in the investigation in such a way as to be able to influence the court to decide in favour of the investigator’s standpoint. 2) The parents are placed at a disadvantage since the investigator has control over both the counselling resources and means for coercion and the investigation’s structure, content and information flow.The analysis demonstrates that the investigator’s power of authority is used repressively against the parents. This may be seen not least in the form of a suppression of the parents’ own definitions of the problem and suggestions for solving this problem, a biased focusing on the negative aspects of the parents as well as, by classifying the parents as either “treatable” or “untreatable”, an exclusion of certain parents from means of support and counselling. The results illustrate the need for a legal reinforcement of the parents’ position in the investigation. Yet the repression is also partly linked to a standardised range of measures which do not allow for tailor-made solutions to the complex cases often involved, and partly insufficient material resources which necessitate a system of priorities wherein the most resource-demanding parents are excluded from the procedural system. Consequently, if the social services are to be able to carry out the investigations according to the legislative aims, then they must also receive the necessary resources

    Normen som rekonstruktion av handlingen: En analys av Cancians mayaindianska normstudie.

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    Ämnet för artikeln Ă€r frĂ„gan hur vi kan skaffa oss kunskap om de regler eller normer som ligger bakom ett visst handlingsmönster. FrĂ„gan aktualiserades under vĂ„ren 1998, dĂ„ HĂ„kan HydĂ©n presenterade en normteoretisk modell för rĂ€ttssociologerna vid Lunds universitet. Modellen Ă€r avsedd som ett analysredskap av normens strukturella, motivationella och kognitionella element. Analysen kan ta sin utgĂ„ngspunkt i antingen normen eller i aktörens handling, dĂ„ normen rekonstrueras ur handlingen. I artikeln utvecklas rekonstruktionstemat, samt illustreras i form av en analys av Francesca Cancians (1975) mayaindianska normstudie frĂ„n 1960-talet


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    Sensitivity of Calanus spp. copepods to environmental changes in the North Sea using life-stage structured models

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    The copepods Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus co-exist in the North Sea, but their spatial distribution and phenology are very different. Long-term changes in their distributions seem to occur due to climate change resulting in a northward extension of C. helgolandicus and a decline of C. finmarchicus in this region. The aim of this study is to use life-stage structured models of the two Calanus species embedded in a 3D coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model to investigate how the biogeography of C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus is modified by changes in ± 2°C sea water temperatures, overwintering and oceanic inflow in the North Sea. Life-stage structured models are validated against CPR data and vertical distributions north of the Dogger Bank in the North Sea for the reference year 2005. The model shows that 1) ± 2°C changes from the current level mainly influence the seasonal patterns and not the relative occurrence of the two species, 2) changes due to oceanic inflow mainly appeared in the northern and southern part of the North Sea connected to the NE Atlantic and not in the central part and 3) the abundance of Calanus species were very sensitive to the degree of overwintering within the North Sea because it allows them to utilize the spring bloom more efficiently and independently of the timing and amount of oceanic inflow. The combination of lower temperatures, higher overwintering and oceanic inflow simulating the situation in the 1960s largely favoured C. finmarchicus and their relative contribution to Calanus spp. increased from 40% in the reference year to 72%. The +2°C scenario suggest that in a warmer future, C. finmarchicus is likely to decline and C. helgolandicus abundance will probably continue to increase in some areas

    Projekt NÀtverk Handel Malmös modell för kompetensutveckling av deltidsarbetslösa inom handeln. Slutrapport frÄn den externa utvÀrderingen.

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    An evaluation of the project “NĂ€tverk Handel i MalmĂ¶â€ (continued during 2004 – 2005), which aimed to improved working conditions for the commercial employees in Malmö

    6. klasses arbejde med historiebrug

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    Undervisning i historiebrug kan lykkes, nÄr eleverne selv har vÊret historiebrugere ved at konstruere historiske fortÊllinger med henblik pÄ at fÄ indsigt i fortiden og derpÄ laver kritiske undersÞgelser af andre historiebrugeres fortÊllinger. Forfatterne foreslÄr, at historielÊreren gÄr induktivt til vÊrks og tager sit udgangspunkt i de lÊremidler i bredeste forstand, som eleverne har arbejdet med. LÊs mere i artiklen

    Metazooplankton distribution across the Southern Indian Ocean with emphasis on the role of Larvaceans

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    The abundance and depth distribution of metazoans >20 ÎŒm were investigated at seven stations across the Southern Indian Ocean (SIO), October–November 2006. Copepod nauplii, copepodites and larvaceans dominated the metazooplankton community. Copepodites were most abundant within Agulhas Current and Southern Ocean waters, decreasing toward subtropical/tropical areas, whereas larvaceans showed the inverse pattern. The fraction <200 ÎŒm contained the majority of the zooplankton enumerated, including 81, 23 and 93% of the larvacean, copepodite and nauplii abundances, respectively. The relative abundance of larvaceans compared with copepodites increased from 7 to 44% from South Africa towards Australia. Peak copepodite biomass was observed off South Africa, while larvacean biomass was <1% of the copepodite biomass there, increasing to 6% in tropical waters. Both copepodite and nauplii biomass were positively correlated to total Chl a (P < 0.0001), larvacean biomass was only significantly related to temperature (P = 0.0213). Despite their low biomass, larvacean production was estimated to exceed the copepod production up to five times. It appears that the abundance and role of larvaceans in the SIO has been severely underestimated in previous studies; thus future investigations into the fate of organic matter will remain incomplete if this group is not adequately considered
